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Best Poems Written by Lairyck Beliveau

Below are the all-time best Lairyck Beliveau poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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How long do the stars live?

How long do the stars live in day or night?

Surrounded by darkness, till death they fight.

For all life had been given home.

When day break made, the path of everything made shown. 

From the light we extract sight, warmth, and growth. 

And we did nothing but watch, everything from then on. 

As if the light had told us, we were not alone. 

It's there still, rebelling against nothing, for it is our everything. 

And still it shows us miracles, though sometimes, people forget to see them.

On hot days it reminds us to rest, and cold days  It knows every spot to warm up when it sees you. 

The light fights just to see you, through cold and darkness, it greets you.

And someday, some say, even it will be gone. But the light deep inside, will whisper, carry on..

Yes, we are not the stars, but perhaps we are, their daughters and sons.

Just look at them burn, blazing against the night, united, for no star was born alone, nor had any given quarter, for darkness, to call it's home.

Maybe we'll become more like them. When we become better Men and Women. We'll understand the sanctity of time given, where we fall short and give in.

We'll understand like the stars, unity is not conformity. It's a common ground of life, in audacious enormity. We'll just love each other. 

That's what made the stars strong enough, to fight for everything. They will live as long as our forever..

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2024

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I have a question

For everyday, did I dare to dream,
Of love, of life, of soulful things, 
Where blissful words had made serene,
The hearts of all, both far and wide, 
Afraid to harm for many had died, 
Yet, for man, finds, less peace inside,
A nightmare, made real, blazing across distant skies. 

What reason, be made for death abroad, where men and women lay claim, in name, of this one and most silent God?

Did he not say, "Thou shalt not kill?"

Did he slip or stutter, did he mis-pronounce?
Did he not say "love each other?" And what other, had he ever renounced? 

No one less, no one more, no one wins in senseless wars, 
Scores left wounded, by unbias swords, all for God, made silent, amongst these most spiteful hordes. 

For all who walked, upon this, his path, not fear, nor anger, nor wrath or hate,
Only peace unwavering, and undying faith. 
For all our books, our words and songs, can we still not tell, right from wrong?

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2023

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The Legend of Hope

You cannot know the good from bad, what course did change for actions had.
A thousand gone from dawn till dusk, a hero birthed egregious loss.

To stay the darkness, the dead of night, what strength they gain from losing fights, the last to stand on failing line, survive. 

The light had made home, oh glorious ark, vessel made virtue, by warrior heart, even defeat adorns you well. 

Know me fighter, your most failed writer, yet still I offer hope. Not a feeling things work out, but a feeling, that keep us going, when they don't. 

Stand again, meet perilous end, where glory still finds home. For everyday did you dare to dream, a difference made by your own. 

Life had made so bitter sweet, every close and near defeat, we shall ever know. For somewhere in the soul, our resolve has surely grown. 

Take up your banner, stand up again, know the grip of firmer hand, and daunt the line once more. For I stand beside you, no more to be alone. Against all odd, we know this not, and hope is greater still. It'll pick you up and dust you off, both heart and will renewed.

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2023

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Do you remember that time we danced on the moon, our bodies entangled, our breath in tune.

Yes, you took my breath away. Like I'd left the earth.

After you I was floating in space. You took me to a different place. Like I'd seen all the cosmos.
That night left me every kind of heartbroke.

If I could take that trip again I would, I'd go back, and see the moon. 

Because I feel like that journey across the stars, just ended all too soon.

And I was wondering, if you did too.

I guess what I'm asking is, can we explore the unknown together. Not for one adventure, but every adventure after. How would you feel, about being astronauts forever?

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2024

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Times of uncertainty

What say you now, before the crowd, for these most heinous crimes.

You're a wretched sort, to face this court, in most uncertain times.

A capital charge, against your heart, for loving all who live.

It's against the law, to serve your God, to sacrifice or give.

Hear me judge, for I will never budge, not an inch or mile long. 

For when I die, you'll hear them cry, and remember me in song.

I accept your charge, against my heart, all I did was offer food. 

For the hungry, broke, and weary, can still find a use for good. 

Do you understand, standing before your peers.

You broke our rules, now seem a fool, I propose a sentence here.

Twenty five, not short of one, with all the reason to fear. 

For a would be hood, does not as he should, which is simply to avert his gaze. 

Instead you helped, those meager welps, find some further days. 

It's the interest of all, to see them fall, and build upon their bones.

For we cannot gain, while they remain, sleeping around our homes.

Hear me again, oh dishonored bench, were it simply up to you.

Not a single face would sit, the jury and its pews. 

I did no wrong, I yield none, and I'll fight you till the end.

For I am one, knows right from wrong, who's knee will never bend.

I plead guilty, most accursed court, take me as I am.

But know that I'm a lion, to be slaughtered as a lamb. 

What say ye now, oh jurious crowd, the defendant has had his chance. 

What motion carry, to find you merry, did his words change your stance. 

Or is he guilty, traitorous and filthy, render me verdict now, and remember as you do what verdict pleases the crown. 

The jury bickers, amongst itself, and finally one does stand. 

She's old, and weak, and frail, and looks upon this man.

By power of the people, we see you just, now release him as you should.

For all will know a feeble day, and wish a Robin Hood....

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2023

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The Secret Of The Clocks

We're all just clocks and we're all just ticking. What did you tick today?

Did you tik of love, or tok of peace?
Did you chime at midnight rest? 

Or did you leave the gift of time, to a watch of far more less? 

For it is we who guard it's ancient lane, as we and it progress, the future upon our face is written, just tik and tok your best.

And every clock you see today, your hands be holding true, for the truth of tik and tok is this, every clock be you. 

Now tik and tok along with all, a chorus made so great, the future know we guard its right, to peace, and love, and faith.

No matter how we clocks, look or sound in tune, remember time goes best, because they're ticking toking too. 

And every time you've tik and toked, making sure you knew, all the hands on every clock had dared to also move.

 All good clocks do chime together, across the world and it's land, and when all good clocks have come together we'll finally stand a chance.

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2023

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The Survivor

There's a heart, it's not made of stone. 
Somedays my skin is so thick its probably iron.

It's not easy facing the world alone,

It's not easy doing what's right,

It's not easy chewing it up and swallowing it all.

But I did. I don't feel nourished or full. I feel empty and where my heart should be there's a hole.

Nobody cared about my needs,

Nobody cared about the good I did, 

Nobody cared about how bitter that tastes.

But I did. When I saw it on the expression of others. When I saw they were about to lose their own heart.

What good am I, if I can't be the hero I needed,

What good am I, if I can't fight the loneliness,

What good am I, if I can't keep fighting after losing my own battles.

But I did. I had to because even though I lost in my own life, I wasn't done fighting. Maybe I never will be.That's what they call a survivor. 

But I don't really feel like I survived. I feel like I'm still fighting. So maybe the battle hasn't ended yet.

This battle, asks me for everything,

This battle, means fighting the suffering,

This battle, spares no one.

But I did. They tell me it's depression but really it's the world. I'm just not strong enough to change it. But maybe if I write to it, it will change on its own, and I can stop fighting. 

In that world, the hungry are fed,

In that world, people will forgive again,

In that world... there won't be anyone like me.

So maybe it is depression, but I did everything I could to chew that up and swallow it. Whenever I succeed at helping someone else it's not bitter anymore. It tastes sweet, and life has meaning again. In that way the world could never beat me, and maybe that's why my battle hasn't ended.

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2023

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The hands of my brothers

I've never feared a man, who went to work in boots,

Nor one that worked the fields, who grew vegetables and fruits,

 Instead be on guard, for the briefcase and the suits, 

Cause if they catch you sleeping, for sure they'll tie your noose. 

I've never feared a person with dirt upon their hands,

Who made an honest living, on earth, sea, or sands,

Instead I'm always wary, of the rich who make demands.

For what you make, is what they take, to further all their plans. 

I've never feared a human, who's known hardship, and pain,

Whose gloves have turned to rags, whose clothes are always stained,

Instead I see the truth, what they gave so I may live, 

While someone else, takes their house, and lies to those they give,

I've never feared my brothers, I know their hands all too well, 

Their far to busy working, and us they'd never sell...

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2024

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The Machine

Some people just like to hurt others. Some people are loose screws. They put holes in everything we need to live, or care to loose. They do it because they're sad, they were hurt, because they were abused. Now that machine deep inside them, rattles to its own tune. Every vibration snatching at others, threatening to loosen all of their screws too. Broken are we,  should we come to do the same. It's better to fix things now, like loosened screws and tighten them with caring hands. Fix the engine broken, resurrect it once again. Change the oil, give it love. So the cycle, the cycle of broken ends.

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2023

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It was the hurt that made him good, from beginning to end as all things should.

It was his loss that made him great, and from his pain, kindness escaped.

It was a hole inside that made him wise, left to nurture light, where the darkness hides. 

It was rejection he feared, but most of all, his acceptance of others could stay their falls.

His loneliness crept in a broken mind, yet his hands, still mend, all they find. 

He was an empty shell, a barren husk, he abstained each day from drink and lust.

He was neither bold, nor loud, or proud, yet when he spoke, silent went the crowd.

It was his joy they could not break, his laughter, made rebellion, for their mistake. 

He was greater still, for all they'd done, his resolve now tempered, by those who shunned.

He became a light, as bright as day, it warmed the bones, for smiles he craved.

He became a hero, and he had no shame, no desire for wealth, nor compromise, or fame. 

They tried, they tried a thousand times, to make him feel, his kindness crimes.

They kicked and punched, that soul to death, yet still it rose to be it's best. 

It was the hurt that made him good, from beginning to end, as all things should. For we cannot know what dwell inside, let hope transcend where ego die, where boys made men, and soul survives. For he had not... bittered well....

Instead...he found himself whole...

Copyright © Lairyck Beliveau | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs