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Best Poems Written by Samuel Julius Kargbo

Below are the all-time best Samuel Julius Kargbo poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Cry O Ghana

O child of Mother Africa
The tortoise is still on the road
Realities cannot hold, dreams dying 
Hopes turn to ashes every day
Cry O Ghana, O Ghana

Rich and green Nation
Shame and poverty clothe the people
Electricity is being rationed like 
The meal of a poor man
Cry O Ghana, O Ghana

Welcome to the land of myths
A place where nature used to abound
Now a place of decaying bones
A lovely nation, my Ghana
Cry O Ghana, O Ghana

Heaps of unreached goals
The youth die without their heritage
Homes and families leaking milk
The farm is an old cow
Cry O Ghana, O Ghana

But as the heat of the Sun rages
We continue to press towards the goal
O Runners, a marathon lies ahead
We must run until the end
Or we will never stop crying

With Habakkuk Kargbo (Rabbi)
©?Poem Makers SL (26/04/24)

Copyright © Samuel Julius Kargbo | Year Posted 2024

Details | Samuel Julius Kargbo Poem

Sonnet to the Empty Grave - a Spenserian sonnet

The love of God is a priceless blessing
An affection mightier than fire
Empty grave; the saints, forever singing
To die for me was his greatest desire

Shall I liken Christ to any desire?
The nails and stone couldn't retain my Lord
For my sake, He was caught in the crossfire
To the very end, he upheld His word

Heavy task, His love was the binding chord
Fragile, fragile death, thy sting is over
Torn veil, slashed by the double-edged sword
Hell is vanquished, His throne is forever 

Like a seedling, He sprung up from the grave
O Captain of my life; potent, and brave

With Habakkuk Kargbo (Rabbi)
©?Poem Makers SL (31/03/24)

Copyright © Samuel Julius Kargbo | Year Posted 2024

Details | Samuel Julius Kargbo Poem

A Dirge

(In memory of Uncle Thomas)

Bumpy breeze, like a blasting roar
That day when you did soar without an oar
Twenty-two years of sorrow, too long
For many years, I sang a solemn song
Days of dark, and greedy clouds
These years have been a time of thunderclouds

What went wrong for death to take you away?
Again, this year, your memory will keep us at bay.
Your days were not in vain.
Life ends, life begins; the thrusting train 
Is still on track. Gone from this world
But not from my world

With Habakkuk Kargbo (Rabbi)
©Poem Makers SL (18/03/24)

Copyright © Samuel Julius Kargbo | Year Posted 2024

Details | Samuel Julius Kargbo Poem

Broken Promises

Where did it go wrong?
We made a lot of sweet promises
Weak foundation, broken soul
Endless days of torture and snoring
Now, my life is falling

The day you left I died
Vultures are still feasting on my body
We parted on a golden dawn
What a cruel world we live
I tried but her past couldn’t let her be

Why did this happen to us?
Her face was like the bopping sun
Her smiles were rosy as rosy roses
Never knew her heart was full
Of darkness and tears

Now, there are two people alone 
Every day, I rove alone like a homeless dog
I am a stranger in my body, walking 
Down a silent, ridiculing street
Broken memories

Living in the past can be very catastrophic
Our love has jumped off the cliff
Days of cold, shivering chimes
I wish she could have trusted me more
But her past killed her before we met

With Habakkuk Kargbo (Rabbi)
©?Poem Makers SL (29/03/24)

Copyright © Samuel Julius Kargbo | Year Posted 2024

Details | Samuel Julius Kargbo Poem

Better Pakistan

Tears in my eyes, pain in my heart
The country my forefathers fought for
Lost in the pathetic battle of politics
Bloodshed keeps ascending, dirty politicians
Forgotten land, hopes, and dreams
grow thinner every day. The air tastes like poison
Sectarianism is a virus eating us alive 
The feces of poverty, insecurity, and terrorism

O Pakistan, rise from the forgotten sands
The cords of religion are strangling us
Discrimination is a mountain of birds
Education is a right for all
The unnoticed goodbyes are too much
Burdens of the heart, faded warm embrace
Let the journey begin, a new step of reformation
Our struggles are been stacked like bricks 

Chase the darkness away
One people, one Pakistan
Many good things have been done
A sea of ugly happenings, kill
Time to face the unknown, brave
Let write our take in ink and with fire
We are here, hope breathes like
A burning candle; better Pakistan

With Habakkuk Kargbo (Rabbi)
Poem Makers SL (17/04/24)

Copyright © Samuel Julius Kargbo | Year Posted 2024

Details | Samuel Julius Kargbo Poem


The ancestral savannahs of my people
Are still alive in the unseen horizons
Our grandparents have told us many
Wonderful things about our tribe
Before they arrived, we were here

On the banks of the rivers and streams
We stood and saw their ships
North, south, East and West
Your blood flows in my veins; Only we
Can irrigate the fields without profits 

The sick mentality of favour doing
Need to be hang or put in the electric chair
We are not anyone boys or lessers
Our ancestors were kings, queens, and nobles
There was so much to eat and drink

The blood of our sweat, the sweat of our labor
Elements of stability; Rise Up Africans
Like a corpse, bury the weight of opprobrium
No more trembling, red blemishes
Shine in the middle; go nowhere

Africans, wise, and strong
Young and old; be a stimulating tree
Be part of the newfound springing up Africa
Amid the pale and faded flowers, we rise
Deliberately, and earnestly, we rise

With Habakkuk Kargbo (Rabbi)
©Poem Makers SL (18/04/24)

Copyright © Samuel Julius Kargbo | Year Posted 2024

Details | Samuel Julius Kargbo Poem


Like twins, we share markers of a common history,
Civilization, and knowledge; a call for unity.
The carcasses of slavery and the slave trade
Are lost in the dust. O black water days.
Colonization has been eaten by our sovereignty.

Our flag, we raise high in the sky.
The struggle for the unification of Africa,
The fight for the liberation of the African people;
To live, strive, and thrive like everyone.
There is only one race; the human race.

Our blood is red; cords of conformity.
The African ancestry is a mighty influence.
Black is gold, black is our identity.
Creamy are our lands; green like the sea.
The glory days need to be fetched.

Let us be the storytellers of our people.
A time to use one powerful currency.
Our honour was never lost but stolen.
Africa is a well, Africa is not a cell.
From here, we provide them with all.

Beautiful, dark people, O Africans.
The merchants no longer come by sea.
Stopping making any form of plea.
As equals or no more dealings.
Africa is for Africans; raise your voice.

With Habakkuk Kargbo (Rabbi)
©Poem Makers SL (18/04/24)

Copyright © Samuel Julius Kargbo | Year Posted 2024

Book: Reflection on the Important Things