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Best Poems Written by Ryan Gayagay

Below are the all-time best Ryan Gayagay poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Memories of One's Stay At a Children's Home

We were just children of different ages,
From varied places brought on different days  
By the police to that one children’s home.
At first, we did not know each other’s name,
But we soon developed a bond that was
Peculiar to people in the same plight.

We were victims of abuse and neglect
In our own homes by family and kin,
So we chose to run and live on the streets.
We rummaged through garbage for scraps to sell,
At night, in parks or in pavements, we slept 
‘Til the police took us in their mobile.

There were babies, too, who had been disclaimed
In hospitals just after they were born,
By their own mothers--too young or poor,
Or afraid of responsibility.
They occupied one of the building’s wings:
When one cried, the others joined in sympathy. 

We were fed, clothed, and we had warm beds; 
We helped Nanay* cook and prepare our meals 
Tatay* cleaned the halls and kept the garden.
The other staff were very good to us.
Thus, in that place, though momentarily,
We had a semblance of a family.

Sometimes a new child was brought in--frightened,
And shy, till he warmed to our company.
The saddest part was when one had to go--
Released due to overage, or finally
Found by relations, or for adoption.
These goodbyes always brought tears to our eyes.

It was in that children’s home where I learned
Many things about love, loss, life, and pain,
And why it was that the world wasn’t fair,
And why there were those who still remained kind.
I found solace in people I barely knew
And real friendship in an unlikely place.

I can’t help but wonder where they are now;
It’s been one score and ten since my release.
Some names and faces I can still recall
But some have faded with the years that passed.
All I can do is wish them well and pray, 
Like Tiny Tim, “God bless us, everyone!”

*Nanay is a Filipino term for Mother; the male counterpart is Tatay.

April 10, 2023
Lower Fairview, Baguio City

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ryan Gayagay Poem


A violin is like a lover--
A beautiful work of Art--
Precious, delicate, fragile.
It has to be handled with care,
Caressed, fondled, touched,
Hugged--but not too tight,
Or break it might
And hurt you in its breaking.

Hold the violin by its neck
The way you would hold your lover--
Firm but with the right pressure.
Look at it at arm’s length,
Admire its waist,
Lay your chin on its rest,
Close your eyes and feel
Your lover’s chest.

Press its strings as if you were
Pressing your lover’s skin,
With fingertips tripping over
Like the dainty feet of a dancer.
And the violin’s scroll--
Isn’t it a pretty sight?
Like a lover’s head bowed
When you were still both shy.

May 1, 2024
Lower Fairview, Baguio City

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2024

Details | Ryan Gayagay Poem

A Confession

“Guilty, Sir, if you insist that I am--
Yes, ‘twas I who cut her with a knife and
Took her heart out, so very gently while
It was beating--still beating in my palms.
From the cavity where her heart had lain
I placed it in an ornate box with care,
A vessel lined with the finest satin,
Encrusted outside with glittering gems    
That shone and sparkled like her living eyes,
Which had enthralled me when she was alive. 

“What? Remorse, Sir? No, absolutely not!
With what I did, I am most satisfied.
Know, Sir, that she had promised me her heart
When we were young and very much in love--
This love we nurtured, as seasons went by
And yearly sealed in sincere assurance,
Till she slowly became cold and distant,
Not speaking a word, till through circumstance,
She confessed that someone else had her heart, 
So I--I took what was pledged to be mine.

“Where, Sir? It’s in a space under my bed,
Where nightly I take it out of its place
And lay it on my pillow near my head
That I may caress it and dream of days
When lovers stood fast on what they had pledged.
Please, Sir, if you’d retrieve the box for me,
This dank dark cell would be a paradise,
For her heart would bear me such company
That even the loss of freedom would suffice 
To make me feel I am a man most free.”

April 2, 2023

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ryan Gayagay Poem

Dark Haiku

Listen to the sounds--
Eerie, spectral, strange, haunting:
These are cursèd grounds.

Reeking, nauseous smell
Reaching to your very soul--
From the pit of hell.

Darkness and shadows
Fly on the cavernous walls
Like a million crows.

Teeth as black as coal,
Bloodshot eyes and twisted horns--
Satan’s crafty troll.

Flames that leap up high
Damned souls scream in piercing cries:
No respite is nigh.

Serpents intertwine
Around Satan’s very throne
Where demons recline.

Pitch black and blood red
Dominate the ghastly scene:
Where the Devil led.

March 26, 2023

3rd Place
Hell Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Robert James Liguori

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ryan Gayagay Poem

On the Fire That Razed Blocks 3 and 4 of the Baguio Public Market Night of March 11, 2023

It all began with a tiny spark
That quickly grew to a roaring blaze;
Its flaming arms reaching every space
Devouring all that in its path lay.

It was close to midnight, who would’ve thought
That the night would be pierced by this onslaught?
Firefighters came and with all their might fought 
This treacherous foe, its destruction sought.

So we stood and watched helpless on the side
As the fire licked all the merchandise,
And as embers flew, leaving things to dust,
We clutched each other, said, “In God we trust.”

What went up in smoke in that dreadful fire?
It wasn’t just cash, for some it was life;
A new home for a family of five
Or funds for the education of a child.

We lament, therefore, this great tragedy
That will surely live long in our memory
But we'll rise like a phoenix from its ashes--
No adversity shall bend us to our knees.

March 16, 2023

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023

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I Only Live To Love You: A Love Song

I was only a drifter, Was just going with the flow; My life then had no meaning, I didn’t know where to go. Then fate brought us together, It was the best of my days. In you I found the reason-- I live to love you always. Now, what’s to live without you, I can’t even contemplate. With you, I can’t ask for more For your love is adequate. I only live to love you; We are each other’s soul mate. So, Darling, come take may hand-- Hold it tight, don’t let it go ‘Coz I’m afraid that if you do, My world would lose its rainbow. And this to you I promise: In all of life’s ups and downs, To you I will be steadfast Until Death claims us at last.
*This poem is inspired by the song of the same title. April 6, 2023 Fairview, Baguio City

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ryan Gayagay Poem

When I In Silent Moments Ponder Life

When I in silent moments ponder life
And think of all the suffering I see,
I can’t but weep because of all the strife,
And wish for how this thing and that should be.
But in so wishing all the more my pain
Increases still as though to test my will--
How far I’d bear this grief yet to retain
A sense of hope amidst a world of ill. 
While in this rueful state I think of you,
Your charming smile, pure heart, and innocence;
What joy I feel inspires me to push through
In spite of all that don’t make any sense.
	A Light and Reason in a dark abyss:
	You are to me like Dante's Beatrice*.

*In Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, Beatrice is a symbol of Divine Love and serves as his guide in Paradiso.    
April 4, 2023
Baguio City

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ryan Gayagay Poem

An Endless Dream Dance: Collab With Jo

"You dance love, and you dance joy and you dance dreams." - Gene Kelly I am lost in an endless dream My love and I are together Dancing hand in hand, we're a team Like the zephyr and a feather Swirling and swaying to the beat We are caught up in love's sweet trance To the music, tapping our feet Adrift in our fantasy dance I am drunk with his sweet perfume As I lay my head on his chest We glide and float across the room My trembling heart against his, pressed. All around us are empty seats And memories of happy years And all the while his firm heartbeats, They sound like music to my ears. I look to see my lover’s face And his eyes seem to glow with fire I hold him in a tight embrace Like that a Muse gives to her lyre. So on we dance and time stands still We ignore each passing hour We are imprisoned by the thrill Being in each other’s power. I do not want this dream to end To wake up and find I’m alone But dawn breaks in to apprehend Into the real world, I’m thrown I await night’s darkness to sleep To dream of my love and our dance I am lost in fantasy deep Hope this will last longer perchance
March 31, 2023 Collab with Jo Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Joanna Daniel

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ryan Gayagay Poem

Reflection On a Maundy Thursday

He came and dwelt among men 
And shared a vision of heav'n;
To Him some opened their doors,
But more denied their favors.

With sinners He sat and supped;
Thus, others called Him corrupt.
But they did not understand:
He changed their hearts with His hand.

He walked and taught in byways
And always with gentle gaze;
Some gladly took His offer,
Others remained a scoffer.

Still He sought those who were lost,
Those who felt were tempest-tossed.
He healed the sick--gave them hope!--
Granted them the strength to cope.

He knew He had few days left
And sorrowed for those bereft;
In His heart, He put us first--
Both good and bad and the worst.

In spite of His love so clear,
We pierced His side with a spear.
Then as He drew His last breath,
For us all He conquered Death. 

April 6, 2023

Write a Jueju-Qijue Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Emile Pinet

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ryan Gayagay Poem

Graduation Day

We stood dressed like Romans of long ago
Our togas rustled in the wind
Echoing our mixed emotions on that day
As we lined outside the great hall.

When at last we heard the familiar strain
So we straightened our backs and walked
Conversations ceased as we filed in twos
Entered the hall and took our seats.

Thus everything ended on one special day
All our hardship, our toils, and tears
But as we each received that piece of scroll
We didn’t know what to make of it.

March 18, 2023

2nd Place
Graduation Day Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Craig Cornish

Copyright © Ryan Gayagay | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs