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Best Poems Written by Robin Davis

Below are the all-time best Robin Davis poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Differences We Shouldn'T See

I am here surrounded by
People of every shape and size
Skin color--disability
Why can't everybody see
We may be different from outside
Open your eyes, you will find
The similarities that we all share
Look closely--cause they are there
Red blood pumping through us all
Trying to stand, we sometimes fall
Fear anger and devotion
We can not hide these emotions
Hunger burns when we desire
Everybody has a fire
That grows from embers and ashes
Memories in our mind flashes
Recalling all sweet and bad times
Sometimes we can cross a line 
But loved ones bring us right back
When we are about to crack
Tears, disgust, terror and hate
Are feelings we can all create
Greed and negativity
Are two things that shouldn't be
Part of who some people are
Sometimes it just goes too far
Racism and bullying 
Two more hurtful ugly things
we need to try and delete
So everybody can defeat
The cruelty we can display
Are you hearing what I say
Knowing how alike we are
Should let us get very far
Uniting in joy and peace
This wrong view will stop and cease

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2018

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I Have Hidden Super Powers

I don't wear a cape around
My neck, breaking the speed of sound
Or capture bad guys in a web
My powers have never fled
From my heart that's where they stay
Secretly until the day
I see injustice come along
Others are treated so wrong
My super powers become stronger
When I can't take it any longer
Hearing stories of bullying
My special skills kick right in
Set loose, no holding them back
My love alert goes on attack
Not stopping for anything
It won't ease up until I bring
All this hatred to a low
I give one huge final blow
Across the land until there is
No more hate or prejudice
Until then, I'm on alert
Making sure there is no hurt
I will be here till the end
All my powers I will send
Into the hearts of those so weak
Mild mannered, shy and meek
That get pushed around each day
I'll make sure it goes away
This promise will be kept for sure
Any kind of hatred I abhor

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2014

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Not Built Strong Enough

Erector sets and wooden blocks
Dominoes and house of cards
Built way up to be knocked down
Scattered all across the ground
Model cars and airplane kits
Making sure each piece will fit
Snapped together without glue
Just to fall apart on you
Puzzles without all the pieces
Will not work and it decreases
The fun and joy of finishing
A picture without it's full scene
All these things can fall apart
Or not be finished from the start
Like a love without the trust
Which is a necessary must
So it doesn't break and tremble
And you have to reassemble
Two hearts with a solid glue
So it doesn't fall on you
From a height that is too high
To complete---you let it die
From a lack of love and care
Broken too much for repair

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2013

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No More Faith Or Trust In Men

I can't remember a time when
My heart trusted any men
Because all those in my past
Made all my trust issues last
From a father not caring
About all the days I'm tearing 
Up from the love he never granted
And the tender hugs I wanted
Or a brother who gave me
Love I was too young to see
Was hurtful and very fake
Too much for a kid to take
No one there for protection
From all this wrong and deception
Growing up and getting wise
I learned all the painful lies
Could never leave my heart alone
Every memory they've shown
Me how unfaithful men can be
Leaving my life misery
In a child growing up too fast
Because of the sorrowed past
I was forced to grow up in
Each day I begin again
Picturing how I can not
Keep my world from falling apart
From the flashing nightmares of
The memories of hurtful love

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2018

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A New January Has Begun

Hello January it's been a year
Now it's time for you to share
All the wonder and great things
This special time of year brings
Soft white snowflakes that are falling
Cool slow breezes that are calling
You inside to get more warm
Cocoa's and blankets keep you calm
When the wind starts to blow fast
Against the windows it will pass
But your inner kid comes through
As you slip on rubber boots
Acting crazy and insane
Not caring about the pain
That's on your fingers and toes
Happiness begins to glow
As you play and act so young
While another years begun
And January leads the way
To more cold, then sunny days
Never knowing what will come
As a new year has begun

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2014

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Paradise In My Mind


There's a place
inside my mind
That I always try to
Escaping life for
just a while
Will help me put on
a smile
Entering this
special place
Worries I can soon
Seeing beauty I've
Colors and smells
are inflated
Buds are blooming
colors bright
A garden of rainbow
Aroma dancing in the
Flower perfume
Autumn red and gold
on trees
Eyes of splendor as
they see
Leaves show off some
flying skills
Decorating all the
spreading their
In the skies like
new paintings
Neon yellow, pink
and blues
Cookies baking with
filling the night
The goodness of
chocolate chips
Melty ooze upon your
fabulous place
Is a dream I will
soon chase
The next time I fall
My journey again
will start

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2014

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Losing My Self Worth

My self esteem never peaked
Mental abuse always leaked
From your foul and mean mouth
All my dignity just flew south
And never came back again
Your so proud that you could win
The power of my sad heart
Broken from the very start
I was born -- it never ended
Young and naive you pretnended
To care for and love me true
Dishonest lies came from you 
As I grew and figured out 
What your lies were all about
It was too late for me to find
Self esteem of any kind
All my self worth you just ruined
My anger is largely brewing 
As I think back to the days
I never recognized the ways
My siblings received the love
I needed and missed so much
Was I such a useless burden
You threw me aside and hurtin'
Fragile, unsure and so young
My chance on life never begun
An innocent baby can not grow
Without the love a parent shows
Why did my sisters and brothers
Get the love while I was smothered
By neglect and loneliness
So much joy my life has missed
A little girl trapped in the fate
Of so much despair and hate

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2018

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Shocks of Electrifying Emotion

There is a magnetic field
That is keeping my love sealed
A force so strong it is intense
Just like and electric fence
That shocks me each time we touch
But I just can't get enough
Of this static overflow
I am just about to blow
And release a shock so large
The amount of my discharge
Will send waves of love right through
The core, soul and heart of you
You will know my love is real
With the heat your body feels
The tazeing I will supply
Is coming out of my eyes
Beams of romance I will shoot
At you looking very cute
All this energy is warm
Like and electrical storm
Flashing bolts of big bright light
Making a romantic night

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2013

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It Is Slam Time For You

Yo Yo Yo my name is Robin
And my poems are really rockin'
With me you can not compete
You will feel sad defeat
My writing skills can't be touched
All your words need to be flushed
Down the toilet with disgust
Listen to me you can trust
My opinion, you can't rhyme
It makes me sick everytime
Your words fail to connect
As all the ones you select
Should never be seen or heard
Your writing skills are absurd
It's useless to waste all your ink
Because your poems really STINK

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2018

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Who's a True Friend and Who's Not

Finding a true friend is rare
There are fake ones everywhere
Smiling and being nice
Be careful and think twice
About their actions and the way
They make you feel everyday
A true friend will never try
To cover up a blatant lie
That can deceive and become
Harmful in more ways than one
Or never be there when your down
Even though you are around
Everyone they need a hand
Or someone to understand
A clearer look will help you see
Which one is like family
Being there both night and day
Making sure you are O.K.
While having fun and acting weird
In your head your never scared
They will leave or let you down
A best friend is who you’ve found
Now and forever they’ll be there
Good memories you’ll always share

Copyright © Robin Davis | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs