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Best Poems Written by Nex Dan

Below are the all-time best Nex Dan poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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From you '15 years from now'

What am I looking for, what am I hiding
reunited with my past self, can't help but repent;
did I lose myself or am I still finding,
hoping for my tomorrow just to escape my present.

Masked my troubles with so-called escapisms
denied the truth that was embedded deep within;
thoroughly washed away all my musings,
mastered the art of self-loathin'

Pushed and pulled with a force to reckon
emptied myself into the realms of darkness;
weighed my expectations as a means of life lesson,
heard the pounding of my heart, too scared to witness.

Everything indeed changes, as someone truly said change is the only 'constant'
can I change myself that is the big question, can I truly face myself?
the voices inside keep screaming to join the fragments,
who will tell them that I am not broken but shelved.

I don't need soldering, I need to embrace
my flaws, my mistakes, my regrets, my wants;
The only way to spiral out is to retrace,
to acknowledge the unknown, to evade the haunts.

Copyright © Nex Dan | Year Posted 2024

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Soul's cry

We all have demons inside of us, but are we all monsters?
Is it all a lie or a facade we live in, 
Can I escape this hell; that's all my mind wonders
just a breath apart until I give in.

Holding on to the truth I want to believe,
taking for granted everything I've ever owned;
Demanding the chaos to disrupt my peace
Challenging my soul to question every belief I've ever known.

I don't know when I fell into this oblivion,
Crawling my way blindly through the abyss;
Never meant to use my heart as a weapon of obsidian
guarding itself from all the moments of bliss.

It's not a sob story nor am I suicidal
it's a letter heart to heart, to everyone who fears;
To whomsoever it may concern, it's just a trial
waiting for a verdict to be rendered.

Copyright © Nex Dan | Year Posted 2024

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Too Young

Aren't I too young to burn,
here I am again, waiting for my turn.
Never knew this is what it meant,
trying hard not to let my faith bend.

Can't life be easy, like swift waves in motion,
tired of keeping my head high even in this commotion.
Shielding myself every step of the way,
I gazed upon the moon, its pallor in dismay.

A plethora of concerns, too much to endure,
Now, even caring seems like an arduous lure.
This ceaseless burden weighs heavy, never-ending,
how much my heart could take after every mending

Awaiting moments to transform into memories,
as only they possess the essence of eternity.
well! unnoticed by those around, I strain,
A human, I hear my own heart's wrenching pain.

Please just let it be, exhausted of laying fronts,
My fragments possess finite bounds
mindlessly yearning for someone to comprehend my lore,
I hope I never encounter the threshold, where mending exists no more.

Copyright © Nex Dan | Year Posted 2024

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still alive;

"When I was just a kid they said
Kid don't you cry
I am older now I say
It's alright
Every tear rollin' down
Is a lesson learned
Are you too old to turn
Are you too young to burn?" - Sonny & the Sunsets

I'm present in the moment, not in "THE PRESENT"
I say I'm fine but to whom am I lying
can I feel the pain, can I escape "THE TORMENT"
I ask someone to see if I'm broken inside, but I myself keep denying.
No matter how much I try, I'm forced to defy
the truths, the lies, the reality, the illusion.
Running, escaping, fighting the demons I held inside
drowning in the worst of me, driving the darkness behind;
Shattering and crashing through these times
crying and ripping my heart out days and nights
will never run dry cuz gotta SURVIVE.

Copyright © Nex Dan | Year Posted 2024

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Felt this uneasy tide of disdain
the world around me seems too mundane
eyes have lost the shine
lost the path I never knew was mine
this seems like a never-ending dream
heard an encroaching scream 
uneasy rhythm oozing from these pores 
saw a reaching hand, but it was all too blurry
salt brimming the eyes, my lies swallowing me inside
never heard the pounding so high
looked up my vision, all to my dismay
there stood a girl too scared to witness
all these secrets too heavy to bear
these scratches stand in valor
showing the darkest of nights
still hoping for something that might...

Copyright © Nex Dan | Year Posted 2024

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Is it destined OR is it planned
Is it in the stars OR is it in the palm of our hands
do we have control OR are we puppets
can I ask for a choice OR are my decisions taken
am I capable OR am I just afraid
are my paths designed OR is it a maze
can I take a chance OR do I have to move on
shouldn't I've figured it out OR will it take forever
maybe now OR never.

Copyright © Nex Dan | Year Posted 2024

Book: Shattered Sighs