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Best Poems Written by Socky Xxx

Below are the all-time best Socky Xxx poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I’m a fool

Impatiently I wait, can't you feel my ache?
Dragging on, this longing’s a heavy weight.
Do you mock me, think me a clown?
A jester's jest, just to keep you crowned?
Looking down from your throne so high,
Leading me on with a teasing sigh.
Knowing I'm here, a pawn in your game,
Yet still, foolishly, I remain the same,
Stuck in place, waiting for the King’s move.

Silly, hopeless, little me,
My play’s invisible to your eyes,
But my foolery is evident for everyone to see,
Waiting, hoping, yearning to be,
Noticed by you, my king, please let me be…

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

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I’m not enough

Tell me why my first instinct is to reminisce,
To stare at photos filled with memories of bliss.
Each scroll weighs heavy, burdened by truth,
Moments captured, now lost in youth.

I wonder where I fell short?
I thought you liked the way I tasted,
The way I called out your name?
You said my smile was your uttermost favorite,
So I tried to be the happiest girl I could be.
It’s a shame how long this love story lasted,
Because I thought you were going to be my forever home,
Echoes of affection, now seemingly alone.

I was once treasured, but now I’m merely a choice,
A name to summon when bored, just a lost voice.
A love unreturned, a heart in pain,
I’m just a girl with love so true,
I don’t understand…? 
why doesn't that seem enough for you?

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

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I'm not quintessence

At the end of the day,
I pour my soul into these words, they say,
These scars, they tell stories of my past,
But they don't define me, they won't last. 

It's been a journey, finding joy amidst the pain,
Learning to dance in the sunshine, not just in the rain. 
Yet lately, shadows loom, threatening to pull me down, 
But I've learnt to fight back, 
I’m trying my hardest to not lose track,
Because at the end of the day, 
I’m stronger than the shadows I cast. 

My mind, a fortress of defence, shields me from the storm, 
An instinct to protect, to keep myself warm. 
I drown out the noise, burying emotions deep, 
But even the deepest waters, eventually, they seep.

Like an artist facing an overwhelming canvas, 
I tackle life's challenges, sometimes feeling ransacked. 
Each stroke, each colour, adds to the fray, 
Until the canvas is full, and I'm left to survey. 

I ponder the strokes, the choices I've made, 
Could I have done it differently, could I have swayed? 
The cycle begins, the thoughts swirling in my head, 
A maze of overthinking, a path I often tread. 

But just as the canvas fills, so too does my mind, 
And I find myself in the blankness, a refuge to unwind. 
For in the silence, in the stillness, there's a peace,
A reminder that in this cycle, there's release.

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

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I’m a hypocrite

I met a boy who was willing to give me his all,
He was ready to rip his own heart out for me, 
But mine was too busy beating for you.
I thought this was a chance to move on from the tight grasp you have of me,
A way to let go of this choking toxicity.

I met this boy who said I was his everything,
But everything he says leads back to you.
I’m in a cycle of repetition, a relentless déjà vu,
I’m caught in a loop, unable to break through.
Break away from you.

What spell did you cast? What hold did you weave?
Binding my soul to yours, refusing to leave?
He dreams to wrap a ring around my finger,
But Im still wrapped around yours.

Oh boy, I’m sorry I can’t evoke the same feelings as you.
I’m trapped with my own.
I understand how you feel,
And I wish I didn’t.
It's suffocating, this dance of contradiction,
And I am a hypocrite…

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

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I’m your genesis

In the tangled web of my thoughts, you’re stuck,
A plague that both torments and comforts.
I've heard whispers of your newfound flame,
Yet I ponder how long that flame will endure.
For I know, like clockwork, you'll return,
Cause after all, it’s our twisted dance, our familiar tune.

You lack commitment,
You’re unworthy of a love that fails to fathom you as I do.
I see through your layers, your every facet,
In and out, I comprehend your essence.
And I sense your weariness, your cyclic journey,
Repeating patterns, chasing echoes of us.
No one understands you like I do.

You may roam, seek another’s embrace,
But in their arms, you'll find traces of me.
For remember, I'm your genesis, your first in everything.
I am your teacher.
Don't let fleeting boredom cloud our bond,
You're my addiction, as I am yours,
So come back, my love, once more.
For in the end, we're entwined souls,
Lets keep dancing,
Let’s sway in the rhythm of our toxic grace.

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

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I'm a bastard

Sometimes, I don't recognize the face I see, 

Haunted by the echoes of who I used to be. 

Influences, reflections, blood ties that bind, 

Leave me feeling lost, leaving scars behind. 

Ashamed of the shadows that linger in my past, 

A burden I carry, heavy and vast. 

Memories like ghosts, trailing in my wake, 

This shxt buries me down, can't you hear the heart break? 

Can’t you hear it? it's not a quiet sound, 

I’ve been so lost, still have fragments which haven't been found. 

I want to beg forgiveness for the things I've said and done, 

For the thoughts that plague me, one by one. 

I'm sorry for being who I am, for the mistakes I've made, 

I’m a bastard, but that's a fate I can’t change. 

And placing blame won't change the course already laid. 


It's time to take ownership, to embrace my truth, 

To let go of the burdens, to break free from the noose. 

I must learn to accept myself, flaws and all, 

To stand tall, to rise after the fall. 

But there's a voice, a whisper, poisoning my mind, 

A legacy of pain, cruel and unkind. 

You, the one who should've nurtured, who should've cared, 

Instead, you left scars that cannot be repaired. 

You’re not worthy of the title, Mother, 

And I am the victimised daughter. 

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

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I’m grateful for my friends

Their smiles, a treasure beyond measure,
And I’m grateful to be the source of their pleasure.
A comfort in their times of need,
Just to see their beautiful smiles, my heart likes to feed.

I’m not one for overt displays, 
Inconveniently, my affection, I like to hide,
But know, dear friends, l’ll always be by your side.
Your presence alone makes me so happy,
And there isn’t a moment that’s not lovely,
Gratitude overflowing, you guys mean the world to me

,Your socky…

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

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I’m yours to come back to

You know, it's like a drug, this thing we share,
When you claim me, mark me, you make it clear.
And I can’t wait for the next time we meet,
To feel your touch and lips so sweet.

Your hair, so soft, beneath my hand,
Skin to skin, it's where we stand.
Just holding you close, holding on tight,
In those moments, everything's right.

No one else compares, no one else does it like you,
No one else has seen me in the way that you do.
You're the one I turn to, the one I choose,
Because in your arms, I've got nothing to lose.

I've tried to move on, to find someone new,
But I always find my way back to you.
I've got the looks, the charm, the appeal,
But my heart's been taken by you, that's the deal.
And I know I’m not getting it back.

So I'll keep coming back to where I belong,
With you, my boy, where our love feels strong.
No one else will ever do,
Because, darling, I'm all in for you.

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

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I’m hungry

In a time where innocence should reign,
This little girl faced trials, her heart in pain.
Her upbringing, not necessarily the worst, I’d say,
But love and stability seemed far far away.

Naive to the world, she sought to play,
But she was forced to grow, her childhood held at bay.
Beware the snakes, tall grass obscures your sight,
She was blind to the danger, in her childish plight.

No one was there to tell her to watch her steps.
Her daddy afar in England, her mommy not there,
Her grandma's love, her only solace fair.
Or so the little girl thought.

Manipulation gripped, like thorns upon a rose,
Lies woven deep, where innocence once arose. 
Money’s cruel allure, she was a tree with sweet fruit but false leaves.
Lola was manipulative, controlling the little girls mind to take advantage of her support.

Lies ingrained despite religion being heavily forced upon,
“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour”
But as she picked up the phone, to answer her father’s worried calls,
Out of the little girls mouth, the lies begin to fall:
“Daddy I’m feeling very sick, we need more money please”
A child's plea, a desperate tease.
Deception’s a cruel game, but it’s a price she needed to pay for love.

Let me talk in first person when I express my current feelings.
I really want to know,
Where did my dad’s money truly go?
How was he sending money through to make sure I was fed right?
And I was eating a cup of rice with salt as a side every night?
I would have been lucky is the rice was even cooked.

How was I brought up to think that money was everything?
And my “daddy” didn’t love me because money wasn’t being served in a plate?
I started holding a grudge against everyone.
My mommy for not raising me and my daddy for not being with me.

I started looking up to my lola for she was the only one there to show me that “love”.
Little did I know she was taking that money and giving it to her other children.
Leaving me and my disabled brother alone with stomachs grumbling,
Whilst others got to enjoy my money with drugs and gambling?
Let me tell you now that I was 7 when I had to grow up,
And from then on the trust issues never stopped.

Copyright © Socky xxx | Year Posted 2024

Book: Reflection on the Important Things