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Best Poems Written by Sally Eslinger

Below are the all-time best Sally Eslinger poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Butterfly Cocooned

The Butterfly Cocooned

Beneath higher twig tips, 
    my heart flutters
Near converging branches.

My cocoon
Mid-high the strength 
    and distinctive character
Of a gnarly tree.  Embracing me.
This, my home…Cocoon.

This essential place,
Above the swirling world,
Puzzling with its mixing motions
Of lights, colors, temperatures,
Until I think I shall just stay
In this cocoon
For all the days 
    of my brief forever.  
I have grown able
To feel my heart flitter,
And my future hinting of more.

Secure herein my cocoon,
I debate with Life…
Staying here within,
Perhaps until I might learn
For its own brief time and purpose,
How each raindrop so proudly falls.

(c) sally young eslinger 3/1/23
***written in response to my time with medical
Specialist & his presxribed treatment  and diagnosis.
Thanks be to God…

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2023

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

For My Sister and Brother Poets

For My Sister and Brother  Poets

Mornings, again refreshed, I wield up a 
sledgehammer to strike the stone walls of 

the confinement of my assigned nativity...then
 seek to emigrate from those go

settle, an immigrant, in the more fertile territory 
of Meanings, trusting a disclosure of my birthright

as a citizen among the searching population at 
the address of Poetry — twin to the Soul — more

 fertile for vines from the heart, more welcoming to 
the orchards of Imagination, always ripe with songs.

Today’s afternoon was spent planting a grove of pink
dogwood  saplings and sapphire iris bulbs nearby...

so someday they will bask in light, feeling winds 
and  us, too, walking past in admiration,sprinkling

our words of appreciation across the earth over their 
roots.  Birds sound dearly above as the dusk nears.

I work until the first sight of winking Venus...then, 
take pages and pens with a flashlight under my tent 

of sheets revealing on the net, a broad company  
of my sister and brother poets, recounting — each

one of us — the full scenes of our day’s graced hours, 
by words to one another, from pains to joys, all-

reaching, from solitary into community, supporting, 
learning...expressive, in wonder, hoping to know

the sounding rise of the Voice within, and ever
 thankful for a promise of a flight on eagle’s wings.

(c)sally Young eslinger 2/5/2021
Thanks be to God and to PoetrySoup, all of you

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2021

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

I Am the Blue Marlin


 I was made
To venture undulating time
 And chase the tides forever facing forward 
  Through glinting waves by unknown shores —

I migrate 
The oceans’ warm currents for 
Thousands of miles yearly,  continuing
Always onward, always embraced by water

I am
The mighty blue marlin mirroring a sight
Of the blue heavens above, divinely
I was created to breathe and to glide

As this ocean life’s own, 
Yet by His magnificent, pure Holy design, 
I am
Powerful, challenging, defying death often

I leap 
Above the rolling waves into radiant light
As water gleaming streams off my sides
Over the scars of hooks still there by fishers’ tries

I am a blue marlin
Born and destined to survive for decades
In sparkling waves observed by my sparkling eyes,
Loving the eternal swim through His created
   Waters that brought our planet to life.

* I see the blue marlin as a vibrant metaphor for my life (& others) who refuse to give in to Death before our Father God’s chosen time for us & our work for Hm here is done.
Thank (c) sally young eslinger 8/19/2023
Thanks be to God
(Prayer & all other means of support are needed
to restore our oceans.  Help Green Peace; Nature conservancy.  + others)
Time is running out…

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2023

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

Come Poetry


Belle Poetry! Be kind!
I am already exhausted
From long passed hours
Taking dictation from you — I am
But human and sometimes fragile,
While you often come divine.

Sister Poetry!  Even as I listen
To music by composer Andre Rieu, to help 
Waltz words across these pages,
I plead with you, seeking
To grip, grasp, hunt, hold, seize, and
Assign apt words to their deft places…

Be kind!  Impart the sequence of syllables
Clearly to my tired mind, so they will
Play well in their penned flow,
To turn Poetry’s wish to written wine —
Felt imagery; being true in wisdom;
Creative in expression; vibrant.

With a similar kind of invitation,
Ravel takes us away in imaginings, while
Traveling the rise in his Bolero,
Captive to the mounting repetition —
Music to motion. Expression to power.
Inspirations…A ready harvest in the heart.

Desiring Poetry, send here your printed score
To sound out as easily as does a pluck of
A violin’s string to begin  a concerto;
Or humming a hymn may bring peace to a room.
Speak on in dreams!  My pen awaits,
Listening even when near a nod to needed sleep.

Eager Poetry, life’s “Alleluia” 
First coarses through you 
In the displays of wonder; in all the consequences
Of emphatic things done; and of your intuited
Knowing in progress and process with the All
Collective unconscious — from clouds to clarity 
As God with first thought made
 The first word.

——Dedicated to the souls who hold the address of poetry within them, with all its bliss and pain,  my sisters and brothers living in perception. ———-—————————————————————————————————————
 (c) sally young eslinger 10/3/22
Thanks be to God

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2022

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

Lessons of Autumn

Lessons of Autumn

Summaries of schooling
   — lessons upon lessons guiding
Thoughts in class after class…as bells ring…
Volumes to consider about ways of interpreting…
As the world takes Life on a continuous spin
    — round and around — outside and within — 
Orbits, tides, seasons, moods, visions…

Lessons taught that Winter is The Dead or Hibernating;
Spring is Re-birth; Summer is The Growing;
And Autumn?  Well, students were asked to see 
— symbollically, spiritually, scientifically —
That Autumn is the season of Dying, of Leaving.

Autumn, the antithesis of Spring;
Autumn, the harvesting, the taking away 
   from the earth Spring’s born and 
   Summer’s grown.
Autumn is the drying, wilting, wrinkling;
The changing from acting to waiting…
And ending.

But, in Autumn, Mother Nature displays
Some greater lessons using God’s deeper palette:
To layer by layer paint, and year by year present 
How Autumn’s weeks pass on
Gifting the hemispheres with her splendors
In a glorious prelude to turning with life,
Tier upon tier, into a new year.
All around, Autumn transforms the landscape
From too monochrome into blended tones 
Of copper…and red…and yellow aside goldened greens
That shiver before the backing blankets 
    of violet horizons;
And often the trees for awhile, may even 
    lean in together to endure
The colder winds and rains pattering.

~ When sweeping Autumn begins,
Leaf by leaf breaks off from branches and twigs…
And, by design created, floats down, 
Each laying on a palm of air, to soften
The fall ~

The living in nature all have their seasons…As we
Too, grow on the many branching pathways of our own,
Hopefully learning the value and beauty 
In the circling of all time’s teaching seasons…
As each and every leaf sways, wafts, flutters, twirls,

Slowly waltzing down to the waiting earth,
To lay there, with such vibrant color,
Over the dust that made us.
Autumn always,
    is time’s heavy curtain, 
Taking its cue to fall…

(c) sally young eslinger 10/2023

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2023

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

How Does the Soul Enter Heaven

How Does the Soul Enter Heaven?  

no gates, walls, fences
by holy light’s measures transformed
home again

creativity itself
gives, receives all
borne home again

emphryeal serenade
draws longing souls
home again where God reigns

contest How Does the Soul Enter Heaven?
sponsor Mysrptic Rose Rose

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2023

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

Vivaldi Violin

Vivaldi’s Violin

 The sound begins vague as a thought from perhaps 
a misted remembrance made more distant more soft 
in the surrounding sunset not trusting eyes only ears.

I sit up and listen indeed stretch all hearing as music 
surely music more than the wind’s whistling moves 
ever closer alerting me to a whole physical smiling

through the opened backdoor I cast my sight past
the silhouetted trees of early December past 
yellow-glowing windows of neighboring homes and on 

past the twinkling white low-altitude warning lights set 
like many a Venus on the horizon I notice I am 
not frozen from weather but rather awaiting a sign as 

a startling soloist continues Vivaldi’s allegro non motto 
violin in a love affair with nature a secret in splendor
 a flying to heights just beyond human 

ears or prayers in this courting of my soul and its 
further reaching in Winter III Allegro that could lift 
the twilight ever more than experienced in dreams.

***********.           ***********.             ***********
(c) sally Young eslinger 12/3/2020
Thanks be to God

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2020

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

Classified Ad a Satire

*** Classified Ad — “Position Wanted” ***

  ((The following is from ad details written on the ad draft form submitted by the ad’s purchaser, who, while here was briefly helped by clerk ES Slinger, when client asked for aid to complete the ad. Client-assist recorded as protocol re: #R999))

“Position — Anything”
Eager for a change 
Elderly girl
A heavenly daughter 
A new, Earth-environment position
    For a minimum of minimum wage
    With medical & retirement planned
Unknown vacations are not prerequisite
Or hoped for

The seeker will work 
Very long broken-up hours
Without distraction from tasks
Eager for advancement

Applicant says she has a well=reported history
Is good at chit-chat, “able to occupy your bored clients”
That her sense of humor is “New York/New Jersey dry/snide 
Often self-depreciating” 
With a hearty laugh for even bad and “old” jokes
She notes she finds joy in even the very common things
“From like beautiful bright red sunrises
Or breathing every day”  So, while
Her heart is busy being glad
She won’t mind hours upon hours of 
Tedious scanning and organizing 
Your family and travel albums if desired…And perhaps
She’ll “offer to make paintings in, of course,
An abstract style copying pics of relatives or
Members of the company’s Board of Directors”
As her time permits

Applicant says she “knows the alphabet well-enough”
Is skilled with grammar and punctuation
Helpful for correspondence and company reports
Is “an excellent edittore”
In testing, she expects  she would show 
Her work on an adding machine is exceptionally slow
Due to arthritis in nine fingers, but
Thus she’s surely be more careful 
With all the numbers than others
She admits she types on keyboard VERY slowly 
    Due to near-blindness (although,she adds, to 
Keep in mind “Monet was half-blind when 
    He painted his masterpiece, “Waterlilies” 

She says she “has shown some talent for writing poetry
(But then, who doesn’t?  Or who can’t?  Or won’t?
Roses, violets, and…all that)

The classified’s clerk adds to official recorded notes:
She says she has been known to have some good manners
She seems clean
She stayed fresh throughout her Classified stay
She shows quality style in her choice of flip-flop’s
Seems compassionate
Believes in equality and is patriotic
Plans to take off every religious and national holiday 
But says she’ll “stay at her desk throughout every lunch hour”

She requests permission to wear headphones at work
To listen “to soft, calming music and higher-education lectures”

Hobbies are listed as: 
“Trying to Memorize the Declaration of Independance
    and every read word in the Bible.”
Adds a “P.S.” that she’ll “gladly babysit bosses pets
But not your children”

Drop interview requests to 
    The Paper Box XOX (~)#1, Thereby. KY 40001

YO!  Y’all!  This poem is about an entirely fictional woman seeking a job she could never be suited to fit.  There are many double meanings, like, “elderly girl,” and  “she stayed fresh.”  The set up at the classifieds offers “A Straightman” set-up to accentuate the extreme bungling stereotype of the woman.  I once worked for a daily newspaper. This also plays with the humor that I exaggerate here about Classified ADs.  This is meant to née my Christmas gift of SMILE FOR ALL OF YOU.  Big hugs, sally

(c)sally young eslinger
Merry Christmas!

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2022

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

The Cats Dream


The cats snuggling dream
Of turning through the music between stars…
Of their fur transformed to feathers…
Of a time past when
Brought to ballet class
They danced for the great George Balanchine —
As living models
Jumping high, high to
The peaking of their 
Seeming so easily springing leaps…
To tap noses to his fingers
Then hang as if landed there… In
A pause overhead of any descent…
A stay of all motion
   — even of time —
Felines go 
To dream
And dance

(c) Art & Poem sally young eslinger 5/14/22
Thanks be to God

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2022

Details | Sally Eslinger Poem

Said the Chipmunk To the Hawk

Said the Chipmunk to the Hawk

Said scared, little, tail-striped chipmunk to red-tailed hawk,
“I am hidden over there where you will not find me.”

Said hawk in a swoop to another branch, “Jiggle that
tail again, so I’ll dive and sweep you off to heaven!”

Crouching as flat to the earth as she could be, chip- 
munk  said, “But I am already there where all points

of heaven reveal bliss...” which did perplex red-tail hawk, 
who gawked up, then scanned all around for 

some clue of heaven in this forest he knew he knew, 
as she provoked, “You see?”  But with his instincts 

darting everywhere, hawk replied, “You lie!  You 
make riddles of my threat!” To which she flashed to 

the opening of her tunnel, quick as light, calling,  
“Heaven does contrive  for good in life!”  Hawk

affirmed a new place of some prey and turned.
 Was he not made to hunt?  Not for dramas like this?

Hawk bent over his feet, lifted his wings into flight 
aimed at rustling leaves not far away.  Hawk, while in 

his flash,  asked his forest, “Heaven, does it spread 
as far as over there where I go?”  Forest said, “No know, 

no.”  Hawk did not understand...In her tunnel, chip-
munk dropped two acorns from her cheeks to eat.

(c) sally Young eslinger 2/2021

Copyright © Sally Eslinger | Year Posted 2021


Book: Reflection on the Important Things