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Best Poems Written by Marikate Kingston

Below are the all-time best Marikate Kingston poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Blue Egg Mommy

Blue Egg Mommy

You know it’s spring when she sings.
The first to show as day greets “Hello”

Her morning song so beautiful and strong.
Soon preoccupied all day long.

Her tenacity will impress, as she builds her twiggy nest.  
With her orange breast, she is the best dressed
and my most honored, welcomed guest.

Squeaking, peeping, shrieking, her shivering brood needs warmth 
and food. 

Feeding her flustered fledglings first, she feels blessed,
                         but this blue egg mommy never rests.

From her tree
    she looks around.
No enemies to be found.
             Just a faint worm sound.

Feeling safe,
     she flies 


Look for her in blades of green.
Minding her business she is often seen, 
in parks, 
your garage, 
or near a stream.

"I am so fond of you my little thrush.
 Sweet dreams Blue Egg Mommy,

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2023

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God's Majestic and Wide

God's Majestic and Wide

        Breathe in an ocean so vast and so grand where seagulls and seashells sprinkle the sand.
        So turquoise blue, majestic and wide, homes for God's creatures at high and low tide.
        Like the Humpback Whale who sings a beautiful hymn or a baby sea turtle just learning to swim.
        Like a stingray, a lobster, a shiny red cod, or friendly grey dolphins who live in a pod.
The Angel Fish, the Violet Snail, a Giant Squid, seaweed, and kale all need the oceans to breathe and survive, all need the oceans to stay alive.

 Thank God for the oceans so vast and so grand, where seagulls and seashells sprinkle the sand.
So turquoise blue, majestic and wide, homes for God's creatures at high and low tide.

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2021

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If You Were a Melody

If You Were A Melody

 You would twirl around, in a diamond gown.

 You would sip pink tea under a tulip tree.

 You would live in a castle of fairy dust, and in my love, you would always trust.

 You would hold my hand under a stardust moon and whistle to me a quiet tune.

 You would dance on tiptoe through warm melting snow
 to tell me secrets only you should know.

  You would play George Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue. Your favorite color,
 ... elegant blue.
  You would float like the lilies at Giverny, and to my heart, you would hold a key.

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2021

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Autumn aromas. 
Apple crisp, 
pumpkin spice,
cinnamon cider, 
Watch out, a spider!

Crisp air and cozy coming.
Chestnuts roasting,  
marshmallow toasting,
turkey roasting, host boasting.

Oak branches cover their little brown spinning beginnings.
Solid trees regal and strong,
two of them hold an owl’s song,
outdoors: orange, yellow, brown, 

red delicious eating.

Nippy nature walks. 
November moon, are you ready? 
Winter soon.

Scratchy scarecrows sneak through spooky corn mazes.
Scenic foliage,  
campfire blazes.

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2023

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Teeter Totter

Teeter Totter            

             "Don’t bump your bottom on the ground!"

       Inside the curvy tunnel is a dark, spooky space. 
       WOOPS, I'm sorry Patrick, I couldn't see your face!
       A slippery slide we move down fast, Sarah’s arm in a cast!
       I love to swing with Lindsey Loo, but swinging too high, she'll lose a 
       Jack likes the tire rope the best, he just won't stop and take a rest!
       When he circles 'till he's dizzy, his Irish face turns red and his hair turns     
       Gertie reaches for each monkey bar, “LOOK at me” she brags. 
       She thinks she's such a star, even I can climb that far!
        It’s finally time for us to go, have ice cream and take a rest.  
        Our playground time is just the best!


Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2021

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Kindergarten Teacher

Kindergarten Teacher

  Kind when she shares her bologna sandwich.
  Imaginative when she has to use Q-tips to teach.
  Nurturing to teeter totter injuries.
  Daring when rescuing an mystery object from the toilet.
  Earnest when explaining this adventure to her principal.
  Responsible for helping 23 children put on 23 coats and getting all 23 
  to the bus on time.
  Gentle when covering boo-boos with impossible to open bandaids.
  Aimiable when greeting parents.
  Resourceful when finding uses for 75 popsicle sticks.
   Tactful when explaining Timothy's new permanent marker freckles to 
   his mother.
   Energetic when chasing a dog off the playground.
   Nose blowing expert.

  Talented when using a pipe cleaner to replace a lost shoe lace.
  Elated with a new set of blocks.
  Afraid of itchy heads.
  Capable of jumping rope in heels on the playground. 
  High spirited when there is a snow day.
  Excited about caterpillars.
  Ready for nap time!

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2023

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                      A nuthatch built a twiggy nest

                      A cockatoo showed off her elegant crest

                      A bluejay stole a hummingbird's egg

                      A flamingo sleeps on just one leg

                      A seagull fought for an ocean snail

                      And Daffy Duck pulled Donald Duck's tail!

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2021

Details | Marikate Kingston Poem

Empathetic Light

Empathetic Light

Lady Diana, the exquisite Princess of Wales.
A heroine now in hundreds of tales.

An accomplished pianist at Buckingham Palace.
A hopeful ballerina, a kindergarten teacher.

A radiant young woman who loved to dance,
A royal young activist.

A humanitarian princess with courage, not discouraged.
A demure beauty, dedicated to duty.

To replace fear with compassion, she modeled for the world charitable actions.

"Hold my hand, I’m not afraid”
whispering to a man who suffered with AIDS. 

Her hugging and empathy never ceasing, her tender love always increasing.

A hospital president for sick children, her mission.

Cautiously walking through land mines, one scary step at a time.  
Explosives in the ground, she showed their purpose no longer found.

Her little princes, one on each arm.
William and Harry adored their mum.  
To normalize life at times,
Disney rides, McDonald’s fries…
Paparazzi hunted her for years, bringing danger and tears.

The most photographed woman in the world.
A wedding dress of 10,000 pearls
An elegant, humble golden girl.

One evening a tragic trip through a Paris tunnel. 
Drive faster, 
speed up, 
turn them off
put them down
stop clicking
turn around.

Then a horrific shame, who was to blame?
Indescribable loss at a human cost.

God wanted  her back in 1997.
The Princess Of Wales, was our present from heaven.

They say a billion mourned. The world’s hearts truly torn.

Memories of mummy nobody could take. 
Two royal sons, their hearts did break.
Now fathers with children to love, new charities to support and take care of.

I miss her now and missed her then.
Your sister, my mother, her nanny, my friend.
She changed the world for nations until her end.

The lives she touched were made healthier and bright by 
Lady Diana's empathetic light.

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2023

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Forsythia my friend, I still cannot not discern, 
does a fiddlehead unravel into a lacy fern?

Lilly pads, such flowered floating seats for fortunate frogs.
Monet’s favorite plant at his Giverny bog. 

Orchid. This word becomes a lyric in a beautiful song.  
A flower that is elegant, tranquil, and calm.

Wisteria emanates from little pea shaped blooms,
giving off a lovely, lavender perfume.

Echinacea, “Gazuntite”
A cousin to the daisy, whose name sounds like a sneeze.
Lovely on a table with a crumpet and some tea.

Rhododendrons, so large, pink and scarlet.
A shrub that’s thick and quite exotic.

Snapdragons are not dangerous at all, they often bloom right into fall.
Those ruffly, curly, open leaves, beg " Come in for lunch, honey bees"

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2024

Details | Marikate Kingston Poem

Her Adamant Face

Adamant Face
My mother used to say with an adamant face, "There is a place for everything and for everything a place!”
My goodness, this house is a total disgrace"

So every Tuesday at quarter past 4:OO
each person in our family had the same chore,
to straighten the house and pick up the floor.

We all sighed, then one replied,
“Where do we put things?”  
“Where do they go?”  
"Where did they come from?" 
"We don’t know!”
     "Just put things back in their original home.
      "Whatever you do, don’t let them roam"
       If you don’t know what it's called, 
      where to put it, 
      or what it does,
or you can’t throw it out or know it’s name because, 
it doesn’t have a match or
there is a piece detached ; 
then don’t give up, just keep your chin up. 
Leave nothing astray, but please be done by the end of the day"
"There is a place for everything and for everything a place" she reminded us with her adamant face.

Our cleaning began, and what did we find ? 
Interesting things of every kind.

Two birthday candles from my cake years ago, rusted nail clippers that trimmed my big toe.

A broken pencil with a very dull end, and a thank you card I forgot to send.

A soy sauce packet stuck to a fork, from a take out order of moo shoo pork.

 A spool of thread, the color red, when I sewed my clumsy thumb instead! 

Grandpa’s glasses missing one lens
My  sister’s retainer 
And 2 leaky pens 

A postal stamp 
A bread bag clip
The top to my mother’s pink lipstick. 

A germy cold lozenge when I had the flu.
A dirty lace from a tennis shoe.

Three receipts from CVS. 
A zipper from an old prom dress.

 Soon we finished, and one replied,
 “Our cleaning is done, we picked up the floor,
   No longer a disgrace anymore!"
"We put things back in their original home, 
 where they belonged and could not roam” 

“Mother, that place was the kitchen drawer!"  
 Our job is done, say no more! 

Copyright © Marikate Kingston | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things