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Best Poems Written by Clarence Billheimer

Below are the all-time best Clarence Billheimer poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Greatest Treasure


All the world’s diamonds, silver, and gold,
All the world’s antiques, polished and old,
All the vast treasures of empires now past,
All these together at Jesus were cast.
He took one look at the pittance there placed,
Said, “That’s not enough man’s sin to erase.
You cannot buy even one soul with them,
I’ll give my blood on the cross for all men.
I’ll shed on the cross just all they will need
To from sin’s shackles forever be freed.”
Lying, adultery, stealing, and crime,
Violent treatment of all of mankind,
Drug abuse, drunkenness, passion, and lust,
Rebellion from anything moral or just,
Perversion of sex in an act not intended,
Minds so corrupted and lives that were bended—
These were the treasures He wanted that day,
Not gold or silver or all that array.
They were the souls of mankind bent for hell,
He wanted every one in sin now had fell.
Yes, one soul has value beyond all we know;
It caused the Savior to Calvary go.
Now His great victory o’er all of my sin
Becomes MY great value when I let Him in!
Why, then, does waste from my past not let go?
Why does the damage it did bother so?
It’s only because I allow it to be,
I must trust in Jesus to from it be free.
He paid all the debt I could never repay—
Lord, please place this great treasure in my life each day.

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2015

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The New Year

What does the new year hold for me?
The days ahead I cannot see.
I may see sickness, grief, or pain;
I may see Jesus come again.
I may place loved ones in a grave,
Or I may see a loved one saved.
I may be moved another place,
Or I may go see Jesus’ face.
I may have poverty untold,
Or I may walk the streets of gold.
I may hear often calls of grace,
Or I might soon the judgment face.
As I look back on years gone by,
Consider how fast they did fly,
And all the years that I did waste,
Brought to my life such sad disgrace,
I wonder as I face this year
Will I determine God to hear?
Or will I listen to the world
And all its offers here unfurled?
Will I apply my lessons learned,
Or will I just snub them and spurn?
Will I another year just waste
And not try more to run the race
That God has set before me here
With faithfulness and holy fear?
The year ahead can be a thrill,
Or can with sinful acts be filled.
The year ahead can bring reward
As I try more to serve the Lord.
Who knows but what this year could be
The last in this old world for me?
Therefore, I must forget the past
And do what for my Lord will last.
If He has put my past behind,
I can trust Him to heal my mind,
My heart, my soul, my life alway,
And live my best for Him today.
Oh, yes, I will not perfect be;
I’ll fail, I’m sure, His will to see.
But if I come in humble prayer,
I know that He’ll forgive me there.
The key is how I handle sin:
Will I just let it dwell within,
Continue and be satisfied,
Or cry out to the One who died
To come, forgive, and cleanse again
And help me overcome that sin?
So as I face the year ahead,
May I determine now instead
Of seeing each day go to waste,
Live in His righteousness and grace.

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2014

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At the Rising of the Sun


The sky was slowly brightening with the dawning of the day,
It had been three days and nights now that the Savior there did lay,
But then suddenly an earthquake and the stone rolled from the 
For the Savior had just risen, was alive forever more!
	At the rising of the sun
	The grave had been defeated, yes the victory had been won!
	At the rising of the sun
	Salvation’s plan was done, death at last was overcome--
	I’m so glad for the rising of the sun!

The women now were coming with their spices fresh and sweet,
Coming now just to anoint Him, but an angel they did meet.
He said, “Do not be affrighted, for I know why you have come,
But the man you seek has risen at the rising of the sun!”
	At the rising of the sun
	The grave had been defeated, yes the victory had been won!
	At the rising of the sun
	Salvation’s plan was done, death at last was overcome--
	I’m so glad for the rising of the sun!

Dear friend, are you defeated?  Are you struggling today?
Do you feel your life is hopeless as you travel on your way?
Just look where Christ was buried, see your victory is won,
And one day you’ll go to meet Him at the rising of the Son!
	At the rising of the Son
	When He returns victorious, ever more on earth  to reign,
	At the rising of the Son
	We’ll shout forever more on that peaceful heavenly shore,
	“Hallelujah for the rising of the Son!”

Music may be written to these words.

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2017

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Lesson From Cedar Falls


A stream of water high above came to a rocky cliff,
Cascaded downward from the ledge, not once debating if
The flow should steer to right or left from a protrusion there,
But letting forces steer its way without a single care.
The fingers met on ledge below for one last final fall;
Into a quiet pool below they made their final call.
Their quick and separated fall was so like life, I found,
As from our lofty start we course our journey to the ground.
If we could let the Master steer and not debate the path,
The obstacles we fear the most we would so easily pass.
And just before that final drop into the pool of death
We’d see Him reach His gentle hand to catch our passing breath.
We’d make it safely to that pool of eternal rest and peace
If we would put our hand in His and all of self release.

This poem came from viewing this natural spectacle in Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio.

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2014

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The Greatest Story Ever Told


I heard a tender story of God’s dear, precious Son,
Who left His throne in glory for sinners lost, undone
To give His life a ransom that you from sin could be
Set free from all its shackles and its awful penalty.
It is a tragic story, for many watched that day
And never knew His dying was to take our sins away.
And yet throughout the ages, it’s tragic, yet it’s true
That many scoff this message that He died for them, too.
It is a traveling story, it’s traveled land and seas
And spread His love and mercy and sweet abiding peace.
And I am very thankful that it traveled one glad day
Into my heart and saved me and took my sins away.
Thank God, it’s a true story, more true than all we know,
More full of love and mercy and grace He will bestow.
If you will just accept Him, His finished work for you,
You’ll find this tender story miraculous and true.
Oh yes, it’s a great story, the greatest ever told,
Though it’s been told for centuries, it never will grow old.
There is no other story that can this one replace
That’s greater than the story of God’s amazing grace!

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2019

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A Rugged Piece of Wood


A rugged piece of wood became the stable where
Two people came to stay--the only room was there.
A rugged piece of wood became a manger fair;
A Baby soon was born and placed to sleep in there.
A rugged piece of wood the Carpenter would give
A smoothness in the shop where He and Joseph lived.
A rugged piece of wood--the fisher’s boat so strong--
He stood from once to preach to the people all day long.
A rugged piece of wood they took for Him one day
And forced Him down the road to drag it on the way.
A rugged piece of wood now fastened with three spikes
And raised up in the sky, becoming black as night.
A rugged piece of wood, drenched with His precious blood
Became my sin’s paid pardon when I trusted in that flood.
As I looked at that place where once the cross had stood,
I knew salvation’s mine through that rugged piece of wood.
And the blood that He shed there has cleansed my every stain
To give salvation free through faith in Jesus’ Name.
It may seem quite a price, but God said it was good;
He bought salvation there with a rugged piece of wood.

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2017

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Just crumbs, Lord, from Your table—that’s all I should receive,
For I am so unworthy, but yet I still believe.
For no one’s unimportant, You love all just the same,
And nothing is impossible when one calls on Your name.
I can’t impress you, Jesus, with any work I do,
Or what I might be giving—that means nothing to You.
You just want me to trust You, to come just as I am,
Admitting I’m a sinner not fit for heaven’s land.
And so, just like that Gentile who came to You that day
And told You she’s unworthy to ask of You that way;
You said meat goes to children, and dogs the crumbs are fed;
Lord, all I want is crumbs then—then Jesus gave me bread
The crumbs turned in to manna at His table I was placed,
He cast out all my failures and saved me by His grace!
I learned so great a lesson if to Him I would come:
Don’t ask for meat or riches, but only ask for crumbs.

--Thoughts from a sermon preached by Dr. Tracy Fowler, March, 2016

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2019

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The Cloud


I was walking along on a bright, sunny day,
When all of the sudden a cloud came that way.
It blocked out the sun and its light then did fade,
But instead of departing, the cloud just there stayed.
And soon it was joined by another, and then
Soon all of the sky was by clouds quickly dimmed.
The sun was still shining, it hadn’t lost light,
But clouds made the sky seem like dark, stormy night.
And then came the thunder, the lightning, the rain;
A storm had come into my life once again.
For a moment the darkness and storms had control
As its violence troubled my heart and my soul.
But then it subsided and then moved away;
Again the sun shone in the bright, cloudless day.
I pondered that day many times in my mind,
And two lessons I learned from that brief span of time.
One sin, like that cloud, darkens my walk with God,
And soon cloudy shadows have covered life’s sod.
If I let them stay, soon the storms will arise,
For God has to deal with those sins in His eyes.
And when the storm’s o’er and I’ve confessed my sin,
The light of His presence once more enters in.
I learned, too, a storm is God’s great loving way
To help me appreciate the bright sunny day.
He sends storms some times not because I did wrong,
But so I’ll be cheered by the birds’ happy song
When the storm has departed and all’s fresh and clean,
And I am refreshed by His peace so serene.
I must thank You, Lord, for the cloud when it comes
To darken the sky as it covers the sun,
For I know it’s still shining beyond cloudy skies,
And when the storm’s over, the sun will arise.
And I must tell You, Lord, when that cloud is a sin
That blocks Your sweet face and Your Son shining in.
I’m sorry, forgive me, and help me today
To walk in Your sunshine and Your righteous way.
Yes, I am so thankful that I have allowed
These lessons to teach me from one simple cloud.

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2017

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The House Survived the Storm


The storm was bearing down on them, the warnings had gone out;
They knew the devastation would be widespread without doubt.
They knew their home was threatened as its fierceness did increase,
And once it did its damage, there’d be no standing piece.
But Father was not worried about its passing route;
Instead he told his children, “Just get the Bible out.”
And so they got the Bible and called upon God’s name;
They read its precious pages, its promises they claimed.
It promised them God’s safety when storms around did blow,
It promised them protection if to Him they would go.
They lifted up its pages to God in heaven above
And showed Him all the promises and trusted in His love.
The storm grew quickly nearer, and then it quickly veered
Destroying all around it, but leaving their house here.
When all the storm was over, they opened their house wide
To be a clean, warm refuge for others there inside.
They used it for a center where treatment was passed out
To others who had suffered and now would do without.
To this day they believe that God spared their precious home
Because He knew they’d share it with those then left alone.
And they feel that He spared it without a single doubt
Because their father told them, “Just get the Bible out.”
Although the years are many since that devastating morn,
They’ll ne’er forget that day that the house survived the storm.

	Based on a true story my father’s family told him about a storm they survived.

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2021

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Carrying Burdens


Some people carry their burdens 
With sadness and utter despair,
You really don’t want to be near them
For they make you miserable there.
They think there is no other person
As burdened so heavy as they,
And so when you see they are coming,
You try to stay out of their way.
Then others are so heavy ladened
You wonder how they can be glad.
They never show it in their faces
That things have been making them sad.
I think that I know just the reason
Why people like that can behave:
They know that the Saviour is with them
For by His grace they have been saved.
They know that He truly has promised
He’s with them in all their distress,
And so they look past all the problems
And think of the way they are blessed.
May folks see that in YOU, my dear sister,
Though burdened by so much you are,
May your faith seem to glow with His presence
Just like light from a bright shiny star.
And like others I know who are suffering
And showing their faith strong and true,
May they that you know see God’s presence
And that He is so helping you.
I pray now as you think of that loved one
Who passed on to heaven’s fair shore
That while you may carry that burden,
Your faith will shine oh, so much more!
I need people like you here to show ME
That God can help in MY distress,
And through trials of life I encounter
I can look to Him, say, “I am blessed!”

--Dedicated to Linda Nichols

Copyright © Clarence Billheimer | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs