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Best Poems Written by John A'hern

Below are the all-time best John A'hern poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Lighthouse Keeper

Lighthouse keeper vacancy announced
Envelope delivered; contents read aloud
A smile turned into laughter, then into a shout
Parents and Son hugged before he set off.

Applicants sitting quietly, Into the room strides a man 
Age etched on his face, a cheery smile, sparkle in his eyes
Sat himself down in front of group
Questions asked and answered, nothing is written down. 

The elderly man, watched and listened
Hour after hour, ticking of the clock seemed louder
He touched our hero on the shoulder 
The job young man is yours
The day arrived, followed directions.

Arrived at a place never seen before
Waves raced toward the rocks of a lonely cove
Met with the lighthouse keeper
Somehow seemed rather sprightly 
Was this the same older man seen before? 

No time to waste, up the steps they climbed 
Reached the top, gasped at the scene
50 metres off the ground, sat this whitewashed pinnacle 
One eye that rotated, his at night to maintain. 

Months of training, time to let go the reins 
A shake of the hand, the old man disappeared
Days turned into weeks and months 
Tending to the light that shined so bright. 

Standing at the perimeter of the one-eyed monster, 
Safety rails in place, sometimes holding tightly 
Voices are hearkened, that is absurd 
Cries of distress, carried by the wind. 

Down the steps faster than ever before 
Out into the night, all on his own
The white foam of the waves, revealing nothing 
Did he imagine, his Flashlight scouring the sea 

Human lighthouse surveying the scene 
No sign of wreckage, voices no more 
Standing and watching, hour after hour 
Daylight brought the sunshine, eyes met with a sad sight 
Bodies on the rocks, how can this be?
Down the steps, this time in a dream sequence 
Stood and looked at life taken
Local lifeboat crew comforted a broken man 
Evening arrived, closed his eyes, demons appeared. 

Holding the safety rails tighter than normal this evening
Dangerous voices inside him were calling 
Throw yourself off, repeated constantly
His grasp relaxed; he had let go. 

Coastguard visit found our hero 
An old man stepped forth from the shadows 
Asked for cremation and ownership of ashes 
Ashes were scattered in places he knew. 

The lighthouse now manned by someone new
On stormy evenings, as they hold the rail 
A figure would appear as bright as day
A voice carried by the wind, never ever let go.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2022

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Wonders of Nature

A beach or beaches, so many to explore,
Ocean or sea or bay are viewed, some never seen before
Familiar rocks, lighthouses erected to save lives
Seagulls activity, their sounds and out of control flight.

The sea seems to call like sirens from sea adventure tales
Stories of Mermaids, Neptune and Davey Jones locker 
The loneliness of sailors as they sail the seven seas
Memories Abound as sea shanties are sang.

Waves breaking as they roll to the shore
Slowed down until they are no more
Soft sand or pebbles dependent of time gone by
Sand to walk on, it squelches between toes.

Pebbles that hurt feet, protect the coastline
Sounds of pebbles moving, as the tide washes over them
Angry waves soothed as they reach the shore
Tides relentless movement for evermore

Fear of watching the sea in the darkness of night
What lays beneath the sea surface?
Another world, all fish species fighting for their lives
Fishermen, why not fisherwomen described?

When do they decide, their catch enough will fill?
Regulations looked after by whom
Fishing boats with massive nets drag the ocean floor
No creature is safe from these marauders.

Restaurant fish meals, eyes looking sad
Better to choose cutlets, no feelings of where from
Feelings whirl as you leave this wondrous haven
Striding through life with new found admiration.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2022

Details | John A'hern Poem

The End of An Evening

The end of an evening, all quiet and relaxed
Dozing, opening eyes at sounds from where
The house seems alive, no movement just sounds
Close my eyes once more, sounds still invade
Tossing and turning, I need to sleep
Restless sleep awaits, sounds still invade
A thud awakens me from my troubled sleep
Laying there listening to almost silence
Am I alone or does someone or something invade my space?
Sleep calls out my name, drop into darkness of dreams
A babble of voices not making sense
Who are you? I do not know anyone
Movement in my bedroom, I awake
I sit upright. staring into nights darkness
Is this a nightmare or dreams of those long gone?
I decide to get up from my bed and wander the house
Eyes accustomed to darkness see past shadows that form
I feel the need to speak to ask who is there
My voice echoes off the silence that exists
I shudder as shapes begin to form
I stand my ground and ask an innocent question
Who are you where are you from?
The babble of voices hurts my ears
I collapse into my favourite armchair
Eyes start to close so tired, sleep calls
Silence descends like a mist in the mornings light
Nightmares or dreams leave, stage right
Morning’s light awakens me from my troubled sleep
The scene that awaits has me doubting my dreams
A party was held without permission
Untidy items lay in disarray
A voice as clear as day, we visited but you would not play.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2022

Details | John A'hern Poem


Shadows on walls, enjoyment of shapes
Rabbits, Dogs all made to enthrall
The feeling of late, drowned in sound
Time for a walk, shadow beckons
Lost the energy that once abounded
Standing enjoying birds and scenery
A giggle, from where? no one around
I looked down at the ground
My shadow standing next to me
Off I go, shadow followed
Need a rest, stopped and rested
My shadow moved onward
How can this be, I looked in amazement 
my shadow turned, waving gestured
I looked around, no one to be seen
I returned the wave, sheepishly
My shadow strode on, turning occasionally
No one around, I shouted wait for me
My shadow stood still, waiting patiently
I ran to join my shadow, feeling foolish
We became one again, sigh of relief
Are we ready, a silent question?
Off we strode life is waiting.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2022

Details | John A'hern Poem

Body Letting Me Down

Body letting me down of late
Knees, back, hips crying for relief
Holding onto a park bench for support
Voices approached, a group of young folk
Once I was as you are today, my thoughts
I stood before them, standing proud
Smiles all around, no sound, no movement
My body creaked, looking for support
A hand reached out; do I reach out?
A hand touched my shoulder, my pain subsided
Tears rolled down my cheek at this interaction
The group stood in silence, waiting for what
Would you care to join us on our walk?
My name was asked, I replied with pride
Eyes met eyes, I have met you before, feelings
We strolled the coastline, silence prevailed
A hand reached and held my hand
No pain worries as we strolled on
A voice broke the silence
This is the end of the path, spoken quietly
Sit awhile and think things through
Another bench, providing comfort and views
Deep breaths taken, is this all true?
Turned to thank the group of young folk
No one there, I shook my head in disbelief
I stood to walk away, pain once there was now gone
I now realised I was laying on the ground
My eyes looked into eyes seen before
A hand reached out offering help
A grip so strong helped me to my feet
Then I realised I was standing on my own
I walked away shaking my head
Pain no more, a happening performed.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2022

Details | John A'hern Poem


Standing here, just standing
looking around at surroundings
enjoying sounds of nature
neighbour’s children’s voices present

Thinking, just thinking
childhood memories, drawing blanks
other times, giving thanks
family faces, flash through my memory

Friend’s faces remembered
childhood pets I miss you
friends, always faithful
sporting deeds gone forever

Wedding feels as if yesterday
wedding bells, oh so joyful
buying renting, filled with emotions
houses lived in, remembered

Children growing, leaving home
memories not always flowing
grandchildren visits, treasured
entertainment always present

Communication oh so valuable
conversations live forever
older age such a challenge
no preparing for its visits

Holding hands, feelings surface
touching hugging, both without question
feel so proud of achievements
love, an often-misused word

In this instance said daily
whispered, brings a smile
standing looking and just thinking
onward upward, positive lessons

Treating others with respect
a sudden memory of one’s teachers
some are good, others threatening
parents included in this section

A voice, brings you out of this thinking
darling, cup of tea waiting
real life does not wait
Why then are we always waiting?

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2021

Details | John A'hern Poem

Seaside Village

Life for a child at this seaside Village, wild and free
A band of misfits come together, boys and girls
They Gathered overlooking the village, a day of adventures waited
Through grassland over boulders, passing fisherman’s cottages
Clothing colours blazing as they ran
Girl’s dresses flowed as they ran to their adventures

Older ones watching out for younger
Across a road with ultra-caution 
Onward, the Promenade waited, Villagers on their daily walks
Children Running, always running, passing yachts 
People waving, People calling, all known to each other

The children holding plastic buckets
Searching among rocks, looking for Periwinkles,
Periwinkles quite tiny, delicious to eat
Periwinkles are snails of the sea

Oldest behaving as sheep dogs, keeping them together
Bare feet running across the rocks
Many inlets to explore, including caves 
Did smugglers haunt these caves in day’s gone bye?

The caves made voices echo, they shouted out with gusto
Coast guards hut, nestled on top of a coastal hill
Welcomed, with stories from days gone by
Looking through telescopes at the ocean
Laughter and voices of children at play

Summer appears, swimming added to their games
Clothing removed, swimming costumes underneath clothing
Into the ocean without fear, no lifeguard near
Swimming out and around the anchored yachts
Ocean water no fear for these self-taught aquanauts
Danger does not enter their kingdom of thinking

Reach the shore, aware of others still out there
They stand and look for trouble brewing
Adult minds with adult thinking
No need to say time for bed tonight
Their beds, safe and warm, ready for another day to dawn

School days came and went, children longing for the weekend
Growing up can be quite a shame, they no longer join in the games
Gang grows smaller as they grow older 
leaving village for pastures greener
All moved on, the silence quite disturbing
The wind now occupies the cliff tops

A young man and woman glance at each other, recognition happens
Friends watch on as they embrace, tears flowing
These two have bonded once again
Thoughts and memories turn to their village
Trying to contact friends from the past
Memories locked away, coming to the fore on this day 

They can only guess where the rest of the gang all went
Messages sent, hopefully making contact
Planned visit to their childhood village and breathe the air
They now live in cities resembling concrete jungles
Arriving at their village one fine summer’s day
Walk to the cliff top, out of breath by the time they arrived there

Hand in hand, looking out over their beloved village bay
This couple had added true love to their friendship
Holding hands, listening to the wind as it drifted around them
Both became aware of voices approaching

Both turned, who was visiting this place?
An approaching group came into sight
The group ran toward them, a gang rekindled
Friendship welcomed them once again

Worn out from greetings and emotion, the group joined hands
A line formed facing the ocean,tears flowed
All shouted out, we are never ever going to leave this place
It was the same as they had said as children

They stood and watched the Ocean, hour after hour
A pact was made on the cliff top that day, visit each year
This pact it remained until they became much older
The group dwindling until none remained

The cliff top remains, an overgrown area waiting for visitors 
The wind blows between the trees and undergrowth
Locals speak of hearing children’s voices on stormy windy days
Gossip of seeing two figures standing at the cliff edge, maybe.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2022

Details | John A'hern Poem

The Empty Space

Childhood learning, knowing, knowledge gaining
Parents voices and actions all passed on
The learning process, each day memorised
The family group gathers at the end of the day
The kitchen table, set for five
Three sons growing, watching, learning
Mother and Father doing their best
Passing on all told to them in their past
Doing their best, sometimes not enough
Hugs and kisses shared with love
Sons grow as the years pass
School memories will sit in their past
Girlfriends introduced to the fold
Some become permanent, others not so
Talk of engagements discussed openly
Mother and Father sit there, listening intently
The eldest Son, heart worn on his sleeve
Talks of leaving the Family fold
Goodbyes given, tears are shed
One less at the table, an empty chair
This evening the talk is quiet
Mother and Father give each other the look
All goes quiet as tears flow
The empty place, causing memories of old
The process repeats as the years roll on by
Tonight, we look at Mother and Father on their own
The meal prepared, sits there waiting
That look is once again given
Hands grasp hands, squeezing tightly
They have done their duty, passed on knowledge
Hopefully, visits will soften into good memories
Parents suddenly thrust into a World not known
Hold onto each other, the story goes on.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2022

Details | John A'hern Poem


It’s that time of year when longing occurs
A Country, far away, waits to welcome us
A challenging journey awaits patiently
Back in time as time lords partake

The clocks of the World tick away the hours
Arrive quietly, fall into days of travel fatigue
Time to now venture out into our childhood World
Walk streets so narrow, memories deceive

People acknowledge each other
A wave, a smile, a shout of hello
Not known to each other, just welcome all
Familiar faces, we struggle for names

Some look our way, turn, and look again
smile to yourself, know you as well
The pubs, places of friends and gossip
Time for a rest, and a pint of best bitter

Stand at the bar with thoughts for company
A group of locals enter the bar
The sounds of voices echo afar
Study faces in the mirror, reflection behind the bar

Know them all from time gone by
A female voice asks a question
Turn to look at the question asker
Eyes are the first to betray a smile

She uses your name, it sounds like poetry
Please join us and share your adventures?
join the group of young men and women
They all stand as if welcoming royalty

Laughter and handshakes, kisses on the cheek
Comments of not changed in manner or looks
sitting down amongst friends of old
The question asker, with eyes that look through to your soul
Eyes study eyes, known once before

Hers did not blink as laughter unfolded
Quietly asked, why did you go away?
Explanation given, all politely listened
Exhaustion from questions as the hours ticked by

Eventually all said their good byes
Quietness descended once again
Just you and inner thoughts, sitting quietly
A female voice, may I sit for a while?

You both smile, lost for words
Her hand reaches across the table
Silent question as your hand reaches out
If only, the question as you chat over times gone by

Both stand and hug and say their farewells
She leaves without turning around
Memories burst in my head
Day one adventures completed happily.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2023

Details | John A'hern Poem

Daily Conversations

Conversations, on a daily basis
Your own voice surrounded in oasis
Talk to yourself, a daily happening
Older age the reason offered

Standing still, minding one’s own business
Overheard conversations, questions, answers
Mobile phones shatter the sound waves
Eyes down not paying attention
Constant scrolling, thrill of the moment

Media news thrust upon us
Gather in groups, social distance
Chatter surrounds us, some absurd
Nodding, smiling, becoming a nerd
Hope that subjects do not ignite

Spirits are low, worrying galore
Watching, waiting, character testing
Older ones on the front line
Standing in front of them, carers that shine

Trust is tested, time after time
Walls erected around those in twilight 
Faces in windows of those we know
The pain of missing you so hard to share

Hands pressed against glass
Blowing kisses hard and fast
Hands are waving, goodbyes are taken
Tomorrow waits for those not chosen.

Copyright © John A'Hern | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs