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Best Poems Written by Debjani Mitra

Below are the all-time best Debjani Mitra poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Incessant din of jammed highways
suddenly lulled to deserted streets
quiet of rustle forlorn breeze plays
laughter of birds, smiling sun greets

diamond dews glisten ruby petals
on a palette of piano, poetry muse
in slow drench, rain falls and settles
as fragrance flows wisteria avenues

soft chimes within, no temple bells
moments of now, create my world
in solitude with nature, a divine spell
counting cosmos, in stardust swirled

wild waves pacified in peace of shore
graceful moonlight, sunbeams in calm
can hear beats in my deep heart's core
a tranquil meditation, my sorrow's balm.

sentinent of truth, has burned all my vigil 
fears vanished, no sound of human strife
in viscous sedation, I  enjoy a mystic sigil 
arcane power, I have fallen in love with life.

Dated 6th May 2020

Sponsor	Mark Toney
Contest Name	2022 Poetry Marathon

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2020

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Touch the Words In Braille

Awake through afternoons and ageless nights,
the poet waits for a muse to sneak.
His brumous mind reminisces,
frantically exploring a galaxy of words.
He looks for a lofty mountain hiding in the fog.
He looks for a crimson fireball hiding in the ember.

Wriggles out of the cocoon, 
in swirls of slow steps,
tiptoeing in twirls, 
shriveled and fragile, the butterfly beau.
He looks at it in passion...with lover's eyes....
Oh!, the poem is still in a grey stupor state.

He sews embroidered thoughts...
Stroked in color, the canvas now veiled,
scrambled cryptic, his emotions corralled.
The enslaved bird in his heart, was now a fugitive,
singing a pellucid song of sweet somber notes.
A virgin music now played in the air,
Thrumming hearts rhyming in bewitched rhythm.

Invisible wind nestled the hair,
he could see the poem smiling.
Silent wind rustled the tree,
he could hear the poem whispering.
Like a blind man enlightened in a dark room,
he could feel the poem coming alive.
He could touch the words in Braille,
the cradle of blind love, caressed the poet's tale.

Resubmited on  April 1st  2019/
 2019 Poetry Marathon Final Placement /
 Sponsor: Mark Toney

Written on 9th January 2019
Placed 8th in Chantelle Anne Cookes Favorite Free Verse Contest
Placed 6th in Mark Toney2019 Poetry Marathon Mile 13 Contesy

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2019

Details | Debjani Mitra Poem

In Your Lockup

sweet and citron voice, fondled a whisper
did you say, "O my Love,  pulling me close 
refreshing spring water,  cooler and crisper 
restless eyes now crave, to forever repose

a vista of orchids, into my soul you dive
where a frantic heart, beats in your fervour
No more secrets, so effortlessly you arrive
in every corner, dreams in vain endeavour

in swarm of thousand kisses, I slowly melt
impetuous arms hug, a wild maddened sea
faintly glowing cinder, every cell now felt
an embrace, in your lockup, you set me free

Dated 7th June  2020

Featured third in  best new poem list
Sponsor	craig cornish
Contest Name	Hugs |

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2020

Details | Debjani Mitra Poem

How To Love

The red rose asked the blue butterfly..,
 "Where were you since the last goodbye ?
So much I missed you in silent sigh...
With tears of eyes did cry."

Dazzled the butterfly blue,
in golden wings of silver hue.
Snuggled with a wink and nod,
cuddled with a hug so broad...
 " My loving bloom...... there's no room for gloom..
I went around in nature's flurry deploy....
The writer penned a poem on my story.
The painter brushed me his passion of glory.
The camera clicked the mirth of my hustle.
The swimmer stroked the fun of my bustle."

Caressed the rose......petals in a curve...
A delicate kiss the hovering above...
"But could you teach those to love?"

PLACED 7th in Mark Toney's Poetry marathon Mile 19 
PLACED 2nd in Maureen Mcgreavy's What I love

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2018

Details | Debjani Mitra Poem

The Birth of a Mother

Inside the darkness of womb,
like a closed bud, yet to bloom.
Buried deep in a watery tomb,
my life pulsed, I knew no gloom.
My comfort zone, my cozy home...
love flowed a cloud I roamed. 
Curled up nine months in my kingdom of care,
those moments of share, so rare...
And then!!... "Oh my God"! 
In a sudden,...they cut the umbilical cord!
I was afraid...cried aloud for aid...
A gleam of light I found all around.
I no longer felt safe and sound.
And then!! 
A stranger unknown... to her I was shown.
She was so much my own..
My lifeline... she was mine.
Screaming in labor pain,
Still calm she had to remain.
To bring me up...she knew,
 She could never again complain.
That day "we" were born together..
That day,.. I gave birth to my mother.

Date written: 10th August 2018
(First poem with which I started my entry to Poetrysoup) 

Sponsor	Silent One
Contest Name	Your first poem on Poetry Soup |

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2018

Details | Debjani Mitra Poem

It Still Hurts

* written in collaboration with my friend Malabika Ray Choudhury 

I thought my heart no longer flutters
an ache in its painful landscape
once wept in teary red eyes 
I wondered why it no.longer flutters.
crushed  in stampede of the world
perhaps in peace , crumbs of my heart 
meanders in emptiness of an open window
I wondered why it no.longer hurts.

And then I turn around to your thoughts...
your laughter... your.voice...
in flick.of a second, in alluring meadows,
hovering around you, my heart flutters,

Oh, it was never lost,  it still  hurts !

Dated 25th April 2021

* Inspired by and translated from a  bengali poem of Malabika Ray Choudhury 
Monta Hariye Geche. 

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2021

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Taj Mahal

Noor* of Taj Mahal, jeweled in red stone 
 death or love, tranquil oasis alone
 rich jasper and jade hanging on its walls
 in cold melody, mourning music falls

 Mesmerizing bride in gossamer gown
 Veil reveals... the majestic palace crown.
 A medley of corsage strewn in sealed dream
 opulent facade,  beauty is the theme  

Pale blue sky in her iconic magic 
 wax melded moonlight triumphs a tragic 
 covenant of love, splendor celebrates
 passion so strong will never recreate

 Aurora of a queen in marble white
 glinting Yamuna*, her sole copyright. 

* Noor is an urdu word meaning Light
* Yamuna is the river on the banks of which Taj Mahal lies. 
Taj Mahal means Crown of the Palace 

19th July 2019

Sponsor	William Kekaula
Contest Name	ILMO My Mom 06-24-29-08-04-09--90th Heavenly Birthday--The Most Beautiful Sonnet

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2019

Details | Debjani Mitra Poem

Tread Softly

*Inspired by the famous line of William Butler Yeats
"Tread softly because you tread on my dreams" 

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams*
Tread slowly because on your shoulders I lean,
Tread lightly on those weightless moments,
because they carry my  heavy heart. 
Tread carefully on those soft rosebush,
they hide your thistles unseen. 
With every nuance of your love, 
I have created my paradise
With every dandelion you scattered,
I have  created my lavender fields. 
With every color you splattered,
I have created my porcelain sky.
With every dream you shattered, 
I have learned to caress my scars.
Tread your steps softly dear, 
don't leave footprints on my heartway.
Tomorrow never comes, its forever yesterday.

Date written 1st February 2020
Contest 2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 9 

Was ranked 2nd in best poem of the month February 2020  John Hamilton Your best free verse 2020

Sponsor	Silent One
Contest Name: Famous poetic lines that inspire

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2020

Details | Debjani Mitra Poem

Slaved Love of Anarkali

Her name was Anarkali, 
an eloquent carnival of legendary beauty.
a dancer in the court of Emperor Akbar.
Deep russet rouge blushed her red,
a silky smile on her rosy peach cheeks 
rich, sensual and seductive...
With the sweet scent of jasmine, and 
festal moonlight of crystal starred sky,
the damsel danced her way to Salim's heart.
A charmed Prince reverberated in her dreams 
in  rhythm of a daisy swaying in his breeze.  
Entranced in her  emollient ecstasy 
Captured in the cage of her beautiful eyes.
Love blossomed like a dazzling wildfire.

But a sinister callous world, was eager to kill.
Passion handcuffed by shackled royal ego,  
Anarkali was sentenced to be entombed alive.
Behind a wall of stones and prison bars,
Blood still throbbed her myriad unseen scars.

As vibrant colors of a sunset blurred,
An enslaved moth danced to flames of death.
As chimes of Ghungroo* muffled in mutenes,
An enslaved soul emancipated in darkness.

Anarkali in Urdu means Pomegranate blossoms 
*Ghungroo is an ornament of bells worn as anklets by dancers.

The love story of Prince Salim ( Mughal Emperor Jahangir) and Anarkali is legendary.
 Anarkali, also known as Nadira Begum, was a courtesan from Lahore in modern-day Pakistan. According to one of the stories, Anarkali had a relationship with the Crown Prince Jahangir and the Mughal Emperor Akbar had her enclosed in a wall where she died. 

4th July 2019
Sponsor	John Hamilton
Contest Name : Slave to love

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2019

Details | Debjani Mitra Poem

Covenant of Love

he looks at her eyes
butterflies surf dreams within
strolling twilight beach

shooting stars make wish
Prince wakes up serene Snow White  
something melts the night

stream of passion flows 
non stop chimes of Cupid choir 
crystallizing  breath

backdrop of embrace 
pearl in heart of oyster blooms
covenant of love

Sponsor	Rick Parise
Contest 1 -12 lines ONLY - A Poem That Did NOT Receive A Ribbon Placement 1-3 

Date written.. 24th July 2019

Earlier submitted to the following contest

Sponsor	Jamie Pan
Contest Name	Multiple-Haikus
Featured 50 in best new poems

Copyright © Debjani Mitra | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs