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Best Poems Written by Charles Dibiasi

Below are the all-time best Charles Dibiasi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The coldness of your methodical emptiness
shrewdly poisoned me with a darkness
I'll make it, some how.
You tainted me with rugged blood,
I saw it splatter over the spacious past unto
The nihilistic future of all saints and devils.
But, why?
There's something to your non verbal speech 
I'd love to find out.
We listen to your silence
The very thing that permeates our surroundings.
And find utter nothingness.
You committed suicide,
We won't make it if you are sleeping on the job.
Somehow, we believe you rose from hellfire, 
Yet still flagrantly asleep in a world where you
Never existed.
Explain this corruption now breathing in our veins?
And if it's all the same to non-existent you,
It's killing us just the same.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2023

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No Escape

Fear acclimated to my very senses, a dire undertaking
This is, living in the present, yet a time traveling mind
Sent me to relive the past, not to learn from it, but as 
Punishment, a judgement of my weakness that silenced me post haste.
A dead heart yearning to beat another day, it's dying remorse for careless actions performed against me in
The cinema of my mind, a dark gothic amphitheater to which I am haunted by spectrals of the abuse forced upon my brain and body.
I was not alone in this as my brother received the greater recompense for crimes he never, nor I, committed.
Byproducts of guilt to shame us in to believing we were just
No good.
How then did he escape though I lagged behind?
Not through death, but in to an echo of the desert longing
For an oasis that was far more dangerous than the last.
Bereft, I succumbed to the eternal heights of insanity, feverishly grabbing whatever I could that would do my sack of skin harm in hopes that I might escape this realm.
To no avail.
I searched on and on for a lantern of heaven to guide me
To keep me safe, and for a season I was, but I suffered far
More for a belief that in the end did me no good.

There's no escape, no end in sight.
Yet if I could give up, I'd do it with all my might.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2024

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Unforgivably Ill

I fell ill against my will
And swallowed many a glass infused pill
To satiate my mundane brain
Feeling the wrath of the rain on the planes
It drove me mad, more than a little insane.
But it's ok, not that I ever was,
I begged and pleaded to be wiped out with a
Torrential flood
Yet the oceans ran dry at the plight for the
Unforgivable sin,
Could this 'ere be the sanest I've ever been?
Denying that which denied me first
Or have I been irrevocabley afflicted with
A neverending curse?
I see no purpose, no rhyme or reason
Yet I've been cast down to hell
For this here my treason.
Carrying the weight of the world
Upon my shoulder,
Life grew dimmer and my heart
So much colder.
I learned that God does not forgive,
Never did, never will
And that to swallow the bitter pills,
Is my dear friend what made me Ill.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2024

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No love like yours

You were dressed in a midnight blue 
Hooded cloak, the full moon an apparition
Of your face.
I fell in love with the eternal abyss of your
Heart and pondered upon the fists you clenched
Fiercely only to see them abruptly disappear
Into the thickness of my body and surroundings
Leaving an indelible mark engraved upon my
Sullen carcass.
I remember trying to contain you as though you were
A wild fire burning bright in a bleak winters night.
Nothing could.
You showed hue's of manipulation, and it seared
My cranium.
Pain was a friend I didn't want or need,
But I took my lumps, believing I deserved it,
You thought so too.
The lies you spake against me broke me
As though I was a vase falling off the perch
Of a high shelf, shattering my skin that 
Was of native American silhouette.
I took all this and then some more,
Carrying the excess baggage on my not
So happy travels, seeking refuge, finding none.
I laid down on golden beaches in the wake
Of your stormy seas, drowning in the love
I never wanted, but all my life, received.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2024

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Mother, I've got something to tell you

Fighting the feeling with each new
Ripped stitch
Flesh simmering in this hell
And I'll make no apologies for what I
Tell you
When you rather sink instead of swim,
Believe me I'd rather be with God 
Than in your dour earthly kingdom you
Wrought by tearing down mine
For no apparent reason other than boredom
And feeling you can.
You wanted the perks of motherhood
Without actually being a mother,
Never feeling or saying sorry for the mistakes
I'm paying for that you done did.
If forgiveness never slips from my lips
For you, it's because you believe you've
Done nothing wrong.
Your love was heavily disguised as hate,
You dug your grave, now sleep in it.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2024

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Body of lies

Jimmy told a heinous lie,
And came to find,
Someone had paid the price.
It turned poor Jimmy's heart impure,
But telling the truth made Jimmy sore,
"To God be hell, for this ancient curse"
Try as he did though, truth cannot be rehearsed.
And soon did he realize
The mounting bodies climbed,
He'd try staying two steps behind,
Whether ahead of the game,
He wasn't so sure,
But telling lies will only procure,
"A state of disarray for every lie"
Poor Jimmy'd sigh.
On the eve of all hallow,
He swam with the sharks,
Deep in the shallow,
And if death to him could be secured,
Click click boom, Jimmy would be no more.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2024

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Burden of Conscience

Consider our conscience highjacked by
The author that dwells in the deep of
Our cranium, how we think creates
The burden of our actions.
We conversed back and forth
Walking to and fro 
But when we go knowing
The depths of the unknown,
We will still never know the unfathomable.
Speak to yourselves when the 
Loneliness abounds for it will soothe the
Storms that rage within our 
Private sanctuary.
A dollar for the purchase of truth that
Remains shrouded in the mysteries
Of an totally eclipsed mind.
It's all we can afford when you hoard
It like a miser holding it ransom from
The peasants who desires more.
This cross is to heavy to carry alone,
Yet carry it alone, I do.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2024

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To the god of heaven
and the hosts of hell,
I never knew peace
For I am under your spell,
Letting out an eternal yell
Sacrificing the clarity of my throat.
Ancient blood letting upon my flesh.
The darkness enraptures me
Kissing my ghastly eyelids with
A nightmare inducing slumber
Though wide awake
Enduring a multitude of sorrow,
Heavy lies the crown of decay
A premonition on this day,
Set the stars in disarray
Facing death by the month of May.
I pleaded for relief
But knowing God is knowing profound
Seeking the devil is seeing widespread
I can no longer function
Intertwined with the sacred and profane,
No longer playing their games,
To be free from both, is my destiny.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2024

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Body of Sky

Body Of Sky
I search upon
the lanterns of heaven,
the unfolding skies,
arrayed with
precious jewels,
that scar my body.
They fall like
bitter comets,
colliding with
kaleidoscopic abandon,
recklessly haunting
my soul, like ghosts
in the mists.
Nebulae, stitched upon
my eyes set aflame,
faintly searching for the lighthouse
signal, as I thrash amidst
the stormy oceans.
Dead eye's firmly
planted on Zion.

Copyright © Charles Dibiasi | Year Posted 2024

Book: Reflection on the Important Things