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Best Poems Written by Trudy Schrader

Below are the all-time best Trudy Schrader poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Passionate Love

I put myself in your hands
You put me in your heart
I ran away from your will
You pursued me with fervor
I dug my heels in against the pain
You washed my bleeding feet
I saw you loved me - I raged
You held me til my tears 
          washed away my understanding

Done with all my fears, I walked
You walked with me, and I found

Written by Trudy Schrader (in church, a bit bored) September 2010

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2011

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Staying In the Struggle

A while back I left meaning
At the river bank of seeming
And gathered myself to trust
Dark and light
I learned how to fight
By giving my faith to LOVE

He took me deep and wide
Cleaning all I longed to hide
'Neath the sheath of TRUTH
The fire was roaring
And I began soaring
As the chains of deception were loosed

Down, up, over, under
The lightening struck and I felt HIS voice THUNDER
Shaking the foundation of my soul
I yielded to the push and pull
Wanting to be wise in spite of being a fool
To the world system of structured holes

For so long, my eyes were fixed
On the laying of the bricks
To see how it all works
The wrong tends to rise
In the systems we devise
.....quirks, quirks, and more quirks

What on earth made us believe
That we could keep what we receive
And do whatever it takes to ensure entitlements never leave

UGH! I am so tired of the struggle
...I want, I need, I should have, I'm not happy with what I have
...........I should have alllllll I want, when I want it, and
....................GOD, you should want me to have it.

There! I said it!

So, if I continue with LOVE
I get the blessings others aren't aware of
Enjoying intimacy so deep my heart swells in capacity
Or, I can lay the struggle down
And try to keep all the temporal things I have found
In the accepted veracity
    ...of fallen men

Yesterday, the answer was clear
But today, my friend, I am here
In the thick red clay...that clings to my boots
Although I walk in peace
Matter tries to stick where the Spirit gives release
So I can allow enemies to believe they have valuable loot
....I worked hard to gain was given..and I will let it go.

Written by Trudy Schrader on 01-22-2019

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2019

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Letting Love

Who is that unrecognizable figure
Plagued with such deep sorrow
Without the eternal light
To bring her into the marrow

....bone of my bone
.......flesh of my flesh

Never, in a million moments
Would I have guessed it to be this
Married to my only LOVE
Without a promise of a kiss

....just WORD
.....that creates LIFE the depths of darkness

I was certain that it was circumstantial
A loss, a grief, a the natural state
After all, I'm a warrior of TRUTH
My heart is secure in white light mate

...who has taken me
....into the depths of LOVE worlds unknown, unseen

My soul and spirit are warring
For the experience of whoring...after gods
Pleasure, leisure, lust, feel good stuff
I know, beyond a reflection, I've had enough value

fleeting, meeting...again, retreating, then the beating
.......the rhythm thumping a moving tune dance once more, if the soul could make room

NOOOOOOO! I will not

I am still not there, and I can't act some part
Daddy God...this is my heart
I have given everything to you for LOVE's sake
May you find no backward movement, for me to take
.....what LOVE is not offering

Yielded and flowing...I will let LOVE be
....who He is IN me

written by Trudy Schrader on 06-12-2019

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2019

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Meaning Math

Love and marriage
Love and marriage
Go together like
A...something and carriage
....cause that rhymes

He loves me
He loves me not
She loves me
But...maybe, not
....cause I don't think I'm lovable

We're going to the chapel
And we're gonna get married
....cause, well, that's what pretty girls do
But...what if I'm not pretty

Johnny and Mary
Sittin' in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes a baby
....cause that's the order of things, right
I think I'm barren

College, Great Job
Excellent Man to provide
Then a nice house and car
To show the world I've arrived
For pity's sake, would someone tell me

........where are we going????

Something is missing from
The facts we've been given
No matter how much information we have
Something HUGE is missin'

Two means difference
It provides humanity a choice
But if we lean to one side
The other has no voice do we know TRUTH

It has to be on the line the expression of the = sign

Written by Trudy Schrader on 07-15-2018

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2018

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Unpredictable Probability

Walking with you
Is a walk on the side of terror
	With gentle breezes tickling your cheek
You can count on faith
To bring you to opportunities feet
	With an empty mouth for the Spirit to speak

I giggle inside when I see Him
I see and follow, take in joy and swallow

Your presence consumes me
Like requited love’s passionate kiss
	Resounding vibrations requiring the whole
To come on its white stallion
Swiftly catching the virtuous maiden
	And one touch stills the quivering soul

Oh how you break my heart with your suffering
I take them to my breast, let them suckle as I lie on your chest

My words are uncertain
But probability births possibility
	I simply can’t refrain
You move me out of fear into glorious heights
Where I pray hope and we play with dismantled ropes
	The enemy used to drive them insane

I roar with laughter in my happily ever after
Where your light captures my darkest night to
	Feast forever on blinded sight

Written by Trudy Schrader on 6-19-09

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2011

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Childs Play

That moment
That perfect moment
Where time became eternal
I saw
I opened my blinded eyes and saw
The expanse of your soul

To reword
To match time stricken words to an eternal glimpse

So, I write
I write without reason
Flowing with the ink blotting the page

I ran
I ran around - all around
Into darkened corners and wounded places
I knocked down fortified walls
Cleaned up forgotten issues
Dressed open lacerations
With my arsenal of 

I sang
I hummed
I belted out notes from the depths of my soul
I lit you up
And I giggled as I watched you shine
You skipped with glee at the sight of

I tried
Oh how I tried
To climb out and walk away
I yelled - I cannot be here -
You belong to another
But you offered me no ladder

I played
I played with words
Rearranging, inventing, creating
New ways to express…love
It was ok
I mean…I was just playing…with love
Not your

One day
One beaconing reckoning day
She saw your light steps
Almost dancing with your secret
Play with love in words
With me - not her-
		The invader

You didn’t withhold 
But you didn’t invite either
I gave her my words too
She read, fed, and bled
I stood still
In awe of my

I rewrote
I rewrote them again and again
But she couldn’t play
Fear had bound her soul
Some of my words reached her
Then, she decided
To kick me

She expelled me from hers
And expunged me from yours
She tried to push me far away
I stood in silence and
	     ~ grieved ~

Your lighted steps 
Became a plod
Her concern
Entered into rage
I put myself
To rest
		In my Savior’s arms

Written by Trudy Schrader on 7-6-10

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2011

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Frienemy:Elementary, My Dear

I met you on a sunny day
Swinging to the sky
I couldn't find what to say
So I slowly whispered, "Hi!"

Stumbling, fumbling, bumbling idiot
I couldn't get you to come my way
Like a ray of sunlight
You ran about, giggling in play

Soon, I joined the fun
But fear captured my run
I slowed my feet to walk
Carefully crafting my talk impress my friend

I got lost in her beauty
You could find me on her heels
Serving her was my duty
While she bent me to her will

Spinning, winning, pinning donkeys
Dancing to the rhythm of rhyme
Not caring about the games we played
Just that I could have her one more time

Adventures on land or sea
Or fleeing from danger with me
We ran til energy died
And the road between us, arose to divide
    ...hearts asunder

~I heard the thunder~
     ...then...came the rain

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2014

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Sewing Seams

I saw the difference you made
To the barrenness of your mother
Then I saw you poke fun at a worker
Who thought you were a good lover
...of sewing seams

I saw you reach out to a man
Who struggled to sit still
Then, I saw you ask another
To provide him with a decent meal, it would seem

....LOVE has a question

I heard you spout out your beliefs
With a superior tone of knowledge
Then I heard anger in your voice
As you tried to push him to the edge
....of that perfect seam

I saw you give a dirty woman
Some clothes, food, and some water
Then, I saw you ignore
The silent, but very present, cry from your beautiful daughter
...who wanted to sew your seem

....LOVE wants to know

I saw your quick response
To a fallen man in need of medical attention
Then, you yell at your son
Who earned himself a scholastic detention
....for sewing seems incorrectly

I heard your lecture on the gospel
To a crowd of would be saints
I saw me, sitting in the pocket of the seam
And knew I ain't
....anything like a seam/seem

....LOVE has hemmed me in HIS seam/seem

Written by Trudy Schrader on 08-05-2018

Note: I absolutely LOVE words!!! I hope you see, clearly, what I glimpsed, nearly, in the seam/seem :)

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2018

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Trudy's Bio

Warrior, woman, weathered, well
Sister of Tony, Charlie, Tina, and Kim
Lover of God, people, and growth
Who feels compassion, joy and peace
Who fears failure, leadership, and self
Who would like to see Israel, an ocean, and a cruise ship
Resident of Bella Vista, AR

Written by Trudy Schrader on 2-1-2011

Note: I'm not really into making words behave, but I would like to be a better poet, so, I
need to expand my vision.

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2011

Details | Trudy Schrader Poem

Edging Out the Night

All of my words are spent
It was words who rent…my soul

I have used them to bleed, need, plead 
My case before those who judge, forcefully nudge, but never budge in the 	presence of 
undying LOVE

No more…NO….MORE….
	I will not take one more step, I will not move beyond
		My humiliation

Is there no one to lift my head

A Prince, perhaps…

Stupid little girl, get a grip, take a tasty sip, maybe pooch your lip…
				Faith, love, and hope

I have lifted my sword before
I have escaped darkness and know bondage no more
But live, to actually breathe in those three
Take hold of those powerful sources inside me
	Requires great courage…of which…I have none

I thought I was a woman of light
A ray of hope piercing evil
I find myself lost in the mesh
Of all that is unbelievable
	Wild, untouchable, undesirable

My heart is HIS
And I smile as I know what that means
I am not my own
And so, His blood has washed me clean
	And I will know this sorrow NO MORE….

Written by Trudy Schrader 2010

Note: It is a hard lesson to learn...those who hold the power to love us to freedom also
has the power to destroy us. It's all in who you chose to give your power of choice to.

Copyright © Trudy Schrader | Year Posted 2011


Book: Shattered Sighs