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Best Poems Written by Richard Colbert

Below are the all-time best Richard Colbert poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Am An Old Man

i am an old man
when i look in the mirror 
i don’t see me
a resemblance of my past
but know things aren’t 
always what they seem
	my skin is wrinkled and thin 
	i bruise easily
	though not emotionally
	my arms have spots not freckles 
	my sight and views are 
	becoming blurred and vague
choices made in my younger daze
left gaps between
my teeth and memory 
i’m guarded about
revealing either one
	the soles of my shoes flare 
	making it easier
	to take things in stride
	i have arch supports 
	so as not to be caught flat footed
the Cloud has
nothing to do with
information storage
but more the cause of
hide and seek with the 
the sun and the past
	i talk to myself
	trying to get a consensus
	to show i’m not crazy
	the conversation
	usually ends in a stalemate
	and nobody wins
when i retired 
everyday became Saturday 
i start and finish 
everything and nothing today
yesterday is gone
and tomorrow comes to quickly
	when i look in the mirror 
	i see the lines i drew 
	in the sand and in my life
	a resemblance of a past 
	maybe things are 
	what they appear to be

after all, i am an old man

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2021

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Covid 2

it’s odd to be held hostage 
by the same thing 
at the same time
as the entire world
it’s put everyone
into darkness
the unknown 
the unseen
one of the perils
of being a senior 
is isolation
it’s ironic that 
i’ve been asked to do
just that; isolate 
shelter in place at home
go out only when necessary
avoid contact with others,
even family 
unfortunately for a great many
that means little has changed

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2021

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Dimpled Spheres

May your drives be long and true
Missed fairways, but a few
And when in a rough,
Be it not tall enough
To affect your follow through

May your approach shots miss every tree
Be straight and shank free
Your club selection right
To land it pin high
With a line easy to read

May the greens be not to slow or fast
Always dry, clean and flat
Do that thing you do
With putts no more than two
And no need for a lag

So it’s time to celebrate another year
Be it Feliz Navidad or New Years cheer
Have a good time
Golf buddy o’ mine
And play a round with these dimpled spheres

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2021

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Garage Sale

she never threw anything out 
the driveway is filled 
clothes hang on racks
hers on the left, 
a few of his on the right
tables of her shoes
kitchenware, pots, pans
knickknacks, tchachka’s
souvenirs from long ago trips
some of the furniture
will go..there’s no need 
for all of it now
the most valuable, 
jewelry, some paintings
are in the garage
the money isn’t important 
at this point
it doesn’t matter….
how can he put a price 
on what’s been taken
his memories aren’t of
a particular dress or 
pair of earrings she wore
he won’t look at a painting
or photograph of a trip
and think of her
he misses her smile, 
the touch of her hand on his face
the look in her eyes,
how she curled up inside him
in bed at night, stealing his warmth 
… when she spoke his name

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2021

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It's Done

when my life is done 
i assume my soul
or immaterial part of my being, 
will leave the physical structure 
of bones and flesh 											

as the two part will i
have a chance to look at myself
see who i was
or as someone i
never got to know 
or will they be the same

i’ve never been comfortable		
in my own skin
literally and figuratively
mostly overweight,
rarely fit and never skinny
insecure often reticent 
to express how i really feel,
what will i look like tomorrow
in some sort of box,
whole en route to a hole
or reduced to ashes 
spread on the ocean 
or in an urn, on a mantel

will i feel disconnected
more so than in life
unable to communicate
unable to be understood
did i make good use of my time
who decides that anyway
right now, today, i regret little
i believe every action in life
led me to where i am
right now, today, 
i am mostly satisfied 
but is satisfied enough

would i do my life over 
if i had the chance, 
and if so, would i change anything 
what if i found out
this is as good as it gets

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2021

Details | Richard Colbert Poem

2-3-2 Haiku Or Miku

i wake to
soft rain

	at dawn	
	i leave

tears fall
loves failure
to hold

	heart broken	

gentle touch
warm kiss

	lifts me up
	feeds me

soft breeze

	your love
	my soul

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2021

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Haiku 32

could i imagine
a life with you not in it
breathing with no air

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2021

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We Need a Particle Zapper

“We have a lot of dust in the house. Where does it come from?
How do we prevent that?”

The idea or thought or remedy was seen or read about
on the internet, one of the communal websites.
“It says here that there is a device that will zap particles
and clean harmful bacteria and germs and odors and stuff, 
including covid-19, from the air.
I think we need to add a particle sanitizer.”
With a limited amount of discussion but plenty
of internet encouragement, the contractor is called.

He installs the particle zapper and a filter 4 times
larger than the old filter. “More surface area, the greater
the filtration, less dust. The zapper is always on, scrubbing out
harmful bacteria and germs and odors and stuff
but the hvac fan needs to run. Your electric bill will go up, 
that’s the trade off for cleaner, safer air.” 
The system is upgraded.

Everyone is happy. Normally dust will settle on
surfaces within 2 days of dusting.  2 weeks now and nada, zip, nothing. 
And the odors are gone, not that there were a lot to begin with.
In fact if the fellow who installed the zapper and filter
hadn’t told us about the odors, we wouldn’t have known we had them.
But that constant humming of the fan is annoying. 
“Maybe we turn it off at night. it’s kind of loud at night”
“But what about cleaning the air? We’ll be only
eliminating 2/3 of the dust and only zapping 2/3 of 
the harmful bacteria and germs and odors and stuff”.

At first I thought we’d get used to it and eventually not even hear it.
But she heard it all the time. I could live with it.
For me, it was like when I was in the Navy, being on board a ship.
It was only when the noise or humming stopped did I notice.
But she heard it, all the time, and said so, all the time.
The constant humming noise was becoming our ‘Tell-Tale Heart’
We agreed that we could turn it off once in awhile, specifically
when we had windows open.

After running the fan, off and on, for a month, we found that there
is probably no need to run it all the time. We run it during the day
and at night we shut it off, open windows and cool the house down.
We can live with that, I guess. It’s funny how one day the dust is a real health hazard and nuisance. A month later it’s hardly noticeable.

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2022

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Diamond Lane

traveling in the 
diamond lane
a 2 caret ride 
to the Marquise Cut
it has a nice ring to it

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2022

Details | Richard Colbert Poem


you left without saying goodbye
sometimes no explanation
is the best thing to say
though, it must be hard
knowing that running 
won’t help
a circle starts and ends in the same place
i’ve been round and round
a few times myself
i know the feeling
of shouting into an abyss
you think no one hears, 
no one cares
i don’t know why and
where you’ve gone
but i’m in the circle
and i’ll hear if
you make a sound
i’ll be here when
you come around

Copyright © Richard Colbert | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs