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Best Poems Written by Dawne Zacharias

Below are the all-time best Dawne Zacharias poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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By Dawne Zacharias 
                Walking on the sands towards
                            the oceans beckoning call                                 
                         blue sky with soft white clouds overhead
                             waves reaching out on the shoreline
                                    seagulls curious, fly close by
                                waves climax into foam formations
                        shades of aquamarine, blue and green 
                      I close my eyes and feel the spray
                            from the tumbling waves before me
                          the Sun's healing rays restores my soul,                                           
                                     I am whole again.

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019

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The Eagle In Jesus

By Dawne Zacharias

This bird is admired for its grandeur,
 its grace in flight,
Its size and magnificent power.
When in flight it stirs the
 soul to true liberty.
He can use his mighty wings 
to carry other eagles to safety.
Turbulence makes him stronger
 he flies higher and faster.
The eagle's keen eyesight gives him
 a sense of approaching danger
to protect himself and his family.
"The Eagle displays the sense of responsibility
 that is a companion to true liberty."
"He takes an active role in providing
 for his family and he teaches his young to fly."
Jesus Christ emulates this and much more
 He came to bring the life, victory, power, and freedom
 to those of us who place our faith in Him.

Quotes from,"The Rebirth of America" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Editor pg 9

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019

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I Will Be With You

I walk upon the earth with my pup
No one is in sight they are all closed up
Tight within their homes with flight and fear 
From the Covid 19 we battle here
It seems on line the only safe place to go
But in my heart I reach for the Savior I know. 
Peace He brings, His love is near. He speaks 
His word and makes it clear, "I will be with
you, no matter the course, you know by heart
a special verse, would you share what you have
rehearsed? Yes my Lord I will.

The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadeth me beside the still waters He restoreth my soul

He leadeth me upon the paths of righteousness for his namesake
Yea tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
 I will fear no evil for thou art with me, 
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies
Thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
Of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen.
(The 23rd Psalm)

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2020

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Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye by Dawne Zacharias
I once knew how to taste
I once knew how to smell
I once knew what intimacy was
I miss the taste of rain on my lips
I miss the smells of being close with my partner
I miss the smell of the pines and the ocean
I miss the act of being with my partner
I said goodbye to these things because
They were taken away from me by just
Living in this world.
Surgery took my smell and taste,
The war’s accident to the closeness of my partner
So what do I do
I said hello to sacredness to the wonderful
newness of life ahead and hello to
When one door closes the Lord opens another
I find I need the Lord more
I read the scriptures more
I say hello to Jesus Christ and
Ask Him to walk with me now.
He shows me a new way in my life
Can I ever be blessed with more than this?
I have learned to cherish all these things 
They are choice before the Lord and of His Making 
on the 7th day, he rested.

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019

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The Wall of Rain

by Dawne Zacharias

                                        The Wall of Rain from      
                                           a distance came         
                                             healing drops 
                                           to vanquish pain 
                                          a warm washcloth 
                                             aside the face 
                                        we sought to restore
                                        hopes warm embrace 
                                     he became my child again
                                               my little one
                                   our life to continue had just begun
                                     Jesus remained our hope in view
                                          as we prayed together
                                               we both knew
                                  a mother and son with His grace
                              shine with God's purpose face to face.

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019

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Brother Mine

by Dawne Zacharias

He came to me in tears
A plane of thin weightless wood
Fit together by a center groove
A propeller with a rubber band to wind
“Where is it?” I asked

He pointed, “over there” was his whine.
"Show me, my brother," was my love this time,
Then I saw it, bobbing and floating in the middle
of the muddiest, smelliest, most opaque pond
that stretched for a hundred yards or more

“Please get it” he choked, with tears running down his face,
I knew I couldn’t reach it with a branch and
what I would do for my little brother....
what in the world was I thinking, no way am I going in there
I rolled my eyes, as he grabbed my arm, “please” he cried.
As I entered, the mud began to rise above my ankles, then
my washing days had just begun, sneakers, socks, pants...
my knees, waist, then shoulders, cold enveloped me
my walk was pointed in one direction 
his bobbing plane now just a few feet away,
one last step and I’d have it! 

I could hear my brothers shouts of delight
as I held his plane over my head, he
danced on the edge of the pond, an Indian dance
I could feel his absolute joy in this 25 cent plane, 
I smiled and shouted, “ I got it.”

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019

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This Is of God

By Dawne Zacharias

The sexual roles have been reversed, woman now lead the home, men follow.

Men, Can you return and become in all righteousness, the leader of the home, an effective father, a role model for your family?

Women, Can you submit to his leadership, meaning the yielded, intelligent, humble obedience, to an ordained minister and will you support the leadership role of the husband? If you will the children will follow.

Ephesians 5:25
"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it."

How did Christ love the church?
With a sacrificial, giving, compassionate love, a husband's love should be like on to it.

Father's represent God. They should reflect, therefore, as closely as possible, the Creator. It will take work to replant and establish the binding taproot to our creator.

Acts 5:29- "We must obey God rather than man."

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019

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The Bristle Cone Pine

While wandering thru the forest pines
                                      A lesson I found true
                          The ones that live on the valley floor
                                     the newest of the new
                               grow protected with all it needs
                                   with water flowing through 

                            But high above on rocks jagged edge 
                          the little Bristlecone Pine peeks through,
                          without key nutrients, its life is defined
                                as meekest on the peak preview 

                        Though raging storms and lightning strikes 
                                        and snow and ice ensue
                          The Bristlecone looks to Heaven's glance, 
                                    with God in step pulls through                          

                            The little tree has learned survivals grit                                                                
                                     and the moral of its life is key                                                            

                        Be willing to stand even tough roads ahead
                           though you may see them as your last
                             The Bristlecone reminds us to get up
                                         with courage take 
                                    And forget about the past.

                                           A step at a time 
                                            you will renew,  
                                   keep faith within yourself 
                           Believe in your Creator, he will show you
                                     and teach you the rest.

                               Look forward to tomorrows joy
                                be steady and keep your pace, 
                                        and while you work 
                                       without you knowing                                                 

                                                You will
                                 scale the challenges you face 

                             You didn’t notice the imbued spirit 
                         That was gained as you traveled through
                                   Prayer with your Creator 
                                  was all you needed to do
                         to displace the stubborn rock of change 
                            to an abundant more glorious you.

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019

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The Moment of Prayer

By Dawne Zacharias

Let us not forget for some children
In school, was the first time we learned about prayer
In the quiet as we bowed our head at our desks
We learned to talk to God. 
We looked forward To be able to think of the most important things
To pray about as children. A real reverence was felt.
I will never forget the first prayer in my school
That led me to first be taught then to learn of 
Jesus Christ my savior. 
What ever religion let it be within the child to know their God.

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019

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God Willing

By Dawne Zacharias


                                  As in Sodom and Gomorrah
                           God may be willing to spare our nation
                                If a few righteous can be found.
                                       Repentance is needed

                                          to be of worth
                               It must be followed by a change
                                      Of heart and conduct.

                                          Make it so...

Copyright © Dawne Zacharias | Year Posted 2019


Book: Reflection on the Important Things