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Best Poems Written by Ms Affection

Below are the all-time best Ms Affection poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Gently rocking you fast asleep
No sudden moves or you would leap
Watching your tiny face aglow
Eyes getting heavy to sleep you go
Back and forth i rock in the chair
Hold you close, in your face i stare
So precious you are and loved by me
When you awake, right here I'll be

March 7th, 2021

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021

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Brady Bunch

Carol Brady 
was a real cool lady
that included the likes
of three kids from Mike

Alice the maid
I’m sure she  prayed
for a few days off
when those kids would cough

#Fun with Clerihew poetry form

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021

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The Virus

Began so promising
As thoughts of a new year approached
Some called it a year of new beginnings and clarity
That 20/20 vision of sorts

Unknown and foreign
You found your origins in a faraway land
Yet soon enough, you would break the barriers of
Race, class, religion, and international borders
YEAH!  You’re indiscriminate

Lock down, shut down and shortages
A daily struggle we endured
The knowledge of your existence, coupled with fear
Put the world on notice that we were in control of NOTHING

You wrestled even the healthiest to their breaking point
Them now depending on machines to inhale and exhale
You took the weakest and oldest, showing no mercy
Masks, gloves, tissue, sanitizer; even Lysol and Clorox
Became luxury items

Almost two years later
Vaccinations, side effects and still, MASKS
Are a daily reminder that
Covid made it’s way to every point of the world

And still; we are in control of NOTHING

December 30, 2021
Contest: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Robert James Liquori

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ms Affection Poem

Feelings of Loneliness

As a flower blooms
It draws from the outside
With it's sweet smelling nectar and beauty

Bees buzzing, butterfly's flying
All wanting part of it's inviting scent

I want to be THAT flower

~ Ms. Affection - March 17, 2021

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ms Affection Poem


Mind drifts as my eyelids become heavy

Thoughts of what could've been


What could still be

That subtle smirk settles across my lips

Half smile
Half frown

REM sleep, but
My heart is racing

The vision is clear

Staring into each other's eyes, the sensual silence is like foreplay.  

You reach out and your strong arms hold me tight

While your voice begins to make passionate love to my mind, with deep conversation

The height of our talk brings us to climax simultaneously

Moonlight turns to sunrise and I awaken

Startled because I can no longer feel your embrace

No longer feel the deep penetrating thrusts of heart to heart dialogue

I lay there wondering, missing, and longing

His parting words, "she's a female version of me".

Her parting thought, "is that so bad?".

She still wonders, "What could have been.....


What could still be"

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2022

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His Effort

Through the entry way, she glided across
A pearlescent gown she wore
Hair freshly crimped, with nowhere to go
She felt her life, such a bore

Accentuating her hour glass figure
Eventide had brought the moon
The howling sound she heard in the distance
Meant her lover was trying to croon

A singer he’s not, the effort was there
He was trying to win back her heart
A soft gentle smile, crept cross her face
He was off to a good fresh start

The sounds got louder, he was trying his best
He needed to win her back
Like a feral cat, the screeches were loud
His voice would continuously crack

As he hit the last note, the thrum of his voice
Was met with a thunderous tang
His beautiful mistress was at the door
Enamored by what he had sang

Plumb blown away, by his caring heart
The love was there once more
She’d forgotten about that initial thought
Of her life being such a bore

~ Ms. Affection - March 17, 2021

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ms Affection Poem

Chanel, Chanel

Chanel, Chanel
They're under your spell
Soft yet bold, Classic love potion
You enter a room, can't contain their emotion

Chanel, Chanel
A little dab here, Small drop there
Heightens that sense
Referred to as smell

Chanel, Chanel
Coco Chanel
Roses and Jasmine and Sandalwood?  Do tell
Chanel, Chanel
There is no wonder
They're under your spell

~ Ms. Affection - March 17, 2021

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ms Affection Poem

Wandering, Not Lost

Misunderstanding where I am within
Leaves you thinking I'm on a wayward road
Not realizing, I'm in reset mode
Separating me, from stress to begin
If I don't start the journey now, then when?
Walking away from the story untold
Makes you assume my mental will unfold
Reminds me, you don't know of where I've been

Searching for one's self does not mean I'm lost
It's taking a stand to pull in the reins
Right the wrongs in my path, as they should be
Hurt feelings to mend in some lines I've crossed
Addressing my past, likely breaks some chains
Soaring like a bird, my spirit set free

December 23, 2021
Content Name: Pick-A-Title, Vol 27 Poetry Contest (Wandering, Not Lost)
Sponsored by: Edward Ibeh
Poem Type: Petrarchan (ABBAABBA CDECDE)

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ms Affection Poem


Waltzing in the room
all charm. all charisma
personality engulfs the place
like smoke overtaking my lungs

Overwhelmed by your thick presence
I don’t want to take a breath
I blink
you catch my stare
I want to glance away, BUT

Hypnotized by your essence
a magician in your very flow
looking away is NOT an option

As you close the space between us
the sexy in me finds her place
half smile, half pucker
my aura invites you into my 
personal space

Teased by your momentary silence
“Hello Beautiful”
escapes your perfectly formed lips

I say in my softest, sultry purr

Slight dimple
pearly whites
spotless complexion
and skintone of caramel

Checking all boxes for physical attraction 
the hard part begins

Who are you on the inside?
Who will you present to me in this first encounter?
Your representative?
Your truest self?

This is truly the hardest part!

~ Ms. Affection - March 21, 2021

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ms Affection Poem

Me Also Me

I am hot, I am cold
I am love, I am hate
I am loyal, I am perfidious
I am beautiful, I am ugly
I am filled, I am empty
I am confident, I am insecure
I am bold, I am fearful
I am courageous, I am a coward
I am desirable, I am unwanted
I want more, I want to give up

I guess I'm two-faced

~Ms. Affection - March 20, 2021

Copyright © Ms Affection | Year Posted 2021


Book: Reflection on the Important Things