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Best Poems Written by Fred Elorm Hornuvo

Below are the all-time best Fred Elorm Hornuvo poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Treasure From the Ribs

Here I come in peace
And at your service
Sent to back you up
To fill a vacuum in your life
To supply your world 
With the same kinds 
And of similar features.
I am to care, love and be selfless
My heart literally comprises 
Of precious minerals
And unique behavioural patterns
Priceless, delicate and rare
Yet, I am no exception 
To my kinds of services
I welcome comforting treats 
To grow, develop and flourish
To be loved, protected and cared for 
I was designed to unite 
And fix broken parts completely
My emotions, feelings, perception 
And sense of entitlement 
Weighs more of me
But that is just me
Help me live my life on yours

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

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The Traveler

I once met an old traveler ,
He said; "Do it for you and yourself".
Weightless in speech,
deep as roots of a Shepherd tree. 

A torn wailing clothe reached out 
for change or a mere patch,
but the flesh reluctantly ignores.
The old traveler spoke his mind.

Wool bearer bleats ease on streets,
naive and totally unconcerned
about their outfit and integrity.
The old traveler spoke his mind.

No need sacrificing what has life
for what is long gone.
Yet a stubborn fly, over dined.
The old traveler spoke his mind.

Reflective images look alluring
whether far or near,
but conversely, a huge debt blow.
Again, the old traveler spoke his mind.

"Will I be remembered as a traveler, 
or 'just' a traveler"? He asked ?
And then, I heard footsteps 
silently echo away into thin air.

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

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Treat Me Right

I am a warrior of a kingdom
A subordinate of a higher command
Who toil and strive for greatness
Render services for the sake of Humanity 
And social perceptions
There is hope for a fair treatment
And the wish to harvest
Fruits of viable seeds
Planted in the fields
But then, the unexpected 
Struck me in the face
High hopes of fruitfulness 
Dwindled down the drain
I am heartbroken
I am speechless
This reality was a bitter pill 
I couldn't blame my self though
There were few reasons to trust
I am now vulnerable to comprehend
To numerous suggestions
I really wish to amend my thoughts
In relation to your actions
I yearn to better this version of myself
Yet negative energy from within
Shut me down
The scope of life 
Was wider than i thought
My best , I've done 
And I deserve rest too
I've learnt. I'm still learning

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

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Making Amends

It was a free ride down town
Full of obstructions
And multiple checkpoints
My pulchritude casts a spell
On entire human existence
As motley petals on insects
Many couldn't resist
A glimpse at me
I am a creation of the earth
I wish to exclusively 
Spell out rules for humanity
But I can't always have my way
Growing affection and inattentively, 
Let my guard down.
Nature exploited the innocent me
I felt stupid and confused 
But neither alone nor helpless
Uncertain of hopes 
For a brighter future
But it's time to make peace 
With inner self and accept reality
The chance to right all wrongs 
And anew personality
Give me time and space 
To get back to myself.
For I am a jewel in others' lives.

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

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The Battle Zone

There are unending fired shots
which keeps one on their toes 
to always push to be great.
Bullets emanates from varied firearms; 
where some targets are locked in, 
some aimed at and others 
to be picked by stray bullets. 
One has the chance to either retreat
or face their fears.
Retreating saves a part of you 
but equally makes you weak. 
The brave shields and fight back 
with fierce resistance.
Surprise counters at times 
downplays opponents' perceptions 
and mindsets about situations. 
This sometimes equals victory.
And such resultant wins, 
equates to being given a trophy
at the negotiation table.

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

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Ice Age

A white frosty morning
With a highly humid atmosphere
Fresh and clean breeze
Cascades down the mountain

Dews relax on surfaces
Fog arrests the beauty 
Of the high and low lands
Furs bow in uniqueness

Stuffed cloak re-assigned
My days are now short 
And temperature very low.
I am losing myself 

When do I get to feel warmth ?
Do daytime always come with heat ?
I waited in anticipation
With high stake expectations

For my wish to come to pass
And then the silent cold environment 
Whispered to me
"Chill out, it's winter"

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

Details | Fred Elorm Hornuvo Poem

Small But Mighty

It all boils down
From an undermining perspective
Downplayed when quantified
But a starting point
Hardly can you see 
But condenses and precipitate
The collapse of a firm ?
I was a leaking penny 
On various blindspots
Can make or unmake you 
With just a phrase 
And not an edition
I feel liss in your abode 
As you wallow in despair 
Until you become decedent
Latent and rarely apparent 
Don't take me for granted
I am small but mighty

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

Details | Fred Elorm Hornuvo Poem


Oh, how lovely to cast thy eyes on heavenly bodies.
Where satellite images refract
beneath clear transparent streams.
Myrtles mute and calm.
Wherein verdurous traits acquired.
Yearns to cross t-s' and dot i-s' .
Thoughts flew through for considerations.
Cool breeze through lustrous despondent atmosphere.
Goosebumps all over bodily cover.
Some fond improbable delights.
But striking the flag not an option.

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

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Thoughts flew in quickly in sequence
Weighs more as metric tonnes of rod
The mind is stressed and overburdened
Literally more effective than the heart
We set our various senses out loud
In search of answers
To realistic and imaginary questions
To find solutions and suggestions
To curb looming inconveniences
Our wants and needs 
Tend to put us in tiny boxes 
Where chances of survival are slim
We are unique in various segments
The reason we approach issues 
With diverse technicalities and skill sets
Situations define us
It is either we stand the test of time
Or fall flat to our fears and troubles
Strive to make informed choices and decisions
And in the end
All crimsonlike thoughts and perceptions
Will exist in reality as white as snow

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023

Details | Fred Elorm Hornuvo Poem

Letter To Memories

Dear Memories,
You are so precious to me.
Especially the fond delights;
Which keeps my mind afresh of past moments,
To which I make renewed and informed decisions today,
Sustain ancient renowned trends,
And become a better version of myself.
I put you in high esteem,
For there won't be an iota of change if you hadn't existed. 
And to the ill-boding and unsuitable ones;
Thanks for growing and exposing me to glare reality.
For you taught me to learn,unlearn and re-learn.
It has been a hell of a ride.
But , ohh ! I've got to admit, 
My desired transitions are visible and laudable.
You are the best companion.

Copyright © Fred Elorm Hornuvo | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs