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Best Poems Written by Roseline Sunday

Below are the all-time best Roseline Sunday poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ode To a Mother

Poetic Ode to Mother

In the realm of love, she reigns supreme,
A guiding light, a nurturing dream.
With tender touch and caring embrace,
She weaves a tapestry of love and grace.

Her voice, a melody that soothes the soul,
A lullaby that makes the heart feel whole.
Through every triumph and each despair,
She's the anchor, always present, always there.

In her eyes, the wisdom of ages past,
A gentle strength that forever will last.
She plants the seeds of dreams in our hearts,
Encouraging us to embrace our own parts.

Her touch, a balm that heals all wounds,
She carries us through life's tumultuous tunes.
With gentle hands, she wipes away our tears,
And whispers words that quell our deepest fears.

Her love, a river that knows no end,
An eternal flame that will always ascend.
She sacrifices, she gives without cease,
Her love for us will never decrease.

In her embrace, we find solace and peace,
A sanctuary where all worries cease.
She nurtures, she molds, she shapes our souls,
Her love, a treasure that forever unfolds.

She teaches us lessons of kindness and care,
To love and to give, to always be aware.
Her heart, a haven of boundless affection,
A source of unwavering protection.

Her laughter, a melody that fills the air,
A symphony of joy beyond compare.
Her smile, a beacon that lights up the night,
Guiding us through darkness with its radiant light.

Her presence, a gift that words can't convey,
A love that grows stronger with each passing day.
In her arms, we find comfort and rest,
A sanctuary where we are truly blessed.

She is a warrior, brave and strong,
A pillar of resilience, all life long.
Her love is fierce, yet gentle and kind,
A sanctuary for our hearts and mind.

Her name is etched upon our very core,
A bond unbreakable, forevermore.
For she is the embodiment of love's embrace,
Our precious mother, full of grace.

So let us cherish her, honor her each day,
For her love is a gift that won't fade away.
In our hearts, her love will forever bloom,
Our mother, our rock, our eternal room.

© Roseline Sunday

Copyright © Roseline Sunday | Year Posted 2023

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Faith - a Guiding Light

In the realm of life, where shadows dance,
There exists a force, a divine expanse,
A beacon of light, through darkest night,
A flame that flickers, ever burning bright.

Faith, the compass of the wandering soul,
Guiding our steps towards an unknown goal,
It whispers softly, in the depths of our being,
A melody of hope, forever freeing.

In times of doubt, when storms rage on,
Faith stands steadfast, a foundation strong,
Like roots of a tree, deeply embedded,
It keeps us grounded, our spirits uplifted.

When paths diverge, and choices confound,
Faith illuminates, a path can be found,
It unveils possibilities, where none seem clear,
And wipes away the stains of doubt and fear.

With every setback, every tear that falls,
Faith mends our wounds, mends broken walls,
It mends shattered hearts, and heals the scars,
Rebuilding strength, like a thousand shining stars.

Faith intertwines, connecting hearts and minds,
A thread of unity, that forever binds,
It transcends borders, and bridges divides,
Uniting humanity, where love abides.

In the darkest valleys, where shadows loom,
Faith is the lantern, dispelling all gloom,
It offers solace, a glimmer of light,
A resolute belief, that all will be right.

So let us embrace, this gift so profound,
Let faith be our anchor, when we're unbound,
In its embrace, we find strength anew,
A timeless beacon, forever true.

In the tapestry of life, faith weaves its thread,
A symphony of hope, through which we're led,
With open hearts, let us cherish and believe,
For in faith's embrace, miracles we receive.

Copyright © Roseline Sunday | Year Posted 2023

Details | Roseline Sunday Poem

Shattered Dreams

In the depths of night, where shadows roam,
A tale unfolds of shattered dreams we own.
Once filled with hope, our hearts soared high,
But now they lie broken, beneath the sky.

Whispers of promises, once sweet and clear,
Now echo as fragments of what was once dear.
Dreams we nurtured with tender care,
Now lay shattered, beyond repair.

The stars above, they weep and sigh,
As shattered dreams pass us by.
In the wreckage, we search for a spark,
To mend the pieces, to light the dark.

But alas, the shards cut deep and true,
Leaving scars of pain, a haunting residue.
What once was whole, now scattered and torn,
Leaving us wondering, where we went wrong.

Yet through the sorrow, a glimmer remains,
A flicker of hope, amidst the pains.
For in shattered dreams, we find the strength,
To rise again, to go to any length.

With every piece, we gather and hold,
A story of resilience, yet to be told.
For shattered dreams can still inspire,
Burning within, an eternal fire.

So let us gather the broken dreams,
And fashion a tapestry, stitched with seams.
For in the mending, we find our way,
To a brighter dawn, a brand-new day.

In shattered dreams, we learn to find,
The beauty that lingers within the mind.
For dreams may shatter, but they can mend,
A testament to the human spirit, in the end.

So hold your shattered dreams with care,
For they hold the power to repair.
In each fracture, a lesson lies,
That dreams can rise again, like the sun in the skies.

© Roseline Sunday

Copyright © Roseline Sunday | Year Posted 2023

Details | Roseline Sunday Poem


You are a universe, a galaxy of your own,
A cosmos of emotions, stories, and unknowns.
You are the sun that rises, the moon that glows,
A symphony of colors, a rainbow that shows.

You are the breath that fills your lungs,
The heartbeat that keeps you young.
You are the dreams you dare to dream,
The passion that drives you to extremes.

You are the pain that scars your soul,
The tears that make you feel whole.
You are the scars that tell your tale,
The wounds that made you prevail.

You are the laughter that fills the air,
The love that makes life worth the dare.
You are the friend who stands by your side,
The family who walks with you through the tide.

You are the choices you make every day,
The voice that speaks in your own way.
You are the journey that leads you home,
The destination that you call your own.

You are the light that shines within,
The hope that burns through thick and thin.
You are the strength that never fades,
The courage that conquers all shades.

You are You, and that's all you need to be,
A masterpiece of creation, a soul wild and free.
You are unique, with your own story to tell,
A treasure beyond measure, a magical spell.


Copyright © Roseline Sunday | Year Posted 2023

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My Africa Is Free

In Africa's embrace, freedom sings,
Through vast plains and rivers' springs.
A continent's heartbeat, strong and true,
Where dreams take flight, where hopes renew.

From ancient tribes to modern days,
A tapestry of colors, myriad ways,
The spirit dances, unbound and free,
In the rhythm of Africa's jubilee.

On savannahs wide, where lions roam,
Freedom echoes in nature's poem.
The mighty elephant, with grace untamed,
Symbolizes strength, forever unchained.

From Cape to Cairo, and Timbuktu,
Freedom's flame burns bright and true.
Through struggles faced, and battles fought,
African hearts remain steadfast, never distraught.

From the echoes of apartheid's reign,
To independence, breaking every chain,
Africa's spirit rose, resilient and proud,
In the face of adversity, standing unbowed.

In Soweto's streets, the cries of change,
The birth of freedom, forever ingrained.
Nelson Mandela's voice, a beacon of light,
Inspiring a nation to stand up and fight.

The rhythm of freedom, an African beat,
Resonates through the lands, a harmony sweet.
In vibrant markets and bustling towns,
Freedom's essence can always be found.

From the Sahara's dunes to Victoria Falls,
Freedom cascades in majestic calls.
In the whispers of the Serengeti's breeze,
The promise of freedom whispers with ease.

Through fields of gold and diamond mines,
Africa's treasures, its vibrant signs.
Yet true wealth lies in freedom's embrace,
Empowering every soul, every race.

Let freedom's flame forever burn,
Igniting a hunger to learn and discern.
For in the spirit of Africa, we find,
The boundless potential of humankind.

So let us celebrate, Africa's birthright,
Freedom's triumph, a radiant light.
From Nigeria's shores to Ethiopia's peaks,
Let freedom reign, for all future weeks.

In unity, let us join hands and stand,
Honoring Africa's liberation, grand.
With hearts ablaze, our voices resound,
Freedom's anthem, forever renowned.

In Africa's embrace, freedom thrives,
Nurtured by the land, where hope survives.
A continent's journey, ever so grand,
A testament to the power of freedom's hand.

Copyright © Roseline Sunday | Year Posted 2023

Details | Roseline Sunday Poem

Hidden Agenda

There's more to it than meets the eye,
A look we can't deny.
Beneath the surface, a hidden plan,
A secret scheme, a hidden hand.

Behind every smile, every word,
A motive, a mission, is inferred.
A hidden agenda lies within,
A purpose that's not always seen.

Sometimes it's for good, sometimes for ill,
A hidden agenda can't be still.
It moves and shifts, it's never clear,
A game of chess, a strategy near.

It's the unspoken words that reveal,
The true intent that we conceal.
A hidden agenda can be sly,
It can deceive, it can belie.

It's a double-edged sword we wield,
A weapon that can't be easily healed.
A hidden agenda can be a trap,
A snare that we can't escape from, in a snap.

But it can also be a force for good,
A way to help, a way to understood.
A hidden agenda can be kind,
A secret that can heal the blind.

So be careful with the hidden plan,
For it can lead to either ban or fan.
Choose wisely, and use it well,
For the hidden agenda can cast a spell.

© Roseline Sunday

Copyright © Roseline Sunday | Year Posted 2023

Book: Reflection on the Important Things