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Best Poems Written by Michael Maul

Below are the all-time best Michael Maul poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Not If I Can Help It

A glass of port to soothe the heartache.
Ever smiling to hide the sorrow of the empty chair at the diner.
A warm breeze that carries her scent that she left behind by mistake.
Touching the night with humility to remind myself I am human.
Nights are so bleak I dare not trust boredom to keep me company.
Ever alone in a world of possibilities I must move forward with a determination only the lonely can understand.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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Harmonious Keep

A hospital stay built on medication induced hysteria.
Green coffee which bleeds into my subconscious.
Pain caressing itself into my being just to remind me I am not in control.
Tears of sorrow for not believing in an existence outside of my own.
To make amends within this journey of anesthesia that I never asked for.
My death must bring comfort to those who would not open their ear to the sounds of obedience without the reckoning within.
Life could have been sublime had I not carried the burden of a free thinker who demanded to know more.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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8 Hours a Night

As I stare at the night sky my mind wanders to a place I dare not go during waking hours.
I lied to the moon for a moments satisfaction that I will not experience again.
Death is having to live in a state of lucidity without reprieve from the horrors I have known.
As I serenade the angels of my better nature with a song of apathy which has no lyrics I am comforted by a truth known only to the universe.
Perchance to dream is the fulfillment of a misery of a thousand cries to the heavens at that most holy hour. 
My only sorrow is that it will last a mere 8 hours.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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Flashback Forward

Tired eyes within an expression of lies.
Modesty sold to both youth and old.
Peering out of an unseen future.
Days spent in a sweatshop to pay rent on a house occupied by a phantom with no name.
Dreams of a surf bound to a contract with no expiration date.
My reward for a job well done being an expedited pink slip that guarantees overtime.
I was lied to by those closest to me.
College was a scam designed to empower the corrupt to a tenure unforseen.
I'll see your poverty and raise you a heart attack.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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Whispers Of Validation

A gifted lover who uses emotions as a bargaining chip.
Tenacious in his grieving of a relationship that had so much potential.
A thick black book what holds the libido of lovers clinged together at a most unholy hour is his collection of conquests.
She would gladly borrow virginity if it meant a commitment on his part.
I've looked into the eyes of a promise I never meant and I can feel it's consequences creeping up as I prepare for the end of this journey. 

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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Shades of Gray

Days on end staring at a blank wall just daring it to break the silence.
Confined to a life of deafining silence because the noise is unbearable.
I find the symphony of my coffee brewing a release from the anxiety I can look forward to on this day. 
As I watch the clock continue it's countdown to the grave I have come to embrace the fact that there is a comfort in loneliness.
You are the smartest person in the room if you are the only person in the room.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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Willing To Accept

As I reach for the handle to temptation I am struck by a future I cannot ignore.

Guilt is the only reward when we ignore the voice to our right shoulder in all its' attempts at solidarity.

What torture is this to be married to an addiction with an ironclad prenup that serves to destroy my soul.

My inhibition brought to light by a chemical demon who refuses to be denied.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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Synthesis of Senses

A splash of tonic to set the mood. A warm bath to dull the senses. A mere 10 minutes into my aqua therapy and it happens. As promised, the sandman shows up smelling of sweet death to send me to that gentle embrace I have waited for this entire day. As I walk along the clouds I leave behind drops of regret to help me find my way back to consciousness. Sensual fog to relieve me of the mediocrity that is existence. I find in this realm a peace that has escaped me in life. What seems like an eternity passes and I start to find myself among the living knowing that my only reward for this sentence is a gentle passing into that most favorable experience that refuses a long term commitment.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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Hopeful Wishing

Elevated intentions are futile in an attempt to hold your heart close to my own.

Could you see beyond a lie that was told with the best of intentions?

In between the war of the sexes is an ecstasy that could warm the coldest of hearts.

Jealousy shall be refrained until all other options have been exhausted.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023

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Acceptance of Denial

Taking it all in as if truth were subjective.
Truth is what you tell yourself it was, is or will be.
How do you flush out a sensation that you borrowed from someone you admire?
Authority was put into place to control the ability of the species.
Does ownership of a curtain belong to your will or that of Martha Stewart?
To question our society is to ensure a good night sleep at the local insane asylum.
I refuse to confide in a pill that has no opinion of a condition I never believed in.
Politics is nothing more than unorganized religion designed to fulfill my need to be controlled.

Copyright © Michael Maul | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things