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Best Poems Written by Mike Miller

Below are the all-time best Mike Miller poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Parting

I took you for your final walk
On that crisp and sunny day
The blanket round your 
To keep the chill at bay

We didn't talk the way we 
I filled the gaps with platitudes
Those precious moments lost
To a pain that I eschewed 

I didn't want to let you go
And I could not conceive
That love could hurt so very 
As it prepared to take its leave

In the hospice garden, so 
manicured and neat
My language and vocabulary
Seemed weak and obsolete

In the days that followed
You raised your hand to greet
The friends that came to visit
When you could barely speak

On my first day at school.  
I held that hand so tight               
you walked me to the 
And made everything alright

I watched your fast decline
As the cancer took a hold
I saw your nighttime  sweats
And I felt your hands turn cold

And at nights when I got home
My grief went "supersonic"
As I rocked in anguished pain
Fuelled by loss and gin and 

You just wanted to get home
I saw the ambulance arrive
I watched them wheel you out
And you seemed barely alive

I thought it callous, cruel
To move you in that state
But when you lay in your own 
Your fears seemed to dissipate 

We all knew that you would 
In a day or maybe two
So the family gathered round
To say goodbye to you 

And time seemed to lose 
As those final hours passed by
Your eyes no longer opened
your lips looked cracked and 

And on that final night
We all gathered round your bed
All those that really loved you
Came to say what must be said

But sleep lay heavy on us all
In the early morning hours
And since you seemed to 
We succumbed to slumber's 

My brother and I stayed close,
Keeping vigil by your side
As you had always stood by us
As our father and our guide

Your breathing seemed to falter
Now intermittent, soft and 
So I held your hand and 
"Dad, it's ok for you to go..."

I woke the family from their 
We all began to pray,               
Anguished faces round your 
When you gently slipped away.

I thought I had prepared 
But grief engulfed me like the 
That swamps the little rock 
In that moment when you died

Love forged the links that bind
Which death will not wrench 
Memories mass like treasures
Which times passage will not 

Our souls are intertwined 
I the sapling, you the tree.               
I will always be a part of you,
And you a part of me.

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2013

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User Name and Password

"User name" and "password"
That's all you need to know.
Type them in , press "enter"
Then you’re  fine to go.

Sounds quite simple really,
Till your memory starts to wane,
You trawl the deepest caverns
Of your tired and aging brain.

You thump the keyboard harder
As your temper starts to fray,
And curse the screen before you
With its "road block" in the way.

No pet, place or loved one’s name
Will give you access rights,
When you cannot remember
Those all important bytes.

Defeated, crazed you finally press
 "Forgot your password?" key
But can't answer all the questions
To get you through security 

To release your rescue e-mail
From this digital dictator,
Requires you reacquaint yourself 
With your "administrator" ?

So how do you escape
From this technical morasse?
Caught with no ropes or crampons
In this digital crevasse ?

Well this is my solution
When you face the software snub,
Pull out the plug, put on your coat
And "log off" down the Pub !

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2017

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The National Debt

No mind was ever meant to bear
That torment, pain and sorrow.
In that cacophony of hell,
Their lives forged our tomorrow. 

Called to duty, through their service, 
Through their sacrifice and loss, 
The foundations for our future
Were fashioned from their cross.

Far beyond the bounds of nature
Their mortal frames were tested
In bloodied, flea ridden trenches
Their fractured bodies rested.

Those bodies now, in foreign lands
Beneath fields of marble crosses
Bear testament to sacrifice
And countless wartime losses. 

May future generations 
That break upon the shore,
Not forget the pains they suffered
Nor the mental scars of war.

Look upon the scarlet poppy,
See the blood amongst the wheat 
Know the quantum of their sacrifice
Times passage won’t deplete

To those that gave their future
We all owe this National Debt
The terms are very simple
Just that we must not forget.

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2018

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Let Go

Breathe, inhale, receive, 
The power of nature’s love. 
Let go of your loss. 
Relinquish the doubts, the fears, 
That have nailed you to your cross.

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2019

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Take My Hand

Take my hand, I’ll be your sight,
Guide you through your darkest night.
For what now seems to be a wall
Solid, impenetrable, tall. 
Cannot withstand my might.

Take my hand, you’ll be alright
I will make your burden light
I Will not let you fall - 
Take My hand

Stoop no longer, stand upright,
Faith will put your fears to flight.
Love your Father above all,
Listen to my Spirit call,
Follow my Son, His path is right.
Take My hand……

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2022

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I Will Dance With You Again

Dedicated, in loving memory, to Katie and Richard. 
Rest in peace my friends. 

Come gather here, 
Be at your ease,
To say this last goodbye. 
Not to this shell before you,
But to a life passed by. 

I lie wrapped in a tapestry,
Stitched with every memory, 
That we have shared together,
Through calm and stormy weather,
By each other’s side.

I do not ask you for your tears , 
For I am free, my suffering past.                                                           Remember all the times we laughed, 
And when you find that happy place, 
Let a smile light up your face. 

We forged our bond with love, not tears, 
Linking arms, we walked as one, 
Now is my turn to rest a while, 
I have reached the final stile, 
But you must carry on. 

Goodbye, to you, with whom I’ve shared, 
This wondrous gift of life.
Enjoy the dance, life’s sweet refrain, 
For love is timeless as the stars, 
And i will dance with you again.

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2020

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Leaving Ireland

When the train jolted 
The rain and street lights melted.
Your finger traced sighs
Against the breath-fogged windows.
Love fades like peat fire embers

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2014

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Swings and Roundabouts

A torrent of life,
Bursting like a bud in spring.
Face squashed to a smile,
Leading me with eager grip
To the see-saw and the swings.

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2014

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The Last Day of School

So this is it. It’s finally here. 
Your last school day has come
No more morning drop offs
No more rushed school run. 

No more sandwiches to pack
No more sports kit to acquire
No frantic searching for the socks 
Hiding somewhere in the dryer 

No more crazes to embrace
No whirring fidget spinners 
No scoubidos  or scooters 
No more school hot dinners 

No more earnest pleas for help
Or passionate persuasions
To help with your maths homework 
And solve quadratic equations  ! 

A vista stretches far behind
When you were very young 
And had to have your hair combed flat
But never in a bun ! 

Mum was taking all the flack 
When your bottom lip would wobble 
Armed with just a hairbrush
And a Clare’s, Pink Princess, bobble

Selling cakes and muffins 
When cake stall day came round
Besieged by hungry children
At the home time bells shrill sound

Scrubbing out car carpets 
With some enzyme killing spray
And vowing I would NEVER 
Take you back to “Shakeaway”

No more sunny sports days 
Then a  picnic under trees
Nor helping at school discos
When the heat hit 80 degrees ! 

No more frantic walks to school
No chatting at the gate 
No more nudge to hurry up
So we didn’t sign in late

No more uniform to buy
No September feet to measure
No school concerts to attend 
And glow with pride and  pleasure 

No more avid watching 
For the slightest trace of snow
Yearning for a snow day 
Tuned to local radio

No more parents evenings 
Time to sort out all the debts 
To remember all those good times 
and never have regrets. 

We will treasure all these moments 
Hold them close within our heart
There are other seas for you to sail
So soon you must depart. 

These memories are so precious 
These moments are so rare 
So wherever life’s path takes you
If you need us - we’ll be there.

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2021

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Rock Pools

Down by the rock pools
My hand gloved in your wrinkles
New discoveries
Starfish, crabs and mermaids purse,
Squirting sea anenomes.

Copyright © Mike Miller | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs