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Best Poems Written by Rama Balasubramanian

Below are the all-time best Rama Balasubramanian poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Whispers of Nature - Potd

Winds whisper be active throughout the day
Flowers whisper enjoy every moment of stay
Mountains whisper be silent, calm, stand tall
Rains whisper go up pure every time you fall

Moon whispers in dark be the light
Sun says don't be egoistic of your might
Multifarious things can block me
Be realistic, your limitations always see

Earth whispers endure all pain
Be silent, in crying there's no gain
Forests whisper don't worry at all
Benevolent God provides for all

Waves whisper work without rest
Till you are alive don't lose your zest
Rivers whisper don't stop till your goal you reach
Many things profound, elements of nature teach

19.07. 2021

For WHISPERS, John lawless
Potd 20.07.2021

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2021

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I Am a Star In the Sky

I am a unique creation of God
crafted with same love as others
for a unique purpose
I am no less, no more than others 
I am equal to all

I have no right to feel inferior
for the great lord created me
nor have I the right to feel superior
for everyone was created by him

I know I am here in this mortal world
for short time 

I am a star in the sky
living amidst other stars of same kind
vibrating in bliss and inner joy
I feel no sorrow no pain 
I am happily dancing and smiling

I am sure one day I will leave this mortal world 
and reach my true abode in the Milky way.

Date: 11/8/2020

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2020

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wearing a white gown of clouds moon looks like a bride ••• jasmine stars twinkle ~
03.08.2021 For Constance La France Favorite Nature Haiku

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2021

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Ballerina Hibiscus

her silken skirt flows
displaying her slender leg
and beautiful toe
as she sways rhythmically
to the notes of breeze

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2022

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Dreams Are Dreams

Moment a desire arises 
we become joyous
Mind starts ruminating
We are hooked on to it

What began as a mere thought
Now controls our mind, actions
Mind thinks about non fulfillment of desire 
our happiness is ruined

Many youngsters aim for high marks in exams
These dreams are encouraged by parents
They make mind restless, take away concentration
Tension to perform leads to nervousness,
memory loss, trembling hands, lack of confidence
BP, depression and much more...

Our life is destined since birth
I know of astrologers who can predict the future
An astrologer predicted my future
Whatever he stated came true 
This proves thinking and dreaming are futile acts

When we work, our mind should be mindlessly engaged in the task at hand
Complete, absolute concentration is the key to perfection
If we think of future while working, our productivity reduces 
When a job is badly done, results cannot be guaranteed

Thinking beyond present moment is not intelligent living
Dream is a non-existent entity
It's fulfillment depends on many factors beyond our control
Life is ever-changing, everything is transient
Present is reality, hundred percent surety 
Just enjoy it fully, you will be happy surely

Do your job with dedication and sincerity
But without any thoughts about results
Mind at the task in hand gives peace and bliss
That's what meditation is all about

Desires merely exist in mind, 
Desireless mind is tranquil mind
Enjoy life, Don't allow desires to ruin it
It is not worth it

For A broken person, Faraz Ajmal

References from Bhagvad Gita:
BG 2.62: While contemplating on the objects of the senses, one develops attachment to them. Attachment leads to desire, and from desire arises anger.
BG 2.63: Anger leads to clouding of judgment, which results in bewilderment of the memory. When the memory is bewildered, the intellect gets destroyed; and when the intellect is destroyed, one is ruined.
BG 2.50: One who prudently practices the science of work without attachment can get rid of both good and bad reactions in this life itself. Therefore, strive for Yog, which is the art of working skillfully (in proper consciousness)
BG 2.47: You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction
BG 2.48: Be steadfast in the performance of your duty, O Arjun, abandoning attachment to success and failure. Such equanimity is called Yog

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2021

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Tainted Vision

Conditioned since birth by customs, family, society and ego
We go about with a clustered mind 
Complicating our simple life with our thoughts and self-imposed restrictions
We don't see a human as human rather we attribute adjectives to them
Innumerable adjectives to prove we are better
In the process, sinning again and again

We believe in all the false love of those around
We are often fooled by many daily
Despite our hurt emotions we believe others, serve them
We don't think of a solution
A permanent end to our suffering
A state of absolute bliss

We think we are the body, while we are soul within
Thinking body as us, we lead a strange life
Obeying the whims of senses
Trying to satisfy our ego
Seeking sensual pleasure day in and day out
Trying to prove we are right, we are the greatest

Trapped in the body, our real self seeks freedom from bondage
Since we cannot see it, we refuse to acknowledge its presence
We live a false life, a meaningless existence
Serving no purpose 
The skin we are so much attached to dies one day, we get another one
All our lifelong hard work and hardship becomes meaningless

Until we remove the dust that covers our glasses we cannot live in peace
How do we remove the delusion that binds our vision?
By reading scriptures, pondering over life, trying to understand it
By thinking deeply about the purpose of our existence
as against merely existing, copying others
By becoming detached from world and attached to God, 

When a person dies, what dies, 
What is it that leaves the body and we are declared dead
When a organ failure occurs we can replace and remain alive
This proves we are not any specific organ
With artificial respiration life goes on
Then who are we? What happens in death?

A deeper introspection reveals that we are not the body,
We are that which resides in body and when it leaves we die
To see the unseen, unknown, we have to end our thoughts.
When we live mindfully, without thoughts
We experience opening of chakras within our body
Kundalini raises up and we perceive our soul

Scriptures state we are a part of God
When we believe this with absolute faith
We see God everywhere, in everything
We experience respect and love surging  from within
While doing our tasks we feel we are serving God
Mind only thinks of God, we experience bliss and are liberated

In the end when every method fails
Just surrender unto Him.
Hand over this body along with soul to Him
End your ego, doership, stop worrying
Now it becomes the responsibility of God to liberate soul
And he does.

Verses from Bhagvad Gita which have influenced this poem : 
BG 2.22: As a person sheds worn-out garments and wears new ones, likewise, at the time of death, the soul casts off its worn-out body and enters a new one
BG 8.5: Those who relinquish the body while remembering Me at the moment of death will come to Me. There is certainly no doubt about this.
BG 18.61: The Supreme Lord dwells in the hearts of all living beings, O Arjun. According to their karmas, he directs the wanderings of the souls, who are seated on a machine made of the material energy
BG 9.27: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer as oblation to the sacred fire, whatever you bestow as a gift, and whatever austerities you perform, O son of Kunti, do them as an offering to Me(God)
BG 9.28: By dedicating all your works to Me(God), you will be freed from the bondage of good and bad results. With your mind attached to Me through renunciation, you will be liberated and will reach Me
BG 18.66: Abandon all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; do not fear


Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2021

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Ego a three letter word,
rules a man's world,
and make him wish,
he ruled the world!

With it in his head
man feels he is the best,
definitely better than the rest.
About himself he always praises.

Ego make him buy things
weather he wants or not
just to prove the world
he is the greatest of all.

He spends his time criticizing
Feeling he is perfect in everything.
Ego tell him again and again,
I am the best, I am the greatest!

Man on comparison, feels he is better than the rest.
Little does he realise, all are same on earth.
All are mere speck of dust, in this vast universe

We are same creation,
With limited knowledge of existence,
Nothing is an achievement,
In world which is transient.

If you can be ever tension free,
That's a big achievement you see.
Feel you are the greatest,
If every moment you are the happiest.
Feel you know it all,
When you realise you know nothing at all.

You criticize others throughout the day
Just one criticism, your mind does sway
You feel bad, your mind cannot take it

Ask yourself
Do you know it all?
Can you do it all?
Can you live alone?
Without anybody outside and home?
Can all your achievements be done,
Without others cooperation?
You are nowhere without assistance!

You buy many costly things,
Although you have no need of them,
And you call this stupidity,
A great achievement.

Buy things because you need them,
Not because the world will see them.
If you are the greatest,
You don't need to prove to others.

If you feel you are the best,
Remember God created the difference,
Between you and the rest,
For a definite purpose.
What God gives you,
He can take it away to too.
One small happening,
Can change everything.

Look closely at your ego,
Is it help or hindrance to you
Does it keep you happy for long
Or only makes you long?

The momentary happiness of pocessions,
The long ending tension till you have them,
Frustration of not having them,
The sadness and ego hurt.
Is it really worth it?

Tell your ego stop for a while,
Leave it aside and enjoy life,
Do all that makes you happy,
Don't dance to ego's whims and fancy.

Desire after desire, mind will never retire,
You will die wanting something more or other.
Contentment is a virtue,
Use it whenever ego hurts you.

Suddenly you will relax,
What am I doing? mind will ask,
I have many things to be happy about,
Let me enjoy while they and i last,
One day all might be lost!
Tsunami Earthquake even death
May take away whatever i have on Earth.

You feel you are the greatest,
Because he was created by the greatest.
Remember you can't equal him, he is always the best.

Forget ego gratifications and ask this question,
Is all this making me a happy person?

All the happiness ego gratification gives,
Is it more than the tension you receive?
If you put them on a scale, you will realise,
You were not happy all the while.

If you didn't have the desire,
To be the greatest all the while,
How much happier you will be,
Just reflect and see.
Just do it and see.

Life is a mountain of moments,
It should have more rocks of happiness,
Then that of tension and sadness,
That is what counts in the end.

Ego and his friends, ruin human minds.
Jealousy anger frustration are all negative emotions,
Destined to give tensions.

Sometimes life devoid of pocessions,
Can give lot of satisfaction.
You are god's small creation,
You shouldn't work for ego gratification.
First understand your position,
Then work till the end,
For your own happiness and satisfaction.

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2020

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Negative People Criticize

"Criticizing others is akin to criticizing God" 
"Moment we are critical of our critic we become a critic"
Quote by Author

Words pierce the soft heart, stay there forever
Mind recollects them oftentimes in life
Spoken words for lifelong give joy or tear
Still criticizing others is in rife

Feeling worthless, many tears often shed
depression often ends in suicide
Painful thoughts, existing as living dead
If they did the same, wouldn't it hurt your pride

You speak out of hatred, bloated ego
He who can't praise is never respected
Only if your habits you will forego,
you will receive love, help, praise and respect

For critical talks you're hated by all
All condemn, in everyone's eyes you fall

Bhagvad Gita 18.61 - The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy.

Matthew 7: 1-3
Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


For	Charlotte Puddifoot, Contemporary Sonnet contest
Syllable count checked at HMS

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2021

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Humble Tribute To Jo Daniel - a Poet Par Excellence

"When The Snow Melts", When "Spring Is In The Air" When "Tears Of The Sky" shower blessings When"Zephyr's Silky Tendrils" caresses us When "A Nightingale Sings Of Dawn's Glory" When basking in "Sunset Silence" When "Night Sky's Party" is splendid... We thank our "Saviour" for the"The Luxury Of Breathing" for "Bottomless Love" We are "On Cloud Nine"! When we are filled with "A Sense Of Emptiness", "Lost In The Fragility Of Dreams" While living "A LIFE JUXTAPOSED" Full of "TEARS", "depression" While offering "A Painful Prayer","Forgiveness Prayer" When we "Cry Out To God" We experience "God's Goodness", "His Sufficient Grace" Understand he is our "Refuge And Strength" We are filled with "Eternal Hope" "Why forbear when He is near"! We feel like "A Blessed Bud" with "No More Worries For Tomorrow" We understand "Life Of Trust - A Must" "Attitude Of Gratitude" helps "Happiness Is In Small Things" We offer "Thanks" to "God's Goodness" his " Graciousness" "HE Is" "Giving Godly Grace" " Every Time" We experience "Agape Love" We sing "A Song Of Praise" "Keep On Singing" "Lord Jesus Christ, My Joy" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: Whole poem is made of titles of poems written by Jo. I have merely added few words here and there. I choose Jo as I love her poetry, I find her poems, beautiful, and profound. Her poems on Jesus always fills me with faith, love and joy. She is adept in all types of poetry. For this contest, I searched all her past poems and found many poetic gems. I need to take time out to read all her past poems. I attribute this wonderful poem to her superb titles. As I wrote this, I experienced how much God loves us. Thank you Jo from the bottom of my heart 16.06.2021 Poet Chosen : Jo Daniel Submitted to Title Wave, Richard Lamoureux

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2021

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End Ego

"Three stands for Trinity- Generator, Operator, Destroyer - GOD. I am the greatest number". Number three boasted. Zero humbly said, "I am nothing but when I am alongside, value goes up. All have own uniqueness. End your ego." February 2021 Syllable count checked at HMS

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs