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Best Poems Written by Dave Harding

Below are the all-time best Dave Harding poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Twilight Romance

In the quiet of twilight's tender embrace,
Our souls entwine, a celestial grace.
Your eyes, twin stars, guide me home,
In this cosmic dance, we're not alone.

Beneath moon-kissed skies, our love unfurls,
A symphony of constellations, stardust swirls.
Your laughter, a melody, sweet and true,
Echoes through time, painting skies anew.

With whispered secrets, our hearts align,
Two constellations, forever intertwined.
Your touch, a sonnet, soft against mine,
Writing verses of passion, love's grand design.

Through seasons and storms, we'll endure,
Our love, a canvas, vibrant and pure.
In this universe we've woven, side by side,
Forevermore, our love shall abide.

Across the vast expanse of time and space,
Our love story etched in every star's embrace.
Hand in hand, we'll chase infinity's glow,
Two souls entwined, forevermore to know.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

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Love Serenade

**Whispers of the Heart**

In the quiet corners of our shared existence,
Where time slows and the world fades away,
I weave these words—a tapestry of affection,
A love poem meant for you, my dearest muse.

**I. First Glance**

Remember that moment when our eyes collided,
A cosmic collision of souls across a crowded room?
Your smile, a sunburst breaking through clouds,
And my heart, a fluttering bird finding its tune.

**II. Conversations Like Constellations**

Our words danced like fireflies in twilight,
Each sentence a star illuminating the night,
We painted galaxies with laughter and secrets,
And etched promises into the fabric of light.

**III. Fingers Intertwined**

Your touch—a soft breeze on a summer day,
Fingers entwined, mapping constellations,
Skin against skin, a language beyond words,
Our love story etched in delicate vibrations.

**IV. Rain-Kissed Moments**

Do you recall that rainy afternoon we shared?
Umbrellas forgotten, we danced in the downpour,
Raindrops kissed our cheeks, laughter echoed,
And love bloomed like wildflowers by the shore.

**V. Moonlit Promises**

Under moon's silver gaze, we made vows,
Promises whispered in the language of stars,
To be each other's shelter in life's tempests,
And to find solace in the quiet spaces between.

**VI. Forever's Horizon**

As seasons waltz and years weave their tale,
Our love remains—an uncharted constellation,
Guiding us through life's vast expanse,
Toward a horizon where eternity awaits.

So let our hearts be the ink, our souls the parchment,
And may this love poem echo through time,
For you are my forever, my sweetest serenade,
In this symphony of moments, our love will climb.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

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Love, Sun and Rainbows

In the golden glow of our shared laughter,
Where sunbeams dance upon dew-kissed grass,
Our love blooms like a wildflower meadow,
Each petal a promise, each breeze a whisper.

Your laughter, a symphony of joy,
Echoes through the corridors of my heart,
And your eyes, twin constellations,
Guide me to shores of endless possibility.

We waltz through sun-kissed afternoons,
Our steps leaving imprints on time's canvas,
As if the universe itself hums our love song,
A melody spun from stardust and serendipity.

Remember the day we chased rainbows,
Hand in hand, hearts skipping like pebbles,
And the way your smile painted the sky,
A vibrant arc of promises fulfilled.

Our love story, etched in moonlit ink,
Unfurls across the pages of destiny,
Each chapter a celebration of us,
A tapestry woven with threads of forever.

So let our love be a sunburst,
A kaleidoscope of shared dreams,
And when the world turns sepia,
Know that you are my forever, my always.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

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In Darkness and Death

In the silent, shadowed halls of night,
Where whispers dance with ghostly light,
Lies the realm where death does tread,
A sovereign land, where all fear to head.

Cloaked in darkness, a figure so still,
Its presence alone, enough to chill.
With bony fingers, cold and sere,
It beckons souls, both far and near.

In its gaze, eternity lies,
A void as deep as starless skies.
It speaks in silence, a language old,
Telling tales of the brave and bold.

Yet, in its wake, a truth profound,
Where life is lost, new life is found.
For in the heart of darkest fears,
Lies the seed of a thousand years.

So fear not the end, the final sleep,
For death is but a door, a leap.
Into the arms of the unknown,
Where seeds of our deeds are sown.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

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The Raven

In the shadowed grove, where moonlight wanes,
A raven perches, feathers inked with midnight stains.
Its eyes, twin orbs of obsidian, hold secrets untold,
As it croaks its mournful tale, a story of old.

The raven, messenger of forgotten lore,
Swoops down from the ebon sky, wings ashore.
Its beak, a dagger honed on sorrow's edge,
Pecks at the remnants of a long-lost pledge.

"Nevermore," it whispers, a haunting refrain,
Echoing through the twisted branches, the rain.
Each feather a memory, etched in pain,
The raven weaves a tapestry of loss and disdain.

It feasts on carrion, feigned indifference its guise,
Yet within its breast, a tempest of longing lies.
For the raven knows the weight of ancient sins,
The burden of forgotten dreams, where darkness begins.

Its caw reverberates through the desolate night,
A dirge for broken hearts, a requiem for flight.
And as the moon retreats, leaving shadows to creep,
The raven takes flight, into the abyss, deep.

So beware the raven's call, its mournful plea,
For it carries the weight of eternity.
In its ebony wings, the echoes of despair,
A creature of twilight, forever bound to the air.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

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Where The Dark Is Deep

In the shadow's embrace, all light does yield,
To the silent whispers that the dark does wield.
A cloak of night, where stars dare not gleam,
Where dreams twist to nightmares, and screams.

Beneath the moon's pale and watchful eye,
Lies a truth too stark, where hopes die.
A realm of echoes, of things lost,
Where frost grips the heart, a bitter frost.

In this abyss, where shadows reign,
The silence roars, a haunting refrain.
A dance with despair, a flirt with dread,
Where the past lingers, and the future's fled.

So tread softly, where the dark is deep,
For in its keep, secrets creep.
A world unseen, yet felt in the soul,
Where the darkest tales, are silently told

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

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Starbust Love

Beneath the tapestry of the celestial sphere,
Where stars whisper secrets for those who hear.
Two souls adrift in the cosmic dance,
Finding each other as if by chance.

In the silence of space, their hearts converse,
With a language beyond the universe.
Each beat a starburst, a radiant flare,
Illuminating love in the cool night air.

Their gazes lock, a constellation formed,
A love so profound, the heavens warmed.
In the starlight's glow, their promises spun,
A tale of affection that outshines the sun.

Together they wander, through galaxies vast,
A bond unbroken, a love to last.
For in the sky's expanse, so infinite and far,
Their union is written, a permanent star.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

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Love’s Whisper

In the quiet hush of the night’s embrace, Where stars ignite and secrets bloom, I pen verses dipped in moonlight, A symphony of longing and tender grace.

Your eyes, twin galaxies of wonder, Hold constellations yet uncharted, And within their depths, I find solace, A celestial map to navigate love’s terrain.

Your laughter, a melody woven by angels, Echoes through the corridors of my heart, Each note a promise of forever, A dance of souls in harmonious art.

Our fingertips brush like whispered secrets, Tracing constellations upon skin, And in that delicate touch, we discover, The universe conspiring for us to begin.

Love, a fragile bloom in the garden of time, Yet resilient as the ancient oak, Rooted deep, it defies storms and seasons, A testament to the magic we invoke.

So let our love be an epic poem, Written across the canvas of existence, In ink of stardust and passion’s fire, A tale whispered by the moon’s persistence.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

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My Love Confession

In the quiet of the night, under the watchful moon's glow,
Two hearts entwined, in the world's gentle flow.
A whisper of affection, a tender, silent plea,
Love unfurling its wings, wild and free.

In the warmth of your gaze, I find my reprieve,
A haven of solace, in which I believe.
Your laughter, a melody, in the air it weaves,
A symphony of joy, that my soul receives.

With every beat of my heart, your name it calls,
Through seasons and time, it never stalls.
In the tapestry of life, our threads intertwine,
A masterpiece of love, eternally thine.

So here in this verse, my feelings I confess,
With you, every moment, is nothing less than bliss.
In the dance of the stars, or the sun's gentle kiss,
It's you, my love, I will always miss.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024

Details | Dave Harding Poem

Moonlit Love

In the quiet of the night, under the gaze of the moon's soft light,
Two hearts entwined, in love's sweet, silent plight.
Whispers of affection, tender and true,
A melody of passion, as old as it is new.

In the warmth of your embrace, I find my solace,
In the depths of your eyes, my fears dissolve, grace.
With every beat of our hearts, a symphony composed,
In the language of love, our souls exposed.

Through seasons and time, our love shall bloom,
Like flowers in spring, dispelling all gloom.
For in this dance of life, with you by my side,
Every moment is cherished, in love we abide.

So here's my vow, my promise to keep,
To love you deeply, as the oceans are deep.
For you are my light, my joy, my crown,
In this beautiful journey, where love is found.

Copyright © Dave Harding | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs