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Best Poems Written by Jay Narain

Below are the all-time best Jay Narain poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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If I Were Your Love

What is love my dear love?
When you cry, my heart weeps,
when you laugh, my heart rejoices,
when you have pain, my heart aches.

How much do I love you?
I am the bee, you are the honey,
I seek the fragrance, you are the jasmine,
I stare at the dark skies; you are there with silvery soothing light.

How deep is my love?
I am the heart, you are its beat,
I am the ocean, you are its waves,
I am the body; you are its soul.

How do I make you feel secure?
To survive, we all need dough,
We will share, all we will have,
Smart phone contents, may be too private to share,
Our own separate spaces, will help to dispel the fear,
Occasionally we will agree, to disagree on few issues,
Discussing the issues amicably, will solve the problems,

How strong is my love?
We may or may not be there life long,
But be assured,
I will be ever yours and you will be mine.

April 23, 2023 

If I Were Your Love Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose Rose

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2023

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Gotta love - reversible poem

Love’s journey, joy and tears,
Guided by grace through all the years.
Gotta love, in every guise,
Each chapter cherished, beneath the skies.

True love with God, tranquil and pure,
Promises eternal, pristine and sure.
Divine devotion, a destined delight,
Faithful forever, in the Father's light.

Memories murmur, melancholy in pairs.
Gone is the glow, a grievous gap glares,
Whispered words weep, wounds within deep.
Separation's sorrow, shadows silently sweep.

Tender touches, time transcends too soon.
She sings softly, serenades under the moon,
Laughter lingers long, lovely in twilight.
Living with love, life's luminous light.

Heartbeats hasten, hopes held high, hues of blue.
In anticipation, ardor awakens anew,
Gotta love the glowing gaze, a girl's gentle bloom.
Glimpses of grace in the gathering gloom.

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2024

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An Ode to Last Leaf

Quote: " I am the last leaf on the tree and the wind is blowing" --G. Hinckley

In the fading light of autumn's embrace, 
A poet's pen dances, a tribute to grace. 
An ode to the last leaf, resilient and strong, 
A symbol of endurance, a theme of the song.

While the valley and the hills have transformed into colorful space,
You, the last leaf, linger in this desolate space.
You have watched the vibrant dance of leaves with the wind,
Their colors ablaze, a spectacle to rescind.

Caterpillars transformed, to butterflies they soar,
Yet here you remain, grounded, yearning for more.
Eagles circle overhead, a somber sign,
Of your impending fate, a destiny entwined divine.

All other birds have taken flight, left youe behind,
Locked in solitude, with thoughts unkind.
You await the mighty gust, the breath of release,
To set you adrift, to grant you peace.

Like the cycle of life, uncertain and vast,
You ponder your fate, as each moment goes past.
When you finally descend, to the earth below,
You will join the chorus of leaves, in nature's grand show.

In that final moment, you will be free at last,
No longer confined by the seasons that gone past,
For in the end, like the leaf in the fall,
We all return to dust, surrendering to the call.

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2024

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Rekindled Love

Up on the sliding hill in the atmospheric river rain,
Captivating eyes of beauty, smile to me again.

Eyes full of rainy deluge, drenching in cold, over heart’s fire,
Like greening of balding hills, rekindle my waning desire.

Like the little birds over tall trees, swinging in wind, take flight,
Even though the rain falls like avalanche with full might.

Pre spring sprouting daffodils and tulips get run over by windy rain,
Yet they rise again and again, like my thoughts of seeing you again.

Who would not love you, seeing you move,
Warm-eyed and beautiful through the green alpine grove.

Let the rain drench you, flow thru your hair,
My love will rise like phoenix, and embrace you there.

Laugh if my cheek is misty and drips,
Wetness is tender, laugh on my lips.

The happy sweet laughter of love with pain,
Rekindled love, the strong love, burning in the rain.

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2024

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Interlude, brief and profound,
Where echoes of existence softly resound,
In this quiet chamber, dreams take flight,
A moment to ponder, in the tranquil night.

In the realm of love, where hearts may grow weary, 
An interlude of space makes the bond less dreary. 
Through quiet reflection and understanding gained, 
We rekindle the flame, with love unchained.

Amid challenges, when thoughts seem unclear, 
An interlude allows for clarity to appear. 
With a mind at ease and emotions set free, 
We face the world's puzzles with a fresh decree.

As the sun dips low, painting skies with hues, 
Interlude whispers secrets, ancient and true. 
A bridge between echoes, a pause to contemplate, 
An interval of stillness, before the day's fate.

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2023

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My love asked me so sweet,
Am I lovelier than a moonlit treat?
I vowed to her with all my might,
When I gaze at you, the moon takes flight.

The flower questioned the garden's grace,
Do I bring colors to your sacred space?
The garden pledged to those blooms so rare,
Your presence, dear flower, makes heaven seem bare.

I inquired of my beloved, my heart's desire,
Shall I keep you captive in my eyes, stoking love's fire?
Tenderly, my lover replied with a smile,
In your gaze, the entire universe, I'll defile.

The poet pondered upon his creation,
Why do poems speak of pain and desperation?
The verses paused, took a deep breath,
The poet's tears, now dry, etched upon his breast.

A POTD poem

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2023

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Beyond ego's orbit, we set our sights, 
On an expedition where compassion ignites. 
Away from selfish dreams, we'll choose to see, 
The world's shared sorrows, our true destiny.

In this cosmic voyage, we'll leave behind, 
The narrow confines of a selfish mind. 
To remember the pain, the world's cries, 
And reach for the stars with empathetic eyes.

For in the vast expanse of space so wide, 
We'll find a perspective, hearts open wide. 
To mend the world's wounds, we'll find our way, 
On an expedition that cares, come what may.

An expedition to lands burdened by strife, 
Where hunger persists and claims innocent life. 
In the quest for solutions, we'll firmly stand, 
To nurture education across each land.

Through empathy's lens, we'll bridge the divide, 
In the face of despair, we won't step aside. 
War's harsh grip, we aim to unbind, 
A mission of love to heal humankind.

With hearts full of hope, we'll dare to heed,
The change these poor countries so desperately need. 
An expedition for a brighter tomorrow we'll strive, 
For a world where all souls can truly thrive.

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2023

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Me and Nature

A lways seeking the light, a beacon in the dark, 
B oldly facing challenges, leaving a lasting mark.
C reating dreams in the canvas of the sky, 
D ancing with the stars, reaching new highs.
E ternal hills, majestic and grand, 
F lowers blooming in the sand. 
G reen meadows stretching far and wide, 
H armony in nature, a soothing guide
I gniting passions that blaze like a fiery sun, 
J ourneying onward, the adventure has begun. 
K eeping faith in the power of the human soul,
L ifting spirits higher, making broken hearts whole.
M ountains towering, touching the clouds, 
N ature's wonders, mysterious shrouds. 
O pen fields where wild creatures roam, 
P ure and wild, nature's own home.
Q uestions and answers, a dance of the mind, 
R eveling in knowledge, the treasure you find. 
S eeking the truth in the whispers of the trees, 
T rusting in the journey, guided by the breeze.
U nderneath the moon's soft glow, 
V alleys deep where rivers flow. 
W hispers carried by the breeze, 
X anadu in nature's keys.
Y earning hearts find solace in the earth, 
Z enith of beauty, nature's rebirth.

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2023

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The Musk deer searches the forest,
For the fragrance so dear,
She does not know, the musk lies in her navel,
Inviting us to look for virtues within ourselves.

With the eyes like that of deer,
Body slim as leaping gazelle,
The skin so colorful, soft, and glowing,
The beauty we love to adore,
The deer bestows the look so dear.

On a foggy night, when I go for a sleep walk,
I meet deer and fawn coming down to creek,
They wonder about my sleepless troubled mind,
I adore their beauty on hazy moonlit nights.

Advice from a deer,
“Be a good listener”,
For wisdom lies hidden in words we ignore,
In silence, learn secrets the world longs to share.

"Know when to lay low," 
In stillness, find solace, devoid of all fear. 
When storms rage above, and chaos unfolds, 
Retreat to the shadows where peace gently molds. 

"Tread lightly on earth,", 
For our footprints leave marks that forever appear. 
With reverence and grace, step with utmost care, 
Preserve every meadow, each forest is so rare. 

"Take time to browse," 
In the bounty of life, find joy from within. 
Explore the vast fields, where dreams come alive, 
Feast upon moments, let your spirit revive.

"Look both ways before you cross the road," 
In life's bustling highway, where dangers may roam, 
Take heed of the perils and find your way home,
Let vigilance guide us through winding hurdles unseen.

"Don't pass the buck!" 
Accept accountability, embrace what is right,
For the buck stops with us, in actions we take, 
With compassion and courage, our choices shall be made.

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2023

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In the vaulted sky where thunder roars,
Clouds rupture with a mighty force.
Lightning dances, a fiery waltz,
As rain descends in soothing salts.

The heart, too, can rupture deep,
In agony and pain, secrets it keeps.
Yet, unlike storms that quickly pass,
Time rains down, healing the heart's morass.

Years cascade in a gentle stream,
Softening wounds, as in a dream.
The echoes of pain may still remain,
But with time's touch, they wane.

Copyright © Jay Narain | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things