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Best Poems Written by Debbie Duncan

Below are the all-time best Debbie Duncan poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Fall From Grace

I watched angels fall from grace today
I wondered  how could this be
I looked to the heavens to  ask
How  could this have happened 
How could angels  fall so  fast 

I stood there I watched angels falling
I wondered how could this be 
 For aren't angels a part of thee
 He looked down at me and said
 "Yes my dear" indeed they are 

But you see I gave them free will
   When I set them free
Until they come back to me 
I felt a tear roll down my cheek
As I stood in silence and watched 

Then I laughed and I thought
HE should have chosen me
Then he would have seen 
That I would never  be 
An angel who fell from grace

I watched angels fall from grace today
 I ask myself how could this be
 Why would the powers that be 
 Ever let such a thing happen 

Then I looked up and I saw me
I was the one falling from grace
I remembered He once told me
You will have free will   " till "
you  come back to me 
So I'll  let you be

I watched an angel fall from grace today
But then I realized  that it was me
As I looked into  that mirror
I saw her staring back at me. 

9,13,2010  4pm Monday

 Since I was little I've thought about angels falling, must be the catholic church.

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2010

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Set Yourself Free

Go now, rest your weary heart.
Against the soft moonlit night.

Walk into the valley of peace and tranquility.
Loosen those chains that bind your soul.

Let them fall to the ground, never look back.  
Let the veil of time lift you up.

As the last breath of life seeps from your lips.
Float out of this world and into the light.

Through the veil of time, go now, no time to wait.
For now, you are free, free to be who you really are.

Imagine you flying against the golden sun.
Fly with the spirits who light the nights.

Go now to the world beyond time.
Worn out with lost dreams, are you?

Go now and let them come true.
Set yourself free from these bones. 

 Feb. 29th,  2012   leap year

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2013

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The Great Swan

"Who's woods are these anyway'.

Who's woods that I  dwell?

The house of Usher I know so well.

I seek to skate on the frozen lake.

These woods are deep, dark, and weak.

Though I would dance like a swan if I could.

The lake is always frozen this time of year.

How I love the night woods that cover me.

Under the bulging night skies of death.

Beyond the place of wrath and tears.

I would dance upon the lake till not.

Alluring, always caressing in a gentle touch.

I would be remembered as " The Great Swan".

Though here I sit in my bed chamber of death.
And wait for God to call my name.  

1 pm wed.  7 / 24 / 2013, " House of Usher" stands for death, " right"   the woods are a metaphor for the sick body.

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2013

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Flickering Shadows

Sunshine streamed in through 
the windows on a slant.

As she flipped long curly 
red locks off her shoulder.

She took the other road
most often. 

The road less traveled. 
Why ?

Because that's how she liked it.
Only because she liked the curves
in the road.

There was a time or two she wondered 
about the light flickering at the other end.

But she always had hope in her eyes.
At times it did not matter whether or not
someone was by her side.

Though she did prefer to be connected.
Alas,  it couldn't be with just any soul.
 She's always been a free spirit.

Such as the gypsies of old.
Coming in with the autumn leaves.
Just as she left on a summers day.

In the quiet of her flickering shadows 


3 / 3 / 2014   Monday

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2014

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Alcohol, I see you there.
      I've known who you are 
           for a very long time.

Such as when I was a little girl.

I remember your temper.
            Your accusations of hate.
The sloppy drooling mess you are.

You God-fearing hypocrite.
               The constant smell of you.  
Repulsed me to no end.

I could never forget you.

How could you destroy my life?
    What did I ever do to you?
You destroy everybody and everything.   

I know that glassy glare in your eyes.
Rude, dirty, remarks you make, even if they were true.  

Listening in silence for your footsteps down the hall.
         I remember everything about you.
I am repulsed by the very thought of you.

Sun.  11 AM  7/ 21/ 2013, I decided to write this after I read Therese  Bacha's poem  I AM Alcoholic.

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2013

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Market Place

When I am afraid 
I close my eyes 
I hear a sweet symphony 
A thousand music tunes 
All at once coming through
Young girl in the market 
Yes, that's me, all alone 
 Eyes all full of mystery 
As I sing away the loneliness 
They say the most awful things 
But I hear violins when I close my eyes 
As I fly off to the center of my sun 
So I cannot be hurt by anything 
This wicked world as done 
Young boy in the marketplace 
He's taken by the men 
As he wakes, can't remember anything 
 They break the most beautiful  things 
But I hear violins when I shut my eyes 
And fly off to the center of the sun 
So I cannot be hurt by anything 
This wicked world has done 
As I look into your eyes 
I'm at the center of my sun 
The boy in the marketplace 
Sees the girl all alone 
Have you lost your way home?
I look up, I hear his voice singing.
I hear sweet symphonies in his words.
As I look into his eyes 
I'm at the center of my sun
And I cannot be hurt by anything 
Of what this wicked world has done!

11   12    2012      10pm   Monday

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2012

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Chocolate Covered Cherries

Under those wild blue skies.
Her favorite fruit was chocolate 
covered cherries.

As the skies fell somewhere in time.
He knew she came from the heavens. 
To be dropped into his arms alone. 

He always loved the way the juice  
dripped off her plump red lips.
As he caught the drops on his tongue. 

Capturing some unknown secrets.
As he licked her juicy red lips.
She felt the thrust of his lust in her.

He so loved that childlike wonder in her.
As he looked into her dreamy eyes.
The stars make love to the universe.

As the skies of blue drift over time.
The night stars formed a mystery.
They were full of love, beauty, and lies.

9/30/ 2013

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2014

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By the Sea

As she saw it.

The mountains and the meadows were always so beautiful this time of year.  It seemed as if a fresh new world always came to life. The high cliffs turned sharply downward.  As I sat listening to the ocean tides smashing against the walls of the mountain below. There was a mild breeze blowing from the south. The grass in the flower covered meadows moved with the breeze. The sun shined so brightly I thought it would melt me at times.

As I stood up from the log where I was sitting by the emerald forest, the breeze pressed my dress against me. It formed to the soft round curves of my breast, down through the curves of my waist pushing against my yielding hips. As I blinked from the sun, I saw him there in the distance. I had thought I was alone. But there he was,  staring straight at me. What would I do and where could I turn? I knew what kinds of thoughts men had, my mother told me all about them. I saw that he was beginning to move my way!

 I saw him there as he saw me. I was paralyzed, not knowing what direction to move. Though as I watched him from afar, he did not seem dangerous as my mother always warned. Still, I could hear her words like a tape recorder in the back of my mind.
 Should I dare take my eyes from his? I could see his eyes were dark, maybe brown, or even midnight blue.  Whatever the color, I could tell they were smoldering with restrained passions. His hair was long to his shoulder blades. I knew that because it moved with the wind.  He had broad shoulders with long legs. I knew I must not let him reach me. If his arms entangled me, surely I would never get loose. And, I'm not sure I would want too. Even though I heard the words of my mother, running in my head.
 I could feel the tiny beads of sweat trickling down between my breasts. I was not sure I should take my eyes from him as I leaned down to pick up the fan that had slipped from my hand to my bare feet.

As he saw it.

  The winter snow had melted and yielded to the bright warming rays of the spring sun.  The bears had come out of hibernation with their newborn looking for food. The mountains and the meadows were born again, new, fresh and alive with life.  Everything was beautiful and as it should be. Birds singing, their mating songs blended with the crash of the surf against the steep cliffs of the mountain. Nature was at peace with itself, and I came here to share in this peace.  To be alone with the earth, or so I thought.  

I found a place to sit on the grass hidden among the flowers in the high meadows.  So I could enjoy the gentle breeze blowing while watching the forest animals. The warm sun caressed my body and warmed me. It was a perfect day, yet something was missing. A day like this needed to be shared with someone, someone special.  Stretching,  I caught a slight movement out of the corner of my eye, just across the enchanted forest of a beautiful woman. It couldn't be possible as no one knew of this place. I had come here for years and had never seen another person before. Yet, there she was. Dressed in a dress the wind made love to, pressing it to her body. Clinging to the sensual curves of her breast, down to her firm waist and full inviting hips. I suddenly felt drawn to her and stood up. I knew she had seen me as she was staring back at me, as I stood staring back at her. She was a vision. And I was afraid she would vanish if I approached her. Yet, she seemed to be smiling, calling to me as I started walking towards her. I remember the stories my grandmother had told me of the enchantresses that lived in this forest, but I did not hesitate. I would give to her anything she wanted, anything she desired.

As I approached her I realized she was real. She seemed to be looking at me, daring me to come closer. All the stories of the enchantress my grandmother had told me flooded my mind with a warning. Yet, she was so beautiful, so inviting and I couldn't take my eyes from her. I was slowly losing control with each and every step that brought me closer to her. I knew I was lost as I felt the heat of my desire to be with her, starting to take control. It was a struggle not to run to this beautiful creature, with the golden hair, and angelic face.  As I came closer I couldn't help but notice her sensual breasts rising and falling with each breath she took. She seemed to be smiling, challenging me with everything that made her a beautiful, desirable woman. A woman this sensual, this beautiful, this desirable was surely the enchantress, and I was hers. As a bee is drawn to the flower, I was being drawn to this women.

Suddenly she reached down to pick something up. It was just then I noticed she was barefoot.  As she bent over to retrieve what she had dropped, the sun reflected off her spun gold hair. and radiated a golden brightness that was almost blinding.  Her dress shifted allowing me to see that her body enhanced her dress, rather than the dress enhancing her body. She would look beautiful in anything she wore.  The heat of my desire for her was beginning to consume me with its fire. I felt the beginnings of ~


   Nov. 18, 1992, a Short story I started to write, A friend asks if he could write from a male's point of view.

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2013

Details | Debbie Duncan Poem

Another Life

There in another life.
I walked along. 

There in another life.
You came along.

I felt you in the sun.
Where did the time go?

When we were one.
There in another life.

I felt your heart beating against my soul.
Where did the time go?

When we thought we were in love.
Why did it not manifest for a lifetime.

On a bed of roses, I lay with you.
But now I see them no more.

Why could we not dance this dance forever more? 

Sunday 7pm   8/ 10/ 2013

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2013

Details | Debbie Duncan Poem


As I draw my last breath. 
I kiss her lips and wait.

I watch the carnival of lost souls.
Watch them all in their caravan.

On my weak body, I lay her hand.
How we laughed and played thru 
the meadows of our heaven.

Though I have faith in the night.
My tear filled skin is soaked to the bone.

Love should not be if it feels like this.
I should let the devil dance upon my grave.

"If it is true I never see you in the light of day again.
I shall be lost to the darkness forever more.

Belladonna, my love,  do not leave me now.
I cannot bare to lose you this day.

There would be no life in this body.
If I did not have your love and kindness
bestowed upon me.  

9/ 6/ 2013  Fri     listening to gothic music 

Belladonna is Latin for “beautiful lady”.

Copyright © Debbie Duncan | Year Posted 2013


Book: Reflection on the Important Things