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Best Poems Written by Cecil Hickman

Below are the all-time best Cecil Hickman poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Half-Lit Moon

Haze up in the heavens encircles this orb.
Half-dark, half-light, shines from above.
Twinkles of light appear to absorb.
Fractions of darkness within lighted glove,

Speaking to lovers held in each other’s arms.
Answering questions of science to some,
Floating around spreading blessed charms,
Listening close at times, hearing a hum.

Lovers for centuries, graciously, captured by,
Sweet serenity and magical mystery,
Others entranced with secrets, which fly.
From words written and spoken in history.

Satellite, orb, lady, they are all the same.
Mythical goddesses, gripped in flame.
These tales have spread so many games.
This object seen most nights has no shame.

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2010

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As I ponder my weak bladder, you see.
I travel around the corner from thee.
Be careful if around the corner you go.
Please for your sake, watch for yellow snow.

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2007

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I Was Wrong

Was I
To push love
So un-returned
At first though the love from you came later
I lost mine, rapt in imagination
So time forgot
Our passion

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2013

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The Sun Rises- -The Moon Sets

These were set in motion from the beginning of time.
Heavens abound in each of their glory, power sublime.
Every excursion that they set upon revolves in rhyme.

Solar orb that secures life upon this planet we dwell.
Universally seen around our globe, for all to tell,
Never tiring it revolves, captured within its cell.

Rising up from its core, flares of powerful streams.
I respect what has risen from the sunny beams.
Sharing the glory that it has upon everyone, it seems.
Evident by the life that it supports even in dreams,
Solar star of daylight hours continue as nature deems.

Till nightfall approaches while another completes the set.
Helping to guide travelers for centuries the positions to get,
Evening ignites different phases upon this satellites debt.

Monthly revolutions of this celestial body sway the hours.
Orbital bliss has spoken richly along with romantic flowers.
Opening souls in sensuality and fulfilling romantic powers.
New moon to which many have fell into its magical showers.

Splendor of the night as it falls to set upon the new dawns light.
Exemplary versions follow a pattern, which marvels natural sight.
Take notice of what you may be missing each upcoming night.
Said, I’ve heard, old sailors delight, shining, enchantingly bright.

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2010

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Unknown Providences

Lust so cold, love stays warm
Advice given is words forgotten.
Gifts that are free have a catch.
Hidden destiny, life so scorned.
Living high, lost in the dark.
Spirit lost, not ever free.
Falsified love, eternally angry

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2010

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It is 2012 within the season of autumn in that year.
Humankind knows not whether to be sad or cheer.
A new sphere arrived; they call it planet kunzite.
In an orbit opposite of earth, aligned perfectly right.
Was it our doom, or salvation we awaited a sign.
Upon the next moon, our answer came so divine.
Planet kunzite was to be our new home to live.
To go in peace and harmony with only love to give,
No more wars or anger for any human to spread,
In the stars surrounding, words are there to be read.
Kunzite a jewel for everyone, especially new born,
So upon each morning a new greeting shall adorn.

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2010

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Little Girls Heidi

This day we free you from pain
Soulful companionship you gave.
Eyes of love looked over my disdain.
Tail of happiness wagged with rave.

Dalmatian your breed, with a loving creed,
Named, Heidi, in youth with innocent face,
Growing beautifully as a spotted breed,
You gave us love, we could never replace.

Mourn thee for a while, and then moved by style.
You loved me, now thee is free.
I have no denial, thou has heavenly compile.
We shall love thee, beyond eternity.

date 11-07-2013

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2013

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Seasonal Passion

You my love with a tender caressing touch.
I wait the seconds, minutes of eagerness.
Sweet feeling upon when our lips press.
Tastes of our tongues swirling so much,
Enhancing sensual ways that we clutch,
Our bodies and souls share such finesse.
Each time together, never any repress.
Our love is bound we have no crutch.

Everything I adore about you is mine.
Our souls entwined in sweet Bordeaux.
We climax together as wonderful wine.
We have captured charismatic glow.
As we share each other’s passion fine.
Passing seasons continue as we sow.

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2011

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Pleasurable Love

Please my heart, upon lips with just one kiss.
Embrace my body with sweet warmth tonight.
Caress me, without one minute to miss.

My eyes shall glisten in dark, shining bright.
My heart shall pound deeply in bold delight.

Love that we share, bares no witness ever.
Our bond is magical, blindly clever.

Our passion shall grow wild, end in great bliss.
Bound together, ecstasy our planned sight,
Pleasure shall take us, beyond the abyss.

Your eyes displace my soul, without a fight.
One slight touch of tenderness, just feels right.

We share a common goal and endeavor.
Elations we give will last forever.

written for
Romanticism In Rime Royal Free Poetry Contest

written by
Cecil Hickman

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2014

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(abc) Devotion

All beliefs can defeat evil forces
Greatly healing individuals
Joining kindness, love
Many now owning passions
Quoting realistic sacrament
Taking ultimate victory
With Xanadu yielding zest

Copyright © Cecil Hickman | Year Posted 2010


Book: Shattered Sighs