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Best Poems Written by Frederic Parker

Below are the all-time best Frederic Parker poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Love of Nature

Whether ocean or mountain with valley green
or every deep forest in between

My love for Nature fills my eyes
With every creature of Earth and sky

The changing hues on quiet display
From dawn's red light to twilight's gray

With moon that splays its beams so far
A match lit night from a shooting star

The sound heard from a wolf at night
An eagle's glide from feathered flight

The deepest footprints held in snow
And richest colors from a rainbow

Brilliant fire from Autumn leaves
Birth of Spring where nothing grieves

These wondrous things your eyes can see
As you sit below a bending tree

My inlaid heart from Nature's design
I'm another life on her fruited vine

3/13/17 Contest The Love of Nature

Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2017

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Without Lament

I have no sorrow, for sorrow is small,
And can't be held guilty for choices made.
Reflections are scrawled on my mind's dark wall,
And will leave stains as they begin to fade.
Time passes without a sense of motion.
My lost dreams disappear with wrinkled skin.
Traveled paths contain my life's emotions.
Leads from a world not to be seen again.
Though eyes perceive what the heart desires,
Long to conceive of perfection not found.
They see the way lighted by hopeful fires.
A clearer path to stay on fateful ground.

     The distance traveled, the lifetime spent.
     Hurried times unraveled without lament.


date written...10/16/15

Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2015

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Angelic wings inhabit the mind
To comfort your soul from a sacred sky
Sent to protect and give worth to the blind
And guide the sightless that have gone awry
A guardian Angel assigned to you
To free from masked evil of the unknown
A fierce warrior that will always pursue
Each territorial demon they've known
Welcome this servant, protector, and guide
With silent wings wrapped in Angelic light
An envoy from God to whom you confide
To help your soul find Heavenly flight

  Servants from Heaven with duty concise
  Angels will guide you to true Paradise

contest Angels

Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2017

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Our Love Is Eternal

Our soul's luminous light filters the depth of darkness
shining like a woven thread into the stillness of time
It was there where we met, in a universe long forgotten
where we merged wrapped in the twilight of breaking dawn

We've known love in worlds that have passed
before we cried out for a new birth
where our spirits rolled like thunder
needing to be heard

You are the emptiness I feel
until we every journey
when we cross the arc of time once again
        when our lips finally meet
        and the rush of this new world stops
        It's there trapped in the fragrance
        Love will be forever warm

To drift in a dream, where our hearts flutter
and love's face glows, in all its colors

To float away with life's night
where our souls capture love's fire
holding its flame gently

To feel the velvet petals of passion's flower
where the fragrance wafts from blooms
caressing our yearnings with the sweet scent
of intoxication

As our hearts merge in glorious freedom
leaving this world without a care
slowing the flight of hummingbirds
when we whisper a symphony of desire
heard by welcome ears
until the beautiful dawn splays ever soft
across sensual eyes of love
leaving us standing over the graves of our hearts
as we await another life, in another place and time
for our love is eternal and we will meet again

2/23/18 contest Free Verse on Love

Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2018

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The Weathered Years

The weathered years pass with silent restraint
Leave an impression of time standing still
I have counted sunsets without complaint
Life washes over me testing my will
I've crossed boundaries of unimportance
Found wisdom at the rusty gates of age
I've laughed on the dark stage of circumstance
And know life's curtain falls on its last page
To play a fool in the turmoil life gave
And paint graffiti on its coldest walls
To be my own master, be my own slave
I'll open the rusty gate when death calls
I can only ask for the price of years
Find it a mixture of beauty and tears


Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2015

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Love's Eternal Death

The hollow eyes of love are never gone
They keep within the waves of trembled tears
From days so poor when love was looked upon
And one where the deepest pain adheres
They give my eyes of love such sad refrain
To think that love would ever be so cruel
And find it was illusion self-contain
When love so grand became so minuscule
To hold love once in dreamer's mind I've flown
And found the point of rest its final breath
To know I will forever be alone
Cry now as then for its eternal death
I found a love to hold and saw it die
Inside depth of darkest pain, I ask why


Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2017

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I cry, I cry
Why does my skin color frighten you so?
Have I done anything,  but, be born?

You judge me, from your own despair
and draw hate from demons you chose to hold,
allowing them to drain your soul,
as they lap with evil tongues your life's blood
leaving it a hollow husk,
that crumbles back into the dirt

My sorrow is not for me,
either is the tears that fall,
upon the same ground, we walk upon

I stretch an open hand, you slap it away in disgust
I reveal my heart, its kindness, you spit on it

I cry for you, for you are injured
and know not what you do

I'll pray for you, in quiet meadows
far from the wickedness of your sins
Where demons gnaw on your soul

I cry for you, I cry for you,
for you have chosen to inhabit the valley of death
I cry for you


Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2017

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Soft Is the Sea

Along the feathered edge, a red sun-sets
To bind the evening in dreams eyes explore
Two hearts will greet, till' paradise begets
Love leaves impressions as waves swirl to shore
These caps of white will churn warmly the sand
The world will pass, the change of light is missed
Lonely eyes search for their yearning dreamland
When lips taste fire in a hungry kiss
As night arrives to shelter silhouettes
Soft is the sea to these two souls afar
In a twilight's pulse when the tide resets
And hands hold tight to await the Daystar
The fate of these lovers sealed in evermore
Tomorrow's memory from the seashore


Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2018

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Companion For Life

I arrive when life's first breath pays its toll
And stay after death till' visits are cold
I'm the deep well you draw from always full
You find me in dark and light never old
I've felt every pain that you've ever known
And spilled out of your eyes from laughter's smile 
I've followed each footstep as you have grown
Traced down your face from a love's denial
I am here until your death when we part
Will appear in eyes of your deepest fears
I'm buried well in the soul of your heart
I'm the emotion creating your tears
We met at your birth, at death I will leave
I'll be the tears that fall with those who grieve


Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2018

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A Kiss Remembered

Beyond fair reason, I shall think of you.
In fallen grass or gently flowered field.
To see each fleeting moment fade to blue,
With my distant thoughts, I silently yield.
This memory to tremble ever soft,
A misty vision of a face once kissed.
I'm whisked to midnight skies and stars aloft,
A sheltered afterglow now reminisced.
The shadowed door with candlelight so still,
An empty chair with a fading silhouette.
Forgotten times in love's unyielding will,
As flames to ash can trace the two who met.
A hand that brushed a cheek to often soothe,
A kiss remembered, many years removed.


Copyright © Frederic Parker | Year Posted 2013


Book: Shattered Sighs