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Best Poems Written by Fading Star Silence

Below are the all-time best Fading Star Silence poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Untamable Clemency, Collaboration With Ink Empress

A collaboration with Ink Empress, a piece we wrote for “Woman’s Day” for all the strong women warriors out there. Your strength is felt. 

“Untamable Clemency” 

Her heart is a 
chained haven,
for zestless intruders 
and fiendish foes, 
so tread delicately,
she is not a 
mindless marionette 
in your glistening 
gallery of greed—
glazed in rhinestone 
she is more 
than cold-boned ideologies, 
placed by timeless seasons,
she soars above 
restrained reveries,
as an untamable heat 
of clemency. 

Ink Empress
Fading Star Silence

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2023

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Wicked Web of Woes, Collaboration with Ink Empress

“Wicked Web of Woes” 

Is there a reason
to rhyme when 
lifeless fingers
breathe toxic agony,
whilst disgraced 
quill suffocates
from wildering 
riddles swerving to
the stillness 
of calcified air? 
As today, my heart 
keeps pacing,
searching for a 
symphony of serenity-
amid wayward clemency,
and when the first star 
of the evening sky,
fades and shatters 
upon a celestial canvas 
of colorless dreams.

I feel the sweeping 
wings of salvation, 
resting amidst
clipped faith, 
drifting swiftly towards 
abandoned clarity;
exiled into 
barren fields of
vast polarities, 
where hope collapses 
into an eternal demise, 
tangled within a 
wicked web 
of woeful sagas, 
trapped between 
heavy clouds
of unshed tears, 
beneath the 
crisp cusp of sanity. 

Yet I stand in 
sweltering silence, 
recollecting lost
chronicles of 
who I once was, 
whilst I’m drowning 
in waves of 
vexing numbness, 
screaming into 
the oblivious 
spheres cloaked
in smoky 
arctic haze,
questioning the 
captive chains 
of reality,
in dialects only 
the moon 
can comprehend.

Am I destined 
to be caged
in sinful darkness 
that the 
world fed me,
with sharpened 
knives at 
empty tables,
with faceless 
ghosts of yesterday? 

Perhaps there’s 
still a poem
that can unlock 
the mystery 
to a future that 
thrives with
fruitful orchards,
where rain that 
tastes succulent 
wouldn’t burn 
your flesh,
for even the 
milky-ways would
unravel a realm where 
everything should 
be as it seems.
Vanquishing the 
strings that bind—
daring me to breathe. 

Ink Empress 
Fading Star Silence

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2023

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Composing Destiny

I dream poetry;
I breathe poetry, for poetry 
calls your name, feeling your 
inerrant essentia—
your soul bleeds into mine—
a collision of cosmos, 
diffused magnetically, once 
a vagrant in a haze of miasmic 
vapors—wildered and exposed—
you unshackled me from 
this purgatory;
inversely immersing me in 
your sphere of solace, and 
blooming artistry, 
lulling the vast polarities 
splintering each layer of my veracity.
I dream poetry,
for your love drizzles 
burgeoning constellations, amid 
rosette sepals galvanizing my 
orphic nuclei, with 
every spark we sigh, 
tethered to the infinite composition 
of our unwavering love compellingly, 
beyond heaven and earth, 
devoted to you—
your fallen star; no longer silent, circling 
nocturne arias entwining our destiny.

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2023

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A marionette to the mind,
Whispering fading schematics,
Deluging the heart and soul, in a 
Juxtaposition of good and evil, 
Betwixt Heaven and hell, amidst
Snowdrifts that swirl before my eyes, while 
Spiritless shadows restlessly carouse;
Discordantly, far from reach,
Vagrantly ambling across
Deadened Arcadias, glimpsing 
Floating embers, in wake of 
Vivid firestorms, swallowing me whole,
Faltering with every step I take,
Decelerating towards the escape I seek,
As it rhythmically scars my timorous nature, 
Awakening the monsters hidden deep within-seeing red-
Bleeding out miasmic toxins, as noxious
Spores erupt, immersed in a haze of austerity, 
While it seeps and saturates, throughout 
Malignant wounds exposed, undulating between 
The storms of push and pull, as daunting
Tasks, of rippling sequences, splits my 
Chasmic core.
Soulless footprints are all that remain, as 
Moon tides wash ashore, ebbing away
Towards dystopian depths.

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2023

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Silencing Sonance

Bewildering static 
frames the soulless—
restlessly habitual, as 
crippled philosophies efflux
amidst stunted swells, 
cracked and parched 
despite ocean whorls that 
coat wayward sentiments, of
grave quagmires rippling in 
steady streams, 
paradoxically cornered into a 
vortex of intoxicating drifters.
Rather, the moon guides my way 
amidst lulling meres, 
soothing the storms 
raging within perplexed 
personas, sailing towards a 
dawning of lucid seascapes—
home to you, my ocean blue.

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2023

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Life is a Song

Life is a song,
incomplete, yet soothing—
lullabies lulling the world to sleep
with its balladic lilt, gently swaying 
to the depths of its nomadic 

Where I can subdue archaic
hieroglyphics in hues of 
rose gold notes, invading my 
tentative aura, glistening upon 
tragic horizons,
for the wandering seekers, 
freely waltzing to arias of the moon,
escaping unsung passages to 
desolate wastelands,

where fiends roam in spite; 
surviving the clusters of 
rain drenched clouds,
draining the life out of 
sunken nocturnes,
lost in cataclysmic paradoxes
overshadowed by waves of  
monotonous soliloquy. 
Yet I crave the aphotic harmonies of 
its flesh and bones, 
cocooned in the stillness of 
shadows that align, 
stonewalling the 
world so bent on exposing me—
finding my true element,
inhabiting where life meets its end credits,
resuscitating sentiments long forgotten,
enabling me to breathe.

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2024

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Pirouetting Prussian Flakes

Nestled with the glittering elements, 
I ponder the immortality of the senses—
my lucidity twirls,
as pirouetting flakes through
sapphire mist amidst cyanic windstorms, 
drifting like arctic embers, 
towards cerulean twilight skies, 
beyond frost covered pains, 
littered across glacial clouds that linger,
swirling upon an indigo iced cluster of 
topaz teal stars,
enveloping my cobalt soul beneath your 
cashmere caress—
we behold the wonder of an 
opulent crescent moon, 
cradling our kismet love, in 
vows of our balsamic destiny, ever
sanctioning icebound purgatories 
buried deep in our bones, in 
flurry feathered snowfields, 
guiding our 
souls back home to our halcyon hereafters,
where I’ll sit throned as the 
queen of blizzards, 
wearing a crown of bleeding splinters.

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2023

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Promises In September's Magic, Collaboration With Nik Canada7

“Promises in September's magic”
“promesse nella magia di settembre”

Sweet September arrives again, 
hearing the celestial melody and 
symphony of a nocturnal wind 
calling your name, beneath a 
shimmering rain of stardust, my Venus.
I picture your rare beautiful soul 
gazing at the glowing moon, 
searching for mine in the firmament, 
closing your eyes in abandon, 
to the soft touch of the breeze, 
my korean princess.

Enveloped in your rhapsodic cadence, 
I can hear autumn's footsteps, 
emerging from its seclusion, 
kinetically flickering amidst mahogany foliage 
rustling in remnants of summer musings, 
as I wear a crown of marigolds, 
graciously framing the aspen 
contours of my enigmatic aura.

Let the autumn winds dance through 
your hair beneath our tangerine sunset, 
walking along the boulevard of our 
diamond dreams, hand in hand, 
reaching serenity in promises of 
tomorrows and whispers of love, 
my Aphrodite.
There is magic in the autumn air, 
merging our sapphire emotions in depth, 
with your divine essence, like the 
lifeblood that wraps me in an 
elysian bliss of our vows, to be 
the cure and light for each other, 
crossing over storms, adversities and 
darkness, my marvelous creature.
I patiently wait for dawn, 
hearing your heartbeat with mine, 
playing our love song, amidst your 
enchanting, breathtaking smile, 
gazing into my eyes, as I 
get lost in your beauty, for you 
are the first marvel in this world, 
my blue rose.

I wish I could float with the clouds, 
beyond silken horizons, 
gliding towards your 
euphoric essentia, pondering; 
what hides deep in the shadows?
Stumbling upon vast constellations, 
discovering your mesmeric aphrodisia, 
binding my heart and soul to yours, 
breathing in our burgeoning love story.

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2023

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Sunset Reveries

as swans slide across lakes - sunset rays sway to autumnal reveries

ambling across swirling helix - of deadened cinnamon foliage 

mocking greenery framing skeletal bones - of lifeless roots crackling 

the warmth of your deep saffron gold aura - harvests the depth of our love

eclipsing rippling mistrals - simmering amidst auburn horizons

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2023

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Ethereal Lanterns

The sparkling spirit of your love, 
merges with mine, 
dwelling in passages of time, as
my heart sings symphonies of 
ethereal lanterns, 
beaming upon golden poppies,
while drifting across haloes of 
glittering stardust. 

Our divine souls flutter full circle, 
when light meets dark;
a sacred union amidst 
cherry blossom petals, 
swirling in a helix of 
devoted scintillation, 
towards the sanctuary of 
our blooming dedication.

This faith in you 
is my heavenly glow, 
a paradise of hopes and dreams,
swaying to your deific verve—
the gilded moon my spotlight, as 
celestial lullabies serenade 
this blissful twilight, 
sheltered in your cherubic love.

Copyright © Fading Star Silence | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs