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Best Poems Written by Zyrool Gifford

Below are the all-time best Zyrool Gifford poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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An unforgettable Smile

In the realm of memories, there lies
an unforgettable smile, ethereal and 
It etched its mark upon my soul on a 
beautiful moonlit night.
It danced with joy, illuminating hearts 
with its sweetness and charm.
It was invitingly radiant, friendly 
and warm.

The smile was a simple gesture, 
for in its presence, worries seemed 
to vanish, 
It was an unwavering light in the 
darkest of times,
It spoke volumes in silence while 
giving a nod of acknowledgement 
and a feeling of relief.

Though the years have passed, and 
time may fade,
Captivated by its magic, against my 
will, the memory of that smile 
forever stays in my soul.
For in that unforgettable smile, 
for a brief moment, I saw a glimpse 
of Heaven here on Earth.

by Zyrool 

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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aiming for the skies 
leaves dancing to the wind’s song 
Nature’s life-givers.

By Zyrool

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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Haiku: Fishes

Haiku: Fishes

Along Coral reefs
A grand display of fins and tails
Nothing can compare.

By Zyrool 

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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Red Rose 2

Haiku: Red Rose 

red petals unfold 
whispers of love in each fold
nature’s poetry 

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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Words,Words, Words

Words Words Words 

Words are miracles with great power.
Stringing the right ones together can 
be constructive.
Using the wrong ones can be 

Words uttered in anger when heard 
are like the winds of a hurricane,
Shattering and destroying, 
useless to retract or recall, 
leaving confusion and pain.
Damage done, efforts all in vain, 
Oh, what a crying shame.

Words are comforting and can change
 tears and sadness into smiles 
and laughter,
When spoken softly and sweetly to a crying child, 
a lonely person, or a lover, they leave happy feelings long after.

Words, be they easy or hard,
 long or short, choose them carefully,
 be precise, considerate, and respectful, 
but never ambiguous.

Word, Words, Words,
use them wisely to avoid that dreadful thing 
called blame.

by Zyrool

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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The Beauty of Sunset

The skies with dancing clouds in shades
 of blue, pink and gold,
All vibrant and bold.
Oh! What a breathtakingly beautiful sight.
The Beauty of Sunset is a magical transformation
 from daylight.

The water in the lake mirrors the changing colours, 
Giving a sense of calm and inner peace,
Birds overhead singing their final song, a form of grace, 
As they return to rest at the end of their day.
And in awe, I witnessed, today fading slowly away, 
soon to be another yesterday.

The beauty of Sunset, a sense of wonder,
 one of life's simple pleasures,
Giving moments of joy the memory will always remember and treasure.
So, let us pause and take it all in, for the beauty 
of Sunset’s display is one of nature’s finest arts.
It’s a gift and a reminder to appreciate and cherish 
each day with gratitude and a grateful heart.

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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The Pains of Regrets

In the shadows of what could’ve been 
lies regret, 
They haunt every corner of your soul, 
making it impossible to forget.
A weight that lingers and sometimes 
tears you apart, 
As they take a firm hold over your 

In the quiet hours of the night,
silently, they creep.
These uninvited guests disturb and 
rob you of your sleep.
Regrets, like needles, pierce deep 
into the soul.
Leaving scars that never heal but 
continue to control.

Of choices made or words unspoken,
Oh, how we wish we could rewrite 
our past,
To undo the mistakes made and gain 
peace at last.
But time continues to march on, 
day by day,
Leaving us with memories of things 
that went wrong, some of which 
we dare not say.

And lessons learnt amidst the pain 
changed our vision.
For in our regrets, there lies great 
It’s through mistakes we  learn and
grow strong,
Thus giving us the courage to admit 
and accept when we are wrong.

Accepting regrets as part of our 
life’s story could set us free.
They are reminders to tread carefully, 
enjoy life in the present while 
cherishing every glory and just be.

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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Days of Youth

Days of Youth

In the days of youth when hearts 
were bold, on tender feet, we danced 
with joy unbound.
Brimming with hopes and dreams, 
we saw the world as a beautifully 
exciting playground.
With our eyes, we captured the skies, 
chased the sun, raced the winds and 
enjoyed walks in the morning air.
Oh, and how we laughed chasing 
butterflies and rainbows amidst fields 
of green without a worry or a care.

There were days when we built sand 
castles and played on the beach 
while our fathers fished from Sunrise 
to Sunset.
I remember how we argued about 
whose father would catch the most 
fish, and secretly, with our pocket-
money, we would place a bet.
We climbed fearlessly high up into the
Mango and Tamarind trees.
Daring each other to go higher and 
higher, searching out bird nests and 
sometimes getting stung by bees.

Each day was an adventure and a 
new tale.
Our imagination drifted into 
daydreams, fuelling our minds with 
incredible thoughts that lingered long 
In our diaries, we noted special 
moments in detail.
Oh, our days of youth were full 
of joyful escapades, giggles, tears
and laughter.

As the years passed, we grew older, 
but the treasured memories of 
our carefree days of youth kept their 
shine and glitter.
The days of youth were not always 
sugar and spice, but the sweet 
outnumbered the bitter.
The spark of our childhood past will 
stay forever ablaze.
And the days of our youth will 
always remain embedded in our 
hearts, never to be erased.

by Zyrool

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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As Winter releases its hold and daylight extends its arms,
The warm Sun lingers as it shows us its charms.
Golden rays touch every blade of weed and grass,
Naked trees are fully clothed and 
the sweet scent of flowers mixes with the cool breeze as it passes.

In open fields, butterflies dance while baby foxes and lambs roam free.
The bird’s song echoes among the rustling trees,
And bees happily buzzing from flower to flower,
Nature displays some of her best, giving enjoyment for hours upon hours.

Spring has cast her spell,
Admiration within our hearts grows,
Gratitude swells, 
Bright new images in memory now dwell.

Springtime is a celebration of new beginnings, fresh colours and hope.
Nature lovers, smilingly say,
“Spring has Sprung”.

by Zyrool 

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024

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Haiku: Frogs

Haiku: Frogs

Frogs leap from a pond,
Wet skins glisten in sunlight.
Freedom in motion.

Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs