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Best Poems Written by John Howard

Below are the all-time best John Howard poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Brother and Sister Colors

Oh flesh of many colors,
          brothers all are we,
          placing the Holy Spirit
          above us on our knees.

          No matter what we’re labeled
          by those who sell a grace,
          when names and slogans start to fly,
          be calm and hold your place.

          A yearning, kindly human heart
          is only satisfied
          through service to our Father,
          not willful selfish pride.

          Attitudes need adjustment
          for loving, patient deeds:
          objective understanding
          not subjective, deceiving creed.

          Oh flesh of many colors,
          sisters all are we.
          Beyond the ego, church, and flag,
          the truth becomes a plea.

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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Multilingual Birds of a Feather

     The Mockingbird sings out his misleading best,
     in hopes to attract a dupe with a nest,

     where the squatter believes mate’s eggs should belong;

     so mimics and jabbers uncountable songs.

     Catbirds and Thrashers, related critters,

     both grey North Americans sport throats of a twitter.

     These gifted Warblers mock tricky bird tunes,

     deceiving, deluding as feathered dragoons.

     In fairness to balance the Tweeters’ intent,

     creating, demanding a need to invent

     a song to attract a new or lost mate:

     so, a beacon to follow and commitment to state.


                   EXAMPLE MOCK SONGS

              whistling, hey-hey yip pittie-yap
              frog gurgle, snarf-chickie claw-saw
              peep peeping piccolo-staccato bleat
              sniftering chit-chat, yodel-do do
              snerling, rat trap, blah tat-tat-tat
              crunchy nasal chirp, coo-coo-coo

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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Critical Thinking Opens the Mind

Critical thinking is science at work,
             not hasty indictment with cynical smirk.
          Start by collecting data and facts,
             then analyze, synthesize, hypothesize that.
          At final judgement to general position,
             evaluate sides for the best supposition.

                    Apply reason when testing
                    Check facts to the letter
                    Challenge your choices 
                    From good to much better.

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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Progressive Globalist Re-Set Plan For America

          If the Progressive American Re-set Plan

          is absent God,

          the God of truth, hope, forgiveness,

          love, joy, peace, and kindness;

          The God of the Holy Bible

          and our one nation 

          granting rights making order viable, 

          covenanting with our Constitution:

          Only hearts obeying Godliness

          protect our rights from Godlessness.

          Absent God, their Re-set Plan

          destines America to darkness.

      Authoritarians, dictatorial rulers

      designing this plan is tyranny.

      Anti-Americans of Godless persuasions

      invite tyrants to power: the State is their deity.

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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Fall of the Fourth Estate

Where did all the journalists go,
                                    longtime passing -

                               Why did objectively reporting the news end,
                                    many years ago -

                               How did integrity bow to bucks,
                                    gone to job security every one.

                               Gone the referees, gone the rules,
                                    gone the protection from leaders who fool.

                                When will they ever learn 
                                When will we ever learn 

                               Where did American professors go,
                                    longtime teaching -
                               Why did American Greatness atrophy,
                                    tossed out the window at university -

                               When did elevating truth and integrity 
                                    take a dive to conformity.

                               Gone to controlled, politicized, opinion news,
                                    gone to Big Exec’s checks excused.

                                If a tree falls in the forest,
                                Does it make a sound?

                                If media doesn’t cover events,
                                Do events even happen?

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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Somewhere Called Love

The moon was full
                the stars were bright
                     silence covered the hills.
          A soft song was playing
                the rig slightly swaying
                     heading for somewhere called love.

         You meet someone 
               sent from far away
                     out of the blue they walk by.
         A vision so lovely
               a voice full of hope
                     heading for somewhere called love.

         Running in moonlight
               steering my course 
                     keeping my eyes on the road up ahead.
         Finding that person
               hoping for what?
                      Heading for somewhere called love.

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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Lost and Found At Cushing

She’s found.
          The one who left her Cashmere coat
                 in plain sight after the movie.

          I didn’t know her.
          I had no idea what I had found
                 at the end of my search.

         She was beautiful.
         The warm smile and sparkling eyes
                looked at me.

         Did you forget your coat,” I stared;
                this had never happened to me.

         And later, after we got her coat on,
         She took my arm and leaned into my side
                as we walked to say good night at her door.

         New warmth overwhelmed an enlarged thirsty heart.

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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United States Constitutional Insights On Order

Society requires GOVERNMENT 

                                     Government is not a business

                                It does not produce, it only consumes

                                             For what purposes?

    One system of government owns and manages all property, and business,

         and controls all of it and the citizens: Communism/Totalitarianism 

               Another system controls the management of all property,

                              business, and the citizens: Socialism

  The U.S. Constitutional system demands a government to preserve, protect,

              and obey it securing the blessings of freedom and liberty for

                        WE THE PEOPLE ownership and management 

                                of our own property and business.

                             The farmer does not allow his fat hogs 
                         to control the menu, portions, feeding times,
                     accommodations, or how many birthdays they get.
                       The farmer invests time and capital, knowledge 
                        and understanding of markets and competition 
                                expecting to survive and profit in a
                                free, fair, and open market system:

     One systems says, “There is no God. And if there is, we don’t believe it.”

  Another says, “There may be a God, but we replaced it with psychologists.”

    Our Constitutional systems requires moral and ethical elected leadership

  to manage the administration of limited government with faith and hope for

                                    God’s continued blessing.

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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Power of the Ballot Box

To live with victory won by the sin of cheating,
corruption becomes physically manifest -
unethical, corrupt political leaders might triumph,
and our Constitution and National Security put at risk.

Our legal Absentee Balloting process could be unlawfully 
augmented with millions of “mail-in” ballots
“box-dropped”, harvested, and delivered to political operatives
for conditioning along with rigged machinery - fixing the vote.

Upon hiding or destroying all evidence of planned 
unlawful voter frauds in several key States,
the Cheater’s Manifesto, “There is no evidence”,
would be preposterous.

Lies will have consequences.
Corrupt, lawless politicians 
will live in fear of voter retribution 
and God’s ultimate judgement.

Pray Constitutional law and world peace would survive stolen power.
Pray Election reform and integrity would save us at the given hour.

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023

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Language Roots of New England Non-Device-Ive

I offen soffen neether content nor intent,

       eether explicit or implicit about 

       devices to rearrange things in

       the Care-ah-beein Sea or

       pahkin karz at Hahvad

       in  Bostin.

Copyright © John Howard | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs