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Best Poems Written by Keith D Trestrail

Below are the all-time best Keith D Trestrail poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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This town, this Silk Road had no toll to pay
  yet from the east caravans again fill its
pharaonic marble and glass temples. Monolith

malls rise its clefts, eco-wilderness morph
  into multiplex cinemas; mini golf 
and carparks - the 20th century gold fields.

A new rush of debit credit borrow sorrow
  where the mortgage belt go to covet,
to con themselves - live beyond their means.

Here the sweatshops of Asia are legitimised
  and exploitation of trafficked slave,
child, immigrant, and asylum seeker for sale -

here the suffering of others is repackaged,
  bulk sold, discounted - a great lie
perpetrated on human aspiration! Seven billion

sins for a spoil and a ransom in higher income
  streams of consciousness while our mills,
our plants, our factories are rusting graveyards.

Showrooms fill with pizza ovens; microwaves;
  big screen TVs; IKEA; nouveau riche kitsch…
supermarkets of genetically modified superfoods

nuked in cryogel flavour enhancers; sweeteners;
  emulsifiers; stabilisers; MSG; palm oil
and sodium nitrate for the hooked toxin addicts

of convenience - a fill that knows no limits.
  And saints of haute couture bow down
before the anorexic altar of the Fatted Calf…

to the guilt offerings of culture spin. Already
  the subliminal wave is a raging tsunami,
and we a ship of fools on the rising tide blown

on a contrary wind. I fear my quiet desperation -
  the cold ironies of fate; spiritual paralysis;
I fear for the blitzkrieg’s raw collateral damage…

the billboards; vandals of corporate graffiti;
  drive-thrus of Americana; that uglified 
futuristic aesthetic of mirrored urban jungles;

high towers of critical mass; death of community.
  I fear the currency of naked ideology;
of usury where the end justifies the means;

alas the black dawn into planned obsolescence 
  where ravenous jackals and wolves feed
on the carcass of idyll idealism…mythology!

And whores of dystopia; pimps; moneylenders;
  oracles of the grand evangelical sell who
prey on confessions! And lepers walking its streets;

human languish and loss; mad Scientologists 
  at my gate; the cults and hubris of men
dividing God from Godless; good from evil.

What now of my chimera? What of my anti-hero 
  anachronisms? Sadly one day I must leave
but today I write my rant. Listen! This town

this pastoral lay has become to my ear an echo
  dumb of sound - to my youth’s wistful eye
a place and past of no return…a time that was!

              Written: September 1994

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem

Anniversary Blues

O to fade! To pass! To sleep! To die!
        To live and listen and not to speak -
perchance some alternate reality
    is all my grim alienation does seek.
The thunderclap of Tawhiri raging
      silence not a loving fool’s complaint,
nor portend for whom the bell tolls
   when the echoes of time grow faint

My heart alas divided against itself
   knows not what to say or what to feel,
and with ponderous words recited
    I return your resting place to kneel.
Some final absolutions shared alone -
  cold black rain upon my brow and cuff.
Judge not a froward son - I am who
   I am, and have been judged enough

We are but the quick and the dead,
     and just or unjust no keeper of time.
O tell, what sin was imputed to you?
    What concealed divine law or crime?
And what palsy so dark the lamps
   of Heaven and Earth burn less bright?
And do we in this realm find peace
  or is death’s victory our only respite?

Only in beds of posthumous sleep
        will end my unspoken confessions.
Nay, I no longer exhume the past -
  it rebukes all my searching questions.
From umbilical dawn to end of days
      I failed you - I added unto your woe.
In life and death there comes a time
     when to hold on and when to let go

May your life and times early passed
       live on in the heart that lives in me,
for in all the silent screams below
     is my own howl in my own vanity.
As I pen this ode the charcoal sky
 has communicated more than I can tell -
no loss, no sorrow, no love unfeigned
  can unring that breathless tolling bell

             Written: July 1991

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem

Lets Go Brandon

Hey America, what do ya think of your Pres now?
Still think he’s a moderate?
Still think the virus came from a bat?
Still think your child needs to wear a mask?
Still think Jan 6 Committee isn’t a hyper-partisan circus?
Still think MAGAs riot but BLM & Antifa protest?
Still think Joe’s compos?
Still think he knows what day it is?
Still think Obama isn’t a racist divisive ass-hole?
Still think globalists first is better than America first?
Still think Hunter didn’t pay daddy his cut of dirty deals?
Still think all black criminals are victims?
Still think Joe is running the show?
Still think he’s got any clue?
Still think you have freedom of speech?
Still think you live in a democracy?
Still think Joe’s not a hostage to the radical left?
Still think diversity over merit ever works?
Still think Joe’s not Putin’s bit-ch?
Still think he’s not a hair sniffing creep?
Still think Made in China is better than Made in USA?
Still think calling Covid the China Vi-rus is inherently racist?
Still think lockdowns and mandates work?
Still think woketardery isn’t a cancer on western civilisation?
Still think Joe cares about what you think?
Still think Antifa is just an idea?
Still think Trump bad but Cuomo good?
Still think Joe cares about your constitutional rights?
Still think you can be any gender you want?
Still think anyone gives a damn about your pronouns?
Still think censorship is good for our democracy?
Still think Joe speaks for you?
Still think the media don’t cover for him?
Still think Fauci hasn’t been lying all along?
Still think border cartels don’t love Democrats?
Still think the Great Reset isn’t a thing?
Still think the Russia hoax is real?
Still think it’s okay to kill full term babies?
Still think climate alarmism isn’t the con of the century?
Still think defunding the police makes black communities safer?
Still think George Soros isn’t an evil bastard?
Still think Critical Race Theory isn’t taught to your kids?
Still think Afghanistan wasn’t a clusterfu-ck?
Still think Build Back Better isn't a disaster?
Still think open borders isn’t about demographic change?
Still think sleepy slow Joe is the great unifier?
Still think you would vote for Joe?
Hey America, what do you think of your Pres now?

                 Written: February 2022

Donald Trump was accused of ruling by decree and being 
a dictator and a Nazi by Joe Biden for abusing his power as 
President in signing so many executive orders. Incidentally 
Trump signed 24 executive orders in his first 100 days in 
office. Biden signed 30 in his first 3 days. You do the math.

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem

I Exist

I mortal! I live,
I labour, I feel, I err -
I love and am loved!


 With special thanks
  to Rene Descartes.

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem

SS Southern Cross - the Old Lady of the Sea

   Built in a Belfast shipyard
 for Shaw Savill ‘n Albion Line.
   On her flagstaff wind ‘n lee
 flew the Southern Cross ensign,
   down a slipway to the sea
 launched afar by Her Majesty

   Behold her pale eau de nil
 green ‘n painted hull of grey,
   at twenty knots her rate
 twenty thousand tons aweigh.
   On the seas a ship of fate
 the world to circumnavigate

   Yon the Empire far ‘n wide
 from Southampton to Trinidad.
   Where from ship to shore
 off I waved goodbye as a lad,
   till in the distance I saw
 my home to be nevermore

   Smoke from her aft funnel
 into a big Caribbean sky blew,
   then set a course westerly
 by merchant captain ‘n crew.
   And to each port ‘n quay
 across the ocean carried me

   I remember gazing in awe
 up ‘n down her length ‘n beam,
   at the mighty waves below
 and how sea ‘n ship did gleam.
   In canal gates under tow
 winding our way lazy ‘n slow

   Crossing the equator I saw
 Davy Jones ‘n King Neptune
   rising up out of the deep
‘neath a high December moon.
   Till in safe passage ‘n keep
 back to the depths they leap

   Out on Oceania as a boy
 in the lido deck pool I did dive.
   The Southern Cross ‘n me
 would our long voyage arrive,
   on in all her hope ‘n glory
 the grand old lady of the sea

   On final Far East voyage
 would alas be her swan song,
   beached on a tidal seaway
 sold ‘n scrapped in Chittagong.
   A line flagship in her day
 stripped bare where she lay

       Written: May 2017

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem

Ballad of Joyce Hill

To her family she was coy
         but truly she would be their Joy,
 a country girl from Kingaroy -
                    the fourth of eleven.
 Over hill and range she did tramp
      living in tents from camp to camp
 by the glow of a railway lamp
               and the stars in heaven.

 Along the way past Many Peaks
     swam in Splinter and Monal Creeks
 where a child a gay frolic seeks
                  in the heat of the day.
   Up on the range where it outlooks
 when not tending the campsite chooks
 she read in school her beloved books
                  dreaming of far away.

 As an older girl on horseback 
         she’d ride for miles a dusty track
 like a drover with a knapsack
          where the long trail begins.
   Up “dash it” early milking cows,
 picking cotton and feeding sows
 and shooting possums in their boughs
             to sell their bounty skins.

“O someday I’ll teach school” she said
   till she met Arthur Hill and wed 
 and bore life to her eldest, Ted,
             the first of eight to come.
   In Mt Morgan where miners drilled
 as rains came and Trotters Creek filled
 a new life on the land she’d build
               and be a wife and mum.

 But on their farm and dairy run
 “hells bells” there was work to be done
 from sunup to the setting sun
          and all must do their share.
 Through the Great Depression and war
 a boundless faith to God she swore
 and it burned in her evermore
                    in His heavenly care.

 Her hands had many mouths to feed
   and so when hungry kids did plead
 she baked the bread dough that she knead
            in the old woodfired stove.
   And with her weary frame so sprite
               late as the curlews cried at night
 she read her bible with delight
                     as it did her behove.

 In her time a digger of wells
    when the winds blew in dry hot spells
 and echoed the sound of train bells
              up and down the railway.
   A grazier, tiller, and sower,
                a painter, milker, and grower,
 a doer, thinker, and knower,
                     and a potter of clay.

 To all her far flung family
     a great-great-grandmother was she
 and like a grandmother to me
            whom I most gladly knew.
   So now when I hear the tick tock 
       and chimes of the pendulum clock
 or “tommyrot” and “poppycock”
                    I’m reminded of you.

        Written: August 2016

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem

Jussie Smollett

Now listen up to my funny karma rhyme
how Jussie Smollett staged his own hate crime.
  Not just a lying hater
  but a bigot race baiter
and all the woketards fell for it big time!

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem

When I Was Ten

Now in my decline from a time back then
  I remember the days in a life when I was ten,
when we lived in a shadow much greater
  at the foot of the mount and its dormant crater.
Where we’d climb and to the top race
  like Hillary and Tenzing up the south face,
then on our backsides slide to the rocks below
  from whence the lava used to flow.
Behold the old white house at 89 Owens Road -
  the grass I with an old push blade mowed,

and where from my upstairs bedroom
  I saw the spring terraced flowers bloom.
Where outside we played cricket all summer long
  and inside were the masters of ping pong!
In our living room my family and me
  saw a moonlanding and a war on TV -
on our black ‘n white set watching My Three Sons,
  Gunsmoke and Bonanza with my toy guns,
or maybe playing canasta soon as I was able
  and even a séance on the coffee table,

where spirits from the spirit world did roam
  and truly spelled out to our guests “go home!”.
When my birthday cake burned ten candles
  and I wore short pants and Roman sandals.
Meeting my mate with the sign on his door
  who lived above the corner shoe store,
with my duffel bag down Valley Road talking
  past the shops on the way to school walking -
spending my lunch money licking my lips
  eating aniseed wheels and jelly tips!

Listening to my transistor radio all the while
  tuned in to 1480 kilohertz on top of the dial -
the hip happening sounds of Radio Hauraki
  in the gulf on a pirate ship called Tiri.
Till through the gates of my teacher and jailer,
  Mrs Furner, Ms Gaiqui, and Mr Taylor,
and catch a glimpse of a vision in a cotton dress -
  the girl of my restless dreams I confess.
Before the bell sounded its morning ring 
  we’d be flying on the moari swing,

or games on the courts or a tag to yield
  playing bullrush on the football field.
And behold, in class on his guitar my teacher
  playing folk songs and exhorting like a preacher
singing “where have all the flowers gone?
  young girls pick them every one…”
and “Oma rapeti…rabbit run, run, run”
  or playing Maori stick games just having fun.
Drawing carvings and birds that can’t fly,
  reading tales of Hinemoa and Tutanekai.

Weaving flax and hand tricks on a string 
  into diamonds and parachutes hanging.
In single file kids marching from the school
  with our towel and togs to the pool -
Eden boys and girls at the starters end dive in
  for a prized 50 metre certificate to win,
then gather the class in the projection room
  and gaze in the ceiling the stars illume,
where our Milky Way mural hung so surreal
  as we sat and watched an old movie reel.

But soon fun would turn to palpable fear
  when all the class trembled to hear -
read to the children who were quiet as a mouse
  was the dental list for the Murder House!
Alas a fate worse than death, the whining drill
  to bore and clean and to mercury fill,
where the needle sometimes dulled the pain
  yet the screams of boys and girls remain.
After school in hat and uniform arrayed
  I marched in the army of the Boys Brigade,

and on weekends roaming the neighbourhood 
  in search of adventure as best we could -
climbing the hill to the construction site
  of The Pines apartments at a great height.
On Guy Fawkes night from my pocket
  lighting my firecrackers and my skyrocket -
armed and dangerous ready to throw
  with Double Happy red packs lit to blow.
And on nighttime mission on dark ninja patrol
  detonating milk bottles whoa! Fire in the hole!

Or off to the Crystal Palace to catch a flick
  lest my poor mother test my arithmetic,
and Eden Park where the mighty Auks play host
  sitting with my mates behind the goalpost -
with my dad and brother at the track
  in the birdcage and hearing the whips crack,
at Ellerslie in the Ladies Stand or Alexandra Park
  with my Best Bets for my picks to mark.
And on the Sabbath beneath cross and spire
  in Sunday School at old Greyfriars.
Until the day my time comes to an end
  I’ll remember way back when I was ten.

             Written: January 2016

Pics above: My home when I was ten
                 and picturesque Mt Eden.

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem

Oh To Be In Trinidad

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
when the hot scented currents flow,
  from East Dry River to Nariva 
chaconia and silk cotton tree grow.
  Where reachin’ palms whisper
across island reef and coconut lagoon,
  and the forests of Papa Bois 
flower with water lillies in bloom

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
in the time of the House of Trestrail,
  and be again that child before
the Voyage of Six leavin’ did sail.
  Where by antiquity starlight
Amerindians crossed its riverbends,
  and tall masted clipper ships
sailed the spice seas to its far ends

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
when equatorial rains have passed,
  and gaze Big Wet to Big Dry
hot burnin’ canefield and wildgrass.
  Lowland baptism of blossom 
resurrect from Toco to Mayaro Bay,
  and in reacquainted seasons
waves of consciousness slip away

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
where tales of bacchanal abound -
  how old chimes with new
yet uprisin’ does a trumpet sound!
  And ghosts of the revolution
fan its flames in the hot ragin’ sun,
  where dat voodoo spirit rise
the Obeah Man when day is done

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
for crab and callaloo on Sunday,
  let the Boca gulf gates lull
and stars over Monos my fears allay.
  Feel and hearken to your ear
its island windsong at your door,
  and dream of moonlit tides
lappin’ upon her hideaway shore

  Oh to be in Trinidad
in Caroni for the Scarlet Ibis flown,
  hummingbird’s backward dance -
beauty I’m richer for havin’ known.
  And in days of future years
tread again the hot Maracas sands,
  or horse trails of Blue Range
and Rancho Caballero grasslands

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
when the Oval’s at its raucous best,
  and the lions of Queen’s Park
bay for Christians in noble contest.
  Where the air sweet with rum
hangs with doubles and curry pot,
  and the drums and soca play
till all yuh feelin’ Hot! Hot! Hot!

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
playin’ mas’ with cart and barrow,
  when masquerade and fete 
jump loudest to Kitch and Sparrow!
  Calypsonian tents jammin’,
limbo flame sparks the night flare,
  and steelpan Carnival streets
jumpin’ from Icacos to Saint Clair

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
among the blood of African slave,
  and not be destined alas
to lifeless fill a cold foreign grave.
  And where indentured souls 
in waves landed upon South Quay,
  I pray the bells of Greyfriars 
solemnly toll in absence for me

  Oh, to be in Trinidad
when the great Savannah dawns.
  Hot roti and roasted corn
in early light over its tracks and lawns.
  Land of my nativity begun
from hills to blue Caribbean Sea -
  I miss that golden age ended
and lament what must be must be

      Written: August 1995

Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022

Details | Keith D Trestrail Poem


          Johnny and Amber

To get my mind off war and inflation
I’ve watched the trial for defamation.
  But from what I’ve heard
  that scorned Amber Turd
should be on trial for defecation!


          Romance in Durango

We met south of the border in Durango,
she was hot and boy could she fandango.
  She said at a glance
 “senor like to dance?”
No mamacita, but I would love to tango!

                In a Singles Bar

Trollin’ at the bar her leg he did touch,
she was so sexy and gorgeous and such.
  He said wanna go? You’re fine!
  She flirted “your place or mine?”
Nah, forget it darlin’, you talk too much!


      Confessions From the Grave

 It’s not so bad being dead and all,
 it’s quiet in here where the worms crawl.
   I wouldn’t say it’s bliss
   but there’s not much I miss
‘cept a cold beer and a booty call!


            My Lawyer the Idiot

The law is an ass that made me a victim,
so is my lawyer, his head up his rictum.
  The law he said he knew
  but is just a shyster who
doesn’t know his coccyx from his dictum!



Slow down cowboy and reload she mocked
and next time try not to go off half-cocked.
  Then she said with a snig-ger
  you’re too fast on the trigger
but who fu-ckin cares, my world was rocked!


           For the Squawkin’ Hen

There once was a dingo doer named Jen
who’s nothin’ but a suckin’ squawkin’ hen.
  For a tim tam she’ll do
  the same nasty to you
with a stroke of her feral tongue and pen!

She’s got a thing for this special dingo
and writes me love poems in my lingo.
  She so wants my attention 
  with all that sexual tension 
but beware the rabid dingo innuendo!


            The Butterfly Effect

I do love to go down on their wings and lie
and see ‘em spread their open legs up high.
  But if you are down there
  be sure to come up for air
out of the bush of the Venus Butterfly!



At Little Big Horn in the prairie grass
Custer was known as Yellow Hair alas.
  But it was Custer who fell
  and Crazy Horse they tell
was from that day on known as Kicking Ass!


                    No Hurry

   I hope my poems in their entirety 
   live on beyond my notoriety.
     But I sure don’t wanna
     be the guest of honour
   read at the Dead Poet’s Society!


                    Batter Up

   I post on the Soup for all to see
   and am no angel nor claim to be.
     I am kind and all that
         but carry a big bat
   so beware the “batter up” in me!


          Now That’s a Fairytale

Mirror mirror on the wall she wants me so
but I am little and she is white as snow.
  From Bashful to Happy I morph
  singing like a horny little dwarf
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! It’s off to twerk we go!



 I only had eyes for you when we first met
 and yes blondes have more fun it’s true my pet.
   How we walked hand in hand
   and rolled naked in the sand…
“fu-ck you! That was my sister, I’m the brunette!”


             Bankers or Bandits?

  At the ATM I just want to harangue
  my bank for the fees it upon me sprang.
    When I do I get fobbed
    and feel like I’ve been robbed
  by the outlaw hole in the wall gang!


                    Safe Sex

She said “I’m not some cheap bimbo whore
but have six kids and don’t want any more”.
  Relax I said, my name’s Rex
      and I do practice safe sex…
it’s true, I always lock the car door!


                Hillary Clinton

She is a White House witch and feminazi 
who rides her big broom like a kamikaze.
  The honesty test she fails,
  she lied about her emails
and covered up the truth about Benghazi!


       For Stevo Down on de Farm

  Stevo milks de cows but O’ brudder 
  in de shed some begin to shudder.
    With cold hands he pull
    on both cow and bull,
  O’ but one doh work like de udder!


                 Beer Goggles

No, no, the drinks are on me I told her
and with each one I was gettin’ bolder.
  When I woke the next day
  oh jeez, well let’s just say
beauty’s in the eye of the beerholder!

  For Sheriff Koplin and Deputy Tom

In Milt Creek up there in North Dakota
the law is an ass and a big fat bloater.
  He calls himself sheriff
  but I just call him Griff
and he’s a troll and my stalking doter!

Gun in one hand and dick in the other
he thinks he’s Wyatt Earp, O’ brother!
  With his deputy, Tom,
  a witless numpty pom 
together are as dumb as one another!

He’s Peter Griffin with a badge!

Note: A pom is an Englishman.


Copyright © Keith D Trestrail | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs