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Best Poems Written by Mich Nayve

Below are the all-time best Mich Nayve poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Die, I Live

I die
to who I am not
to my anger and resentment
to my fear of ridicule and rejection
to my hurts and misgivings.
to my being vengeful and unforgiving
to my self-sufficiency and isolation
to my contempt of self and others.

I live
for I was born clothed and embellished
in the life of the universe.
Within me is a mystery beckoning to life.

I die
let go of my paralyzing thoughts -
"I am not good enough."
"I can't."
"I am not as good as the other."

I live
faithful to who I am
for I am more than my thoughts.
I am the universe in self-communication.
I am a unique creation; no need to compare.
I am life's vibration
a moment's expression; no need to compete.
Without my fidelity
to who I am, the universe shrivels.

I die
let go of my alienating feelings -
"Hell is the other."

I live with others, giving and receiving
even when it hurts.
Through it all, perhaps, heal one another
for I am more than my feelings.
I came from the Generosity of the universe --
Love that is in everything that lives.
When I condemn the other to hellfire
I, too, am condemned
When I forgive unconditionally
I, too, am forgiven.

I rise in jubilation.
My spirit soars
for within me is a passion for life.
I let life take hold of me
relishing my gifts -- my person, my mind
my spirit, the powers of my heart
believing in the bounty of life
loving others as I love myself
thanking life for entrusting itself to my care.

I live on
in the cadence of dying and rising
cherishing the constant flow of chastened strength
cradled in the womb of transforming love
risking death to live anew for the universe is Life.
And every act of Life is Love.
And every act of Love is life-giving.

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2022

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Lovelier Paradise

The book before me lay meaningless.
Numbers cropped up
Forming in nervous rhythm
geometric intricacies.
Letters and words converged
in tipsy web-like patterns.
My heart I cupped in my hands
and chasms of loneliness
and aching wounds
turned to tangible bands.

My head I lifted for reasons anywhere.
In the clouds?
Perhaps, in the wind?
With an almost infinite sweep, I dealt
my heart the balm of resignation.
“Tis the mystery of life.
Your destiny you hold in the strife.”

The breeze unbidden
came in and out of my room.
Could my loneliness thus depart?
But the rose!
The lone rose on my table
scattered her yellow-white petals
as the wind unmannered passed by.

Beauty fading away!

One by one
I piled up these unfortunate vestiges of life
to the semblance of the original.
Would that I could keep
in my hands beauty eternal.

My hands had rendered
the petals a mortal touch.
They withered faster
at the warmth of my clasp.

I awoke as from a dream.
I knew that as some petals vanished from sight
another rose as lovely or lovelier
somewhere bloomed.
Again, in my hands I cupped my heart
a gift from His heart.
Condemned with Him
my offering shall find a lovelier Paradise!

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2022

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Of the Same Sky

I miss him

like the moon misses the sun.

But the two shall never meet and so shall we.  

But to think we are of the same sky,

and I feel a smile adorn his face-

I am happy.

It is enough.

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2023

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Thoughts of Him On a March Day

When I am pressed on my beloved's chest
no care can wrest me from his crest.
And as he presses me closer still
no harm can reach me on its dizzy reel.

Safely nestled thus
my fears I forget to fear.
His arms shield my weary head.
His smiles and kisses
chase the lingering blues away.
His warm breath soothes my every pain.

His soulful eyes
with their wondrous light
radiate the marvelous things he leaves unsaid.
His sweet voice
calms the mighty storms that rage.

Oft he lies awake to make the sleepless sleep.
There is nothing he wouldn't do
his beloved all comfort know.
His presence a balm amidst the incessant blaze.
His patience its solace never wanes.

When stars
their lights the darkness hides
his gentlest touch restores the light
And flares to be my unfailing hearth.

All these magic strings of love unsurpassed
reverberate in everything he says and does.
His love for unconditional truth and beauty
flows and blends with the beat and spark
of my ever restless heart.

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2023

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My Story Part 2

there are no words for the darkness
in my world --- devastation and despair.
   So intense the pain that sears my soul ---
      pangs of bringing forth life
      throes of loss, separation, and death
      shame of mistake and failure
      distress of ridicule and rejection
      violence of famine and greed, poverty and war
      wanton destruction of life
      merciless plunder of the earth.
Through pain and darkness my spirit triumphs.
   I choose life!
And life surges on vibrant with new life.
This is my home, the universe ---
alluring presence, a flaming passion.
   Nothing escapes its movements.
I am one with everything
and everything is one with me.
In mutual expression and exchange of passion
birthing at every encounter and engagement
we become the beauty and grandeur
we behold.
We move and have our being
as everything else does.
Bonding with everything finds fulfillment
since time and space begun.
   This is cosmic loving, so it is said.

Who am I and what am I?
   I came from love.
   I am love become conscious of loving.
   I am love unfathomable.
My spirit embraces all;
I give all and keep nothing.
   I am love that changes everything
   in the dance and play of forever.
In my embrace, in the wind of my dancing
nothing remains the same.
   Come and dance with me.
Let us fill eternity with music ---
the song of love for love's sake.


Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2023

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My Story Part 1

I am a child of the universe.
a twenty-first-century woman
bred in the refinements of modern civilization.
   The universe story is my story.
I am fifteen billion years old, so it is said
the youngest of earth's awesome miracles.
   Stupendous magnificence!
   Unsurpassed elegance and beauty!

Who am I and what am I?
   So old and yet so young and vibrant!
Like a flower
I am unfolding in the cosmic tree of life
having my roots in the first flaring forth
that enkindled the cosmic dance.
   Power swirling
      billions of stars and galaxies
      millions of life forms on planet Earth
   since the beginning of time and space.

Like my ancestors
I am caught up in never-ending rhythm.
   I go in and out of life's web in endless drumbeats
   ever-present memories
   of the sound and fury of evolving.

Who am I and what am I?
   So unique and yet not so!
Different am I a million ways
from everything else in my world.
   There is no other like me!
There is a center I experience
a mysterious unseen power within me
gathering and shaping me in one display
of who I am and who I can become.

Every touch
every contact opens the door to surprises.
   Experiencing others in their uniqueness
   I enter a wealth of rarity
   pulsating one and the same life as my own.

This I know
But I know not how and why
my whole being vibrates within me
igniting like a blazing flame.
   Desire and zest for life grip me.
Vision and sound of beauty lure me.
   Flowers and trees, land and mountains
   seas and rivers, skies and wind
   birds of the air and fish in the sea
   cattle in the plains, ants, and spiders ---
   all strike chords of kindship within me.

This I know
but know not how and why
my whole being fascinates me.
   I long to fascinate others
   and be fascinating to others, too.
My whole being yearns for intimacy;
I desire to belong and be requited.
   An irresistible force draws me
      to union and communion
      to desiring community.

Who am I and what am I?
   So much in the heights and depths of ecstasy
      in union and communion
         creating and birthing
         rising to nobility
         mounting courage and commitment.
Yet so vulnerable
dying a thousand deaths before being laid
to rest in the bosom of the earth.
   No words can capture my joy
       at the birth a child, a poem, music, a song
      at the wonders of human technologies
      at the sublimity of heroic acts
      to unchain and sustain life.

(to be continued)

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2023

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SETS me out to many lanes
PRODS my mind to search on
EXTENDS my being to others
EXPANDS my heart to believe.

WOUNDS my heart again and again
FORCES a reckoning of my emptiness
MIRRORS my raw loveliness

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2022

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A Journey Unfolds

Amidst nature's embrace, we ventured hand in hand,
Embarking on a path, our souls at once expand.
The whispers of the wind, a gentle lullaby,
As we meandered, enraptured under the open sky.

Silent footfalls merged with the rustling leaves,
A symphony of serenity, the rhythm never deceives.
In each shared step, a connection so profound,
Our beings entwined, our hearts tightly bound.

The sun, a golden halo, caressed our weary faces,
Bathing us in warmth, filling empty spaces.
With every breath, the fragrance of earth's perfume,
Nature's gentle touch, dispelling all gloom.

Hand in hand, we wove through meadows fair,
Bathed in hues of green, a canvas beyond compare.
Each blade of grass whispered secrets untold,
And the song of the river, a story of love, behold.

Birds soared above, their wings an ode to flight,
As we stood in awe, humbled by their graceful might.
Together, we embraced the symphony of birdsong,
Enraptured by nature's chorus, hearts beating strong.

In that quiet communion, words became obsolete,
Our souls conversed in a language pure and sweet.
The touch of your hand, a reassurance so sincere,
Each tender hold, my worries would disappear.

Time stood still as we immersed in nature's embrace,
Moments of serenity etched upon our souls with grace.
For in that sacred journey, love's tapestry unfurled,
A testament to the beauty found in this earthly world.

Though memories fade and seasons come to pass,
That nature walk endures, an eternal looking glass.
In the depths of our hearts, the moment will reside,
A cherished remembrance, forever by our side.

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2023

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The Stroll

During my evening stroll

when I'm feeling restless

and thinking of home,

the mystery of its past

gently pulls me in

just as you do.

Drowning me in questions -

but the answers buried in mud banks.

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2022

Details | Mich Nayve Poem

None Suffice

He holds out his hands unto me
to lead me into the secrets of his love.
I hold on unto his arms
and feel the warmth of his love.

Still all is darkness
only faith lights the dim night
My soul in a thousand struggles
soars to the heights.

Darker and colder grows the night
strange and incomprehensible forms
obstruct my flight.
I seek to understand.
I look around...
and find myself in bleak aloneness.

I shudder and moan
reach out to the stars
They are too far.
Their distance swallows up their light,
they thaw not the coldness and emptiness,

I turn to the flowers of the meadows...
stare at children's innocent eyes.
Yes, beauty I can find but none suffice.

Love's pain is sharp, intense and consuming.
Who can bear it?
I do not seek to understand this cross...
ask not to be relieved of its pain and agonies.
My only plea is for strength to bear it.

He says: "Believe in us."
I do!
My soul is parched.
Yet I must love on in the dark
till I be lost in the infinite furnace of this new love
and burn on unto its delight.

Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs