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Best Poems Written by Amanda Payne

Below are the all-time best Amanda Payne poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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In the quiet of the night, she waits alone,
Her heart aching, longing for his tone.
Beside her lies an empty space,
A void she yearns him to embrace.

With each passing hour, she feels the sting,
Of loneliness that only love can bring.
For in his arms, she finds her solace,
Yet his affection seems a distant promise.

She longs for more than fleeting desire,
A love that burns with a lasting fire.
But time and time again, she's left to crave,
His presence, his touch, his love to save.

She dreams of moments shared in bliss,
A tender kiss, a gentle caress.
But when daylight fades and darkness falls,
She finds herself within lonely walls.

Her heart whispers secrets left unsaid,
Of dreams deferred and tears she's shed.
For she knows deep down within her soul,
That love should be more than a fleeting stroll.

She yearns for his attention, his care,
Not just when lust fills the air.
But in the quiet moments of the day,
When life's demands have faded away.

She writes him letters filled with longing,
Hoping he'll hear her silent song.
But still, she waits in silent despair,
For his love to show that he truly cares.

Yet through it all, her love remains,
A flame that burns despite the pains.
For in her heart, she knows it's true,
Her love for him will always renew.

So she waits with patience, though it's hard,
For a love that's more than just a shard.
And in her prayers, she holds on tight,
To hope that love will win the fight.

For she's a girl desperate for his affection,
Tired of being left alone in reflection.
Yearning for a love that's pure and true,
A love that lasts a lifetime through.

So to her husband, she sends this plea,
To see her heart and set her free.
For she longs for more than just his touch,
She longs for a love that means so much.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

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Why create me

She screams at the heavens, her voice a plea,
In anguish and despair, on bended knee.

"Why create me," she wails, "for endless pain,
For 45 years, suffering's been my bane!"

"You know all, they say, every path I'll take,
Yet my life's a tragedy, a cruel mistake."

"Where were you," she cries, "when my father's wrath,
Tore apart our home, in a merciless path?"

"Where were you," she sobs, "when innocence was lost,
To predators lurking, at an unfathomable cost?"

"And where were you," she whispers, "when my daughter's last breath,
Left my heart shattered, in the cold grip of death?"

"I'm tired," she gasps, "my mind in disarray,
From the scars of suffering that won't fade away."

"And where will you be," she pleads, "when I face my last breath,
Will you finally answer, or embrace my death?"

"You should have taken me," she laments, "before the torment began,
Before the agony consumed me, before I ran."

But the heavens remain silent, no voice to reply,
Leaving her alone, beneath the unforgiving sky.

In the void of her despair, no solace is found,
Just the echoes of her screams, haunting all around.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

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A tarnished soul

Here's a story poem about a girl's tragic descent, imbued with dark imagery:
A Broken Doll's Lament
Tiny fingers, a gap in the wood, a scene etched in fright,
A scream ripped from silence, shattering the night.
Mother, a porcelain doll, crumpled on the floor,
His rage, a monstrous storm, at her fragile core.
Mother vanished like moonlight, a teardrop's salty trace,
Leaving an emptiness echoing, a hollow, haunted space.
His eyes, once distant, flickered with a hunger obscene,
A twisted possession, where warmth had once been.
Hands that should've held comfort, turned cold and unclean,
A childhood stolen, innocence shattered, a heart unseen.
His "friends," like leering shadows, joined the wicked play,
Whispered threats and stolen touches, taking purity away.
Teenage Gloom's Embrace
Teenage years, a wasteland, beneath a weeping sky,
His relentless tirade, a storm that wouldn't die.
"Unworthy, a burden," a drumbeat in my head,
Mirrored rejection, every hopeful whisper bled.
Social circles, a mirage, shimmering just out of reach,
His grip on my spirit, a prison beyond breach.
Isolation's cold touch, a comfort I embraced,
The world a cruel reflection, his darkness interlaced.
Love's Thorns
Years bled into one another, a bleak and endless night,
Yearning for connection, a flicker of fading light.
Men became predators, shadows of his scorn,
Love, a twisted bargain, leaving me forever torn.
Seeking solace in strangers, fleeting moments of touch,
My body, a currency, loved not so much, not enough.
Daddy issues, a barbed wire fence I couldn't flee,
Anxiety's cold sweat, a constant memory.
The Unraveling
The world, a tapestry woven in shades of despair,
No hope to chase the shadows, no solace to share.
Self-hatred, a constant echo, a relentless refrain,
A suffocating darkness, a soul shackled by pain.
His cruelty's echoes, a haunting, venomous song,
No escape from the shadows, where I truly belong.
Deeper into the abyss, I plummeted unseen,
No chance of redemption, a shattered, barren scene.
The Final Curtain
The world spun, a kaleidoscope of fragmented despair,
No strength to fight the demons, no burdens left to bear.
In the silence, a decision, dark and final it seemed,
A final, desperate whisper, a secret forever dreamed.
This fractured symphony ends, the curtain falls at last,
No melody of solace, a haunting from the past.
A tarnished soul, a victim, a girl lost in the night,
Consumed by the darkness, with no chance to take flight.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

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In the depths of her despair, she's confined,
A solitary figure, lost in her mind,
Engulfed by shadows, no end in sight,
She battles demons in the darkest night.

Her thoughts, like poison, eat away,
Condemning her to an endless fray,
Self-hate consumes her, a relentless tide,
Loneliness her only ally by her side.

Each day a struggle, a silent scream,
Her existence torn at the seam,
No respite from the agony within,
As she drowns in the void of her own sin.

She pushes away any flicker of light,
Embracing the darkness with all her might,
No escape from the tormenting blight,
A prisoner of her own self-inflicted plight.

Her dreams, once bright, now fade to black,
As despair tightens its suffocating sack,
No hope to cling to, no solace near,
Just the echo of her deepest fear.

In solitude, she finds her wretched rest,
Her fractured soul put to the test,
A puppet to her own twisted mind,
Lost in the abyss, no salvation to find.

She longs for oblivion, an end to the pain,
But the void within her continues to reign,
A barren wasteland, devoid of light,
Where her spirit withers, consumed by night.

Though she may falter, and stumble in dismay,
There's no redemption, no light of day,
For she's damned to wander in eternal strife,
Trapped in the labyrinth of her own life.

So let her suffer in silence profound,
In the depths of despair, where she's bound,
For in her world, there is no reprieve,
Just the darkness, where she's doomed to grieve.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

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My entire life I've been drowning in a darkness
As a little girl I begged to be loved: Nothing  more nothing less
I kept telling myself it will be better when I am grown
But those demons stayed with me never leaving me alone
I stay exhausted from this struggle with in me
Fighting to hide all the pain, the fear,  and the anxiety
Living on self hate
Music is my only escape
Reclusive and withdrawn
It's just safer to be alone
Trying to learn to love myself
Tired of pretending to be someone else
The demons won't allow me to heal
After 42 years they have me drowning still
Sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear
Tears roll down my face at the words I hear
I fall to my knees crying out please let go of me
I beg the demons I scream at God just let me be
They are unwilling or I'm undeserving I guess
So the demons keep me down in this darkness
Living on self hate
Music  is my only escape
Reclusive and withdrawn
It's just safer to be alone
Trying to learn to love myself
Tired of pretending to be someone else
The demons won't allow me to heal
After 42 years they have me drowning still
Hours later I'm up off the floor wiping away my tears
Staring in the mirror pushing down all the pain and fears
Hiding it all I  Put on my makeup and I walk out the door
So no one will be able to tell I was just curled up crying  on the floor
Friends and family are clueless of the war with in
They've never been on this battlefield and don't understand
Living on self hate
Music is my only escape
Reclusive and withdrawn
It's just safer to be alone
Trying to learn to love myself
Tired of pretending to be someone else
The demons won't allow me to heal
After 42 years they have me drowning still

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

Details | Amanda Payne Poem

I am you, you are me

In the shadows deep, where demons roam,
A voice whispers, echoing in the dome.
"No matter what logic dictates, I'm here to say,
I am you, you are me, together we.

In the darkest recesses of your mind,
I dwell, a reminder of the ties that bind.
Together, we form a twisted 'we',
Killing me will also kill you, you can never flee.

I feed on doubt, on insecurities,
Fueling the flames of our impurities.
A cruel laugh echoes in the silent night,
As I remind you of your endless plight.

You deserved the pain, the abuse so cruel,
The suffering you endure, the endless duel.
In the depths of despair, I hold my reign,
For you will never win this fight, in vain.

You are worthless, impure, tainted deep,
Forever tormented, in your restless sleep.
I am the darkness, the voice within,
Feeding on your doubts, your every

But listen closely, hear the faintest sound,
There' s no glimmer of hope, in the depths profound.
For I am a strength untold,
Blocking all paths to hope, the only hand to hold.

With my every taunt, and every jeer,
You know that I am way stronger than you fear.
You have no power to break free,
From the shackles that bind, from the misery.

Can' t reject my whispers, my cruel refrain,
For in your heart I will always reign.
You will be defined by the pain
Never worthy of love, of joy, of acclaim.

So try to stand tall, in the face of night,
Embrace my darkness, never seeing the light.
For within you lies a strength so true,
Which is me because I am you.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

Details | Amanda Payne Poem

Mirror's War

In the weeping crack of dawn, a battleground unfurls,
Reflected in the mirror’s gaze, a storm behind two girls
One, a wisp of tattered light, eyes shimmering with tears
The other, a vicious shadow, barbed smile and pointed sneers
“Look at you,” the darkness rasps, a serpent’s forked tongue
“Fragile, broken, always failing, where do you even belong?”
The light whispers, soft and frail, “We’re stronger than you see,
Remember the sunrise after storms, the hope that sets us free
The darkness scoffs, a cruel laugh that chills you to the bone
“Hope? A fleeting fancy, child, meant to leave you all alone
They’ll leave, they always do, like whispers on the breeze
Then you’ll be left with nothing, drowning in your miseries
The light, a flickering candle, pleads, “Don’t listen to her lies
The warmth of love surrounds you, even in veiled disguise
See the sunrise peek, a promise whispered new,
A chance to rise from darkness, and paint the world anew
The darkness snarls, a hungry beast, “Love? A childish dream
A fleeting ember soon to fade, a mocking, cruel scheme
They’ll use you, twist you, discard you when you’re spent
Left with hollow echoes, a life forever bent.”
The light, a teardrop on the pane, replies with trembling breath
“Love’s a fragile blossom, yes, but strong enough for death
It’s in the gentle hand that holds you when you weep,
The whispered word of comfort, a promise you can keep
The darkness rolls its eyes, a venomous display,
“Comfort? A fleeting truce, until they cast you away.
They’ll see your scars, your cracks, the depths of your despair,
And run in fear, abandoning you to the monsters lurking there.
The light, a fractured moonbeam, murmurs through the strife
“We can mend the broken pieces, rebuild a stronger life.
With every tear that falls, we learn to face the fight,
And with each sunrise, hope rekindles, a beacon burning bright.”
The darkness throws its head back, a chilling, hollow peal,
“Hope? A twisted mockery, a story hearts reveal,
A sugar-coated lie to mask the bitter truth,
That you are worthless, broken, destined for endless ruth.”
The light, a fading star, whispers with its last might,
“We may be scarred, yes, but we can still take flight.
With every shaky breath, we rise above the fray,
And in the face of darkness, choose to find a way.”
The battle rages on, a tempest in the soul,
Light and dark entwined, their fates yet to unfold.
Who will claim dominion, in the mirror’s cold embrace?
Only time will tell, in this war without a face.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

Details | Amanda Payne Poem

Bound By Desire

In the depths of desire, I surrender to you,
My body, my soul, in everything I do.
Your dominance, a flame that ignites,
In the dance of pleasure, we reach new heights.

Submissive wife, to your every command,
In the realm of passion, we both understand.
Bound by desire, in the heat of the night,
Lost in the ecstasy, of our love's sweet flight.

Your touch, a fire that consumes my soul,
In your embrace, I lose control.
Submitting to you, I find my release,
In the whispers of pleasure, my worries cease.

Submissive wife, to your every command,
In the realm of passion, we both understand.
Bound by desire, in the heat of the night,
Lost in the ecstasy, of our love's sweet flight.

In the intimacy of our embrace,
We find solace, in each other's grace.
Your dominance, a gift I cherish dear,
In your arms, there's nothing to fear.

Submissive wife, to your every command,
In the realm of passion, we both understand.
Bound by desire, in the heat of the night,
Lost in the ecstasy, of our love's sweet flight.

So take me now, and claim what's yours,
In the realm of passion, our love endures.
Submissive wife, to your dominant reign,
In our love's embrace, we'll forever remain.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

Details | Amanda Payne Poem


In the shadows of his presence, I stand,
A mere silhouette in his commanding hand.
His voice, a symphony of authority,
Conducting the movements of my reality.

In the tapestry of his desire, I'm woven tight,
Bound by threads of passion, dark as night.
His gaze, a tempest in my soul,
A whirlwind of dominance, I can't control.

His touch, a wildfire upon my skin,
Igniting every nerve, from deep within.
I tremble, beneath his potent sway,
Lost in the tumult of his dominant play.

His words, a spell that I'm unable to break,
Echoing through me, every move I make.
I'm his canvas, painted with submission,
Every stroke, a testament to his ambition.

In the fortress of his arms, I find my rest,
Safe and secure, within his conquest.
He is my king, and I his loyal subject,
In his dominance, I find my perfect object.

Yet, in the quiet of the night, I wonder,
Am I but a pawn, in his game of plunder?
Or do I hold the power, hidden deep inside,
To break free from the chains of my own pride?

But then his presence, like a storm, draws near,
And I'm consumed by the intoxicating fear.
For in his dominance, I find my release,
And in his embrace, I find my peace.

So let me be dominated by his love,
Bound by the chains, as stars above.
For in his dominance, I find my strength,
And in his embrace, I'll go to any length.

So I'll surrender willingly, to his command,
For in his dominance, I'll always stand.
A willing captive, to his every whim,
For in his love, my soul finds its hymn.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024

Details | Amanda Payne Poem

A solitary figure

In the dimly lit corners of her existence,
She lingered, a ghost in the midst of persistence.
From the womb, she was marked, a black sheep born,
Destined to wander, forsaken and torn.

In childhood's tender grasp, she stood apart,
A shadow in the daylight, a whisper in the heart.
Rejected by kin, a stranger within her home,
She bore the burden of isolation, forced to roam.

Schoolyard taunts echoed in her ears,
A symphony of cruelty, a chorus of fears.
Alone on the playground, she watched from afar,
As laughter and friendship danced like stars.

Adulthood beckoned with its false allure,
But for her, it was a prison, cold and obscure.
A window she peered from, a silent observer,
Yearning for connection, a hunger to be heard.

Social gatherings became her battleground,
A masquerade of smiles, a battleground unfound.
Behind closed doors, she drowned in despair,
A solitary figure, lost in her own nightmare.

Self-hate grew like a cancer in her soul,
Eating away at her, devouring her whole.
Every mirror reflected her deepest shame,
A constant reminder of her relentless pain.

Middle age found her weary and worn,
With no one to turn to, no solace to mourn.
She pushed them all away, one by one,
Cancelled visits, excuses spun.

Alone in her silence, she faced the truth,
That life was a lie, a cruel sleuth.
"Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives,"
The phrase echoed in her mind, a truth she relives.

Darkness enveloped her, a shroud of despair,
No light in sight, no solace to repair.
Anxiety gripped her like a vice,
Squeezing the life out of her, a cold sacrifice.

No hope in sight, no end in sight,
Just endless suffering, an eternal night.
She embraced the darkness, welcomed its embrace,
For in its cold arms, she found her place.

So let her story be a warning to all,
Of the dangers of isolation, the depths of the fall.
For in the end, we are all alone,
Lost in the darkness, forever unknown.

Copyright © Amanda Payne | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things