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Best Poems Written by Susan Woodrow

Below are the all-time best Susan Woodrow poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Hall Pass

Had a room been open   in that passageway
as a foreign night-ship, you’d have sailed by
Love would’ve been what?       I couldn’t say
Life: an inveterate humid ply____________

Perhaps has passed with its pernicious waves
Acceptance            rising like ocean’s eustacy
Sometimes, perfunctory was a skin-cut shave
So much more, was propitious ecstasy~~~~~

Parts of us shall never be contrite
As connoisseurs of our own fate, we played
Rage now mostly contrived in dying spite
though candid caustic thoughts can still prey…

Our ultimate perfidy
We should've kept astute custody.


Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2021

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Double J - Just Jetsam

Marred and minced remnants pile high in a storm’s swarm
Yesterdays, hardened-soft, surface where sea’s warm…

Flotsam found, lays tales around, in frayed traces
Another shattered shell whimpers of graces
vying with the sea-swept sands: gloss embossed fades…
Ocean’s dead! These are castaways of Hades, 
rid of depth, stranded upon the dry shallow
Interred where the sun bleaches out the shadows
till whitened ivory fills cavern’s echo:
enmeshed lime, crunching upon errors callow

Jazz died - June’s sun sank into august abyss…
Undertow currents ceased their torments of bliss
Nipped life, silenced like frothing foam vacuum-sealed,
kept smothered in an opaque ocean congealed…

Yard junked, Neptune’s home’s now a derelict mess
and yet he clings to the crap amassed, crownless
Right always, up to the end --------- that no return.
Death will erase the un-sunk bones when they burn

(10/3/2019: '90 Sea Ray DA 350; Discovery Park; ‘my favorite junkyard’)

Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2019

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Courtney Mae Or Courting May

Come now, Spring! You’re such a fickle young thing!
On the wings of newborn feathers, your wiles
up and downturn winds to sudden cold flings 
tripping warming skins to tremble a while…

Next come your silken color-filled fancies!
Eyes beckoned, step out to be near such charms…
Yens still, as you march as perfumed dandy,
masking musky breath, that breezes sneezed harm…

And when April comes along, your eye gleams!
Enchantment grows, then fades to slushy mush….
Becoming crystals, shatter in your steam
Oh how she weeps, for diamonds rained to slush!

Rivers gush your youth’s enthusiasm ~
Now, may you calm, ere you deepen chasms ~


Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2023

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Kona Bear

Knowing browns of molten Tiger’s Eye give me a loving look
One ear cocked, and the other is always half-flopped just so
Now and then, her exuberance forgets she’s a large Alsatian
as she snuggles for cuddles as a wiggly fur ball named Kona…

Bearing colors of her timber wolf kin, she is more like a lamb
Eagerly, she’ll swim to fetch a stick, which she’ll then go hide
away in the thick bramble she will scramble while I yell whoa!
Returning home, she’ll lick my toes till I’m filled with laughter...

(12/11/2019 For my favorite animal contest)

Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2019

Details | Susan Woodrow Poem

Bagheera - the Black Cat

Black softness nestles in his sheen so fab as warm purrs vibrate his feline aura Gash-like, a red neck-sash swings a gleaming heart-shaped pendant, swaying a dangled flash. Ebon stretches as the midnight creature elongating his compacted frame, lithe. Reaching, he uncurls a bounding jaguar awake to the moon’s abracadabra
(10/31/2019: For my Halloween companion in tonight's sickle moon)

Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2019

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Knotty Dogs

the pair stood together by a warm hearth strong andirons of wrought steel shared log, a charred remnant
(7/30/2020 – ‘00 Destination 53 DMS)

Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2020

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Sol Invictus

Hollow odes lament where waves crash depthless

Oh! How ocean lacking light spills woe so!

Lackluster grays wail unkempt longingness

Lone stander bleeds the dreams of times ago


 O'er the screaming wind, a seagull's bleak cries

weeps of cloudiness usurping the day

Heaven's warmth obscured, and now coldness vies, 

overwhelming where vast emptiness slays


Left purposeless, wavering dark takes hold

looping tight a lynch-like corrosive noose

Otiose life sucks vim where sharks enfold,

wrecked in sunless abyss of night let loose


But Sol, unconquerable, beams once more

and the lighthouse sings, full of birds from shore!



Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2021

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Not a Karen the World

Nonchalant, the leaf whirls without care On the wind it rides to somewhere Tree-free, it flies with bird-flare A swinging light feather Kite without its string Airy last fling Roaming to end in new… …new trip where? Heaven knows Eagle eyes watch wandering winds blow on leaf’s air-current show Released, rides to an unknown Leaving its toils, freed at long last Departs, dancing for the next recast…
(1/3/23 For Feel Free contest inspired by quote 7)

Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2023

Details | Susan Woodrow Poem

Top Secret

The redwoods’ fairy ring, wall in a family secret
Only, not all roots dig as deep…
Parched, some shrivel, loosening the circlet

Shush….the tallest ones whisper steep
Elegance alas, the needy ones, have lost…
Chafed, bitter barks scatter cones they can’t keep

Raging fires sear heartwood of dearest cost
Enduring burns gape trunk-wide scars…
The remnant wall shrinks tauter, visible as vapored frost

(10/2/20: '87 Tiara 3600 Convertible; DMS)

Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2020

Details | Susan Woodrow Poem


Belle, Earth’s grace, leaves her spire Light-laced her pace Shimmering, she glides, and the granite gleams Sweet laughs she splashes, so the mosses beam In her cascade... many parade... Aqua's !life ~~ ~
(9/22/2020: Sea Ray 240 DMS)

Copyright © Susan Woodrow | Year Posted 2020


Book: Reflection on the Important Things