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Best Poems Written by Susan Rigo

Below are the all-time best Susan Rigo poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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You can’t mistake it, the beauty that surrounds us
Blessings are everywhere
From the bloom of the flowers 
To the voice of our children
God is everywhere

His love is there if you want it
And why wouldn’t you want it
His love is all encompassing
It is palpable; you can feel it in everything you do
All you need to do is ask for it

Look around you
Do you see the glory in the simple things?
Do you understand the love that went into all that you see?

The glory He has created for us is overwhelming
But we must take care of it, nurture it and share it
Don’t keep the glory to yourself
It is meant to be enjoyed by all

The glory will change you
It will warm your heart
It will ease your pain
It is a gift, accept it, share it

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2018

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Parlor Chair

There is a spot in my grandmother’s home
It is reserved for guests
Older aunts and uncles on a visit, the parish priest, old friends that grandma wanted to impress
I have always wanted to sit in it, if only for a moment

Grandma was a lady
Graceful, warm and loving
She was a beautiful lady, tall and slender
The chair meant a great deal to her
And she let everyone know that it was reserved for special guests only

It didn’t appear to be a very comfortable chair
The plastic that covered the fabric had kept the rose colored petals and swirling green vines so vivid after all these years.
I hoped it would get worn at some point
Then it might not be so special
And I might get the chance to sit in it.

I remember standing behind the book shelves, peering out and watching grandma sit Aunt Marge in the parlor chair
She looked so regal sitting there
The dark wood arms and back held her posture so perfectly
Is it possible that the seat of honor magically made people appear more poised, almost noble?
Whatever it was, I was not allowed to sit there

The chair sat in its same spot, year after year
In the corner of the front room
Where the sun would glow through the sheer curtains 
and rest softly on its arms
I had never forgotten about the chair 
But time and distance kept me from visiting grandma as I used to
It would be 20 years since my fascination with the parlor chair first took hold
This time I would come to visit and hope it was still there
How I wanted to see the rose pattern with the lovely green vines
To see the glow of the sun raining down in the corner of the room 
As it had so many years ago

There she was, much smaller than I remembered her
Her hair completely white, her smile still proud and welcoming
As I walked through the front door, she held me as if catching up on all the years we spent apart
She grabbed me by the arm and led me to “the chair”
She sat me down and smiled, almost knowing what she was doing, what this meant to me

After talking for hours, she took my hands in hers 
She told me how she had always wanted a parlor chair, just like her mother had
Although as a child, she was never allowed to sit in it
She would watch family; visitors and special guests enjoy her mother’s hospitality while sitting in that chair
It meant so much to her

When she married, her mother gave her the parlor chair 
She told my grandmother, that it was hers now, and that she should save it for special guests
Our greatest love is our family; our children
They belong sitting on our laps, held in our arms, not in chairs covered in plastic
Guests need to feel welcomed into your home, a special spot of their own
Knowing that I looked upon the chair just as she had; she felt I would be the best person to care for it

Grandma passed away two years after that visit
When she would visit my home, she would marvel at the beauty of the rose pattern and the winding green vines
Her approving smile let me know that I had placed the chair in the proper area of my front room
Her visits were few as she was getting on in age 
However, whenever she visited my home
The parlor chair was her seat; she was always my special guest

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2018

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Her Time

The older woman sat alone 
Underneath a breathtaking willow
It appeared to be raining down around her
Weeping, as it’s known to do 
Cloaking her in privacy

Around her is an aura of brightness
She is dressed simply
Her gray hair is loosely pulled up
She radiates a beauty 
Not typical of contemporary measures

Her hands are sturdy
They have seen hard times
Prayed and wiped away tears
They have felt sadness and love
Hands that have held so many
Expressed joy and pleasure
Her hands are full of wisdom and memories

As I watch, her fingers lightly touch the blades 
Offering her story through her touch
She doesn’t see me
This is her time

I am unable to turn my gaze
Feeling drawn to this woman
Imagining her story
Wishing to be a part of it
Sharing in the beauty of her existence

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2019

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A cool wind is making the trees breathe in a slow melodic way
The wind moves the leaves on the ground, making a path for itself

Is the wind trying to get my attention?
Trying to tell me to slow down

I go outside and stand in the open path where the leaves once settled
The feeling is calming, soothing, trance inducing
I let the breeze blow my hair, and caress my arms
The feeling is so wonderful, I smile

It feels as though my heart is warming 
The cool breeze is embracing me 
I am welcoming it with open arms

As the breeze slows to a whisper
I feel myself letting go, allowing calm to enter
I will hold onto this feeling until the cool wind beckons me again

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2018

Details | Susan Rigo Poem

Fly High

I was taught how to care for her 
My father believed it was important to learn
Hold her just right, show her respect

Never let her touch the ground
She is to be kept clean and tatter free
Put your hand over your heart to show her love

Hold her in high regard
Many people have died fighting for her
She stands for much more than you understand

White signifies purity and innocence
Red signifies valor and bravery
Blue signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice

Let her wave proudly
Stand at the site of her and
Above all, respect her history and her meaning

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2019

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The Closed Door

The Closed Door

Shut the door
Locked it tight

Kept at bay
All that will ignite

The flame inside
Barely a flicker in sight

There is no silence 
Behind the door

For the voices of my thoughts
Are loud and worn

Too many voices yell at me
Telling me what should or shouldn’t be

Is there wisdom behind these voices?
Or are they just critics of choice

My desire is to lock them out
Allow me to discover what I am about

Too much to ask at this date
However; it is dangerous to hesitate

Knock all you want
I will not answer your call

Leave me be
Until I decide to stand or fall

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2020

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My Girl

She is funny and smart
Sensitive and caring
I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful heart

She will not be treated unfairly
Carefully, she guards her heart
If you wound her, she will take you on squarely

Her dreams are in her hands
Your child is in charge 
All you can do is sit back as she lands
You marvel at this beautiful child
Your heart warms with joy as you watch her
She is a part of you always, your heart has smiled

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2018

Details | Susan Rigo Poem

Silent Storm

A single drop lands 
Alerting you that something is coming
The sting surprises you
A silent storm is coming

The sky darkens; your entire body feels this
The frustration builds as more drops fall
The frustration turns to helplessness
It surrounds you, the cold seeps into your bones
It is coming

The clouds are black, the wind is swirling
Churning your stomach
Making you weak
Not another storm, not now, not again

As the feelings well up inside
You sense the turbulence down to your core
You feel the rumbling in your soul
The darkness is enveloping you
Anger is now setting in
This storm is going to rage

Take cover? 
There is no cover for a silent storm in one’s mind
Only frustration, helplessness and anger

Claps of thunder, the pain
Flashes, lighting the sky
Lighting the corners of your mind

Only hope and faith will clear the path
Until then, we fight the silent storm
Emotions versus the spirit
This is a battle your soul must win

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2018

Details | Susan Rigo Poem

Wishes of Hope

Wishes of Hope

I wish, first, for the gift of listening 
Not merely to hear the words, but to feel them
To feel the meaning and emotion behind them
To listen with your heart 

I wish for the ability to impart peace and healing with touch
To calm their pain, to ease their worry
To give others the gift of tranquility 
With only a touch on the shoulder or an embrace

Lastly, to think before words leave our mouths
The reasons behind the words we choose
To understand the consequences of our choice 
To stop hurtful words before they wound

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2018

Details | Susan Rigo Poem

She Blew In Like a Breeze

She blew in like a breeze
Slow at first, rustling the trees
Her thoughts give her away
She is hoping they will stay 
Loneliness is visible on her face
Confused, she asks “Where is this place?”
The others, glance at her 
Their silence and stares deter
Fear overtakes her mind
Wanting to leave but feeling confined
She closes her eyes and silences her thoughts
Take me away she thinks as she plots
Eyes open, beauty restored
No longer in that place where people ignore
Peaceful amongst nature
Taking in her creator

Copyright © Susan Rigo | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things