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Best Poems Written by Connie Marcum Wong

Below are the all-time best Connie Marcum Wong poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Oh little one, how soon you'll be
In turbulence of puberty.
I will hold tight your days of youth 
And share with you my honest truth 

That innocence ingrained at birth,
Precious childhood days filled with mirth,
Will be so fleeting... you will see
The need for God's tranquility.

How grandma's age is redefined
When your teen years become aligned
With thoughts of struggles, I go through,
The many shades in every hue,

That colors life for me today.
In these sweet days, I watch you play
As I instill the grains of hope,
An inner strength to help you cope

With all the changes life will bring.
The ups and downs from early spring
Throughout your life in winter years
When you, like me, through joys and tears

Have lived a life you feel has worth;
Have given back to better earth.
When you have children of your own
And you too, see how they have grown,

My hope is that you let them know
That through their life where e'er they go
They carry with them bits of me,
Please share with them, tranquility.

The teenage years and the golden years are 
the most difficult to endure. Both are fraught 
with emotions...of facing life...of facing death.

May 9, 2017

~Poem of the Day May 11, 2017~

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

The Mother Tree

The Mother Tree

I am the mother tree that spawned the seeds of you.
My children, you've grown and branched away from me.
You've married, left home to start your life anew.
Where e'er you go remember you're my family.

My roots run very deep into the earthly soil.
My centered rings are many, you may not yet view.
They show the story of my years of work and toil
And of growth and wisdom I've tried to share with you.

As you branch out, your little seedlings too will grow.
You'll try to keep them safe under your canopy.
One day when they grow up and leave, you too will know
The painful pangs of missing branches on your tree.

As they return for advice from their mother tree
Remind them to honor God with humility.


~First Place~ Poem of the Day June 15, 2020~
Non Human Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke 

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2020

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

Dreams of India

Dreams of India

Her music haunts me
in such a knowing way
it makes me weep
and causes my heart to ache.

I become homesick for her
scents, her sounds, her food,
her enchanting dance
which spawns dreams
of her romance.

I know in my heart
I have lived there,
I know, I have loved there.

Her poetry transcends
my spirit to encompass
a wholeness that is
so familiar to me.

I dream of the Ganges ,
and her gentle cleansing flow,
of reflections on its surface
when the moon is hanging low.

Of crickets singing nightly
to serenade me to sleep.
I dream of colors of the saris,
the beauty that they keep...

Of garlands placed with care,
a gajra in a maiden's hair
and the hues of floral leis.

I hold a reverence for Hindu 
Devata and Devi.
I aspire to learn the sacredness
of varmala in the seeds of
past lifetimes I have shared.

A passion grows for those
whose love glows through their 
auras to welcome strangers.

I'd love to share a cup of chai
to chat with friends in open air.
I long to return home, though
I have never been there.


*a gajra: flowers which females use as a decoration 
for their hair.

*Varmala: is a tradition from ancient times where a beautiful garland of flowers symbolizes a proposal of marriage. In the tradition of Swayamvar. A female would choose her life partner from a group of suitors by placing a flower garland around the neck of her chosen man. Once the girl had made her choice, a marriage ceremony would be held gright away.

~Poem of the Day January 4, 2019~

~1st Place~
Brian Strand: Judged 2022 March 20

~9th Place Premiere Contest~
Your Best Free Verse That You Wrote Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke 

'I Got a Darn NA Again' Contest
Sponsor Luloo
Free Verse Style Only Poetry Contest~N/A~

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2019

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

Island Spirit

Island Spirit

Palm trees are swaying island style
Within the gentle trade wind's flow,
As Egrets glide on salty air—
Then land where verdant grasses grow.
Breathe in sweet scents of tuberose
And let fine mist caress your face,
Dive deep into aqua waters—
Become enchanted with this place.

Let your eyes consume the beauty,
Let rhythmic music soothe your mind.
You'll feel the aloha spirit—
A kinder people you won't find.
Go hiking in hillside forests,
There are no bears or snakes that hide,
Just waterfalls you'll find waiting,
That flow toward the ocean side.

In the distance whales are breaching,
Humpbacks with little calves in tow.
They share waters with the dolphins,
And green sea turtles down below.
Can you hear paradise calling?
Whispering your name at sunrise,
To later bask on pearly sands.
Swaying hula hips at moonrise,

Coaxing you to join in the dance.
Exotic Mai Tai in your hands,
Sweet flower leis caress your neck,
Come investigate our islands,
And board on wild waves at surfside,
Cast your cold and cares to the breeze.
Sailing out on sunset cruises—
Take homeward bound warm memories.


Poem of the Day at Poetry Soup January 17, 2015 

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2015

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

The Enchanted Forest

The woods were silent except for the shifting 
soft sounds of his hooves as they fell upon 
the forest floor. There he stood amid the mist in 
his white majestic coat calling to me to come 
to him and ride upon his back, vanish with him,
(as the sun lay dying into quiet shades of twilight)
into an unknown sacred secret realm where no 
one's footsteps could follow.

I stroked his soft warm velvet nose and felt the 
subtle flair of his nostrils breath on my hand.
When I climbed upon his back we rode 
as one as our love and trust in each other 
had slowly grown into a synergy unsurpassed.
Moonlight filtered through the verdant trees
as darkness enveloped the starry sky.
Suddenly we found ourselves in a glade
where we were surrounded by the soft glow
of tiny faeries as numerous as fireflies.

We were warmly welcomed into their sacred 
sanctuary and I felt enchanted by their sylvan 
beauty as two tiny faeries braided long strands 
of my golden hair, intertwining fragrant flowers.
I was asked if I would help to keep the forest
safe from clear cutting, and I promised I would.
I awoke to the faint sound of hoofbeats as dawn
was rising and there were pretty flowers in my hair.

© Connie Marcum Wong
Poem of the Day April 4, 2016

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2016

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

In Celebration of Mothers

I celebrate wonderful mothers 
who always put the needs 
of their children first,
the single mothers who 
especially must sacrifice 
to help their children survive 
and thrive with little money
coming in, yet finding ways
to make them feel they fit in.

I celebrate mothers who dole 
out love in great abundance
and always take the time
to listen to their children's
concerns and problems
with sage advice that comes
from wisdom's experience.

I celebrate the grandmothers
who have stepped in to raise
their grandchildren when
their daughters can't or won't.
These are Earth's angels.

I celebrate the step-mothers
who raise their stepchildren
without any reservation,
loving them as their own.
They've earned a place in heaven.

I celebrate adoptive mothers
who raise their adopted children
with the same acceptance and 
love a birth mother bestows.
They are God's gracious gifts.

I celebrate the mothers who have
lost their children, through death,
kidnapping or by any other loss.
Their suffering cannot be gauged.
Let them receive blessed peace.

I celebrate the dear daughter in laws
who have become beloved daughters 
as they become mothers to their mother
in law’s precious grandchildren.

I celebrate the foster mothers
who give abused and orphaned
children a temporary loving home.
They have a direct line to the divine. 

I celebrate great grandmothers
who continue to teach their
daughters, granddaughters,
and great granddaughters, by
example, how to be great mothers.

I especially celebrate the homeless
mothers living on the streets, through
circumstances beyond their control, 
who somehow manage to 
keep their families together.

I celebrate those mothers who live
in impoverished countries who have
starved to make sure their children
have enough food to keep them alive.
Blessed mothers who’ve died for that sake,
and for those who have died giving birth.

I celebrate the time, effort and selfless
love bestowed upon every lucky
child who has been given the
precious gift of a loving mother!

A heartfelt Happy Mother's Day to all!

© Connie Marcum Wong
Poem of the Day for Monday 11 May, 2015

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2015

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

Under the Stars

Under the Stars

    poetic passions, 
         lavender skies
             in the gloaming.

The lure of lavender
          the heavens are open.
                       crystal rain.

    a divine cascade~
         romantic waters,
                  bodies of light

     on becoming enlightened.
          Autumn's breeze~
                     Luna's light...

Oh my love
      it is quiet tonight,
            hold me
                  under the stars.

A glimpse of heaven,
      a place of enchantment,
           anima mystique~
                always you.

Oh poet,
     behind closed eyes,
           my soul belongs to you.

You are so beautiful
          many lifetimes
                in the shadows.

The wonders of love,
      divine inspiration
           under the stars.

Seasonal dance tonight.


~Seventh Place Premiere Contest~
ANYTHING GOES Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose Rose |

5-31-22 rev.

~Fifth Place Premiere Contest~
What Fascinates Me
Fascination and Awe Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Jeff Kyser

*This poem was created from my poem titles and strung 
  together so they make sense.

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2017

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

There Will Never Be Enough Time

There Will Never Be Enough Time

There will never be enough time to hear unique
music of nature's songs in its birds, its insects,
in songs of the wind, or the sounds of the sea.
Or how earth breathes and is alive through its
caves and caverns, through its crystal rocks in
bell tones that ring soothing sounds for the soul.

There will never be enough time to visit all the
wondrous places this glorious earth has to offer.
Nor enough time to read all the talented poetry 
our new technology provides us with online and
in favorite poetry books of masters long dead.
Poems that so inspire and leave hearts on fire.

There will never be enough time to view all the 
sights in glorious colors of sunrises and sunsets,
of twilight's shadows and intricate silhouettes.
Nor the light on the mountains in verdant display
as mist weaves its magic o'er splendorous pines.
Sights that inspire thrill and enthrall so profoundly
with the beauty of it all, as each day's a divine gift.

There will never be enough time to breathe in life's 
blissful perfume in scents of many flowers in bloom,
in lilac's, gardenia's and the magnolia's sweet scents,
or in petrichor's heavenly aroma from rain's dalliance. 
In scents from the seaside or the mountain's fresh air,
in Mother Nature's great gifts of her fragrance so fair.

There will never be enough time to behold your love
in the grace of God's minion in spiritual connection.
That feeling of oneness, that special spark from all life
as it spreads contentment and warmth over body's
decay in knowledge we will all realize birth once again;
that all feelings matter in our Karmically created laws.

Yet, there IS enough time to give thanks and rejoice for
every life is precious no matter of life's circumstances.


*Dedicated To Robert Lindley whose poetry inspired this poem.

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2019

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

In Praise of God

In Praise of God

I look to you for love and grace,
Trusting belief in you I place.
Please keep us safe within your sight.
I feel your presence day and night.	

I try to follow golden rules.
Your precious words are my jewels.
My life I live within your light.
I feel your presence day and night.

The Ten Commandments are my guide,
To my children I did confide.
They know your truth to my delight,
I feel your presence day and night.

I’ve had my days of fears and woe
But feel protected and I know
The love you share is pure and right.
I feel your presence day and night.

It’s all about the love we share
That helps us to become aware
Of needs of others and their plight.
I feel your presence day and night.

I pray for peace, my worldly goal
That each and ev’ry sacred soul
Will feel the essence of your might,
To feel your presence day and night.


~First Place~
In Praise of God Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Kim Rodrigues

~Third Place~
STRAND SELECT 10,any form ,any theme 
Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Brian Strand

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2020

Details | Connie Marcum Wong Poem

A Poets Abode

A Poet’s Abode

A poet’s peaceful abode surpasses bliss
Depicting imagery beheld by eyes.
Dreams revealed go beyond the great abyss
Of space with stars that fill our cobalt skies.

The elements alone express such truth
That sun needs balance of the rain to grow
Sprout varied seedlings that begin in youth
Then we reap our harvest by autumn’s glow.

The beauty of a rainbow through the rain,
The way the sunrise colors us in shades,
How beating hearts behold our joy or pain.
A poet captures hues as twilight fades.

When quill releases ink and does not miss
A poet’s peaceful abode surpasses bliss.


~Premiere Contest N/A~
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 9 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mark Toney

~Poem of the Day May 30, 2022~
Thank you Poetry Soup Team

~Fifth Place Premiere Contest~
Orphan Sonnet Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Emile Pinet 

A Brian Strand PREMIERE~N/A~
Contest Judged:  5/30/2022 9:54:00 PM
Sponsored by: Brian Strand 

Orphan Sonnet
Created by: Dale Gregory Cozart with a rhyme scheme of Abab - cdcd - efef - aA, (I0 syllables per line) in three quatrains, and a final couplet with the last line repeating the opening line.


Photo by:

Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs