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Best Poems Written by Amitabh Divakar

Below are the all-time best Amitabh Divakar poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Nine Bubbles

                Big Bubbles
        They arise fast though
   They wobble as they up grow
  Pumped up n brimming with Life
  They are heavy, they’re glistening
  The way they expand as they flow
   Trailing biggies are smaller ones
     Restless in pursuit eager to go 
          Bubbling bursting with joy… pop
                 They draw    grow collide..bump           Awake. I AM
                                   In swiveling’ wigglings     a struggle quandary 
                                  Journeying form fluidous Hold on to stay perfect
                                   Trust the wind draughts take me farthest highest
                                     Chart trace their path.   Swiftest brightest fast
                                         Randomly Orderly        Or remain true to
                                               Predict  not.                Thy Cast
                                           Free  Unburdened
                                           They appear joyful
                                               they burst into.                        
                                                   Laughter.             Some aloof
                                                                           Are self absorbed
                                                                          As witness of scape 
                                                                          seemingly lone them  
                                                                            Are playing a part 
                                   hurry                                     On the stage 
                                Is This birth …  in 
                                    EnJoy.…  the journey
                                                 No time wait 
                                                   Ascend As
                                                         You.       Play
                                                                  Whatever be
                                                               The course there
                                                               Is never any doubt 
                                                                 Not a quandary
                                                                      In the Self
                                     Carry on!
                                  No Self doubt 
                                 In A short breath
                                 This Is what the 
                                     bubble said
         Play on the panorama
         There is an overlooked
         Ignored.           Aspect
         Fact                     Truth
          All.                         Of
 Identity.                          Existence
 Knowing.                         Explorings
       Of being.             Diversities
       Their origins.  Experiences
        Are  born  from  the  same

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2023

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Baby Steps Out

..............Baby Steps Out..
..........There's a waiting world
.......Doctors nurses eager staff
......A doting father, mother in pain
.....It is said that we chose our birth 
....An act of free will, desired destiny
....The paths are all charted by our will
....This birthday I decided to recall..loll
......A memory jog, back to time of birth
.........An unborn peeping into his future 
..............The little steps on roads ahead
.................Unfolding destiny milestones
.....................Cherished moments in wait
.....................Some vivid some smudged
.....................Hand drawn on masterprint
..................Paths to travel people to meet
................The resting places n thirst stops
...............Careful leaps on stepping stones
...........The journeys that were yet to unfold
.........All vivid in storehouse before take-off
.....In the sojourn I was told: Precious is birth
...In baby steps or our giant strides a purpose
.The joys or sufferings are like passing screens
There is an axis a polestar guiding & connecting 
A constant the unchanging in all that is changing
Distracted get our senses by colors cacophonies
.Not difficult to lose the picture in such a journey
...Precious is birth- holds many a .... many seeds...finding ground.. ..yes !!
.........pods germinate ..stored... ..loved ..
...............friends near far ...unmet :)
......................thank you.....<3.....
.................................Fam ....frnds
.........................................................for remembering
.............................................................flowing wishes

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2020

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Zen In the Art of Cooking Millet

How about a One Pot Kitchen
Minimalist to the Max
First sort out Food
Millet - 5 grains
And a Clay pot
Rotate millets
Every 2 days
Soak and boil
Soak for 8 hrs.
In 5 times water
Leave it overnight 
Thereafter COOK it !
first thing in the morning 
Slow cook an hour on flame
Toss some greens and veggies 
The porridge gets ready as base
With warm soup as the first course 
add some crackling spice in Niger oil
Now we need just 1 more vessel ..that ...all
I use a cast Iron ‘ kadahi’ from here on 
Flame it hot ..cast iron pot...pour Ghee
Add some chopped onions spices et al.
The cooked millet porridge is tossed in
And voila you can make any no.of dish
And yes. NO compulsory need for Salt.
Now the real fun is ‘time management’
In a 24 hour cycle- Clay Pot is utilized 
8 hrs soak 16 hrs to store the cooked
Lunch at 11 dinner by7 that’s 8+16 hr
(A 16 hr gap is suggested in between 
2 big meals with light eat in evening)
Yes. Entire day the food stays fresh
+ Slight fermenting is encouraged 
some add curd or coconut water
Sprouts ginger garlic turmeric 
Boiled eggs potatoes sage
Vinegar Garnish 
Millets in Clay pot
Experience Zen in kitchen

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2023

Details | Amitabh Divakar Poem

Children Are On Crosshair

..................................Oh!  it is so very asleep
.........................As we grow up the bliss that we seek 
....................To stay innocent blissfully innocent -As kids
...............My lovely world-  it conspires to keep me so clean
..........No cigarettes no porn no alcohol none of stray thoughts
.......How the grown ups want stay innocent forever so
....Now this isn't a dichotomy.....................bigs are protective loving
...Holding our little hands............................. .reading us texts morals 
..But somethings amiss.................................... values deeds or words
.For now I Am Rattled.....................!...................#classroom gunshots
My innocence tested............................................the blood on my desk
These ugly bloodfest............................................cannot be a business 
.The troubled teenager.......      has woken up....….    Adults on crosshair
..........................................Guns are on radar
.....................................How many guns we need
..................................Can the weapons bring peace
..............................Will you drive a tank to your office 
..........................How good is judiciary, democracy, police
..........................Can Liberty and Violence go hand in hand
............................................   Our Children

Lurking is the Devil
Donation OR Charity
With/ without objective 
Nature of money is to roll
Money must move or it decays
Money is said to have only 3 roles
The first and the best is for Charity
The second comes Enjoyment or 'Bhog'
The third- the result of inaction is Decay or ' Naash'
Yes money can destruct 
Money destructs money
Question begging an answer is - What is Charity!
Can offering for a purpose be termed as  honest giving?'
Can a political donation by a gun lobby be termed charity?
There are laws for performing good charities
Offerings for self benefit are fuelled by greed
Uncontrolled greed is the way to destruction
Offerings are not bribes to salivating deities
No one writes cheques to any unworthy
Let force moving money be wisdom
Or even charity can be destruction
Oh! In political terms it isn't charity 
it is termed as legitimate donation
Blood diamonds , Gun lobbies...
Drug cartels...Loot and plunder...toss a few coins ..SMOKING GUNS
Better still buy off a democracy 
Doesn't matter which Govt.!
We cannot live sans money
We cannot be without guns
Cannot do away the politics
How we search for Wisdom
Children  Are  On  Crosshair
                            On Gun Violence:
..................Has a new culture taken roots
.........Or worse the tree sprouting new shoots 
.....In its wake now nurturing trigger happy kids
Can there be a moral solution to a technological problem?
Trying to find a political will to curb gun control is erroneous
Politics of the times builds mighty armies  in name of defense
My jewellry; A semi-automatic; I proudly own; Now- cocksure
How a weapon of mass destruction is now resting on my desk.
....................................Most unfortunate                    J technology                       A nurturing.                            M
.......................................happy                                     T
.......................................Kids                                        H
........................................Not                                        E
                                            T                                      F
.                                             O                                 I
                                                 Y                          R

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2023

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Metaphor of Inverted Tree

Our Life......As  An ...inverted......tree
    Asvatha  it is called
    it is tree of life,
     Name implies:
     ‘Not Forever’
      Inverted it is
      has its roots  
       in the skies
       trunk below
        oh it seems
        topsy turvy 
         our world;
         away from   
          its source
           far away. 
          our desires
          branches off
        our Karmic fold
     work.   duties    deeds
..desires    necessities   routes
Ordained   in-ordained    destinies
Deja vu     surprises       I knew it   why me !
Branches    bifurcating    swaying   together  outreaching
Joys   and  Agonies   All drawing from  A common source
.now on their own accord   erect  strong   grown
   Bearing leaves   flowers.  fruits. inviting avians
      Inviting cats for a nap   inspiring kids to climb
        Inverted Tree Metaphor Explaining Our Lives
             Animate...alive...drawing from source...yet 
               forgetting at times. Was contained in a seed;    
                 Space;Time; Destiny pulled it down. Now earthly
                  every season wearing a new appearance - Tree of Life

Knowledge gathered are the leaves and flowers
With seasons; some shed; some bear fruits
The fruits are a result of our actions; Karma
Karma are the fruits that the tree bears- only to drop
Tree sheds the fruits, in renunciation 
In its own search for nature, aground
The fruits contain seeds
The seed beholding tree
The distance is abridged
As the tree regerminates
In reality or in potentiality 
The separation- was never in distance
never a measure
was appearance
our forgetfulness 
as we branch off
only to complete
the time journeys
enacted in space
In a  play 
no birth;
no death
Moksha- Is only a concept

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2023

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Magical Monsoon

Pouring out
Nectar of Life,
Earth beats : The Notes Fertile.  
            We could;
         Harvest every 
      drop of rain in the 
     Cities....And every!!
    speck O Grain that is
    produced in our Fields
    Thinking Sustainability
     We would be- well off.   
       A life of Sufficiency 
          and Prosperity 
               For All
Welcome  Monsoon  Rains!
A sobering Chinese thought
'All of the progress on earth
All of human achievements;
Can be attributed to,
1. The Six inch top soil, 
2. and the fact -That it Rains'
.Sp.        No         Re
       r       uri   fre  pleni
        out   sh
               Baked Earth, 
............blazing grasslands
...........Parched bodies
............Eager spirits
.............Season of fertility
...............Erupting seeds
.................Welcome !!
........................If Sun 
.......................were the 
.....................source of Life,
.................We go by evidence
............The Sunlight reaches Moon, 
.....Yet In the depths of oceans dark caves
Life can thrive, where there is water, but no sunlight.
The cycle of life : 
...It is said after death, 
.....the Prana takes leave
..... travels to etheric spheres 
......According to its stored merits
.......according to its store of energies
........The life force then returns to Earth. 
........................vehicle is rain
.................The rain nourishes soil
..................The soil contains seed
...................The seeds make trees 
....................Earthly beings eat fruit
....The subtle energies gained > stored in body
... These energies are transferred > procreation
....The growth is again nourished by Rains...
....Of course there are other elements
.....But the finest, the most subtle..
.....Is contained..
.... in The drop 

........An indestructible journey
.....Of a drop once locked in soil fragrance Or flowing in veins parched throats meeting Seas
.as river or trapped in a royal-moat 
.as lone pearl sucked by fierce sun
..making Sky, Dew & Winds heady company O snakes as venom
.....Been wine of Gods in Heaven
......Then comes Earth's callings melt stored memories 
............unburdening imprints rejuvenate Life
..................back on Earth 
................. ....As Rains!
....................Harvest every
.................drop that rains as 
...............blessings.And every....< Okies*
..............grain that is_Erupting........?What did..
.............Sprouting in the Fields.......The Large Drop
.............Thinking Sustainability.........tell the small droplet?
..............We would be well -off............Simple. Grow Up!
................A life of Sufficiency ...............So..what's the
...................& Prosperity for,...........,..........? JOKE .. ??

this attempt. 
Pitter patter vain
A walking man in rain,
Umbrella: _ ~
As.            ON
a........ .......&
s..... . ...Onward
h.... ...To Nearest
.i.......Pub Soaking
..e.." Pouring bliss!
....l...Sprightly spirit
.....d."Spring_in feet~
. ......Cheery-clink
............._ now
A happy __Man....On way to pub
~ Amitabh

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2022

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To Our Farthest Memory: Dhruvasmriti

“ We  are
                    What we eat“
                    We’ve heard 
                     this  before
                Our body is made of 
           All the plant and animal DNA
         Yes that is our ancient wisdom …
       Now Modern science looks at body 
      A Tad differently  , elements, calories
     The body is seen   as a machinery .Car
    Engine is heart etc.  Nutrition Facts Data
    In Yogic sciences.       Body has  chakras 
   In neuroscience              Body Mind Waves 
   Four stages                         Body functions
   Body.                                         Intelligent 
   Is Living.                             electromagnetic 
   Has Memories                  stored in every cell
   Has consciousness        Every cell is throbbing 
   Human body is a            Beholder of star light 
   Container also.                    Is one transmitter
   An instrument.                         A kind of device
   A repository                                 Carries a Will 
   A collective.                                  Memory pool
  Transferred.                                    DhruvaSmriti
   Over period                                   When aligned 
   The.                                                      Humans 
   Beholder.                                              Are made 
   Of light                 Of  Food                  Out of Love 
                              Our Intake 

                        All of our thoughts
                 All that the body consumes 
             Through all its senses, Makes us 
           The device connects to the farthest-
          AhaarShuddha leads to SattvaShuddhi 
          Purity of intake leads to Purity of Being 
           SattvaShuddha leads to DhruvaSmriti 
            DhruvaSmriti is our farthest memory
               Dhruva is the Polestar . Our axis
                    Smriti is imprinted memory
                           Our resource pool


              all of?               
       the knowledge 
 of the universe is within
One has to learn to knock~
At the source of the knowledge
thankfully some of the source is..
?in the form of code encapsulated 
?Available to us to be read or sung
In language , floral , metered song
Song celestial the Words in rhythm,
Songs in Vibrant Sattvic Oscillations
To be read, sung, as mantra or chants
?Gods Akashic resources play at source
From larger cosmic intelligence-'Mahat'
Contemplated; reflected or told as Lores
?Essentially Gita is -The Song of the Gods
?Something special the way they're written
The words flow as threads right to -Source
?These are also called Sutra- the path or links?
Encapsulated; Coiled; storehouse of memories?
Memories as distant recall inviting the arrow to pierce : DHRUVASRIMTI.                            
Memories as distant light flowing down the axis
?The axis aligned to the primal code is Dhruva
The pole star the primal memory seed Smriti
?Dhruvasmriti -deriving all our living memory
?From point of radiant light -at the farthest
From where in Space and Time emerges 
All human experience and merges back
?into the source at the point of memory
Flows eternal expression in continuum
Living at the source; in truth is Sattva
Sattva is a state of body-mind-being
As is the Universe; So is human body
As in- 'Yathapinde TathaBrahmande '
?The memories aligned to the source
?Body's access to its memory codes
At the tip of the axis is primal seed
The farthest distant resting within 
The source term it thy 'Shiva Self'
the Jiva;Being stationed in Shiva
The target of the arrow to strike
?in larger cosmic being- Brahma
'OM is the bow; Soul the arrow
And BRAHMA is the target ~
Knowing ATMA as alone
Throw off three state
never to be born
again. MOKSHA

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2023

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On Left Right Politics

A sinking feeling
In the City of Djinns

...Pollution is down by 20 % this year
One reason given is economic slowdown

Happy souls-  worlds second most populous 
A free liberal atmosphere diversity of cultures

Ancient history worlds largest democracy bit by
        Growth demon
Right wing

New polity
  Brought in 
    A New Law
       is suspected
             anti minority 
                         protest provocations taking  turns
                                    clash of ideologies
                                       Capital Burns
                                           OH! Delhi
                                                In a 

    In the war of Left-Right.              Forgotten is Head -Spine
               Flying beauties.               in Balance & poise
                   Ever squabbling.       Political animals
                        Still your mind.     and take note
                                 Bird flies on 3 wings
                                     Minus rudder
                                          cause for

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2023

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Surviving Systems of Modern Slavery

                        A Few
            What is  Money after all
     The biggest  Security we can have
  Locked in          Wealth.      Safe n secure
Immovable          Assets 
In everyday.         Liquid 
Transactions.        In cash
    Investments      At risk 
       Diversification  is key
            Is beautiful in gold
                Precious diamonds n jewelry
                       Invest in Art as an asset class
                           Ok Can’t buy love with money
                                 Honey I belong to poor class
                                  Trust is           infallible asset 
                                    In God           We Trust- Fed
                                     Crypto.         Bankman Fried
                                      Funny.          Rich in money 
          Don’t laugh            Crash           is not funny
           Get serious.           money     Can be a toxic         
            Donate. Gift          Charity is the best use
                 Enjoy Consume till it lasts cautious
                       Aware of the worst case 
                                  In bad Fate 
                                             Is Loss
                                             Cause for

                                             Do not store 
                                            Steak in a doghouse
                                        The bee toils collects honey 
                                   The wealth is luring; invites heist of hive
Wish I had an alchemists drive: pick up scrap and turn it into gold
For everyday transaction would need magic to turn a leaf into promissory 
Without these skills, how do I survive; The Systems of Modern Slavery

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2023

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A Note On Brahmarandhara

                                                  A “
                                           Alight on 
                     A note on-  “Brahmarandhra”:-
               An aperture in  the crown- in our head
            In acupressure is  referred as- the point GV 20
          For Fixing the mind in  Dharana is one of the place
        The other place is Heart;  a lotus, flame, deity or Self
      is imagined there. After this  focus one should meditate
     Between the eyebrows …there lies       another vital point
 ~ Often referred as      Third Eye:    Is the Place of Thalamus
     Pair of Eyes take in light          mages are formed in cortex
     There is also Amigdyla              Like a  pair of headphones
      Brain operates controls life.       Breath, Senses, Regulate
       There’s a mechanism in there       A circuitry put in place
     Our senses  travel by thirteen no.     Cranial nerves C1-13
    The cranial  nerves meet At Pons       Medulla oblongata 
    as bulge on  flower stalk, pea size        In our Mid-Brain
    Pair of Eyes~                      Speech~       Our Ears ~
   Sight locked.                      Tongue is       Stay  open
  On tip of nose                    Upturned       Can’t  shut
 Sets a  posture                Lock onto        Nor flap  ears
 Balancing breath.        The palette       Yet hearing stops
Inbreath- outbreath   In Balance.         When in deep sleep 
          In Jainism, Tradition.              Deep Sleep is  Meditation 
         In Kayotsarga -                  Fourth Turiya Is our true nature -
        The bridge on.                Beyond Awake, Sleep,  Dreamless sleep 
       Upper lip is key.          Beyond Jagrat-Sushupta-Swapna , .the Triad
      To keep the focus. The constant in the CNS  Central Nervous System
 Loci of meditation; 1Exit point: Brahmarandhra. the cavern in heart
The mouth, the lips, the tongue, the speech, taste, hearing, touch organs
  Keeping the senses on hold Connect to Brahmarandhaa, crown on head
     Brahmarandhara: Gateway; Life exits through this point upon death.

Copyright © Amitabh Divakar | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs