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Best Poems Written by Stephen Tefft

Below are the all-time best Stephen Tefft poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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An Empty Boat

An empty boat pulled up upon the shore
Would slide back into water if it could.
But if it has at some time lost its oar?
Well, just more doldrums that must be withstood.

It’s hard to let go what you love to do,
Especially what you were meant to be.
The river ever flows out of our view.
Our present quickly becomes history.

That doesn’t mean you’re no longer a boat!
Don’t ever let them say you have no worth!
From the beginning you were made to float,
And there is nothing else like you on earth!

So sit now, reminisce upon your shore…
And ponder what the future has in store.

Picture #2, Life Spent Alone
Choices Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Sara Kendrick

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2019

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“There is a cloud that looks like a bunny!
Over there is one just like a rocket!
Do you ever think it might be funny
To put a cloud right into your pocket?”

“I think that would just make your pants soggy.
And then we would both have to go inside.
That one right there looks just like a doggy!
And there is a dragon! Run, doggy! Hide!”

“Do you think clouds might be made of cotton?”
“You’re being silly! Cotton cannot fly!
Mommy told me once, but I’ve forgotten…
The rain comes from the clouds. I wonder why.”

They watch the clouds pass and lay on their backs
‘Til Mommy comes out to bring them some snacks.

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2019

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Tell Me Why You Haunt Me So

Tell me why you haunt me so.
I must admit that I don’t know.
But thoughts of you fill up my mind
And won’t be left behind.
You’ve entered into all my dreams,
A vague and distant hope, it seems.
A constant, almost subtle threat
That I cannot forget.
You fill me up, I overflow.
Tell me why you haunt me so.

Tell me why you haunt me so.
The planted seed must surely grow.
And thoughts of you just fill my head
Like vines they cling and spread.
They slowly creep up every wall
And crumble them until they fall.
Then cover all beneath their bloom,
A peaceful flowery tomb,
And there I sleep, so far below.
Tell me why you haunt me so.

Tell me why you haunt me so.
I know not where to turn or go.
You’re everywhere, an ocean wide
And I’ve nowhere to hide.
You beat upon my rocky shore,
Patiently break down my door.
You seep through every crack and hole
Replenishing my soul.
I’m dragged out by your undertow.
Tell me why you haunt me so.

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2019

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O flame.
How I wish
I could hear the

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2019

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A Pirate's Love

All across the continents I chased her
Following the rainbow to win her gold.
Hoping somehow, someday, I’d embrace her,
A treasure beyond price that I might hold.

Beyond the Seven Seas my ship has sailed.
Relentlessly, her smile I did pursue.
I am her Galahad, she is my Grail.
To win her heart there’s nothing I’d not do.

The boundaries of time cannot hinder
And distance cannot tear my dream apart.
Though it burn to nothing but a cinder,
The flame will smolder always in my heart.

So, raise the sails! The wind is on our side!
A pirate’s love will never be denied!

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2020

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Old Poems

Pieces of my memory
Strewn across my desk
Old poems no one will see.

MAY PREMIER 7,ANY 1,2 or 3 line form,on any theme Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Brian Strand

1st place winner 5/24/19

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2019

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A Nap

Every day at this time I need a rest;
A bit of time when I can close my eyes.
Finding some quiet can be quite the quest.
And, if I do, it’s a real surprise.
Sneak off in silence and say no goodbyes…
Letting anyone know would be unwise.

Afternoon shutdown of my tired brain
Makes quality productivity lack.
Keeping my focus becomes such a strain.
I can’t get things done. I can’t stay on track.
I’m told to get up and go get a snack
But too much of this, the boss blows his stack.

My eyes grow heavy, my mind wanders off.
Coworkers laugh as I constantly yawn.
“Get to bed earlier!” I hear them scoff.
It’s not the late night. It’s the early dawn,
And how sleeping time is so quickly gone,
Plus how the work day just drags on and on…

If you want me to get all my work done,
Give me a nap, if only a short one.

4/30/19 Urban Sonnet Contest - Sponsored by Emile Pinet

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2019

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The last time we met I told you goodbye.
Perhaps I should have instead said, “Farewell.”
I never intended to make you cry.
Just thought I could be alone for a spell.

Mayhap sayonara, auf wiedersehen,
Adios, or au revoir might suffice.
I understand what I uttered was plain
And so, I failed my attempt to be nice.

Don’t say you would be content with, “So long!”
Not after we’ve dared to share what we’ve shared.
To say, “Go with God.” Well, that just seems wrong
When what we have broken might be repaired.

Don’t take “Goodbye” as “Good riddance, amen!”
Look at it as “Until we meet again…”

Written for Writing Challenge G Words
Sponsored by Constance La France

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2023

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Wave of Fantasy

An ocean of people pulled by the moon
Frighteningly stand on foundations of sand.
A word deemed unkind will cause them to swoon
And so, by their hand, all dissent is banned.

Teetered precariously on their feels,
Not thinking it strange they constantly change.
Those thought against get no court of appeals,
No trial arranged, no pris’ner exchange,

No quarter, no mercy, no clemency,
And no kindness found, no mutual ground.
No one allowed simply to disagree.
But, they, too, are bound by rules that confound.

This can’t be good for our society.
Drowning beneath a wave of fantasy.

written for Wave Of Fantasy Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose Rose

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2023

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Closer To Fine

It was the favorite song of my best friend
And so, he said, we both must learn the tune.
In many ways I’ll never comprehend
My life was changed by music opportune.

We had to change the key to fit male voice.
And so, the lessons musical began.
We steadily progressed away from noise
Into a guitar duo with a plan.

We’d follow in the footsteps of these “girls”
And in their shadows try to share our arts.
Sing our songs, and theirs to all of the world
Promoting love and healing in all hearts.

The Indigo Girls’ song, “Closer to Fine”
Inspired so many lives, including mine.

Written for Closer to Fine poetry contest
Sponsored by Kai Michael Neumann

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things