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Best Poems Written by Cat Drinkle

Below are the all-time best Cat Drinkle poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Shadows of Darkness

Many of us have dark shadows that we have seen when walking forwardThey can look very large and luming and very intimidating at timesIt's like those dark shadows are hanging over your shoulders and you walk faster and the footsteps of the dark shadows appear ahead of your own steps even though you have increased your speedIt's as though the dark shadows want to get to wherever you are headed before you doThose dark shadows can be the reason why many become discouraged and afraid or even paralyzed to even take more stepsThese are the dark shadows of the voices and words used by others who kept us in a cage by using those bars of intimidation and threats to seal the door of the cage shutThose dark shadows that plague many people are very difficult to remove and overcomeTo leave the cage of the dark shadows is where the freedom to fly instead of walking is foundRising above the dark shadows and reflecting our inner light that shines from withinTurning up the music in our hearts and drowning out the voices of the dark shadows giving our hearts a new rhythm and a wonderful beat that sends us soaring to the sky far over the dark shadows

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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The Pathfinder

As I searched for the right Path to find the Pathfinder I ended up on some that covered my wheels and windshield with mud 
 This last Path I took to find the Pathfinder was on more solid ground
I stayed on this Path to find the Pathfinder and the rain came down and cleaned my wheels and windshield of the mud from the wrong Paths where I had searched to find the Pathfinder
My vision on the Path to find the Pathfinder became more clear
I had found the right Path to take to find the Pathfinder
and I embrassed what I had found

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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The Verse That God Gave Me

John 3:16
This is the Verse that God gave me when I was just ten years old.In all things in this place we call earth, you will encounter good times as well as bad times.You will have happiness and sad times.It is all part of Gods plan.Everything here on earth has been preordained, God places challenges in our lives but He will help us to get through them.He is an ever present help and He also gives us the assurance and hope through His Word and a hotline called prayer.We need only to look up and within, to feel His presence within our hearts, our hearts were created by Him.When you open up your heart to the Lord you will feel so much weight of this world lifted out.You will feel the presence of The Holy Spirit within.You will feel so much love that it will overwhelm you.There is no Greater Love than this.It takes a lot of courage to place your life into Gods Hands, we as the human race tend to keep our worries to ourselves or into other peoples hands, but that is not the way that God intended for us to handle those burdens.I know that some people can be very helpful, but the Power of The Almighty God is immeasurable.He is the All Powerful One, as we as people tend to think that we can figure everything out, but God has far greater knowledge than mere man, all you have to remember is that He is the God of creation.Life is a journey that we can take seriously or lightly.Some take life very lightly, and I have done that many times and paid the price my poor choices, the choices and the roads we take and make lead us so very far away from god, that sometimes we can think that there is no way back.But I have learned that we have a very forgiving God with a very big and forgiving heart, He knows how difficult life can be and He understands that we as humans will make a lot of mistakes here on earth.It is our choice in what Call we make.Choose wisely and with an honest heart.

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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Landing in The Dream Catchers Mit

He sends me to bases that have stunned many faces, including that of mine.I feel the dream catchers power running through my spine, incresing my faith, to run to next base without stumbling, very humbling.As I strive to reach home base, keeping my vision on the Dream Catchers Mitt.

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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The Story of Lily

This is Lily she is a delicate and beautiful lotus, she is really something to look at.Lily is also very strong, and can withstand the elements.Lily is very well rooted in the pond.She floats with regal majesty, with her petals lifted upwards to embrace the sun that shines through the clouds.Even the occasional boaters stop, looking in amazement, saying to themselves how could something so delicate grow and thrive in an environment that she has grown among.They knew that there were occasional torrential rains and winds that had stormed through the area quite a few times.There were signs that other vegetation had been thrown and tossed in all directions.Even some of the trees had been uprooted and that had been growing just beyond the pond.It was then that the boaters realized just how strong Lily was.That was a big life lesson, sometimes strength does not show on the outside of people or things.The deeper inner strength is not always displayed for eyes to see, you have to look deeper than the surfaceIt is all in the way the roots developed.that is where the real strength is.The strengthand the will to survive anything that comes their way.  

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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Covered in Blue

I have seen many hues of blue, some deeper and darker than others.Some hues of blue were like storm clouds that hang in the sky, threatening and menacing before they dumped their rain that ran through my eyes of blue.Some hues of blue were a light soft blue, like the soft blankets that I had swaddled my babies in.Those hues of blue were so beautiful that i kept those hues of blues in my eyes that had seen other hues of blue.Some hues of blue were like the blues of a tsunami the blue hues of the roaring, rushing ocean that left me gasping for breath and I turned a hue of blue when I saw my light blue hues no longer

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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Through The Window

As I gaze through the window, I see birds jumping and flying from branches on the trees, landing on the overhead wires, swinging back and forth, each with a different song coming from it's throatSome gather in groups and some sing on their own, each with a melody of it's very own.Some are on the ground looking for food ,hoping it's found, as I gaze through the window watching them as they hop around , sometimes pulling a worm from just below the ground as I gaze through the window.It's such a beautiful sight, watching them building their nests, I look through the window, and after a while I see little heads popping just above the carefully woven  twigs, looking through the window I see the birth of new life, I see fresh starts, and through the window, I see future being born and I am thankful for being blessed with my view through the window.Through the window I  see newly budding trees and shrubs, and some new growth coming from the beds, looking through the window I don't know in what direction I want to turn my head.Through the window I see squirrels running along the ground, playing and shaking their tails, going up and down the trees and frolicking around.Through the window I see red ones , black ones and some grey ones to.Through the window sometimes I hear the noise of their sounds and wonder what they are saying as my ears strain to catch the sound, through the window.Through the window I hear the sounds of dogs barking, and can imagine their size by their voices I have found, some are deep and some have a definite squeak, that bothers my ears when they speak.Through the window I see rabbits running like little daredevils crossing the street, I always pray that no tires they will meet, as they run along kicking up the heels of their feet.Through the window I see dogs walking their people, dragging them down the sidewalk, towards other people.Through the window time passes by.Looking through the window I sometimes sigh, and looking through the window I sometimes cry.

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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Searching for The Heart of The Pathfinder

As I search for the heart of the pathfinder my heart is breaking,  and its racing keeps me pacing, there is no way to stop my shaking.The heart of the pathfinder has not been beating in my ears for some years, I think about this as I try to wipe away my unstoppable tears.I lay awake and wonder, and ponder and I worry about the pathfinders heart, has the pathfinders Heart really gone to glory, or is that just a story.I wonder where to look next to find the beat of The Pathfinders heart, I ponder in my heart as my mind turns, running it's wheels through my memories of  the years that I heard the beat of the Pathfinders heart in my earsI have searched records, but there is no song.Nothing has the beat of the pathfinders heart, or his lyrics.No answers to my questions, only with misleading replies as I search for the pathfinders heart I cry.They said that the pathfinders heart did no longer beat, but the pathfinders heart calls to meI love the pathfinders heart and the pathfinders heart loves me.Maybe that is the way it will always be.The heart of the Pathfinder will always beat within me.

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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Imperfecty Beautiful

This painting is called Imperfecty Beautiful, I did it some time back, but it has a lot of meaning to me.I learned a great lesson when I painted it, everything in this picture is out of line with what certain people believe is beautiful, I didn't realize that myself when I painted it.I was actually very dissatisfied and disappointed with my attempts to work with watercolor, I actually taught myself the lesson that I as well do not need to strive to be perfect , no one does.Just be yourself and do it so beautifully with the knowledge that you do not need anyone's approval but God'sI have an aquired brain injury, I have heard all the put downs, names labeled, and I am also guilty of saying them to myself as wellI have felt the shame, humiliation of feeling less than I was.I have learned that it's a part of me, learned that patience and practice of doing things in ways that work for me.That's an achievement and a gain, my paintings and writings are a way of sharing my heart,hopes and dreams

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

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Bitter Berries

Some berries look so enticing until you have tasted them.You then discover the truth as to their sweetness.I am sure that a lot of us have had to swallow bitter berries in our lifetime.Swallowing those bitter berries even with the lump in our throats and a lost appetite.Some of us have had to eat many of those bitter berries in search of the sweet ones.The berries in life don't show their flavor, you have to try them before you know if they are going to be sweet or have a bitterness that clings to your throat and you choke on them.The flavor of some berries change after you have eaten them for too long.Their sweetness starts to turn bitter and you realize that you have been eating bitter berries all along, and that your taste buds were the reason that you did not recognize the bitter berries from the sweet ones.If you have never tasted sweet berries, you will not recognize them as being sweet.Until you learn what sweet berries actually taste like, you will continue to to be drawn to the taste of the bitter berries thinking that they were the sweet ones, and always be left with a bad taste in your mouth, a lump in your throat and a lost appetite.

Copyright © Cat Drinkle | Year Posted 2024

Book: Reflection on the Important Things