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Best Poems Written by Arshita Pandey

Below are the all-time best Arshita Pandey poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Identity Unrevealed

In a world's of compatibility and norms,
Where the crowd seems to fit like forms.
There's a certain feeling that can be so strange,
When you are a misfit with absolute no space.
Your heart beats fast, your soul feels torn,
As you search for a place where you can be yourself,
A place where you can be free
But it's hard to find, oh so hard to see.
The world outside is bright and bold,
But inside your feeling cold.
A stranger in a place that's not your own.
A misfit all alone.
You try to fit in, you try to hide,
But the world outside won't allow.
It won't see you to be like the rest,
And leave your true self forever rest.
But don't give up don't lose your way,
For in the end you'll find brighter day,
A day where you can be yourself and free,
A day when you'll discover,
Your true Identity.

Copyright © Arshita's World of Poetry | Year Posted 2024

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The Quiet ache of a solitary soul

In the corner where shadows dance,
Amidst the whispers of silent hearts,
There blooms a love, unseen and unspoken,
A fragile beauty that quietly find its way.
It lingers in the spaces between laughter,
In the stolen glances and in gentle touch,
Unnoticed, yet it deserves so much.
It is the love of a quiet passerby,
Walking through the silent corridors,
Watching as others find their bliss,
While her own remains broken.
It is the love of a forgotten friend,
Lost in the vast sea of unspoken emotions,
Always there for you.
Yet overshadowed by louder voices,
And hidden from view.

Copyright © Arshita's World of Poetry | Year Posted 2024

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Fading Footsteps

In distant lands, where echoes fade to sighs,
Two friends, once bound by laughter's gentle ties,
Now parted by the vast and stretching miles,
Their bond still lingers, though the distance piles.
In dreams, they'll meet beneath the starry night,
Where memories shall dance and whispers will find a home.

Yet longing grips their souls with silent ache,
For hands not held, for words they cannot make.
But hope, a candle in the darkest night,
Guides them onward, towards the morning light.
And when at last, fate's cruel divide shall mend,
They'll reunite, forever as friends.

Copyright © Arshita's World of Poetry | Year Posted 2024

Details | Arshita Pandey Poem


In every beginning, there's a spark,
A tiny flame that lights the dark.
It's in the word "start", where we find,
The hidden meanings of the mind.
S is for the spark inside your soul,
The tiny flame that makes you whole.
It's the passion, the drive, the energy bright,
That guides you through darkness, towards the light.
T is for the time to take a chance,
To step forward and join the dance.
It's about seizing the moment and seizing the day,
And never letting opportunities slip away.
A is for ambition, aim, and aspire,
To dream big and reach higher and higher.
It's the fuel that propels you to soar,
To explore new horizons and open every door.

R is for resilience, to rise when you fall,
To stand tall, despite it all.
It's the strength to keep going, no matter the test,
To turn obstacles into opportunities, for the best.

And finally, the last letter, T,
Is for the triumphs that you'll see.
For every start leads to a journey anew,
Filled with possibilities, waiting for you.
So, embrace the start, seize the day,
Let passion guide you on your way.
With every step, let’s play our part,
For in every beginning, lies the power to start.

Copyright © Arshita's World of Poetry | Year Posted 2024

Details | Arshita Pandey Poem

Difficult Roads

Difficult roads twist and turn,
Like a river wandering through valleys,
Each bend is a challenge, each obstacle is a test.

But in the struggle, beauty awaits,
Hidden like a gem in the rough,
Patiently waiting to be found.

Through the darkness, there is light,
Through the storm, there is calm,
And through the pain, there is growth.

For every uphill battle leads to a peak,
Every tear shed waters the seed of hope,
And every scar tells a story of strength.

So, keep pressing on, weary traveler,
For beyond the hardships lies
A destination of unmatched beauty.

Copyright © Arshita's World of Poetry | Year Posted 2024

Book: Shattered Sighs