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Best Poems Written by Natasha L Scragg

Below are the all-time best Natasha L Scragg poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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If Only You Knew

If only, if only, if only you knew
The measure of affection felt for you.
Your potential great, so much more to do,
Then you concluded your time was through.

If only you knew how much time you spent
In hearts and minds; Oh how much you meant!
Your value is here! And it never went!
No hate you harboured, no hint of resent.

If only you knew that your light
Was a comfort to others in their darkest night,
Was a ray of hope when they had to fight -
Your outlook seemed to all so bright.

If only you knew what is felt for you now.
If only you could be told somehow...

The void can't be filled left behind by you!
If only, if only, if only you knew.

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2024

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The Secret Music

The green blades sway in sync.
In unison the leaves do dance.
The lilly pads bop as the water laps.
Hedgerows are captured in a misty trance.

The secret music plays
A melody that only nature knows.
Flora, Fauna and Animals unite.
In their groove happiness flows.

The dawn chorus is so beautiful.
The shape shifting clouds that fill the sky
Are motioned by the force of wind,
That whistling sound that rushes by.

When we feel uplifted, refreshed and soothed,
We are thankful for what nature has shown.
If we were part of nature
The secret music by us would be known.

Written 17-12-2021

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2021

Details | Natasha L Scragg Poem

The A-Z of Alliteration

Alan Allston ate an addictive piece of cake.
Bertie bounced his bouncy ball by the bus stop but his brother caught the bouncy ball before the bus came.
Claire, Clara, Chloe and co built a sculpture of Charlie out of snow.
David danced with Dani in a dance club in Derby.
Eliza's enormous elephant squirted water at an eagle.
Frances frantically searched, quite flushed, for Freddie's friendly frog.
General enquiries? Go Google it!
Henry hated hula hoops and Hungry Hippos.
Ingenious Ignatius invented an intelligence of sorts.
Jackie's Jaguar Jasper liked jumping giant fences.
Kind King Knowles knows what's best for his kingdom.
Larry limped lightly after he had a nasty fall.
Mary played Moana in a school production.
Nobody notices November's rain, not since winter has arrived again.
Oops! Oh no! It's happened all over again!
Pedro, Perdy and Poots played bagpipes in the middle of Boots!
Quality Street for quiet times.
Rita raised an eyebrow when she got the rhyme wrong!
Some slimy slugs saw Sid Sidewinder slithering slowly singing silly songs.
To tell you the truth, Tea's just right for me.
The unhappy unicorn kept dry under her umbrella.
Vera the violet vulture was very hungry. 
The winds were whistling a wintry tune.
Xena played her xylophone while Xander was having his x-ray.
Yesterday's Yellow is today's Gold.
Zoe's zebra stared at her as she zealously expressed her views on Zoom.

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2021

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She Likes To Knit Her Noodles

Her chopsticks are at the ready.
Her hands are good and steady.
She likes to knit her noodles!
The task has just begun...

She starts off with a mango Welt
With pride, with zest, with tang.
It's a mesmerising watch
While the wiggling noodles hang.

Next. She's on to saucy Stocking Stitch.
Her garment sure does grow!
Knit one - Purl one - Knit two together
On each tasty row.

And this main course is called
" Knit Purl Chopstick Cha "
With a curry Cabled centre,
With sides of paprika Purl and Knit korma.

And as an extra taste-bud treat
BBQ Rib Raglan is on the menu.
Trust me! This kind of cuisine
Can't be found in any old venue!

From there on, the sleeves do drop
Like the soy sauce shaken a top.
Neatly Knitted are the Ribs.
Who voted for fish and chips?

To finish this fine course...
Knit - Slip - Knit - Pass Slip Stitch over.
This will make the button holes
For the Cadbury chocolate to melt all over.

And on completion, these knitted noodles
Slide straight on down her throat...
Before we've had a chance to prove her skill
This talent to others gloat!

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2021

Details | Natasha L Scragg Poem

If I Could ---

If I could
Abracadabra! Allakizam!
I'd eradicate ALL illness
Crash! Boom! Bam!

I'd end depression
In only one session.
Away with sadness go!
Travel on the wind, moods low!

I would crinkle my nose,
Do a double blink,
Twirl, point my finger...
Change the way badn's think.

Bib. Bop. Ba. Boo!
Every leader too
Would see the futility
Of wars! One. Two. Three.

With a Zip. Zap. Zoom.
I'd fly on my broom
And rainbow dust the sky!
Joy would fill the hearts of all!
No despair would echo or call
That one worded, sorrowful chorus...
" Why? "

Oh yes I would!
My magic would
Be very good!
If I could...

Written 11th March 2022
For the "Magic Spell" Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Robert James Liguori

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2022

Details | Natasha L Scragg Poem


The Rose is the ultimate floral Queen!
A radiant beauty. Colourful blooms.
A feature of any idyllic scene.
Some live in gardens, others brighten rooms.

Delicate. Precious to the beholder.
A symbol of affection in romance.
Nestled in a lapel 'neath a shoulder
For a wedding, a funeral, a dance.

Appreciate their glory. Sing their song!
A sweet aroma have some, others none.
Don't take them for granted. They don't stay long.
Suddenly they season out and are gone!

Spiky leaves and petals tender,
Grace our vision with their splendor. 

Written 17th September 2022
(My first Sonnet)

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2022

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Tuppin' Time - a Farmyard Parody

( To be sang to the tune of,  " Steppin' Time "
   From the musical Mary Poppins... )

( Rams )

Here's the farmer, tuppin' time!
Here's the farmer, tuppin' time!
How many girls will we meet this time?
Here's the farmer, tuppin' time!

( A Ewe )

Here's the farmer, tuppin' time.
Hey you girls, this Ram is mine!
And I think he's so divine!
Here's the farmer, tuppin' time!

( Another Ewe )

This one's strong and full of might.
He has speckles that are white.
And his  " Baaa! "  sounds just like mine!
Here's the farmer, tuppin' time!

( Rams )

Will our lambs be Ram or Ewe?
Will our sheep have one or two?
We must wait for nature too...
We must tuppin' til we're through!

( An Independent Ewe )

Well, those Rams can keep their place!
I won't fall for a square face!
" Tuppin's not for me! " I'll say.
If they come near, I'll run away!

( All Sheep x2 )

Here's the farmer, tuppin' time!
Baa ba baa baa baa baa baa!
Here's the farmer, tuppin' time!
Baa ba baa baa baa baa baa!

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2022

Details | Natasha L Scragg Poem

The Key To

The key to understanding is empathy.
The key to happiness is to give.
The key to contentment is appreciation.
The key to peace is to forgive.
The key to broaden horizons in an open mind.
The key to knowledge is humility.
The key to wisdom is to listen.
The key to joy is not to question, " Why me? "
The key to the soul is to reach the heart.
The key to the heart is love.
The key to love is kindness.
The key to kindness is to others think of.

So in life there are keys a plenty.
They have many a purpose and feature.
They open things that are empty.
They keep locked safe things kept for the future.

Written 13th September 2021 
For the "K" contest - Sponsor ... Constance La France

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2021

Details | Natasha L Scragg Poem

Become a Painting

Dear Artist,

I'm a character locked in your mind,
A figment of your imagination.
You sit staring out of the window
Watching, waiting for inspiration.

Aren't you aware Dear Artist,
There's so much you can do with me?
I want to become a painting.
Dear Artist, set me free!

Dear Artist, you're so talented!
You have the magic touch.
With a stroke or two of your stained brush
I can exist. It would mean so much!

Will a Bluetit perch on my fingers
While I sing like a Disney Princess?
Will I hold something precious close to my chest?
What skills will you have me possess?

You will have your lightbulb moment,
Where you too will feel liberated.
You'll have many colourful adventures in store
For me, whom you've created.

I await each meaningful brush stroke
With eager anticipation!
The many scenic fantasies I have had
Fill me with awe and fascination!

Until we meet, Dear Artist, 
I patiently will be waiting.
Bring me to life my dear friend!
I want to become a painting!

Written 9th November 2021

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2021

Details | Natasha L Scragg Poem

Happy Rabbits In Our Garden


When I look out of the window,
All at once, my heart feels a glow!
Happy Rabbits in our garden
Play. Then, relax in the shadow.

Like rocks, their silhouettes harden.
Though out in the open garden,
In search, their predators miss them.
Relieved. The Rabbits lives pardoned.

As the coast clears, their youngsters then
Spring out from their safe little den.
One by one, they pop out the ground!
This family numbers to ten.

In panic, they run around.
Because they can now hear the sound
Of something strange heading their way...
Once gone, it can never be found!

It's the seasonal hunters day.
And he has his own game to play.
The more hits, the higher his score,
All Rabbits, be they brown or grey!

These little creatures I adore.
I feel so much joy to see more
Happy Rabbits in our garden!
What did that hunter come here for?

Written 4th October 2021 
For the Interlocking Rubaiyat Contest
Sponsor : Angel L Villanueva

Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs