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Best Poems Written by Lonna Blodgett

Below are the all-time best Lonna Blodgett poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Picnic With Pablo Neruda

Four legs quiver
like clumsy cabrioles
striking smooth gray rivers
of zig-zag sidewalk barrios
in rhythm with happy shivers
syncopated on a muffled drum
as we talk and stroll

On our way
we persuade and pretend
this day away
taunting and cajoling to demand
laughing “hide and seeking”
chasing and skedaddling
poking and peeking
like cuddly pandas
or canoodling otters
splashing and clambering

We roll and meander
impetuously twiddling all the way
atop gregarious green promenades
we pause in slight delay
as we prattle and prance
as we dance to the Crickets singing
nodding to their fiddling
frolicking with all the jiggling

Serendipitous stalks
of snickering flowers pop
to dazzle and razzle our wits
we glide in stripes of candy bits
of rainbows bright

Purple painted paisley
fragrantly flairs in pairs
of scented lavender sweetness
among black-eyed daisies
dusting the woozy air
in a meadow’s billowing bloom
sunflowers sunbathe in costume

We giddily tarry
as we carry
a feast of fancies and treats
artsy bits of charmed delicacies
filled with a peck of upcoming kisses
enticing fantasies that wink

Snuggling shenanigans lead us astray
as we find our rootie-tootie hideaway
hugs as we shy away
from tomfoolery jesting
to lay down and swoon
looking up at the soon to be stars
lingering for the coming of the moon

Murmurs of Starlings
gaggle their harmonies
of chirps
in cheeks and broadened beaks
thrumming tiny melodies.

Swallows sweep and woo
fixated on this unabashed swain
through songbird strains
announcing a shrilling review
broadening in sweet refrains

“I love you…I love you”

Fingerpainting the Monet sky
puffy white cotton words appear
from clouds passing by
while tiny violins spin in the air
piccolos peep
pigeon-toed Doves coo and weep
their contentedness to appease
trailing off the pleasant breeze

I fall upon my knees

My words explode to strew
like a thousand storms set free

“I love you…I love you…I love you”

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2023

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Watering the Garden of Dreams

taciturn springs rising
from within the quarry 
of deep earth's wisdom
urging lyrical waters to transpose
while held like singing seas of living reveries
of history and infinity
misting to meld with rainfall dreams
Falling like ancient messages
into the orchard of molecular landscapes
drawn to penetrate its legacy
embedded in the rockeries and rills
blanketing the groves of dirt and ferns
teeming in the arcadian oasis 
feeding feast or famine
flourishing the solicitude of springtime
in spider spun dreams
of longings in ancient oaks
merging with the ebb of shedding sycamores
in salted seas teeming and exalting
the rhetoric of existence 
in musing opaque vapors
mingling into pervasive clouds 
bleeding life
cached in the creche 
of pastoral beginnings 
of everlasting eddies
watering the garden of dreams

April 22, 2020
Rewritten:  October 3, 2020

Your Best Free Verse 2020
Sponsored by John Hamilton

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2020

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5th Avenue Sunrise

jampacked city streets
that jangled and banged
in the raucous jarring day
from business to boogaloo
squeezing into moonlight
party lights
gin and lime-kissed
gimlet sequined dress
in studded six-inch heels
riveting flair
provoking jive and jazzy nights
to tame this lion of New York

The bed swallowed the evening
sucked-up in slumbered
sobering snooze
exhaling the drunkard’s stench
while the warmth of whiskey
and you next to me
laid dreamy still

popped up and propped up
restless and ragged
realizing the changing view
through the dirt-stained window
a pool of placid sunrise
colorless clustered towers
bulwarks and girders
scraping the sky

out of the easterly clouds
a creeping golden palette
touching every crevice
defining each silhouette
your body stirs deliberate and slow

rainbow hued eyes
slenderly slitted catching
the new-found light
opening, tenderly revealing
the landscape of your smile
a cozy contentment

waking with hello
as I fall into your dream
and a new day

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2023

Details | Lonna Blodgett Poem


I am but an ancient tree
Upstanding in my singularity
Ordained by the forest of my forefathers
I am full spread reaching for the sun
The light of 4.6 billion years never done
The source of all things living

Blanketed in the first snow of countless seasons
Branches laden with the weight of age and gravity
Ancestral roots of infinite years
Entwined with the pathway of my elders

I reach deep into the richness of my mother earth
Binding me to the womb of all that's known
A fertile union of exquisite definition
Conceiving the severity of truth
To harvest the heart of compassion

A simple white dream
A prophet's decree
I am captive to move and sway
With the purity of this moment
Drifting within the winds of wisdom
And timeless certainty

And in this time and space
I become one with that destiny
To be or not in the realm of its tranquility
To breathe with the rhythm and harmony
The beautiful cadence I dance to
The tick-tock clock of eternity

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2019

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Aunt Grace's Peach Cobbler

Around the corner and half a block away, the flavor would grab me, tie me up to some irresistible force, then drag my nose to the source of its home.  The aroma that wafted in the air and up my whiffer was sweet and warm - rich with orchards of deliciousness and cascading with the buttery peachy-ness of what was to come.  It knocked all other thoughts out of my realm and led me down a path of complete submission - surrendering like the energy of cold water on a hot skillet.  With each step bringing me closer, my musing would swirl with the anticipation of that first ultra-luscious, gratifying juicy bite - the one that ever so longingly and lovingly would delightfully roll around on every palate of my watering mouth and lingering tongue only to succumb to gulping down the first chunk.

From the flour and water and salt

Her timeworn hands kneaded magic

A mystical mixture of love and fruit to concoct-

A pinch of this and that, nothing formally systematic.

This masterpiece was an untold legend that "rocked" 

The socks off anyone and even rival the "Titanic"!

Her ritual was simple and deep rooted

As uncomplicated as a baby's grin.

"Easy as Pie" she mooted

And laughed while she hummed all the while.

Layering the rich sheets of goodness in a pan

From pie dough to peaches to butter and sugar

There was nothing in this world so simple or better than

My Aunt Grace's Peach Cobbler!

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2019

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Burn Sweet Fire of Faith

In times of struggle and strife my heart has lost its weight
It lifts to pull me from my body’s inquisition
Burn, burn sweet fire of faith, light my way to heaven’s gate!
Streams of hope and mountains of grace directing my fate
To where the souls jubilation hungers for vision
In times of struggle and strife my heart has lost its weight
I close my timeworn eyes to see reverie create
The joy to relent this heart’s doubt with great revision
Burn, burn sweet fire of faith, light my way to heaven’s gate!
Transpose flames to melt sad snow from winter’s long debate
Merging devoutly to oceans timeless submission
In times of struggle and strife my heart has lost its weight
I cannot rest from these strong winds, whose storm overtake
My spirits valor, to faltering faith's volition
Burn, burn sweet fire of faith, light my way to heaven’s gate!
Raise me dear heart, to my true highest and noblest state
Trust prevails in fire burning deep within conviction
In times of struggle and strife my heart has lost its weight
Burn, burn sweet fire of faith, light my way to heaven’s gate!

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2020

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Robert Frost

R  O  B  E  R  T    F  R  O  S  T

	So that I may “Choose Something Like a Star” to have and hold
		My beloved poet has reached into his pocket and pulled out his soul  
			To share as he speaks to all in loving life be told 

REVELATION.... Indeed dear poet you have spoken to engage my truth to the 
OCTOBER....For you have taught of mornings mild and days that are slow to 
BOND AND FREE....That dauntless words knowingly are taken from the sacred 
EQUAL SACRIFICE....No matter the heart there is courage to endure and hope 
                                                                                                      to bring
RANGE FINDER....Because the order of nature so predisposed is a truthful cure

TO THE THAWING WIND....To turn the poet out the door to never be impure

FLOWER GATHERING....Words are yours to be the measure just listen with  
                                                                                                  your heart
RELUCTANCE....To yield with a grace and bow to accept change through your 
OLD MAN'S WINTER NIGHT....We sometimes seem so late arising to the 
                                                                                broken moon to choose
STOPPING BY THE WOODS....But knowing I have promises to keep in my 
THE ROAD LESS TAKEN....I took the path less traveled by for there you have 
                                                                                                    taken me  

			“And that has made all the difference in my muse”

August 26, 2019
My Upcoming Birthday (9-03) Celebrity
Sponsored by:  William Kekaula

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2019

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"What is this strange place we find ourselves in
Trapped in the open, we find ourselves within"

Who can hear the forest still
Its light and mist fall calmly hushed
Bereft of leaves gripped in winter's will
Its naked soul lies burnt from autumns rust

Sundering haze as breath in cold
Melts in air through sunlit stands
Of forest simple, soft though bold
While natures will and peace command
Its parable is yet untold

Eyes behold serene repose
As tides of glimmering beauty shoal
To surge with mighty grandeur's glow

Into the heart it comes to rest
Zen's remedy is yet to show
The puzzle of this life’s mystery
As oneness flows to disclose
Can we be as one with every tree?

March 20, 2022

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2022

Details | Lonna Blodgett Poem

Free Verse On Love

Two circles linked within our hearts
Each a symbol chained in the orbital path
Of our love's infinite pathway
Forever to return united in the moment
As east is to west
And north is to south
As wind is to stillness
As fire is to water
As earth is to air
I am vulnerable
I am centered in your essence
To inherit your elements
From beginning to end with every molecule
I am empty to be filled
And filled to be empty
I am complete

November 13. 2019
Writing Challenge, November - Some Kind of Love - Poetry Contest
Sponsor by:  Dear Heart - Wiishkobi Ode

Revised February 26, 2020

Free Verse on Love Poetry Contest

Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2019

Details | Lonna Blodgett Poem

The Scream - Ekphrasis On An Edvard Munch Piece of Art

Oblong outlines of a soul
Stretched in elliptical misery
Redefines the perfect circle
To a breakable volatile tautness

Loosely cloaked in sheaths of epitonic blue
Draped upon the shrinking body to hide a terrified world 
Dressed in swirling ominous patterns of anonymity
To be lost within the deepest abyss of fatal fear

Planted like a tenuous girder of iron truth 
On a bridge of no return
There is no departure from excruciating fear
From this wicked self-imposed poltergeist

An unseen force deliberates death
Smothering with tremulous trepidation
Annihilating the essence of existence
With no bond found on common ground

There lies the secret
Within the mystery of a soul’s distress
The exorcism of human strength
As fear brings the will of life to a standstill


Copyright © Lonna Blodgett | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things