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Best Poems Written by Darrell Rose

Below are the all-time best Darrell Rose poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Corner Named Loneliness

I’m standing in the corner 
of a room named loneliness  
There are people all around me 
in their ties and fancy dress

They’re engaged in conversation 
and though some of it’s with me

without you in my life 
I’m as lonely as can be 

I’m laughing as I’m talking 
but my thoughts are all of you

The way we use to laugh   
and the things we use to do

I’m drinking and pretending
that everything is fine

But secretly I’m dying  
knowing you’re no longer mine

I look around and wonder 
when this room became so small

I’m searching for the exit
with my back against the wall

The ceiling’s getting shorter 
and the air is getting thin 

I dare not think about it 
or this room will start to spin

Your face is flashing through my mind
but I need to let it go 

There are many expectations
I maintain this social show

Yes somehow I’ll continue 
with this smile held on my face

But secretly I’m dying 
In this cold and lonely place

Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2019

Details | Darrell Rose Poem


Seems no matter where I  go
 I hear the winds of revolution blow 
stirring the souls that don’t understand 
these whispers start from the mind of a man 

Who seeks for himself his own private gain 
Though he won’t sacrifice one moment of pain 

Asking instead that others be giving
Providing the life HE dreams of living

“Donate your money so I won’t be poor
forfeit your life so I’ll enjoy mine more”

“Go and die 
that I might cry 
Over your casket as if I cared
But to tell the truth doesn’t matter to me 
Left or right 
Which  side I hold
I’ll gladly trade your life for gold”

Through the manipulation of others they take their pride
Changing history in the hope they hide

The sins they’ve committed and the way they’ve lied 
They’re all the same doesn’t matter the side

They love it most to feed off your fears
same old story for thousands of years

They don’t care about you
 not for one single minute
Your cash and themselves 
are the reason they’re in it


Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2021

Details | Darrell Rose Poem

Love Voodoo

God sent you 
into my life 
to wake me from the dead

But you broke my heart devoured my soul 
and dragged me through hell instead

Because you’re evil
You’re a demon
You’re a witch on the devils crew
You make me dance like a puppet on fire……
With the curse of your love Voodoo
I can’t break free
Of the spell you placed
Designed to fog my brain
I’m a drunken man from tasting your love 
And it’s driving me insane 

My friends tell me 
I need to run away
And find somewhere to hide
But as far as I run I can’t get away
From the venom you’ve left inside

Because you’re evil
You’re a demon
You’re a witch on the devils crew
You make me dance like a puppet on fire…..
with the curse of your love voodoo

You tell me 
I’d better stay close
If I want to taste your love
it’s all part of an evil plan 
Cause you didn’t come here from above 

Now here I am 
Knocking on your door 
Begging you to let me in
But you’re too busy collecting ……
The souls of other men

Because you’re evil
You’re a demon
You’re a witch on the devils crew
You make us dance like puppets on fire …..
with the curse of your love voodoo

You make me dance like a puppet on fire
With the curse of your love voodoo

Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2022

Details | Darrell Rose Poem

My Love, My Hope, My Goddess

My Love, my Hope, my Goddess there can be no words formed by mortal lips sufficient to proclaim the glory which lived in me the season your love bloomed so completely within my life. My words are no more than foolhardy attempt to exhault the Devine path by which you carved your name so deftly and completely upon my heart and my soul. I consider it shameful, no sinful, I should allow this simple mind attempt to weave a bouquet of eloquence with mere words, yet I know the far greater sin would allow such miraculous glory go unstated. If only the floral palette of majestic poets could flow from this tongue  ..... oh the loss sacrificed by said meager attempt... yet stumble forward I must in order to avoid that greater stated sin .

You my love are the breath that raised me up, restored my life and gave me hope. Your heartbeat the fountain of salvation which sprung  forth the cleansing flow, washing my wretched loneliness away. An eternity and more I waited alone yet in one moment was comforted by the tender provision of your love and your grace. Gentle kisses restored my sight, my hope, my dignity and my life. Tears flow unceasingly when I live again in the memory of kisses so softly laid upon my face. Do know now that those kisses linger still with such sweet recall.......oh such Ecstasy ! What did you see in me that you extend your hand, softened your heart and showered me with the radiance of your love? How could one as Devine as you find reason to lift me up, yay find solace in me ? Yes you, I, we touched and in doing so forever became one. I alone being the missing flesh which made you whole as you for me. Violin and bow played with such passionate majesty. Strings not, but delicate fibers pressed together that in their passing the joyful moan of pleasured resistance might strike that magical climatic note bringing us both to worldly ecstasy. Exploring, touching  and searching every fiber we found that perfect pitch, tone and harmony resonating within one-another .  

Pleasure is pleasure and pain is pain and what of now my love ?
But now, now my love, now,,,, oh at the pain which has entrapped and engulfed me in totality . Damn the memory of ecstasy that it be followed by such crushing darkness. The very love that sang to the heavens now has ripped our souls and destroyed our hearts, souring us from those heavenly highs. How far did we fall as I turned due to duty , yea responsibility?  Tormented how oft did you cry foul,  I having left you standing in tears. Did your eyes see only a weaver of lies? The loss,,, my god the loss, the truths I swore are still true now but known not to you, no longer to you.  In time ago I held your body so close to mine, stared into your eyes , eyes I see still without escape,and proclaimed undying love . Eyes, the haunting beauty and vacuumious  windows through which I saw the perfection of your soul. Forgive me.  Forgive me. Through streaming tears I beg forgive me. Ignorance was mine, failure was mine. Unescapable duty was mine. That weight not transferable. The words I whispered now in vain , the tenderness exchanged for pain but the proclamation of love still standing in truth. Oh my sorrow that you know it not. Did you believe my path was lite, I cared not bout the destruction of regained life ? Now a broken man but you know nothing of the scar burned forever into my heart, nor I of yours I fear. The world shall never hear the words that color my love for you, words born from the river of loss, will never flow from my lips for in doing so they expose the true measure of what we were and thus confess the totality of what I had, we had, we were meant to be. To say the things that are buried so deep only giving you hope and prolonging  your pain, neglecting the truth, no longer a path for us to share. Oh wretched world that you would see such a loss and not weep openly, halting time and rebirthing what should have been. Oh wretched world, oh wretched me for once again I walk alone.  


Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2019

Details | Darrell Rose Poem

No Hope of Home

I blindly stumble on finding myself neither with direction nor familiar path in aimless pretense there is yet purpose to my life - though is evident to all I am found lost within the barren territories of my own mind, void of reasonably presented logic and run aground with no hope of home. My soul in constant outcry as one lost in the darkness of abyss searching in anxious wait there be reply more than my own echoed refrains of haunting plea.  

Through dissection of the past I slow the hands of time in flailing attempt to take deep notice of my failings, tracing through every act resulting in sorted  outcome with hope that new found revelation allow reversal of such transgressions which lead to result of this hell in which I now exist. I search a morning sky to find no sun upon it, containing no light no dark no color no passion - devoid of life or signs therein for I am blinded by the emptiness of a life without you, overcome in my longing to once again fall into your arms and experience your love and your grace. 

Moon Stars Jupiter and Mars are removed from this lifeless life to which I am now chained.  
 This harsh stone of reality and my own brokenness bind me as I am cast into the sea of the vanquished separated from the ears of god that my anguished cries be not heard.  

My Love, my Hope my Goddess further from thee I have never been with loss unfathomable even when presented in compare to history’s well written walls. 

You have with your withdrawl withdrawn my world from me

Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2022

Details | Darrell Rose Poem

When Time Stops

Day’s labor done and task set aside my eyes are called to the glorious beauties of horizon’s setting sun, while whispers of gentle flowing breeze bring memory of home.....cleansing my soul and signing end to yet another day so far from you.  Golden rays stream from heavens above,,, lifting my hopes to that distant place as with eyes closed the brilliant colors of our yesterdays unfold before me.... beckoned by call of this my thirsty soul.         
Waves of passion timeless and clear spill through now open gates as heart, mind and soul are swept once more to that place of calm reassurance, rejoicing in the known peace so perfectly centered in the glory of your love. 

Though here, I am there, surrounded by treasures mine for the taking, a melody of moments take life, ,,,,hands of the clock stand still,,,,, and I stand- arms empty yet holding firm in loving embrace. 
Miles distant and time long past your kisses rained gentle upon these cheeks, cheeks which now burn with the sting of tears shameless flow, falling to the dry dust of this broken land. 

Standing on hallowed ground my simple prayer this fleeting shadow of hope might tarry a moment longer in the light.....
,,,,holding,,,, holding tight with all my might to this moment we now share across such cruel distance.... ohhhh more precious than gold these grains which once flowed  through the seamless glass of time.

Yes surely such ecstasy shall  fade as waters held in open hand, ,,,,still I hold tight that I might take glimpse of you even if it be through the tainted eyes of this mind’s memory. bitter sweet that I’m allowed here, and there, for surely  the painful sting of known return to tomorrow’s  struggles awaits......yet still,,,,,still,,,,,, one more breath,, one more kiss,,,,,, one more long embrace ...... 

Alas I turn and face the truth of many a day to come, thankful and refreshed in the sweet breath just past and the fresh airs of home relived.

Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2019

Details | Darrell Rose Poem

Monster Under My Bed Collab

I’m alone and scared laying in my bed  
with a cold wet sweat running down my head 
In heart pounding fear I will soon be fed
To a big hairy creature of my dread 

A green ugly monster with long sharp claws 
Yellow spotted teeth and powerful jaws
a long pointed tail and twelve massive paws
Who take’s away children that break Mom’s laws

For "Collaborate With Me" poetry contest
by Joanna Daniel

For Children good and bad

Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2023

Details | Darrell Rose Poem

My Moon Yet Whispers of Hope

How am I now with only memory of you to survive.... for was through your love alone did I come to breathe,  drawing first taste of life while in your arms and at your lips.  

The glory of Sun’s morning rays oft did find us locked in love’s embrace,  joyful in our celebration as new worlds and possibilities opened before us, the very gateway to Eden swung wide in beckon call, had we dare but enter.

 Alas all is now but memory.... a vapor of possibility lost to the vacuums of time as candles flame to call of evening breeze......that light having once spilled across the union of our souls, lighting the pathway of our moment together heard silent in the darkness .... The joys of our journey together no longer known, I tread on in company of loneliness and sorrow. 

Yet........ remaining, there is Moon in evening sky, gentle and still, calling to my searching heart through flowing whisper of hope:

“ Rejoice in this but flicker of loss for was born in company of such Great Gain”

 .....Thus changed I shall rise at call of Morning Sun and dance anew within the glory of my new season
For my spirit having once been born shall no longer find peace in the darkness  and this new life though given through you shall continue even after your withdrawal from it

Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2021

Details | Darrell Rose Poem

The Truth Walked Away

The truth has turned and walked away….
finding noone care’s anymore.  

Seem’s people are trapped in the conviction 
it’s how they feel that matter’s more

The laws of nature are no longer respected 
While math and physics take a back seat

To those who cry they’ve been wrongly offended 
as they raise their fist shouting in the street 

The louder they yell 
the more their minds clear

No longer the facts 
but their feelings they hear

Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2022

Details | Darrell Rose Poem

Walking On the Moon

I’m walking on the moon again - 
Far away from any cares below. 

I’ve made a home of this baron place - 
And cherish my every moment here alone.

I hear no cry’s or demand’s of others - 
Only peaceful  silence ring’s in my ears 

The days are spent in joyful reflection -
My thoughts are happy and my vision cleared

Copyright © Darrell Rose | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs