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Best Poems Written by Jeff Evans

Below are the all-time best Jeff Evans poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Snap of the past forgotten

Snap of The Past Forgotten
A fragile snapshot trapped in time,
A smile etched deep within my mind,
One moment captured, yet so profound,
An image shared, yet now all alone.
As memories fade like morning dew, 
What once seemed clear becomes a blur,
And through we yearn for those golden days,
We hold onto love, through it may pass away.
Thus speaks our ode to ephemera,
To moments that vanish without a trace,
A testament to life's true essence,
Embracing fleeting beauty, never to cease,
Treasured in the end.

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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Restless Regrets

Restless Regrets
This story unfolds with a young girl in her early years feeling the effects of love, in a quaint little town all rashenalty went out the window when she meet this older man she felt would make her parents so resentful over her choosing him, so she married him out of haist, married and hide out in verdant forest with gentle rolling hills. Spite what her parents thought she stayed with him, not long after being married she realized he's not the man she thought started controlling her and brutally abusing her!
Just when she thought she may get away, more tragedies struck as her parents had died in a accident she had no where to go but back to him? Scared she returned, she know started to reflect the choices she made? With a heavy heart and lose of her parents she must navigate through these very dirty murky waters she stired up, searching for redemption amidst her despair. But alas, it seems like the weight of her regret has become insurmountable, overshadowing any sliver of hope that may have once existed. Despite her determination to break free from this destructive cycle, she finds herself still trapped within the confines of her own reality- unable to escape the fear that grips her heart and paralyzes her soul, And so, with tears streaming down her face, she seems solace in memories of happier days, reminiscing about the warmth of her mother's embrace and the sound of her father's laughter echoing through the halls of their home. Amidst the chaos of her inner turmoil, our protagonist grapples with the question that weighs heavily upon her heart: How could she ever leave her past behind? It's a challenge that tests her resolve, forcing her to confront the very core of who she is and what she values most. It's a quest that demands courage and vulnerability, pushing her to reevaluate the meaning of love and sacrifice in the pursuit of happiness. As she stands at the precipice of this monumental decision, our heroine must summon the strength and bravery required to forge ahead on this uncertain path. For she knows that true change requires not just physical action but also a deep internal transformation- a shedding of old skin, a rebirth of sorts.Indeed, finding love again least likely of places escaping her past is a must. The time has come for her to take a leap of faith- trusting her heart and to believe in herself and worthiness of happiness once more. She finds full fulfilment and happiness in a family of her own a daughter with new man she loves, leaving her past behind. And thus, our heroine embraces the possibility of a brighter future, forging connection with those who truly see her and appreciate her for who she is what she's been through, in the arms of her newfound love, she experienced a sence of safety and belonging that she hasn't felt in years. No longer shackled by the chains of her past, heroine dances gracefully into the Twilight of her life, cherishing every moment spent with her newfound beginning. 
The end

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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Two Doves

Two Doves
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, lived two childhood sweethearts named Aiden and Adeline. Despite growing apart due to societal expectations and familial obligations, they couldn't shake the feelings that their hearts belonged together. As fare would have it, Destiny intervened, bringing them back together during the grand festival celebratting the arrival of spring. The entire kingdom gathered to enjoy music, dance, food and laughter. Amidst the revelry, Aiden and Adeline found themselves drawn irresistibly towards each other again.Their reunion sparked an immediate connection, igniting a flame of passion within them that burned brighter than any star in the sky. They danced under the moonlight until hours turned into days, losing track of time entirely consumed by each other's presence. As night fell, Aiden took Adeline's hand, leading her away from the bustling crowd and into a secluded grove hidden within the castle gardens. There surrounded by lush foliage and fragrant blooms, he pulled her close and gazed deeply into her eyes. Their tender embrace lingered as their lips met a passionate kiss, dealing their bond forevermore. In that moment, both knew without doubt that they were meant to be together, nothing could ever tear them apart again. From that point onwards, Aiden and Adeline never parted, working tirelessly alongside each other to built a future of unparalleled joy and happyiness. Tragically, as winter approached, dark clouds loomed over their previously idyllic union. Aiden received news that his father had fallen ill, demanding his immediate return home to tend to his family business. Reluctantly, Aiden bid farewell to Adeline, promising to return soon. However, tragedy struck when word reached Adeline that Aiden had perished tragically during a trip home. Grief-stricken, she retreated from society, vowed never to let go of her beloved's memory. Devastated by this loss, Adeline sought solace in the very grove where they had shared their last dance together. Wrapped in sorrow, yearning for just one more moment with her true love. Amidst the quiet stillness of the night, a noise behind her startled her, something she didn't exspect, miraculously Aiden himself appeared before her. His expression radiated warmth and compassion, revealing to Adeline that he had in fact survived his journey home. Overwhelmed with joy and disbelief, Adeline threw herself into Aiden's arms, whispering fervent prayers of gratitude. Aiden explained how miscommunication led to the heartbreaking ruler of his death, causing him immense pain at being unable to reach her sooner. In that moment, all the darkness lifted from Adeline's heart, replaced by an overwhelming sence of relief and gratitude.Their love, thought lost forever, had triumphed against all odds. Embracing one another tightly, they vowed never to let anything separate them again..

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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oceans Deep With Love

Oceans Deep With Love
A sharks love poem, like a deep dive into the ocean, my love for you is like the ocean floor, it's dark and full of mysteries, but beware, just like the ocean my love can be dangerous, are you ready to take the plunge? Then be ready to dive right in for a love that is unpredictable and wild as the ocean waves, hold onto my fines, once we swim in these waters there's no going back, we will make waves with power of or love, my fines will scare any enemy that tries to ripe you from me, your grasp it so strong holding onto my fine, your eyes look scared we enter in darkest of waters and caves of life? Unshore of what's at the opening on other side? The darkness swallows us your scared with fear but now I am there to protect you, we begin to see strange lights, lights from strange creature's and fish? But it brings hope that darkness will not fully take us, the light is always in front of us? I swim harder through the end of the cave, the coral reefs as they shred my skin off my side's to get to the light we see in front? Your eyes light up wondering if love is truly this beautiful in the end, and to feel the warmth of the water flowing through my large gills making you feel protected being so close to me, life couldn't be more beautiful of the site ahead of us, we crash through the end of the cave, back into open water's, a calm came into your heart, a relief of its over, you let go and drift in front of me looking into my dark black eyes, seeing the scares from the adventure that lead us here to the end, love conquering all we made it!! (Oceans Deep With Love)

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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Sands of Time

Sands of Time
As I stand withstanding the blistering sand that beats my back and stings my eyes I have no choice but to deal with life on how it's dealt to me, some of the good and bad choices along the way, the sands buries my feet to the point I almost can't move them? I could continue to stand here and be buried alive by the bad choices I've made, or could choose to block the sand that blast in my face and move forward, time is always against me? The sand is always there to remind me that life Is such a cruel journey we each must travel each have to take? How you deal with the challenges are also comes with the journey, life is improved on how you shield yourself from this reality of what next to do with each step forward from the footprints in sands behind you? Withstanding the sands of time is one of the hardest lessons to learn, sometime or another you will eventually reach the waters you seek to wash the sands from your eyes and body just to feel relief and weight of it all wash from shoulders and see a life witch you have made in front of you and feel proud of distance you've traveled! Not fallen to your face and disappeared under this sand of life that tries to pull you under, when you let up of the changes around you, it tries to beat you to your last breath?! Be proud that you made it this far! Defeat the Sands of Time!!

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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Elf and the Drawf

Elf and the Dwarf
In the heat of battle, amidst the clash of steel and the scent of blood, they found each other. Their gazes locked, and in that moment, all else fell away. The Elf's ethereal beauty captured the Dwarfs rugged heart, and he fought with renewed vigor, his eyes ever-fixed on her. Their love blossomed like a rare flower amidst the chaos, a beacon of hope in the darkness. And through they fought on, their spirits entwined, a reminder that even in the midst of conflict, there can be peace in the heart. As the dust settled and the battle ended, they stood together, a symbol of unity amidst division. Their love was a bridge between their warring worlds, a testament to the power of compassion and understanding. Through their paths may lead them down separate roads, they know that their hearts will remain entwined, bound together by the unbreakable chain of there love...!

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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Devil Clocked Angel

Devil Clocked Angel
In the midst of fire and brimstone, stands an angel dressed in white, Her beauty beyond compare as a mask hidding her true self, she leaves nothing to chance. With eyes that sparkle like diamonds, yet cold as ice, She waltzes through life, spreading sweet lies. 
In whispers soft and subtle, she sways their minds, 
Leaving them enthralled, as love and trust intertwined.
A soul trapped in a web of its own making, 
Behind those eyes a darkness dwelling,
A hunger to destroy that witch tries to love her.
No longer able to deceive, she finds herself in precipice of staring into the abyss she created.
The reflection staring back at her reveals the monster she truly is.
Her once pristine wings now tainted with sin, she falls from from grace, 
Plummeting towards certain fate.
She becomes nothing more than a specter haunting the underworld, a reminder of the price of hubris ambitions.

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast
In twilight shadows, where moonlight fades,
A maiden fair, with eyes so bright,
Did dwell within a castle tall and white,
Her hair was pure, her spirit free,
But destiny had planned a different fate for thee,
For deep within the forest dark and cold,
Lived a beast most foul, with heart turned old,
His roar echoed through the silent night,
As he searched for beauty's sweet delight,
One fateful eve, their paths did cross,
And through they differed, love took its toll,
The maiden brave, did melt his icy soul,
And with a kiss, their hearts did take control,
Thus began a tale of true love's might...

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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A Summer Flower

Bellis Perennis Summer Flower

Of the sun-kissed fields and lazy day, 

Summer's gentle touch awakens you, a delicate bloom from earthy slumber, soft petals unfurling, revealing colors bright and bold as the sky itself. You sway gently in the breeze, a dance of life, drinking in the warmth and nourishment that systains you, thriving under the watchful gaze of the radiant sun. Your beauty captivates all who lay eyes upon you, a fleeting marval that blooms briefly, then fades away, leaving behind only memories of summertime's sweetness and the scent of your lingering perfume. Oh, Summer Flower, how you embody the essence of fleeting beauty and the impermance of life, yet your brief reign inspires us to cherish every moment, to appreciate the simple pleasures, and to remember that even the smallest things can bring great joy.

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024

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Midst of the Chaos

Midst of Chaos
In the midst of chaos, there is beauty to be found. Just look for the stars that shine through the darkness, the flowers that bloom despite the storm, and the love that persists even in the midst of turmoil. Let us embrace the darkness and let it guide us towards the light.Together, we shall find strength in adversity, hope in despair, and love in the midst of chaos. In times of uncertainty, when all seems lost, remember that love transcends boundaries and reaches even the depths of despair. Even in the darkest hour, the tiniest spark of love holds immense power to illuminate the path forward. Let it guide us through the darkness. In this world of endless possibilities and boundless opportunities, we often find ourselves at crossroads- forced to make difficult decisions that shape our destiny. Embrace the darkness and let it guide us towards the light.

Copyright © Jeff Evans | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things