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Best Poems Written by Jared Pickett

Below are the all-time best Jared Pickett poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Sun Rises--The Moon Sets

The Sun Rises- -The Moon Sets 

Think of life, the cycle of 
How radiation can support life, enough heat to
Ensure a stable self sustaining system.

Something like our RA,  peasants producing
Under this celestial god. He may be dull at times, but
Never far from active.

Rising to all inhabitants.
Imitated by many, but none can capture
Something so surreal. For many hours 
Everything thrives into productivity only to
Soon fade. 

Telescoping images of you in the night
How warm is your glow soft blue white
Ever circling the world we call home

Master of revolution, elliptical, precise
Omnipresent, effervescence
Orb of the night, silent in flight
Never failing, glowing light

Shimmering beauty, through magnified eye
Emitting a wondrous, magnificent sight
Torched your surface, by meteor showers
Shine again tomorrow, I'm forever yours   

This poem is written in the Acrostic style by father and son..
SUN written by son, MOON written by father
2009...........Jared Pickett and Richard Pickett

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2010

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Eye Candy

Double Acrostic

I just want to mention before you read this poem that "Oasis" by Charmaine Chircop
allowed me the inspiration to write this. Thoughts had been swirling through my mind 
for about 24 hours and I was having difficulty finding the form to express them. Those
of you that know me know that I favor difficult forms rather than plain Freestyle. 
Thank you Charma, It is good to be back!!

Eye Candy

Erratic, heart thrusting through my chest!
Yoga is in session, followers in succession! 
Edible delights without excess embellishment.

Core poses carve, define rippled mid-sections
Anxiety has subsided, muscles relaxed. Objective,
Nurture those curves! Endure tension, calm her nerves.
Durability, her gift is my defection. Connection, A fifteen
Year friendship and we are both free agents!

Jared Pickett

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2014

Details | Jared Pickett Poem

Wandering Soul

A speckle of light
appears in the dark
barely visible to eye sight
it is always there.
I think it is my grandmothers
wandering soul
here for some purpose
what for I don't know.
I can still feel her presence
like she'd never left
I can still smell her essence 
still feel her warm breath.
She speaks to me at night
while I rest in bed
replaying old home movies,
memories in high def.....
I miss her so much
so much I can't bear.
I miss listening to her stories
while she brushes my hair.
She's a ghost wandering aimlessly
with unfinished business to redeem
and when her time expires,
I'll again wish her godspeed.

Jared Pickett

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2010

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Random Thoughts*15* Palindrome Poetry

*Palindrome Poetry*


represents scales.
balanced and fair.
Sway little, intellect overbearing, charming.
Opinions strong, mediator, excellent.
Bonds deep, spiritually forging connections.
Compatible, Scorpio and Gemini strong.
Artistic and creative. 
Creative and artistic,
strong. Gemini and Scorpio compatible.
Connections forging spiritually deep bonds.
Excellent mediator, strong opinions.
Charming,overbearing intellect, little sway.
Fair and balanced.
Scales represent

***Palindrome, by definition is a word, phrase, verse, sentence or even
     poem that reads the same forward or backward.***Example***
           "Artistic and creative inspiring Creative and artistic"

Jared Pickett

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2009

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B-Dubs W(Rap)

first for an appetizer 
I'd like an O-ring basket
and a pound of shrimp.
Cook those things crispy, 
so when I take a bite
they burn my upper lip.
A 22 ounce tumbler
filled with beer to the brim.
you want one too,
make that two!!

For dinner,
I would like to order fifty wings,
along with twenty four boneless.
mix those sauces please,
hot, sweet bbq, medium,
no blazin'!!
I'll end up on my knees!!!
Throw in some celery and 
blue cheese,
I want thirteen
Tell the expediter,
I want my wings crispy,
he knows me!!!

I want a basket of fries
two orders chips and a wedge,
A B-dubs ranch wrap
and a refill from the tap!!!

You get all that???

Jared Pickett

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2010

Details | Jared Pickett Poem

Three Way Collaboration

"Thoughts of a Sexual Nature"

Vivid thoughts of you,
in your birthday suit.
Sprawled on my living room floor,
anxiously you wait
for what you came here for.
Long toned legs,
a rippled mid-section.
I want to hear you beg,
you caused this erection.

Incense burn!!

Sex on the Beach 
heightens the mood.

I allude,
to a massage.
                             A mental mirage,
                                   a dream.

Vivid thoughts accrue,
as I knead your birthday suit.
skin like a rare passion fruit,
and I'm working for your nectar.
You're my aperitif,
and I have a sweet tooth
for your vermouth.

Strumming your neck,
         my tongue is the pick.
Hearing you moan lightly, "Oh your so thick."

         So eager was the lass,
for me to.... hose down her fire.
         You see, the blaze I intensified.
I knew her desires.

         Slow down I pleaded,
              hasten your pace!
         We have all night baby,
              and first base is my face.

I had overdosed on her Vermouth.
         She poured without a care!

Enveloped in lusts rapture,
         it was, to soon to conclude.

Ambiance is important, so I'll set the mood.
        Red lights, mirrored headboard
             & playing softly in the background,
a love songs 

Soft moist lips lick you're ear
whispering words of delight
pursuing my plight for your might, 
my tongue rolls down your neck 
peck on peck, 
as my goal unfolds 
kissing chest nipples 
your dimples of gold 
tanned bronze like a god, 
extension to explode, 
the ride enhances as liftoff begins 
tastier than sins, 
searing flesh on flesh emotions 
enmesh juices of love in thrombosis, 
in oceanic osmosis, 
as we fall... 
spent ... 
content ... 
in orgasmic opulence.....

"This is a collaboration written by three different poets... Starting with Me...
Samuel Brooks has the middle section, and Linda Marie Bariana concludes...
This turned out well and I am sure all of you will agree.. 
Jared Pickett---Asavvy1
Samuel Brooks----ChocolateWoW-------------------------1/27/2010
Linda Marie Bariana------Sweetheart

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2010

Details | Jared Pickett Poem


this girl,
thoughts twirl,
unfurled in my unconscious state.
I find *tranquility,
this, my great escape from life,
from everyday strife.
This girl,
my caramel swirl,
head rested on my chest.
Her lavender* fragrance*,
of sheer eloquence*,
providing the most dulcet* of dreams.
wafting* whispers* of bliss*, a splendor*.
Unconscious, I can still hear her lilting* 
screams for me...
Spooning with me,
as I awaken from my REM sleep...
I no longer feel bleak...

For Linda Marie's contest.....
Name withheld

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2010

Details | Jared Pickett Poem

The Christmas Card

Christmas day so full of joy,
putting a smile on my face.
Inspiring your eldest boy
with love. I say grace

I am fortunate to have
a mother like you.
No matter the distance between us,
Your love will shine through.

You've made me what I am today.
Molded me into Asavvy man.
Being there, supporting my dreams.
Doing everything you can.

I say thank you Mom,
for all that you have done.
My muse, my backbone, my mother, I love you.
Your eldest son......

Jared Pickett

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2009

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A Beach Lagoon

MONOTETRA: Each stanza contains four 
lines in monorhyme. Each line is in 
tetrameter for a total of eight syllables. 
What makes the Monotetra so powerful as 
a poetic form is that the last line contains 
two metric feet, repeated. 
Line 1: 8 syllables; A1
Line 2: 8 syllables; A2
Line 3: 8 syllables; A3
Line 4: 4 syllables, repeated, A4, A4

A Beach Lagoon

Gorgeous day, it's mid afternoon
Bored, looking for something to do!
Oh, I was just invited to
A beach lagoon, a beach lagoon

Crystal blue waters, ease my mind
Unleashing my creative side
Poetic versus organized
Time to unwind, time to unwind

White sand like silk between my toes
Makes me want to rip off my clothes 
Keep on my mesh shorts I suppose
I stand in pose, I stand in pose

Many shells like the angel wing
Skipping the waves, flat rocks I sling
Sun tan is beginning to spring
The pain it brings, the pain it brings 

Intoxicating scenery
Secluded from society
Just me, myself and poetry
Feeling set free, feeling set free

Sun starts to fade, the moon appears
Just about bringing me to tears
This day has quickly disappeared
Now in my rear, now in my rear!

Jared Pickett

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2012

Details | Jared Pickett Poem

Caramel Love

**** For my Caramel Swirl****

Cinnamon flavored,
my caramel love.
Soft inside with a tough candy shell.
My after work
A cure for my sweet tooth,
not a pervert,
I yearn for her vermouth

Name held until contest is over.....

Copyright © Jared Pickett | Year Posted 2010


Book: Shattered Sighs