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Best Poems Written by Christopher Goss

Below are the all-time best Christopher Goss poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Wall, the Wall

The Wall, The Wall

the world fades from my fingertips
like blood oozing from an open wound
the sky is ripped apart and full of thunder
and my eyes are twisted in pain

shut the door and lock me within
the light is buzzing and flickering
something is about to explode
or maybe thats just my soul

softly touch the wall and it corrodes
the white paint peels and turns black
and cracks appear on the surface
a garbage touch that ruins it all

for years the signs of ruin were there
building up behind fragile white walls
and now i sit here with an open chest
my heart nailed to the damned wall

and as the world fades from my fingertips
like blood from an open wound
the sky outside is bloody and tormented
and i cant begin to see my own reality

im so afraid that if i get up ill fall again
damned by the ghosts of the past
the flashing glare of reality looms larger
closing in on me and slapping me

if only someone could open the door
and let me out of this foreboding room
perhaps i could see more than whats inside
instead of slicing myself in half

remember it was your verse that ended me
slicing off my fingers one by one
it was when my heart was nailed to the wall
that i truly forgot how to feel

my sickening screams echo loudly
throughout the confines of my own mind
reverberating down my spine
and leaving me in a shivering fit

as the world fades from my fingertips
like blood pouring from an open wound
the sky outside has faded to a deep black
and i cant begin to see my own reality

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2012

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Believe In Yourself

If only for today...
Would you believe?
Not in a deity
Not in someone else
Not in some grand idea
But in yourself
We put faith in what is around us
But little of it finds a home
Within the depths of our soul
But there is one reality
Nothing is realer than you
Nobody ever knows you like you
Your deepest thoughts
Your greatest fears
What you see in the mirror
All uniquely personal
Language is imperfect
And something is lost when spoken
Be good to yourself
Be honest with yourself
Be the one you see in the mirror
Painted beautifully
With all your hopes and dreams
And no
You won't be some grand idea
You won't be someone else
You won't be some deity
For one day...
Would you believe...
In yourself?

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2019

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Words rip through the night sky
They conspire to tear a hole through reality
A reality created in your eyes

Taped tightly to your mouth is a bill of lies
That you have yet to unroll
And it's constricting your ability to breathe

Like a dying bumble bee, your stinger is useless
And as such your threats often fall flat
As flat as the heart buried deep in the ground

Your eyes cause lightning flashes in my mirror
And the sparks cause my hair to stand on end
It's time I took the scissors and shredded your beliefs

So many times I have been expected to bow to you
To take a bow has been the song of my entire life
Faltering to the commands of the many Gods and Goddesses

And now here I stand with a green belt of insanity
Ready to beat the lackluster starlight from your eyes
Ready to watch them flicker and then slowly die

Your words ripped through my night sky
They conspired to tear a hole through my reality
A reality I created in your eyes

I taped a bill of lies tightly to your mouth
One that I have yet to unroll
And it's constricting my ability to breathe

I justify the reasons for my unintended assassination
With the cookie crumbs that litter the far reaches of space
Filtered through memories of a lifetime of torment

It will not be long now before your statue explodes
Sending shards flying over the entirety of life's greatest gift
This gift is what you unwrapped- Death

And now with a stick of dynomite I give you one last smile
One last smile to fill the confines of your prison cell mind
Which has grown frail and decrepit

Tears filter through my emotional machine belt
And slowly fall into a wasteland where they cease to exist
I turn and the butterflies erupt from your heart

The explosion blinds my eyes briefly
And yet I feel more pure than I ever did before
Death is the gift I give to you

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2011

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The Sun

The Sun The sun gives warmth But it doesn't care how I fare And sometimes It burns too bright And causes a blight And the plight causes fright On nauseous nights On these streets where the homeless fight With the might of knights Their souls are for sale on kites As they sail through such great heights Their sights set on new horizons Their eyes on the prize Because this land defies all logic The sun gives warmth But it doesn't share nor care All I get are glares And nobody spares me From knife wound tears And what scares me the most Is how I can stare Into the abyss and not miss The kiss of the sun Nor the hiss of my burning flesh And if you get the gist Maybe you'll lower your fist And pass your pissed off aggression To those who spread oppression

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2014

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Another Way To Live

Dystopian dreamer
Myopic memer
Drop me in the cast
(Paint me fast, paint me last)
Don't Willy Wonka my anxiety
You tasteless cur
(Paint me fast, paint me last)

I'll find another way to live

My mind is racing
My heart is bracing
Splatter my feelings on the walls
(Paint me fast, paint me last)
Don't Tim Burton my fantasy
You careless cur
(Paint me fast, paint me last)

I'll find another way to live

Sorrow dying
And I'd be lying
Hold me close
(Paint me fast, paint me last)
Don't William Shakespeare my feelings
You loveless cur
(Paint me fast, paint me last)

I'll find another way to live
...I'll find another way to live!

I'll ask the trees that dance in the breeze
How to love myself again despite the pain
I'll howl with the dogs and hop with the frogs
And I'll find peace when heartbreaks cease

(Paint me fast, paint me last)
I'll find another way to live
(Paint me fast, paint me last)

You're such a silly and courageous cur

But I'll find another way to live

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2018

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I Dreamed

I dreamed...
Of driftwood
Dancing over waves
Performing flips
And leaps
Before collapsing
Into despair
The deepest depths
Ever swallowing
Can't breathe...
Can't speak...
The driftwood
Breaches the surface
Hanging on
By a splinter
Thunder crackled
Lightning lanced
In the middle of the sea
There are no gods
There are no hopes
And no dreams
Only deepest despair
Of what lies beneath
And the overwhelming sense
The end is nigh
I dreamed...
Of driftwood
But lo and behold
The driftwood
Was my hopes and dreams

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2022

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A thick quilt of dust A strong odor of musk A cracked photograph Dead sunlight streaming On the floor Where I spent my days dreaming Of where I'd be A grown man wild and free Wishing I could break out But looking back I have absolutely no doubt I'd give anything to go back When the sky wasn't black And my heart was full of belief But coming back is a relief Picking up broken relics of the past Wondering how it all went by so fast Looking at the photo of my grandmother Feeling as if the guilt would smother me I walk through the living room Through all the memories and gloom Seeing old scratches on the walls Where dogs made their bathroom calls Through one more door The hinges broken Because we were so poor And there's a pair of flip flops Sitting in front of a rocking chair That rocks back and forth Back and forth The chill in my blood My eyes begin to flood And as I step outside I'm greeted by a chorus of rain As if the Heavens shed tears And I think God knows I could never let her go If I could say one last thing I'd apologize for everything But barring that I can only look up Up to the clouds Hoping I made her proud

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2017

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Erase Me

Chalkboard solitude eats at my mind My fingers leave scars in the written words And behind me a herd of sheep cries out As the remaining words run red And blood drizzles down the board My thoughts were abhorred But my actions were lauded What a twisted juxtaposition Mindlessness is a cancer So critical of every flawed detail But envious of others despite their ineptitude And fire could burst from my fingertips You'd never know it from all the silence And when I finally turn around What a surprise it is To find me alone in the white walled room Dreaming of yesteryear But there's paint chipping on the wall And I dig away at it And behind the whiteness of the walls Is a mold that runs deep That's been festering for over a decade These white walls are merely a facade For an ugly truth buried beneath That bequeaths me with sorrow And when I turn back around The chalkboard remains Without any words

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2018

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Cynrosa is a delight with Latin flair
With a flourish she rests in a satin chair
Her words pounce playfully from her lips
In between indulging red wine sips

Her eyes are like smoky topaz
And she sways to the sound of jazz
Cool and divine she takes my hand
With nary a demand

In her words the sky is full of diamonds
Watched mournfully by wolves in the highlands
She wants to reach out and take them all
I'll just have to be here should she fall

Cynrosa, Cynrosa give me one last dance
For when the sun rises I shan't have another chance
Cynrosa exists only in my imagination
But she is the heart of my jubilation

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2018

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Lost Lamb

Death Is The End

I wish I was a Christian. I wish I had faith
in my life to believe in something more. I
wish I could wake up and praise Jesus. I
wish I could wear white, but when I try
it turns to a very deep black to mirror
the depths of my soul. I want to believe
but believe I cannot believe. There is
also a part of me that doesn't want to. I
see the world "God" has left us. I see
the tragedy that is the human race. Perhaps
humanity is actually a comedy. I could
laugh at myself. I could make myself a
victim and use it as an excuse to give up. I
could use this an excuse to spread hate. I
don't hate. I want to love, and I want to be
loved. I do for others knowing I don't have 
to. My timeline is finite. I go to bed every
night not knowing if I'll wake up. I'm an
insomniac because of that fear. I don't
want to die. I want to live. I want to be
happy. I don't think I'll ever genuinely
be happy. Because everything I wish to be
is ultimately what I will never be. I am
forsaken by my own feelings. As dark as 
it gets...I'll offer you a smile. I'll gladly
give you my hand to help you up. I'll 
believe in you in a way that I will never
believe in myself. That is how I will
find my infinity.

A lost lamb
Shackled to sorrow
Give me strength

Copyright © Christopher Goss | Year Posted 2021


Book: Reflection on the Important Things