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Best Poems Written by Ralph Taylor

Below are the all-time best Ralph Taylor poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Woman's Work Is Never Done

"A Woman's Work Is Never Done",
a phrase that's often heard.
There's a lot of truth that's hidden,
just in those few words.

She has to cook and clean the house
and get her youngsters off to school.
She does the laundry and the shopping
and teaches kids the "Golden Rule".

She drives them to the movies
and attends their school events.
She satisfies her husbands needs,
her life is real intense!

She asks for little in return,
she just does what must be done.
She feels it's all the woman's job,
and sometimes, it's even fun!

So kudos to those women.
Let's stand and give a toast.
They accomplish all these many tasks,
for the folks that they love most.

Next time the phrase is uttered,
"A Woman's Work Is Never Done",
pray that God will bless them all,
each and every one!

Many thanks to all you ladies.
God bless each and everyone of you.

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2011

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Twas a fine October morning,
one September, last July!
The moon lay thick upon the ground,
the mud shone in the sky!

The flowers sang so sweetly,
the birds were in full bloom!
As I hurried down the cellar steps,
to sweep the upstairs room!

The time was Tuesday morning,
on Wednesday, just at night!
I saw ten-thousand miles away,
a house, just out of sight!

Its doors projected backwards.
The front was at the back!
It stood alone, between two more,
and it was whitewashed black!

I didn't write this, author unknown!

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2014

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The Greatest Poet Ever

I got to wonderin' the other day
who was the greatest poet ever?
Was it a guy named Willie Shakespeare
or someone much more clever?

I thought it over for quite a while
just who this guy might be.
Then suddenly a light went on!
By God, it could be me!

So I'm gonna write a Masterpiece.
Just you wait and see.
It'll be the best poem ever wrote
and the author will be me!

Everyone from near and far
will know my famous name.
The poem I write will be so great
it will bring me worldwide fame!

I'll be chauffeured 'round in limousines
and flown in private jets.
Everyone will call me "sir"
and I'll have no regrets.

I'll be treated just like Royalty,
No matter where I go.
I'll be waited on hand and foot,
just to let you know.

So when you're in my presence
don't you forget to bow,
cause I'll be the greatest poet ever,
I'm tellin' you right now!

That's it - My mind's made up
and since I'm gonna be so great,
I decided I won't write it now,
you're just gonna have to wait!

  Ralph Taylor

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2011

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Apollo 11

Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin
were the three that made up the crew
to be the first men to set foot on the moon
was what they were determined to do.

1969 was the year that it happened
16 July was the day
early that morning the blast- off took place
Apollo 11 was sent on its way.

They went over their plans for 3 or 4 days
on their way as they traveled through space
then it was time to descend to the moon
and gently land on its face.

On 20 July they made their descent
in the lunar module they commanded
History was made when we heard these words
"Houston, the Eagle has landed."

Neil Armstrong stepped out of the Eagle
and uttered these words so defined
"One small step for man
one giant leap for mankind."

An American flag was left on the moon
as a reminder of what they had done
they returned to Earth on July 24
their success was second to none.

This event went down in History
its success helped us to learn
that though other planets are quite far away
we can go there and safely return.

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2011

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A Round Tuit


                          	                                 .At long.
                                                         Last  we  have  suffi-
                                                     cient  supply  of  these   in-
                                                Valuable  items for  you  to  have
                                              one   of   your   very   own.  Guard it
                                            With   your   life.     These  tuits   have
                                          been   hard   to   come by,  especially the
                                         round   ones.    This   is   an   indispensable
                                        item.     It     will    help  you  to   become a
                                        more    efficient   worker.          How   many
                                        Times   have   you   had   to   say,   “I’ll  do
                                           it   as    soon   as   I   get   a   round   tuit”?
                                            Now   that   you   have   a   round   tuit
                                              of   your   very   own,  many    things
                                                  needing   to   be   done  will   get
                                                             done properly>

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2010

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Being Friendly

How hard can it be to say hello,
to a stranger on the street!
To smile and say " how are you”,
to anyone you meet?

It sure can't hurt to be polite,
or lend a helping hand,
to give a friendly word of cheer,
and respect your fellow man.

Be friendly toward your neighbor,
don’t try to shut him out!
Peaceful co-existence, 
that’s what life is all about.

You can turn a frown into a smile,
by just the words you say,
like “please” or “thank you very much”,
or “have a real nice day”!

Sometimes a friendly gesture,
or a little word of praise,
is all it takes to bring that smile,
it’s true -  you’d be amazed!

Remember the times you were off somewhere,
in an unfamiliar place,
how much better it made you feel,
when you saw a smiling face?

If you apply the Golden Rule,
to all you say and do,
you’ll talk to others just the way,
you’d have them talk to you.

We're in this world together
and will be till we die.
We can't make friends with everyone,
but it wouldn't hurt to try!

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2010

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Gimme a Brake

A UFO went to land in Dakota
But the brakes didn't work one iota.
        It didn't take long
        to decide what was wrong
seems the space ship was made by Toyota!

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2010

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Life Is What You Make It

I've been around a lotta years!
I've traveled the road of life!
I've had many, many, ups and downs,
times of joy, and grief, and strife!

I've tried my best, to keep looking ahead,
but on occassion, I'd pause to reflect!
I call upon, hard lessons learned,
to attain the results, that I expect!

I  tried to shape my future,
from transgressions, I've endured.
I kept my "best foot forward",
in hopes my success, would be assured!

Mistakes are part of living,
they're part of who we are.
Yes, life can be bewildering
and sometimes quite bizarre!

It's how we react when troubled!
How we handle times of stress,
that determines what will happen
and if we will, attain success!

The Power of Positive Thinking
is the key to getting thru!
Wheather or not, you attain your goal,
is strictly up to you!

Intestional Fortitude, is what it takes,
to help create your aspirations! 
It will give the courage and strength you need,
to reach your long-range expectations!

So, be assertive and determined!
Don't let doubt, get in your way!
Life is what you make it,
what more is there to say!

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2013

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The Foreign Diplomat

While campaigning among South American civilians 

he got news of the death of three Brazilians

        He said he was vexed
        then he asked quite perplexed

just how many is a brazillion?

Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2010

Details | Ralph Taylor Poem

Crabby Old Man

This poem was written by an old man who died in the geriatric
Ward of a nursing home in North Platte, Neb.  He left nothing 
Of  value, only this poem which I thought had a very strong
Message and wanted to share with you soupers.

           CRABBY OLD MAN

What do you see nurses? .. What do you see?
What are you thinking .. When you’re looking at me?
A crabby old man .. Not very wise,
Uncertain of habit .. With faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food .. And makes no reply.
When you say in a loud voice   .. “I do wish you’d try!”
Who seems not to notice .. The things that you do.
And forever is losing .. A sock or a shoe?
Who, resisting or not .. Lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding .. The long day to fill?
Is that what you’re thinking? .. Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse .. You’re not looking at me.
I’ll tell you who I am .. As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding .. As I eat at your will.
I’m a small child of ten .. With a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters .. Who love one another.
A young boy of sixteen .. With wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now .. A lover he’ll meet.
A groom soon at twenty .. My heart gives a leap
Remembering, the vows .. That I promised to keep.
At twenty-five, now .. I have young of my own.
Who need me to guide .. And secure a happy home.
A man of thirty .. My young now grow fast,
Bound to each other .. With ties that should last.
At forty, my young sons .. Have grown and are gone,
But my woman’s beside me .. To see I don’t mourn.
At fifty, once more .. Babies play ‘round my knee,
Again, we know children .. My loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me .. my wife is now dead.
I look at the future .. shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing .. young of their own.
And I think of the years .. and the love that I've known.
I'm now an old man .. and nature is cruel.
Tis jest to make old age .. look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles .. grace and vigor, depart.
There is now a stone .. where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass .. a young guy still dwells,
and now and again .. my battered heart swells.
I remember the joys .. I remember the pain.
and I'm loving and living .. life over again.
I think of the years, all too few .. gone too fast.
and accept the stark fact .. that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people .. open and see.
Not a crabby old man, look closer .. see ME!!


Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2010


Book: Shattered Sighs