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Best Poems Written by Jessica Wheeler

Below are the all-time best Jessica Wheeler poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Melancholy Me

Melancholy me, since Kelly's gone away
Far beyond the sea, and out of every day
Stage by stage I've wept, but finally, I see
What I must accept; a melancholy me

It follows and it looms, a threat to my clear sky
Though never quite consumes, insists that I comply 
She's not for me to find, no path for me to track
So rain I will not mind, if I can't have her back

My happiness and joy, are never felt alone
This grief did not destroy, but left an undertone
Useless to contest, what lingers underneath
So I will try my best, to balance in this grief 

Perhaps I am jaded, but I am past denial
Anger has since faded; I've learned again to smile
I'll steady more each day, my given grief tightrope
And mind my every sway, when wind threatens my cope

Relentless my implore, and pointless it would seem
She went, she is no more, to see her is to dream
I begged her not leave, and still, she did not stay
For that, I'll ever grieve, my melancholy way
Born by final breath, now breathing in her place
I'll live despite her death, as long as I embrace
Because it's mine to keep, it's just my cross to bear
I'll bury it down deep, but always, it is there 

And though I did not choose, it's what I would prefer
I cannot bear to lose, my memory of her
While pain is in my heart, Kelly too, shall be...
Because she is a part, of melancholy me.

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2023

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Poop- There It Is

No pushing or breaking of water
It was a c-section that brought her
But this is about
What wouldn’t come out
A poop just as big as my daughter!

Perhaps it was pain medication
To clog up and cause constipation
Nurse said I must show
They won’t let me go
Till poop- there it is- defecation!

Determined, I pulled an all-nighter.
That turd was a hell of a fighter.
And then with my tush,
Turns out I did push!
And poof! I was seven pounds lighter!

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2023

Details | Jessica Wheeler Poem


You fall like a feather to the ground 
I can no longer blame the wind 
For your change in direction
You slip through my fingers
Each time I reach out
The wind takes you
You're willing
You are

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2023

Details | Jessica Wheeler Poem

You Never Were On Time

You said it when you said goodbye
You said you'd anchor near
You said I'd feel you in the wind but all I feel is air 

I listened for the whispers, too
I listened close to hear
I listened and I looked but all the signs you sent weren't clear

We had a pact, you shattered it
We had so little time 
We had an understanding but it seems it was just mine

You chose to throw it all away
You chose to say it's fine 
You chose to shoot the poison, smoke the death and cross that line

I tried so hard to breathe for you
I tried to circulate
I tried and cried, denied and still, I’d die to change your fate

You said you’d never be that far
You said you wouldn't wait
You said you'd run like wind to me I guess you're running late

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2023

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Much like the ocean,

peaceful and serene,

transitioning tides,

turn calm to chaotic.

Influential pull,

consequently shifts,

roaring with rage,

colliding waves crash.


In search of a source,

to brighten my path,

I offer reflection,

should light ever strike.


All the while, I dance,

mad in my mystery,

banishing secrets,

deep in my depths.


Gown of the moonlight,

draped on the surface,

sways with the ocean,

a sky and sea waltz.

My thoughts are the waves,

they come and they go,

capricious cadence,

of mind's melody.

I fear a disruption,

in this ocean moon rhythm,

should my thoughts cut in,

or sing out of tune.


Yet the glowing reflection,

of the flowing moon gown,

moves with the waves,

intact and unchanged.


I search for what's hidden,

in this glistening ocean,

shameful of greed,

unfulfilled, I remain.


I hunger for truth,

I crave to know meaning,

deeper than the ocean,

brighter than the moon.


Angered introspections,

it should be enough,

frustration thunders,

storm rumbles within.


Will I know satisfaction?

on the cusp of a wind storm,

then a wave washes over,

to quiet my questions.

I realize the ocean,

vast canvas of blue,

radiates an illusion,

by source of the day.

The night's shining sea,

painted with moonlight,

Is work of reflection,

from an artist beyond.


I'm humbled once more,

a mere mortal in awe,

of the ocean and sky,

and their cosmic connection.


For the master of night,


mirrored by the moon,


igniting the ocean,


is the faraway Sun.

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2023

Details | Jessica Wheeler Poem

Beyond the Fireworks

It's the Fourth of July.
With fireworks above
You flew like the wind to be by my side
As they roared with rage
I teased, but I held you close
Like always
My hands covered your little ears
And your little hands covered mine
I watched you watch sky
My little sister.
It's the Fourth of July.
With fireworks above
We were the embodiment of youth
Carefree as the wind whipped wildly through our hair
In a friend's black Jetta
We journeyed to the beach to watch the town's display
Faithfully at my hip
You tagged along
Where you belonged.
It’s the Fourth of July
With fireworks above
I paced the pavement in dreadful worry, calling you
In the downfall of your self-destruction
I would fall ill with every heard siren
My face would flush with fever at each knock on my door
You arrived home that night under the smoke-filled sky
Your eyes filled with clouds
Clouds remained
But you did not
My sister.
It's the Fourth of July.
With fireworks below...
I soared above the ignited sky in an airplane
Without you
Those celebratory colors cracking miles below me
As I flew
Home from where you left
To fly home
High above the planes
Above the fireworks
Where you illuminate the Heavens
On the Fourth of July
And I remember.

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2023

Details | Jessica Wheeler Poem

That's Ruff

Get in line man, there's no need to bark.
Have some patience, you'll soon make your mark.
You think this is bad, Spot?
Just be glad you don't squat.
'Cause that ladies' tree line's out the park!

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2024

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A Blinding Conundrum

found atop her head
the disappearing glasses~
a mystery solved

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2023

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The Perfect Blend

His practical and thoughtful way
It's either day or night,
With barely any shades of grey,
His views are black and white.
She has a multicoloured blend
Of pinks, and greens, and blues,
A reaching rainbow to extend,
Delighting with her hues.

Pragmatic thinkers often feel
Confined to their black ink,
While feelers' colors might conceal
Their longing just to think.

A one-track mind begins to stray
Outside those narrow lines,
While dreamer's hues shall not betray
A search for solid signs.
Upon a sturdy, steady stand,
His canvas black or white,
Will lighten up when colors land,
And tone down ones too bright.
When passion paints in reason's mind,
And logic heals in heart,
Within this balance, you will find
A wondrous work of art.

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2023

Details | Jessica Wheeler Poem

No Such Magic

My tendency to slip into the dark-
a matter you have now begun to press.  
In realms of time and pain, I ache no less;  
you undervalue still, its lasting mark.  
So see me stand before you, bare and stark;  
I pray you’re not dismayed when I confess  
the ticking clock alone cannot repress-
this sorrow hovers on a timeless arc.

I do not wish to burden or deceive;  
if I could craft a spell, I’d cast it quick.  
I’d wield a wand if it might do the trick,  
but endless is this ache, I do believe.  
To waste a wish on turning time is tragic,  
for I have yet to come across this magic.

Copyright © Jessica Wheeler | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs