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Best Poems Written by Poet Tacito

Below are the all-time best Poet Tacito poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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In the Bed They Make

And when will the tides turn against confident indifference?!

When will humanity cease
To throw cats against curiosity’s silver coated dagger

Another played out song
Another dramatic lyric
Shifting embellished overtones
With deteriorating tact

They spit posthumous awakenings
As divinity laced smiles, wither under a convoluted moon
Shedding retina waterfalls

Pretentious anger becomes Aphrodite mediocrity
Wisdom, they never “put out”

Crippled tears
Become self-important struts within olive tinted reckonings

Lambasted butterflies
Stirring hornets’ nest

They dream for better days
While double-knotting gang colored bandanas
On eagle’s achromatic foreheads

Another Woody Woodpecker band-aid pulled from condescending hypocrisies


And when will the tides turn against pilot light’s mal-intent?

When will the flinty sheep 
Stop wondering how these charring, orange fires began

Forgetting the 115 octane gasoline can
They hold quietly in their hands

©Drake J. Eszes

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2013

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How do I tell you that you’re beautiful?

How can I be different?

How can I express my attraction?

When columns upon
Of testosterone filled wolves
Dressed in rented Italian suits
And discolored, mesh sneakers
Speak similar flirtatious dialect

Will this baby scented Sunflower do the trick?

I picked it from my walled Garden of Eden.

I spent 4 years mending these butterfly coated petals,
Solely for this moment

How can I express my need for your smile?

When tattered paper donations have been sent
To elicit short-term, newlywed goose bumps upon your flesh


May I have this dance? 

You’ve never heard this sensual ballad.

But, it’s an element of my Spoken Word
Waiting for your translation

I await your palms,
Because this is not a Man’s world

This can be ours.

But, will you leap off from trampoline’s corazon? 

My syllables are in your hands.

My book is within your misunderstood palm paths.

If you’re going to read between my lines,
Do not be illiterate to my heartbeats.

Your move…

©Drake J. Eszes

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2013

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On the Outside, Looking In

"When humanity becomes louder than love, stay out of its way. At times, it's better to be the lion in the distance, rather than the sheep losing their way...again."

This was the 1st time
I felt out of place.

Its impact mimicked abused parallelograms
Unto emptiness’ solution

I witness sliced wrists shedding bohemian smiles.

Testament verses
Latching onto anchors of invalid mo(u)rning

There was no sunrise to be found,
Because humanity kept making love to silhouetted blinders

I was surrounded by shovels
For the sake of digging louder messages’ trench

While I
Caress incipient wings
And half-full Windex bottles
Just to keep perception from clouding my lyrics

Because nobody wants to see eye to eye…


…cataract-laced speeches permeate tainted whispers
Of an innocent breath 
For B-rated serendipity

Oh, this was the 1st time
I felt out of place.

Turning away from windowed afflictions
To step towards gratitude’s breath

No longer looking in

How good it feels.

Yet, I still miss my friends.

©Drake J. Eszes 

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2014

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365 Days

"This is dedicated to all who understand this. Whether we like it or not." -D.J.E.

I wasn’t gonna write this


Emotions are stirring high
Cannot believe
How much time has passed

Still feel your presence

Of the slowest death
Ever felt
Running parallel
To these present seconds

An ugly revelation
Tainted the sunshine
That bared on our souls
365 days ago

So many tears
Had filled the ocean
Of despair
For love’s river
Were held back by presumption’s walls
The dam’s of what could have been

Here I stand
In this present moment
Your essence still lingers
Like the flakes of a dandelion b r e a k i n g 		f r e e
From its home

Tormented echoes of “why”
“How come”
“Please don’t go”
“I love you…I love you so much”

High pitched resonations
Float upon
Rafts of secondary importance
And yet
This heart still knows

For it will always recall
Its truth

Played me a fool
While you held hands
With inevitable

Crossing fingers
With diffusion
Across my shoulders

Left me uncomfortably numb
All my rights

And all the while

In tomorrow

My foolish hopes
Continued to warp my mind

Maybe if I didn’t look back when you walked away
Like the rules said…
…No matter.

These soft acoustic riffs
Replay in my head
You were my “Wonderwall”
“You could’ve been the one…to save me”

But I overcame
For I
Saved myself

Didn’t want to be an inconvenience for you

Colors of Fall
Your favorite season
Kinda ironic
You were like Summer & Winter

Knew when to turn up the heat
Make me sweat

Each new arrival
A summer equinox
Each departure
A rainstorm

But, when it was over
Nothing but cold
Blizzard languages
Even solace’s bandages
Could not heal

But, I weathered the storm
And would do it again
Cause it was for real


Here I am
52 weeks have past
Occasional recollection
Of that hourglass
With no more sands
Buried in dragon’s chest

You are in my silent prayer

Know this

Even though you are contained
Within my heart’s asylum cell block home
I loved you
With all that I had

So much

That you will be the only regret
I will ever be proud of.

© Drake J. Eszes

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2011

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I was a fool.

I was a fool searching for reasons why.

Reasons why I
Grin with sudden boy giggles

As if Karma was my DJ,
Playing cotton candy woven riffs
Of rhythmic whispers



I savor dark chocolate Peanut M&Ms
Tasting her sincerity
With each Pacific Ocean observance
Her dialect portrays within
My sunset smiles

I was a fool.

A slightly nervous kid
At his first Sadie Hawkins dance

Holding a paper cup 
filled with swirly colored punch...
...not spiked


Futile attempts to stifle these vibrating legs
From crippling my exhaling urges

I was a fool.

Searching for irreplaceable reasons
Why my smiles became
An 11 year old innocence

I smile.
I blush.

I embrace a new dream
Written on embossed bucket list

To hold her 

To hold her

To hold her
towards sunrises’ incipience

One day
With no reasons why



©Drake J. Eszes

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2013

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You Kissed Him In Front of Me

You didn’t notice my tears.

As you both kissed each other
like two lonely plungers
who just escaped from plumber’s solitary confinement,
your eyes open and wander up.

You didn’t look across that banquet hall
with my feet planted against wood polished tendencies.

Its creaks motioning time towards yellow-signal identity.

As my breath declares sudden death
against lake’s dripping reflections…
…you didn’t think to set your photo album on private.
Advertising lust
wrapped in pretentious cloak
sewed in recycled fibers of “love”.

With ignorant enablers speaking chic-flick tongue,
“Oh My Gawd! I’m so happy for you! I wanna ovulate!”

As I, put my head down
returning to this moment in time,
I had to let my song…cry.

Lenny Williams begins to exude “cause I love you” chorus,
as I walk towards bar
sensing your seductive retinas
stroking against my Latin swagger.

Your ring finger
chained by 3 carat, naïve cut, diamond
motions an intense, streaking caress
against wine glass filled with Zinfandel sin.

Because you know I am your addiction.

Your diabetic lips never forgot
that taste
of my

But, you didn’t notice my tears.

I wish you had.

For all this time, these tears
were of joyful splendor.

Because solace holds my hand
with candlelight warmth.

Slow dancing with my soul
in mystery Salsa sway.

While you stand on home plate,
holding your 2nd place trophy,
with 3 strikes against you.

A reminder that my heart,
was flexible enough
to dodge
a bullet.

© Drake J. Eszes

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2011

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A Diminished Respect

There was a time.

There was a time
When your fabled dreams
Seemed honest

A time when
Your open arms
Coated in dented silver and tainted dreams
Understood my Size 12 shoes

When the world seemed to be against you
Yet, still,
Your blunt eloquence welcomed me home

Then, your “rainbow”…

Your heartbeat became an arrhythmia of petulant theatrics.

Your topaz coated spit
Released from refilled white-out bottles,
Brushing away quartered moons of an iridescent shame

A copycat of robotic muses
Infringing upon your pedestal,
Turned loud mouth, afflicting broken tongue

The “Stalin” of a messenger’s wit,
You raised your voice to a poignant sky!!!

And, as if Yahweh cured your muted disorders,

Including me

That was your goal…
…excluding me

From incipient edge, I witnessed you,
A turpentine puddle in front of a confessional booth 
On a melancholic Thursday morn,
With ripened glares to avoid your hallways

Tangled, dangling pacifiers as your doorbell


There will come a time.

There will come a time
When social feeds will deprive your vexing smile
Of validation

Where ignorant heartbeats will awaken
Through lyrical epiphanies
To see your “rainbow”
As a faded, stolen crayon

Where flirtatious dialect from withered accomplice
Licks cubic zirconium’s aftertaste
Forgetting that karma doesn’t tolerate one-night stands

For me, that time is now.

Then, I knew who you were.

Now, I know who you are.

You are not what you say.

A false advertisement in Sunday’s illiterate paper…
…with erased verbatim amongst your mirrored peers

Remembering how you falsified truth’s smile

Dire requests for empathetic warmth of our yesterdays
Yet, my Agnostic coat could never be thick enough
For your saturated, dual face

©Drake J. Eszes

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2013

Details | Poet Tacito Poem

Friendship's Omission

As I
Soak in hummingbird’s exhale
I feel tragic sonatas
Trying to chain
Trying to crucify
My sedentary grip on instability

I smell the repugnant commoner
Blasting scattered shots
Against yesterday’s decent

I became the handsome error again.

The godfather of uplifting idle minds
Sedated within the bosoms of complacency
Because, indirectly, I was the inebriated screw-up
Immunized with community pride

As 420’d lyricists
Puff corrugated burns
To keep their spine
Fused in relatable,
Flaccid significance

They dodge flagrant accountability
Like an intentional cripple

And I
Slow dance with agnostic prayer

There would be no commandments
To remind me
That I am still beautiful inside

Beautifully flawed. 
Beautifully demonized.
Beautifully improper.

Yet, Gaia’s sun empowers this stanza
To breathe better breaths
To see what refuses to be seen

And no longer accept what cannot be changed

I carve milestones upon gravestones
In friends’ memoriam, nevermore

It felt peacefully redundant to be important,
Chiseling away the vowels of animosity
Attempts to hold my hands
Within this ambidextrous nightmare
Right hand, red
Left hand, chained

Courteous disdain
For developing minds,
Their figure of speech
Meant no blissful harm
With their 40 lashes
Conjured by judgmental testaments

Oh, how they preach for better tomorrows
While stirring yesterday’s pot

Becoming the “end” in “friend”...


Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2017

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Under 65 degree starry, onyx blanket
Containment of quarter moon identity

A whimsically soothing song exuded
In muffled taps & Prohibition era lyric

In the distance,
Snow-capped mountains reflecting lunar clarity
Off its tips of freedom

As we lay on recycled steel hood,
Made in 1950s USA, when it mattered,
Her silhouetted fingertips released from my right arm
While insistently looking towards stratosphere’s vocal chord

“Can’t it be like this forever?
Oh, how I want to just make love to the stars.
Become one with Orion while riding
On Sagittarius’s arrow”

“What about our stars?”, he softly questioned.

“I’d like to be your never-ending shooting star.
To ride on blue moon’s comet, by your side”

Cricket whispers manhandled his romantic clef
Mother Nature’s afterglow, upon her ears, fallen deaf

Inherent waxy build-up from illicit tongue,
She pat his shoulders like a dog
Being taught his first lesson

Her eyes, still sky high.

“Sigh, I like how you think.
You’re such a nice friend.
You’re going to make a woman so happy one day.
I hope to meet a guy just like you.”

As her eyes sighed with a powerful lack of substance
Into the arms of Leo,
A slammed car door supplants the reverberation of the car’s V8 engine.

He confidently turns back the hands of time.

Reversal gears become his new tune

“If you get lost going home, follow the stars.”

As he pulls away with majestic, amplified lyrics
Of Whitesnake’s “Here I go Again”

Going down the only road he’s ever known

While she stands in fraudulent gasps of shock,
Looking back up to the stars in blank wonder

As he accelerates into a new page in his book
Closing his chapter with wondrous questions

“Why would I taste your starlight?

When you never believed in our constellation?”

©Drake J. Eszes
It’s good to gaze at the stars and make wishes. But, be careful what you wish for. For Earth has its own gifts…

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2013

Details | Poet Tacito Poem

I Ask You This

“If I have to cry to keep you, I will keep weeping.”- The Temptations

If our atmosphere
Becomes a shattered animosity

If our cumulus clouds
Become wrecking balls against our Sun

If the touch of your hands,
Turns into rabid, feline tongue

If your messages of clarity & “I love you” 
Translate into a Mime’s distress signal

If the sway of your rosemary breaths

I ask you

Would your love
Your real love
Make me shed oceanic leaks

While you ride leaky canoe
Above our water garden

Never tossing raft

Never diving in
To become my lighthouse savior

Because love
Real love
Should never
Make you embrace torment’s cry

Nor should love
Ever reciprocate
With muted stanzas

Date stamped:
“Return to Sender”
©Drake J. Eszes

Copyright © Poet Tacito | Year Posted 2013


Book: Reflection on the Important Things