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Best Poems Written by Jeffry Cohan

Below are the all-time best Jeffry Cohan poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Then They Give Us Form As If One Three Thousanth of Us Know What the Hell That Is

Velvet fell from the SKY ON a Boston day by the bay
Cotton caressed thy lips gentility so that you might sigh
While you tried to convince me you and I could beg to fly 
Suddenly uncertainty and fearfulness drew night but I never knew why

Other people opined they were warm yet I was cold
I longed to see my arms open wide for you to thusly hold
The woman who tutored ancient men how to produce gold
No statue crafted of such solemnity to behold

To heartbeats beat as one neither ever to cry 
Hand in had that old man called us lovebirds flying high
And you with gold shimmering in the wind with which you vie
When the moon that night told you to tell  me goodbye

The darkened sky stared right at me
And whatever it asked I would cauIdally comply
They ordered me a way, take to the run and flee
And never even  knew fu****g why
   (c) 2011...Phreepoetree ~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2011

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Three Exponential Words


There must be so many ways to say the same exact thing
Like, take this offering I was commanded to deliver to you from the Spring
And in the summer I shall say “take these my sweet”
As daisies rise from the ground to bless the finesse of your feet

There must be thousands of adjectives and numerous nouns
More words than there are tidy and tiny towns
Now let me say this in a different way to you
you will never find words birthed anew 
You will seek yet never find a new way of what to say
When it’s so loudly defined by a willingness to pray
Are you bold enough to promise vows that you will one day keep,
Or will they, such as a corpse, be buried six feet deep?

How shall I react when I HEAR three words so small yet so sacrosanct to me

Will  each syllable BE SPOKEN clearly so that I might understand and let it be?  
Well where is she already with  her supposed proposal billions before have done and said?
Instead of my beloved the minister meandered closer and whispered the three wrong words, “your fiancé’s dead”
     © 2011.….PHREEPOETREE ~!free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2011

Details | Jeffry Cohan Poem

Girl You Have To Know This Is For My One and Only Fan


the she who slumbers among the numbers of content souls who abide not anger nor snide remarks
the she who sets the flames of verbiage to sparks
the she who sees my smiles though she sees me not
the she who follows a righteous and pious path and plot
she who grants me the grace of platitudes
with never any negative attitudes
the she whom i envision giggling and wiggling her way through this planet we call Earth
the she i deem a delight and have the the right for what's that's worth
        (c) 2011......Phreepoetry ~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2011

Details | Jeffry Cohan Poem

Free Cee Nursery Crimes

there once was a time of simple pleasures
like hop-scotch, marbles and electric trains
hop-scotch turnd into scotch on the rocks
when i got drunk enough to realize what adulthood ordains

childhood led to my becoming a hood
i held a lot of adoration for adolescence
my youth was an era of hopes and dreams
and faith formed of fact was at its essence

stealing kisses in the kitchen became blatant thievery
i played spin the bottle until i spun out of control
jumping rope landed me at the end of my rope
and sin seeped deep into my soul

I recall when nursery rhymes first became rhetoric
And when reality dashed the dreams to which I once clung
Now, at sixty four, I have only one regret
And that is the fact that I didn’t die young
 © 2012  copyright PHREEPOETREE…..~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2012

Details | Jeffry Cohan Poem

No Thanks I Am Full and Don'T Want Any Whore


I am a transient with words unspoken
I am a soul who’s been damaged and broken
For years I lived someone else’s life
Being my son’s little league coach and picking up a drunken wife
I’m an unrighteous man who’s weary and far too tired
And cannot find my way out of the muck in which I’m mired
I yearn for consistency yet find only daily different circumstances
A mortal who is always and forever taking chances
All I want is one place to live until I live no more
And in essence I have become Jesus Christ’s finest whore
I am a troubled transient 
 © 2011.….Phreepoetree  ~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2011

Details | Jeffry Cohan Poem

I Was Just Being Sarcastic, I Meant To Say All You Lousy Poets Who Rape Poetry


Have you ever watched a hummingbird hover?
Well he does that to impress his lover
There are many ways to impress someone
And every so often it’s could take a gun

I’ll tell you one way not to let love rule
And this, my friend, comes directly from a phool
One way not to impress a woman is to show her the tracks on your arm
Oh will she be impressed by your charisma and charm

Another way to avoid impressing a lovely you’ve seen
Appear untidy, unkempt and unilaterally unclean
Tell her you shower at least once a year
And she’ll be gone before you can say “you are lovely my dear”

So if you care to entice and enhance a beauty
ignore all this advise on etiquette as if it were your duty 
And I tell you now the two of you won’t ever mesh
So it’s between the hover of a lover or a needle piercing your flesh
  © 2011.….Phreepoetree   ~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2011

Details | Jeffry Cohan Poem

Free Cee She Does Dedicated To Donna Jones a Poet Supreme

she does make me feel whole
she does touch the intricacies of my soul
she does, and she does it all
with every poem she answers a holy dove's call

she does thrill me body and bone
she does make me feel no longer alone
she does write words I could never duplicate
she does write words that will allow her into Heaven's gate

she does something that makes me feel real
she does write words that describe how I feel
she does scribe stanzas that shake me awake
she does put into words feelings for this poet's sake

she does know the respect I hold for a poet of her grade
she does know the lady has a soul only the universe has made
she does write words that set my spirit free
alas, she probably doesn't know what her words mean to me
   © 2013..copyright PHREEPOETREE ~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2013

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K E E P I N G U P W I T H T H E Dow Joneses


These here are the indisputable facts
I was born on the right side of the tracks
WITH People who only smiled if their stocks or equity increased
If not they wouldn’t have minded becoming deceased

They had big cars, big bucks and big time class
With a million dollar house mortgaged up the a*s
Their children went to private schools in uniforms
With charming and well decorated dorms 

I looked at their faces and wondered why I didn’t fit
That’s when the fire in my belly was originally lit
I had no desire to play with kids from private schools
Nor did I ever agree to obey by their rules

So one day I skipped over steel and these here are the facts
The people I found lived in tents, not even shanties or shacks
But they didn’t have to read Dow Jones in order to smile
And couldn’t care less about having Gucci type style

They smiled at things people ignore like little tykes at play
And somehow or other they AWOKE contented day after day
They had no stocks to watch fretfully fall or RESOUNDINGLY rise
And you could see the easiness in their gleaming eyes

That which I observed in them appealed to me a great deal
The wrong side people taught me how satisfied I could feel
They lived out of back-packs, antique cedar chests and sacks
So if you come a’looking for me I’ll be on the wrong side of the tracks
             © 2011.…Phreepoetree   ~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2011

Details | Jeffry Cohan Poem

Free Cee Fooled and Overruled


I chose never to believe in nevermore
Forever I wanted to believe in forevermore
But seemingly forever had another plan
To leave me a lonely and saddened man

Walks in the dark led to a peaceful park
And a place where only lovers may go
I had the freedom of a high flying lark
When we shared a space where only clovers may grow

I felt forever was finally in my grasp
Wings were mine when she made the sun shine
With her every sigh and each simple gasp
I was witness to destiny’s most wondrous design

But then forever was duly overruled
I suppose by the God that I deem to choose
and then forevermore was thus speedingly fooled
when I discovered that forever was surely mine to lose
                       © 2012 copyright PHREEPOETREE…..~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2013

Details | Jeffry Cohan Poem

I Do Believe In Sod


From the days of yore
When Jesus strolled along the shore
And spoke words of harmony and peace
He was dressed in flannel or fleece

It mattered not what garment He chose
All his groupies swore that only Jesus knows
And  I don’t disagree but while today I stroll the sod
I just can’t believe that Jesus was the son of God

There’s too much  doubt and cloudiness in his book
And each chapter and verse is missing a hook
A line that could convince me God was His dad
And not just a hippie or some kind of fad

Now don’t get me wrong I beg of you please
All of you who spend nights praying on bended knees
I believe there was a man named Jesus who walked upon the earth
And sometimes I’ll grant Him a bit of belief for what it’s worth

So if anyone can convince me of what I do not believe
I’ll stand on his alter and for His torture I will grieve
“but why my father hast thou forsaken me”
Upon the cross why did he pose that query and not let His daddy set him free?
 © 2011.…..Phreepoetree  ~free cee!~

Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2011


Book: Reflection on the Important Things