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Best Poems Written by Markus Jay

Below are the all-time best Markus Jay poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Marching To the Same Beat

an angel stands under a lonely pine
    showing the way to the lost souls 
                           the ones
who innocently answered the king’s call
     and now 
          flags fly half mast  
for those that no-more stand       
    buried in some far off         
                  foreign land

 the pipes call out to the brave
and the angel tells us 
               never to forget
that her spirit lives in so many souls 
the black    
           the young     
                  and inside
                             the bold

 we must never forget our fathers of old
and of their stories they made 
                            and then told 
     stories of mateship 
                     amongst the bold
   mateship that was
                             never lost
                              never sold

so now we all step as one
together  side by side   
together  the strong
               the young
                 the old 
         metal gleaming 
         worn with   
                      so much
  while skywards heads 
        are held 
                   held up high  

 hope sparkle inside youthful eyes
that today’s leaders will never ask them 
to also
           make this ultimate
or that history books never 
 show them as a generation 
            that was bought  
                    and sold

so we sing the lament of grace 
telling us of the will of the brave 
 of honor      
              and the ultimate sacrifice
catch phrases 
                  and words used      
     on this cloudy     
                                        Autumn day
**The above is written about a march on  ANZAC day,   ANZAC day is a day of reflection to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice in war. It`s a day that is  best known to Australian`s and New Zealander`s.

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2023

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Rock of Damnation

from his rock he  sends out a deadly summons
  that calls  
                          the demons up to hell
that calls
                           the devils home 
a call for the  barbarians to answer

a cold wind blows through to a man’s soul
               as eternity waits
                                   inside the furnaces fire 
and     Lucifer sips
upon the dregs of society`s ills

the wake to realities nightmare
of devils and demons living
inside hells fires and brimstones
where the stench of death and suffering
invade the living 
                                  and the walking dead

the demons can cage a man
the demons can break a man`s spirit
but they can-not cage a man`s minds escape 

an minds escape 
                                     upon wings that fly

he dreams of lazing on a sun soaked beach
 a drink in hand   staring out at a pacific blue
sitting upon golden sands 

then he wake from dream
                  to nightmares reality
of devils and demons    
           side by side  inside Hades 
              side by side inside Dante' s fire

where upon the silence dark
                                     a nightmare screams
at the sound of rattling chains and steel iron 
at the sound of lashes from fire
that sting upon open flesh
and the  empty echoes of the hangman’s call
despair is born out of lost hope 
when the demon tighten his grip

his grip  around a man’s soul
upon the empty shells the beasts breed

the devils fire burns
as the demon wears the mask of innocent
  then walked upon the path of gold
  but all he found was burning fires and brimstones
                  it`s a place where
a whirlpool surrounds when the mighty winds blow 
an arctic chill that blows with a haunting sound
          a freight train into lost hearts
across the bay  
                      the devil 
                               comes a calling

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Markus Jay Poem

Old Man Time

Grandfather stands tall true and erect
his frame withered   
                 by old man time
his hands move so slow
      but with  
             that metronome beat

once all but new  
    now scaly and with colour fade
his lustre  
          all but gone 

now that time has moved along
his withered face stares  

           as the hours pass by
moving slowly with a
              grinder monkeys tune


listen to his timeless sound
as the wheels of time 
   slowly turn
                listen closely
there’s a routine  in his words

he tells you  
          when to stay

he tells you   
          when to go

 his wisdom
             so profound
with that beat
          metronome sound

     to his metronome like beat 
     to the tune inside your head
 hear the beat swing
as you whistle out his tune
a hypnotic beat
that has you 
 deep inside    
           his sound

he has seen 
           day becomes night
           night becomes day

he has seen 
          the present become the past
           and the past become the future

he has seen      
          the small grow large
           and the young grow old

he has seen   
          innocence become lost
           and the mature wither and die

he has seen a starting seed  
being sown
          then watch it 
                  and grow

                  and grow

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Markus Jay Poem

Ode To Ellie Brown

Goodbye to the leprechauns
goodbye clover carpets of green
I will cross many a deep blue sea
 to a wide sunshine land, just for me.

I have my shamrock, my lucky charm
my memories of many, a green rural farm 
so goodbye to villages and life so simple and true
from a young lass to womanhood, I now have grew.

with every word of a Celtic song
 inside will always find a home, lifelong.
So goodbye my father dear
I will think of you with every jig I hear.

while your fiddle made the music  
 we sang and danced along to its tune
it will always ring through my ears 
throughout time, throughout my years.

your love will forever, be in my heart
 now that time, keeps us well apart
 though we may never, met again
for you my heart will sing, but not amen.

my memory of this great, green land
will go with me where ever I stand
my childhood home, I now will part
never will it be torn, ripped from my heart.

 the excitement of life brand new
 of sunshine and colours of every hue
along this fearful path, towards the gain
soothes the sadness, all of my pain.

my home this emerald land 
will forever be etched
etched upon my 
   lonely young, soul

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2023

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"your old what do you know"
echoed aloud by generation new.

age is not just a number on a page
 but! It`s a feeling-down deep inside
 it`s a feeling-that matters
not only to you-but also to me

oh how! these eye`s see different!
oh how! these ears hear different!
oh how! this mind thinks different!
to when they were-brand new.

So-what price do we put on wisdom?
is it-for the experiences gathered
 by what these eyes have seen 
is it-the knowledge of knowing
 that once on a path you
don`t look back to where
you once have been.

yes I`ve made mistakes
but they have been
hard lessons-hard lessons learnt.
Yes-I have regrets.    
But-they are very-very few.
so what price do we put on wisdom
 I say--it is--oh so priceless.

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Markus Jay Poem

A Rainbow Appears

after the storm clouds clear
               a rainbow appears

after the thunder and lightning have their say
               a rainbow appears

after the wind and rain
               a rainbow appears

after the night turns into day
               sunshine appears

when the dark clouds part
              sunshine appears

after all of winters gloom
            sunshine appears
so a flower can then bloom 
from inside 
             spring times womb

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Markus Jay Poem


Sun shines upon the day.
Petals and flowers 
Reach for the sky; they bath
In the yellow and gold of
Natures gifts now that the
Gloomy day`s, have all but gone away.

The temperature has risen up so  new born
Infants frolic with their
Mothers in this warmth.
Everything is now lush, new and green

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Markus Jay Poem

signed to the message

do your bit for king and country.
are you a coward?
or are you brave?
so now is the time to sacrifice
you don`t want to let your mates down
it`s a kinship of the soul
you know that’s the Australian way

it was the message that was kept being sold

 so they signed up in their droves

but they weren`t told about 
the swamps of the sodden earth 
how the bitter cold chilled 
     deep into your soul 
the rivers flowing red with blood
across the sticky, stinking mud

they didn’t talk about dying 
and left nameless, all alone
on some far off foreign soil

there is two sides to the coin

they’re ears were filled with 
constant, never-ending crack of gunfire
the booming sounds of mortar rounds
 the smell of death filled the air
and the wind carried agonising screams
and lifeless bodies laid skewn
across this hell, everywhere

but mans rage still went on

when the sound of a whistle blew
it was the time to give sacrifice
so fast you had to charge and run
because you didn’t want your turn to come

the battlefield became a chess board
where the generals positioned their pawns
but it wasn`t them that paid the price

it was a strategy that ended in tragedy

and now its overseas 
where the true heroes lie
and at home their loved ones 
are left with waterfalls of
     fallen tears

lest we forget-25/4

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2024

Details | Markus Jay Poem

Tears For Mother

You warned us against profit and greed,
with deaf ears these warnings; went unheed.

You soul was pillaged and changed,
till your life became so unarranged.

Dry your tears and please don`t dispair,
for your innocent child will start to care.

He maybe standing at the cliffs face,
so just show them-them your lovin` grace.

Forget your fury-forget your outrage,
time to start on a brand new page.

Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Markus Jay Poem

let's not forget the tragedies

the great debate is once again upon us
 let the augments begin
the pro and cons list is drawn up 
        so let’s argue
on who is wrong and who is right
   so when both side cases are answered for
and they tally up the scores
there are no real winners
                                   only losers
neither place is one we need to be

 united is a word that needs 
                                         to remain free
so lets not sit on the left 
                                       or the right
it’s in the middle which seems  
     the right place to be

let’s not forget the tragedies
             from the past
and let the future begin now

keep the past inside history books
           inside our minds
       within the stories told

from generation to generation
    it needs to remain true
       to keep the spirit alive
a sprit that has survived
      it should never be lost
                    to the great expense

it was also born out of hardship
         and  a will to survive
to form an identity
                        mate ship 
                  and national pride 

as the song goes:
   “we are one, and we are many” 

once the waterhole had poison water
now the pen flows with poison ink
and many angry fingers type on twitter feeds
it’s a place where ignorance is king
                         and the bigots song does sing

do we really need this
                                        to unite

so now
two fires are now burning
and they are burring
                          out of control
 we need to respect both fires 
  for respect goes both ways

not towards
         which fire
                  is burning 
                            the brightest

*January 26 is Australia Day our national day, a day which should unite this wonderful country but the day has ended up being very decisive …


Copyright © Markus Jay | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things